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为了研究磷酸铵镁堆肥产品的氮磷养分释放特性及其肥效,分别采用土柱淋溶方法及盆栽试验研究了磷酸铵镁堆肥(MAPC)产品的氮磷养分释放特性及对油菜的肥效,并与普通化肥(CCH)、普通堆肥(CCO)、磷酸铵镁肥(MAP)3种肥料进行对比。结果表明:在整个淋溶过程中,CCH和MAPC处理淋溶液的总氮及总磷浓度均较其他处理高;MAP肥具有缓释性,且堆肥对其养分释放具有促进作用;CCO处理的养分释放最慢。在最后一次淋洗(即第5次)后,总氮及总磷养分浓度排序均为:CCHMAPCMAPCCO。盆栽试验18 d后油菜快速生长,且与对照(不施肥)处理相比,MAP和MAPC处理能显著提高油菜的株高及生物量。在45 d盆栽试验结束时,CCH、CCO、MAP和MAPC处理的生物量分别是对照处理的14.8、4.8、20.5倍和16.0倍。MAP处理能显著提高油菜的养分含量,TN和TP含量分别比对照提高了2.24 g·kg~(-1)和1.54 g·kg~(-1)。研究表明,4种肥料均可改善油菜的生长发育情况,且MAP和MAPC的肥效优于CCH和CCO,在堆肥中利用鸟粪石结晶原理可固定部分氮磷元素,提高堆肥产品肥效。  相似文献   
Agricultural systems with grazing animals are increasingly under scrutiny for their contribution to quality degradation of waterways and water bodies. Soil type, climate, animal type and nitrogen (N) fertilisation are contributors to the variation in N that is leached through the soil profile into ground and surface water. It is difficult to explore the effect of these factors using experimentation only and modelling is proposed as an alternative. An agro-ecosystem model, EcoMod, was used to quantify the pastoral ecosystem responses to situational variability in climate and soil, choice of animal type and N fertilisation level within the Lake Taupo region of New Zealand. Factorial combinations of soil type (Oruanui and Waipahihi), climate (low, moderate and high rainfall), animal type (sheep, beef and dairy) and N fertilisation level (0 or 60 kg N/ha/yr) were simulated. High rainfall climates also had colder temperatures, grew less pasture and carried fewer animals overall which lead to less dung and urinary N returned. Therefore, even though a higher proportion of N returned ultimately leached at the higher rainfall sites, the total N leached did not differ greatly between sites. Weather variation between years had a marked influence on N leaching within a site, due to the timing and magnitude of rainfall events. In this region, for these two highly permeable soil types, N applied as fertiliser had a high propensity to leach, either after being taken up by plants, grazed and returned to the soil as dung and urine, or due to direct flow through the soil profile. Soil type had a considerable effect on N leaching risk, the timing of N leaching and mean pasture production. Nitrogen leaching was greatest from beef cattle, followed by dairy and sheep with the level of leaching related to urine deposition patterns for each animal type and due to the amount of N returned to the soil as excreta. Simulation results indicate that sheep farming systems with limited fertiliser N inputs will reduce N leaching from farms in the Lake Taupo catchment.  相似文献   
Studies quantifying winter annual cover crop effects on water quality are mostly limited to short-term studies at the plot scale. Long-term studies scaling-up water quality effects of cover crops to the watershed scale provide more integrated spatial responses from the landscape. The objective of this research was to quantify N loads from artificial subsurface drainage (tile drains) in a subbasin of the Walnut Creek, Iowa (Story county) watershed using the hybrid RZWQ-DSSAT model for a maize (Zea mays L.)