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【目的】明确牛角瓜[Calotropisgigantea(Linn.)W. T. Aition]大孢子与小孢子的发生发育情况,为其耕作栽培学及植物学研究提供基础资料,也为其遗传育种研究及品种改良打下基础。【方法】于盛花期采集不同发育时期的牛角瓜花蕾,运用石蜡切片技术观察其大孢子与小孢子的发生发育特征。【结果】牛角瓜大孢子与小孢子的发育时期与其花器官外部形态特征存在对应关系,雄蕊的发生发育早于雌蕊。牛角瓜小孢子黏连成块状结构,与普通植物的分散型小孢子形成鲜明对比,其小孢子母细胞发育为连续型,绒毡层细胞有3~4层,为腺质绒毡层,单核期绒毡层细胞壁开始降解,花粉成熟后绒毡层细胞自溶。胚囊发育类型为蓼型,胚珠横生,无珠被;四分体呈线型排列,成熟胚囊有次生核。【结论】牛角瓜大、小孢子发生及雌、雄配子体发育与花器官外部形态大小密切相关,其结实率低并非雌性或雄性败育所致。  相似文献   
北京低山区两类不同母岩发育的土壤的性质及其发生特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对北京低山区发育在花岗岩类和石灰岩类两类不同母岩上的土壤基本性质的研究,论述了此区母质因素对土壤性质及发生特点的重要影响,指出了在土壤地理发生学及其分类体系中过分强调生物气候对土壤发生的主导作用和以地带性规律代替土壤分类存在的问题。  相似文献   
Peter Kühn   《CATENA》2003,54(3):537
In the German soil science literature, Luvisols formed in Weichselian sediments (except from the Early Weichselian) are normally regarded as purely Holocene soils with the main period of development assumed to have been during the Atlantic phase. Although debated at some length since the 1960s, the genesis of the widespread albic Luvisols, with a simplified Ap/Bw/(Eb)/(EBtb)/Btb(g)/C horizon sequence and developed on the flat and slightly undulating till plains of the north German Mecklenburgian Stage (deglaciation 14 000 BP), has yet to be clarified. Periglacial climate during the Late Weichselian led to the formation of sand-filled wedge-shaped structures penetrating Bt horizons. Systematic micromorphologic investigations of soil profiles with sand wedges revealed the occurrence of numerous fragments of rounded limpid clay coatings within periglacial formed lenticular microplates as well as in and at the margins of the sand wedge infillings. Assuming the Younger Dryas as the latest possible phase of formation, the lenticular microplates and the undisturbed sand wedges postdate clay illuviation. Undisrupted clay coatings next to fragmented clay coatings prove a subsequent Holocene clay illuviation. Clay illuviation must have occurred at least in warmer phases of the Late Glacial, together with the already accepted pedogenic processes of decalcification, organic matter accumulation (Ahb horizons), podzolisation and silicate weathering (Bwb horizons) on sites not influenced by groundwater.  相似文献   
应用厌氧毒性试验方法评价了五氯酚对厌氧颗粒污泥利用葡萄糖、挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)及产甲烷毒性的影响。结果表明,厌氧颗粒污泥利用葡萄糖、VFA的活性及产甲烷活性均随PCP浓度的增加而明显下降。其中产甲烷活性更易受PCP的抑制;反应器中、下层颗粒污泥比上层及未驯化颗粒污泥对PCP的抑制有较高的忍耐性,且其活性恢复也较快;颗粒污泥中乙酸产甲烷菌和互营丙酸盐降解菌比互营丁酸盐降解菌对PCP更敏感。  相似文献   
西藏耕种山地灌丛草原土分布地区,高寒的气候条件极大地抑制着土壤内生物化学过程,土壤矿物分解弱,风化程度低,化学元素迁移不甚活跃,土壤质地轻,粗骨性强.通过对供试土样的研究,得出西藏耕种山地灌丛草原土的基本形成过程是腐殖质积累过程和钙积过程,同时伴有弱度粘化作用。  相似文献   
本文阐明了江苏海涂土壤有盐分平衡、积盐和脱盐的地带,并分析了这三个盐分地带与潮间带沉积规律以及地面景观之间的关系。此外,论述了海涂土壤的治理与开发应因地而异。淤长海岸海涂士壤的开发要以综合农业为目标,建立优质商品棉生产基地,走农林牧渔全面发展的道路。治理上特别要解决排水问题,可考虑动力排水方法。  相似文献   
High mountain ecosystems are generally considered to be particularly sensitive to global climate change. Studies of pedogenesis associated with altitudinal variation, vegetation type and soil carbon content on the same type of parent rock are very limited in inter-tropical mountain areas. Therefore the altitudinal variation of soil pedogenesis through 9 selected profiles from the altitude of 1340 m to 3143 m asl, the summit of the Fan Si Pan Mountain, in the north of Vietnam was examined. Fan Si Pan Mountain is composed of a homogenous alkaline granite rock and is the highest point of the Inter-tropical Continental Asia. The Soil Organic Matter properties (C, N, δ13C and δ15N contents) of the different grain-size fractions of the topsoil of 4 selected profiles corresponding to different ecosystems were also examined.  相似文献   
