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通过野外模拟降雨试验,研究了施用SP对黄土坡面产流、产沙的影响,并对实验数据进行数学模拟,建立了SP施用量与产流、产沙强度间的关系模型.结果表明:SP施用量与产流时间、平均产流强度呈二次函数相关关系,与产沙强度呈线性负相关关系.SP用量在0~2.42 g/m\+2之间时,能够延缓坡面产流,用量为1.21 g/m\+2时延缓产流效果最明显;用量介于0~3.31 g/m2之间时,能够增加土壤入渗,减少坡面产流量,用量1.65 g/m2的增渗减流效果最佳;施用SP后,能够减少坡面输沙强度,且用量越大,减沙效果越明显.SP可影响坡面产流过程,用量1.8 g/m2时,能够减小产流初期径流强度增幅,用量为3.6 g/m2时,其产流过程线与对照极接近,而施用量增加到5.4 g/m2时,产流强度明显增大.SP对坡面产沙过程的影响表现为:随施用量增大,产沙强度峰值呈逐步减小的变化趋势.  相似文献   
黄土的风成说表明粉尘黄土沉积及其成壤与沙尘暴之间存在着密切的联系,作为粉尘搬运的典型:沙尘暴是一种在强冷空气条件下粉尘快速而大规模被搬运和沉降事件,而长时间尺度的沙尘暴事件受全球气候变化的控制和影响;同时,沙尘暴发生的频次和强度变化进而会影响黄土高原地区的黄土粉尘沉积及其成壤强度的变化。本文是在考察中国北方沙尘暴成因机制与黄土高原粉尘沉积和成壤之间关系的基础上,探讨了在全球持续变暖背景下中国北方沙尘暴的发生频次变化及其对黄土高原地区粉尘沉积和成壤强度的可能影响。主要结论是:在全球持续变暖的背景下,虽然粉尘沉积区的降水并没有显著增加,但粉尘源区气候趋于暖湿化,导致中国北方沙尘暴有逐年减少的趋势,使得黄土高原粉尘堆积的速率减小,因而,黄土高原地区将进入一个成壤相对强的时期。  相似文献   
通过对长安双竹村夏、秋季不同性质土层CO2释放量的测定,本文研究了不同性质土层CO2释放规律及其差异。资料表明,从当日早晨到次日早晨,不同性质土层土壤CO2释放量均呈现由低到高再到低的变化规律;土壤CO2释放量与土层性质有密切关系,马兰黄土土层CO2释放量最高,其次是黏性土,释放量最低的是含砾石中细砂土;土层CO2释放量变化与气温的变化呈现负相关。  相似文献   
After decades of searching for a practical method to estimate the N mineralization capacity of soil, there is still no consistent methodology. Indeed it is important to have practical methods to estimate soil nitrogen release for plant uptake and that should be appropriate, less time consuming, and cost effective for farmers. We fractionated soil organic matter (SOM) to assess different fractions of SOM as predictors for net N mineralization measured from repacked (disturbed) and intact (undisturbed) soil cores in 14 weeks of laboratory incubations. A soil set consisting of surface soil from 18 cereal and root‐cropped arable fields was physically fractionated into coarse and fine free particulate OM (coarse fPOM and fine fPOM), intra‐microaggregate particulate OM (iPOM) and silt and clay sized OM. The silt and clay sized OM was further chemically fractionated by oxidation with 6% NaOCl to isolate an oxidation‐resistant OM fraction, followed by extraction of mineral bound OM with 10% HF (HF‐res OM). Stepwise multiple linear regression yielded a significant relationship between the annual N mineralization (kg N/ha) from undisturbed soil and coarse fPOM N (kg N/ha), silt and clay N (kg N/ha) and its C:N ratio (R2 = 0.80; P < 0.01). The relative annual N mineralization (% of soil N) from disturbed soils was related to coarse fPOM N, HF‐res OC (% of soil organic carbon) and its C:N ratio (R2 = 0.83; P < 0.01). Physical fractions of SOM were thus found to be the most useful predictors for estimating the annual N mineralization rate of undisturbed soils. However, the bioavailability of physical fractions was changed due to the disturbance of soil. For disturbed soils, a presumed stable chemical SOM fraction was found to be a relevant predictor indicating that this fraction still contains bio‐available N. The latter prompted a revision in our reasoning behind selective oxidation and extraction as tools for characterizing soil organic N quality with respect to N availability. Nonetheless, the present study also underscores the potential of a combined physical and chemical fractionation procedure for isolating and quantifying N fractions which preferentially contribute to bulk soil N mineralization. The N content or C:N ratio of such fractions may be used to predict N mineralization in arable soils.  相似文献   