-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] and maize-maize-soybean rotations in all phases with and without a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cover crop during a 25-year period from 1981 to 2005. Simulated cover crop dry matter (DM) and N uptake averaged 1854 and 36 kg ha−1 in the spring in the maize-soybean phase of the 2-year rotation and 1895 and 36 kg ha−1 in the soybean-maize phase during 1981-2005. In the 3-year rotation, cover crop DM and N uptake averaged 2047 and 44 kg ha−1 in the maize-maize-soybean phase, 2039 and 43 kg ha−1 in the soybean-maize-maize phase, and 1963 and 43 kg ha−1 in the maize-soybean-maize phase during the same period. Annual N loads to tile drains averaged 29 kg ha−1 in the maize-soybean phase and 25 kg ha−1 in the soybean-maize phase compared to 21 and 20 kg ha−1 in the same phases with a cover crop. In the 3-year rotation, annual N loads averaged 46, 43, and 45 kg ha−1 in each phase of the rotation without a cover crop and 37, 35, and 35 kg ha−1 with a cover crop. These results indicate using a winter annual cover crop can reduce annual N loads to tile drains 20-28% in the 2-year rotation and 19-22% in the 3-year rotation at the watershed subbasin scale over a 25-year period.  相似文献   
垄作沟播喷灌技术是集垄作沟播与喷灌技术为一体的节水栽培技术.以不同灌水定额各设4个处理(灌水定额分别为24 mm、30 mm、36 mm、42 mm,灌水5次),以常规覆膜喷灌为对照(灌水定额42 mm,灌水5次).通过测定不同灌水处理下垄作沟播油葵根系生长及分布特征等指标,分析了不同灌水处理对油葵根系纵向、横向生长及...  相似文献   
基于土壤湿润体特征值的无压灌溉灌水定额模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据无压灌溉土壤湿润体形状为球冠的特点及湿润体内含水率分布规律,推导出了湿润体特征值模型.该模型表明湿润体特征值仅是灌溉水量的函数,因此可以用该模型计算无压灌溉灌水定额.通过微灌灌水定额计算方程和湿润体特征值模型的比较和联立求解,分别推导出了当湿润体半径(即根据作物根系分布规律来确定湿润体半径大小)为已知条件和湿润比为已知条件时的灌水定额计算方程,并用实例进行了验证.通过求湿润体内平均含水率的方法,解决了大田试验中用张力计监测土壤水分动态变化,从而实现适时精确灌水时张力计具体埋设位置的问题.结果表明,与微灌灌水定额计算方法相比,基于土壤湿润体特征值的灌水定额模型简单,操作性强,误差小,且同时扩大了微灌灌水定额计算方法在无压灌溉技术中的推广和应用范围.  相似文献   
为揭示水氮供应对新乡地区夏棉生长特性和产量的调控效应,在滴灌条件下,采用裂区设计设置5个氮素施用水平和3个灌溉供水水平,通过田间试验,分析了不同水氮处理对夏棉生长特性和产量的影响。结果表明,增加灌水量和氮肥用量对株高、叶面积指数、地上部干物质以及蕾铃花干质量的增加都有促进作用,低水、低氮条件下作物生长会受到明显抑制,而高氮则在高水和低水情况下对作物生长有抑制作用。氮素和水分之间存在相互补偿效应。水分、氮素及其交互作用对籽棉产量都有显著影响;3种不同灌水量条件下,在施纯氮180kg/hm2时籽棉产量最高;5种不同施氮量条件下,灌水定额30mm时籽棉产量最高;在灌水定额30mm和施纯氮180kg/hm2时,产量最高,达4 016kg/hm2。因此,夏季棉花最优水氮管理方案是灌水定额30mm条件下施纯氮180kg/hm2。  相似文献   
新疆气候干旱与土壤盐碱化并存,是制约新疆农业发展的主要因素,开沟覆膜滴灌技术综合了膜下滴灌技术与开沟技术的优点,理论上可有效治理盐碱地。在开沟覆膜滴灌技术下,设置不同灌水定额与灌水次数,利用试验土槽模拟盐分调控规律,结果表明:1第1次合适灌水定额对盐分的淋洗起主要作用,可使土体盐分达到较稳定的状态,盐分也随水分侧向运移,并在土埂表层聚集;2灌水定额的增加促进盐分随水分向远离滴头和向深层方向运移,使得覆膜间、覆膜边盐分淋洗的深度增加,脱盐区增加;3在灌水定额为300m3/hm2时,可以在滴灌带横向0~23cm,下部58cm处迅速形成一个含盐量小于1.5%的达标脱盐区,满足当地作物正常出苗,故建议当地可选择300m3/hm2作为第1次灌水洗盐定额。  相似文献   
以8a生核桃树为研究对象,采用分层分段挖掘法研究核桃树根系的空间分布,探讨滴灌条件下不同灌水定额处理组对核桃根系的作用效应,分析土层深度与水平距离变化对根长密度的影响,并建立根系密度分布函数。研究结果表明:在核桃成熟期,根长密度的一维垂直分布中,吸水根系集中分布于0~60cm,水平方向,根系集中分布于0~90cm。在垂直二维吸水根长密度分布中,C1处理主要分布在垂向0~80cm、水平0~90cm的范围内,C2处理主要分布在垂向0~60cm、水平0~90cm的范围内,C3处理主要分布在垂向0~100cm、水平0~90cm的范围内,其中尤以C3处理的根长密度分布居多。对比二元二次回归模型,利用二元多次方程拟合根长密度、水平距离与土层深度之间的关系,其函数相关度较好,可以应用于灌水施肥策略调整。  相似文献   
肥料结构对红壤氮素淋失的影响及防治措施   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
肥料结构是影响氮素淋失的重要因素。氮肥进入土壤后,其损失途径主要是氨挥发和反硝化的气态损失。但是,氮肥通过渗漏淋失对地下水(饮用水源)的污染,也不容忽视。为此,综述了近年来3种肥料结构(即单施无机氮肥、无机肥混施、无机肥与有机肥混施)对红壤区稻田土壤氮素淋失的影响的研究进展,并且提出了如何防止氮素淋失的对策  相似文献   
生物炭配施沼液对淋溶状态下土壤养分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨生物炭配施沼液对土壤养分淋失的影响,通过室内土柱试验,采用三因素三水平正交试验方法,系统研究了生物炭添加量、淋溶强度、沼液施加量对土壤养分淋失及土壤养分垂直分布的影响规律。结果表明,土壤养分淋失主要集中在前8次,后期淋失量均维持在较低水平并趋于稳定。各因素对氨态氮、速效磷、速效钾淋失的影响由大到小依次为淋溶强度、生物炭添加量、沼液施加量,而对硝态氮淋失量的影响由大到小依次为生物炭添加量、沼液施加量、淋溶强度。添加生物炭能明显减少养分淋失,且添加生物炭的0~20cm深度土壤的养分明显高于未添加生物炭的20~40cm土壤,各因素对氨态氮、硝态氮、速效钾在土壤中的含量影响差异显著,而对速效磷的影响则无显著差异。  相似文献   
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