Systematic studies on the genesis, properties, and distribution of natural nanoparticles(NNPs) in soil remain scarce. This study examined a soil chronosequence of continuous paddy field land use for periods ranging from 0 to 1 000 years to determine how NNPs in soil changed at the early stages of soil genesis in eastern China. Soil samples were collected from coastal reclaimed paddy fields that were cultivated for 0, 50, 100, 300, 700, and 1 000 years.Natural nanoparticles were isolated and characterized along with bulk soil samples( 2-mm fraction) for selected physical and chemical properties. The NNP content increased with increasing soil cultivation age at 60 g m-2 year-1, which was related to decreasing soil electrical conductivity(172–1 297 μS cm-1) and NNP zeta potentials(from-22 to-36 m V) with increasing soil cultivation age. Changes in several NNP properties, such as pedogenic iron oxide and total organic carbon contents, were consistent with those of the bulk soils across the soil chronosequence. Notably, changes in NNP iron oxide content were obvious and illustrated active chemical weathering, pedogenesis, and potential impacts on the microbial community. Redundancy analysis demonstrated that the soil cultivation age was the most important factor affecting NNP properties, contributing 60.7% of the total variation. Cluster and principal component analysis(PCA) revealed splitting of NNP samples into age groups of 50–300 and 700–1 000 years, indicating rapid evolution of NNP properties, after an initial period of desalinization(approximately 50 years). Overall, this study provides new insights into NNP evolution in soil during pedogenesis and predicting their influences on agriculture and ecological risks over millennial-scale rice cultivation.  相似文献   
番木瓜胚珠发生与雌配子体形成的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究力求探明番木瓜胚珠发生与雌配子体形成的过程,为进一步了解其遗传背景和指导今后种子生产提供有关资料。实验采用石蜡制片法将材料制成永久制片,切片厚度10~12 μm,铁矾苏木精整染,Nikon摄影显微镜观察拍照。结果发现番木瓜胚珠倒生,双层珠被,不形成珠孔,厚珠心;单孢原细胞起源于珠心表皮细胞下,大孢子四分体呈直线形排列,合点端的大孢子为功能大孢子;胚囊发育类型为蓼型;八核胚囊中合点端有三个核优先形成反足细胞,成熟胚囊中仅由1个卵细胞和1个中央细胞构成,中央细胞中的两个极核在受精前融合为一个次生核,3个反足细胞和两个助细胞在受精前解体消失。研究表明番木瓜胚珠发生与雌配子体的形成符合被子植物发育的一般规律,而本研究与其他学者的观察存在些许差异,这可能是由于番木瓜遗传背景复杂进而造成不同研究者采用的实验材料迥异而致。  相似文献   
The biancana landscapes, rather common in several Italian areas, have a very complex morphology. Different geomorphic features often occur along the same hillslope. From a morphological survey of an experimental site in southern Tuscany, the forms were classified, and their distribution analysed. Spatial analysis of the biancane provided insights into the range of forces responsible for their formation and evolution. The results confirm an evolutionary trend from an original gently sloping surface to a complex biancana landform, emphasising a trend from the taller bean forms to the terminal soufflé-like and cone forms. The presence of scarp and sliding forms in the most sloping areas and along the residual surfaces supports the hypothesis of a process influenced by base level, acting initially by small mass movements. Spatial analysis did not reveal any systematic trend in the variability of the erosional features along the slopes. Variographic analysis showed that selected morphological attributes are spatially auto-correlated over a short range, suggesting that the erosive processes responsible for morphogenic evolution of biancane act mostly on a local scale. The strong geometric anisotropy detected in directions parallel to the main jointing systems also indicated a broader scale tectonic control of biancane evolution, probably in an early stage of their formation.  相似文献   
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