从麦类种质资源中筛选大麦黄矮病毒(BYDV)抗原   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
用 ELISA 法鉴定了小麦近缘种赖草属(Leymus)、披碱草属(Elymus)、鹅冠草属(Roegneria)3个属的21个种,其中17个种抗 BYDV。21145份小麦品种中筛选到症状轻、病毒含量高的耐病品种忻县冬麦、江西早等29份。3604份大麦品种中筛选到症状轻、病毒含量低的抗病品种C13208、小麦近缘种(Agropyronintemedium)和普通小麦杂交的异源八倍体中4无芒,中5,远中7,陇远45、46,远中1001,忻4079以及附加系 L1。现已获得抗 BYDV 的以中4无芒、L1为亲本的杂交后代。  相似文献   
假山是中国自然山水园林中重要的组成部分之一。其形成状变幻莫测,轮廓起伏多致,所以,施工的正确与否对假山艺术具有巨大影响。假山施工要把握好全局与局部的关系,一般采有计基和砼基础,并要求充分打实,要分堆叠,注意各自特点。施工中,山石码放要垫稳填实,有浑然一体之感。  相似文献   
Abstract. This research aims to assess how the variability in soil morphology of Luvisols along a microtopographic sequence influences the condition of pedunculate oak ( Quercus robur ). The condition of 205 pedunculate oaks was observed during one growth season and related to morphological soil properties. Results show that the presence of a consolidated argillic B horizon or fragipan in Luvisols, has a negative influence on the condition of Q.robur .  相似文献   
对黄土高原高寒区的青海云杉人工林林地的土壤水分物理性质进行了实地观测和分析(主要采用野外实测土壤水分再分布的方法,对入渗后不同土层土壤的水分再分布过程及低吸力段土壤水分特征作了研究),发现该林地在枯落物及林下植被层的作用下,使得0~10 cm表层土壤的持水性最好;因放牧践踏导致林地10~30 cm土层的土壤板结密实,持水性较差;30~50 cm土层土壤的持水性居中。通过研究还拟合得出了该林地土壤水分再分布、土壤水分特征曲线及土壤比水容量的参数。为该地区退耕还林还草、林业生态建设和森林水文效益评价提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   
以黄土高原坡地刺槐林—草地复合系统景观边界为研究对象,按一定的生态梯度调查分析了边界植物种的分布特点。结果表明,草地、林地斑块内都有自身的植物种类分布;草地斑块内有较高的植物多样性。在草地斑块内,距林缘8~16m区域为边界植物多样性边缘效应的显著区;林地斑块内β多样性变化剧烈,林缘处的群落相异系数(CD)、Cody指数都最大,共有度指数(CP)最小,CD、Cody与CP成反比。  相似文献   
A field study was conducted in the Western Ghats of peninsular India to test the following two hypotheses: (1) lower floristic diversity for the cardamom hill reserves (CHR —a traditional agroforestry system of the tropics) compared to undisturbed evergreen forests and (2) a truncated vegetation structure for shade trees in the cardamom areas. The experimental sites involved three CHRs and an evergreen forest site.The CHRs, regardless of their locations, were characterized by lower floristic diversity and density than the evergreen forest site. The undisturbed forest site at Ayyappancoil registered the highest floristic richness and diversity (Simpson's floristic diversity index, D=0.93), followed by the well-managed CHR site, suggesting that managerial interventions may have a strong bearing on the floristic diversity of CHRs. The current suite of species in the CHRs included both heliophilic as well as shade-tolerant components. However, dominant tree species, their density and relative abundance exhibited marked variations among the CHR sites, albeit about one-third of the species were common at all sites.Stand physiognomy was characterized by the dominance of a single layer of trees in the CHRs, while the wet evergreen forest exhibited a multilayered canopy structure. Some of the lower height classes were poorly represented in the cardamom areas, whereas the evergreen forests depicted an inverse J shaped height distribution pattern. Implicit in the truncated stand structure of the CHR is the poor regeneration status, due to systematic removal of the lower size classes.  相似文献   
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