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新修梯田对土壤理化性质及作物产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对新修梯田不同部位土壤理化性质研究,发现切土和填土部位有显著差异,对作物产量产生很大的影响。填土部位物理性质好,养分含量高,作物产量高,但保墒能力差;切土部位物理性质较差,底土非常黏重,养分贫乏,造成作物的减产。建议在修筑水平梯田时针对两部位的差异采取措施,以充分发挥梯田的效益。  相似文献   
通过田间对比试验研究穗肥追施时间对水稻产量及米质的影响,结果表明,水稻的穗肥追施时间越晚,加工品质越好,而产量和食味品质明显降低.这种趋势以出穗前25 d为准,有跳跃式的质的变化.所以为了提高产量和增加食味品质,水稻的穗肥追肥时间不应晚于出穗前25 d.  相似文献   
水稻超高产育种   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
李成荃 《安徽农业科学》1998,26(2):95-97,132
介绍了世界主要产稻国家及中国水稻超高产育种、目标、技术、途径,概述了当前水稻分子标记辅助育种技术的进展。  相似文献   
通过对渭南市核桃劣质低产园现状及产生原因的分析,提出加强核桃良种繁育基地和采穗圃建设、大力开展技术推广和林农培训,提高农民管理水平、加快劣质低产核桃园改造、加强优惠政策的落实及促进农户与市场对接等改造对策。  相似文献   
本文采用416D饱和最优回归设计在砂壤质冲积土设置田间试验。回归分析和频率分析的结果表明,大青杨优质高产的综合施肥方案为N:16.46g/m~2,P_2O_5:3.24g/m~2,K_2O:17.0g/m~2,沸石:31.61g/m~2。  相似文献   
转优质HMW-GS 1Dx5+1Dy10基因春小麦品系龙辐06K1079和龙辐06K1083的品质较其亲本龙辐麦8号显著改善。2007年和2008年品质分析结果表明,龙辐06K1079和龙辐06K1083与其亲本龙辐麦8号相比,沉降值分别提高3.5~5.3ml和4.3~5.5ml,稳定时间分别增加7.3~9.1min和5.7~5.8min,最大抗延阻力分别增加5~232E.U和103~207E.U,延伸性分别增加0.4~5.5cm和1.0~3.7cm,面积分别增加8.8~37.9cm2和30.8~41.8cm2。龙辐6K1079和龙辐06K1083的产量较其亲本龙辐麦8号分别提高8.9%~15.8%和9.3%~16.4%,且2008年的产量差异达显著水平。龙辐06K1079和龙辐06K1083与其亲本相比还具有目的性状以外的其他变异,主要表现是长芒、秆高、多粒和秆锈抗性降低等。转基因后代中出现的非目的性状变异,为育种提供了更大选择机遇。  相似文献   
Improved planting methods and foliar application of glycinebetaine (GB) and salicylic acid (SA) can improve the water productivity in field crops under limited water supply conditions. A 2‐year field study was conducted to evaluate the possible role of different planting methods and foliar applications of GB and SA in improving the yield, quality and water productivity of hybrid sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). The crop was planted by flat sowing (75 cm spaced rows) and ridge sowing (75 cm spaced ridges), with GB and SA applied exogenously at 100 and 0.724 mm , respectively, at both budding and flowering stages, while control plots received distilled water. Ridge sowing, rather than flat sowing, improved the biological yield, oil yield, leaf area index (LAI), crop growth rate (CGR), plant height, water‐use efficiency and final achene yield during both the years. Foliar applications of GB and SA at both the stages improved the achene yield, although foliar application of GB at flowering was the most effective. Neither the planting methods nor the foliar application of GB and SA altered the achene oil contents during both the years. Foliar application of GB and SA increased the free proline content of the leaf and GB contents at flowering but reduced the achene protein contents, whereas planting method had no effect on these attributes across the years. Of the foliar applied chemicals, GB was more effective in improving sunflower growth and yield and water productivity than SA. To conclude, ridge sowing coupled with foliar application of GB at flowering stage could be beneficial for achieving maximum yields of hybrid sunflower under relatively water limited conditions in the field.  相似文献   
Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) production is expanding into temperate and tropical environments. Yield stability studies under rhizobia inoculation were investigated in 24 soybean genotypes over two successive growing seasons at three agro‐ecological zone of Nigeria, during the 2015–2016 rainy seasons. Treatments were arranged in a split‐plot design and replicated three times. Treatments were 24 soybean genotypes and three levels of rhizobia inoculation. Results indicated that the variation of genotypes and inoculation on percentage emergence, height, number of leaves, number of branches per plant, total biomass yield, above‐ground biomass and seed yield was significant (p = .05). The effects of genotypes (G), environment (E) and G × E interactions on seed yield were also significant. Two soybean genotypes (TGx 1989‐45F and TGx 1990‐110FN) were identified as the most promising in relation to yield stability. Of the three locations, Abuja produced the least interaction effects followed by Igabi and may be most appropriate environments for large‐scale soybean production. Appropriate inoculation of soybean with inoculants (LegumeFix and or NoduMax) should be encouraged in farmer's field.  相似文献   
通过不同盘播量对水稻秧苗素质及产量影响调查,结果表明:稀播的秧苗发根力强、分蘖多、茎基宽,播量75、100、125g/盘产量水平较高,但综合机械插秧和大棚利用率两方面,100~125g/盘效果最佳。  相似文献   
以“遵椒1号”和“黄杨小米椒”的绛红果、橘红果、红熟果和过熟果为试材,调查不同成熟度椒果采摘处理及不同天气和采摘时间对辣椒产量构成因子、干椒产量及干椒内外品质的影响.结果表明:椒果采摘成熟度以红熟果为最佳,辣椒果采收天气以晴天上午和下午及阴天全天为最佳时间.  相似文献   
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