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针对奶牛养殖场复杂环境下多目标奶牛嘴部自动跟踪及反刍监测困难的情况,该研究提出了一种基于嘴部区域跟踪的多目标奶牛反刍行为智能监测方法。在YOLOv4模型识别奶牛嘴部上下颚区域的基础上,以Kalman滤波和Hungarian算法跟踪上颚区域,并对同一奶牛目标的上颚和下颚区域进行关联匹配获取嘴部咀嚼曲线,以此获取反刍相关信息,从而实现多目标奶牛个体的嘴部跟踪和反刍行为监测;为解决奶牛快速摆头运动和棚舍栏杆遮挡引发奶牛标号变化的问题,提出未匹配跟踪框保持及扩大的方法。采集并选择实际养殖场环境下的反刍奶牛视频66段,对其中58段视频采取分帧操作得到图像,制作YOLOv4模型数据集,以其余8段视频验证跟踪方法和反刍行为判定方法的有效性。试验结果表明,YOLOv4模型对奶牛嘴部上颚、下颚区域的识别准确率分别为93.92%和92.46%;改进的跟踪算法可实现复杂环境下多目标奶牛嘴部区域的稳定跟踪,且有效解决了栏杆遮挡、快速摆头运动造成的奶牛标号变化现象,上下颚匹配率平均为99.89%,跟踪速度平均为31.85帧/s;由反刍行为判定方法获取的咀嚼次数正确率的平均值为96.93%,反刍时长误差的平均值为1.48 s。该研究可为实际养殖中多目标奶牛反刍行为的智能监测和分析提供参考,也可供其他群体动物运动部位的跟踪和行为监测借鉴。  相似文献   
循环水养殖大口黑鲈摄食颗粒饲料的声学特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为突破智能投饲系统的技术瓶颈,近年来采用被动声学技术开展鱼虾摄食行为研究成为热点之一。该研究主要采用被动声学技术获取单体大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)摄食声信号,从混合信号中提取完善的摄食信号,筛选可作为衡量大口黑鲈摄食活跃度的声学特征参数,以期对摄食活跃度进行量化。根据大口黑鲈喂食期间的同步音频与视频记录,确定信号类别并进行标记,主要提取每次吞食饲料的时域与频域特征,对比各参数与吞食次序之间的相关度。研究结果表明,摄食声信号能量主要集中于4.2~7.4 kHz,且大口黑鲈吞食间隔与吞食次序呈正相关,稳定性较强;而时域特征中的波形振幅极差与频域特征的功率积分值均与吞食次序呈负相关。吞食间隔、振幅极差及功率积分值均可以作为衡量摄食活跃度的量化指标,而共振峰与平均梅尔倒谱系数可作为摄食声识别参数,研究结果可为今后养殖鱼类被动声学智能投饲系统研发提供理论基础。  相似文献   
目的 掌握苹小吉丁成虫在林间的自然扩散行为规律,以制定合理的害虫监控策略。 方法 于伊犁巩留县五乡栽培苹果园内采用标记-重捕法监测苹小吉丁雌雄试虫在不同方向、不同距离的扩散数量及影响因子进行了研究,对扩散速度进行了分析,同时对林间种群数量进行了预估。 结果 结果表明:苹小吉丁在林间的扩散对方向具有一定的选择性,主要向北面、南面及东北面进行扩散,分别回捕到标记释放总虫数的3.2%、3.2%和2.7%;东南面和西南面均未回捕到标记试虫。随着回捕点距离的增加,标记试虫回捕数量逐渐降低,扩散至5 m处的数量最多,占标记释放总虫数的6.6%,最远扩散至北面35 m,说明标记试虫由果园北面迁出的潜在性较大,扩散距离整体呈指数分布趋势(R2 = 0.9262)。苹小吉丁雄虫扩散速度高峰出现在第3 d,为1.7 m·d−1;而雌虫扩散速度高峰出现在第12 d,达到2.5 m·d−1。随着释放时间的推移苹小吉丁雌雄虫的扩散率逐渐上升。由种群数量预估方程计算得知,试验田间苹小吉丁估计种群数量为2253头,雌成虫估计值为1262头,雄成虫估计值为989头。 结论 苹小吉丁在林间具有一定的自然扩散能力,最远可达35 m,且雌虫的扩散能力要强于雄虫。林间种群数量预估结果能为苹小吉丁发生动态预测和控制策略制定提供参考依据。  相似文献   
论述了网络环境下,高校图书馆读者信息行为规律的变化及共性特征,并进行了实证分析研究。在此基础上,提出了图书馆多样化、多元化、个性化和一站式的信息服务管理策略。  相似文献   
Animal-assisted interventions (AAIs) have been associated with positive effects on human psychological and physiological health. Although the perception of quality standards in AAIs is high, only few investigations have focused on potential welfare implications for therapy dogs linked to their performance in AAIs. The standardized program “multiprofessional animal-assisted intervention (MTI)” has been carried out in adult mental health care, significantly improving patients' prosocial behaviors. In the present study, we monitored salivary cortisol and behavioral measures in therapy dogs that participated in MTI group therapy sessions in an in-patient substance abuse treatment facility. Work-related activity (lay, sit, stand, walk, and run), behavior (lip licking, yawning, paw lifting, body shake, tail wagging, and panting), response to human action (taking food treats and obeying commands), and salivary cortisol levels were analyzed over the course of 5 subsequent MTI working sessions in experienced therapy dogs (N = 5), aged 5.4 ± 2.8 years (mean ± standard deviation). Salivary cortisol levels decreased from presession to postsession in sessions 1, 2, and 3. However, only in session 4 and 5, postsession cortisol levels were significantly lower than presession levels (P = 0.043). There was no difference between salivary cortisol levels sampled on a nonworking day at home and work-related levels sampled at the therapy site. None of the behavioral parameters varied significantly over the course of the 5 MTI sessions. Both lip licking (P = 0.038) and body shake (P = 0.021) were positively correlated with the decline in cortisol during session 5. The study results suggest that trained dogs are not being stressed by repeated participation in in-patient substance abuse therapy sessions. Further investigation into the effects of animal-assisted therapy on dogs' physiological markers and behavior is warranted.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to evaluate the response of healthy housebound domestic cats to the simultaneous provision of 2 litterboxes of differing sizes by recording the average daily frequency of urination and defecation in each box. Forty-three households with 74 privately owned cats were each provided with 2 different-sized plastic containers, with the larger box being 86 cm in length, exceeding the size of commercially available litterboxes. Owners were also provided with an unlimited supply of clumping cat litter and a logbook to record daily urine and fecal deposits in the boxes as they were scooped over a 4-week period. The 2 litterboxes were initially placed at opposite sides of the same room in the owner's home. After 2 weeks, the boxes were emptied completely, refilled with clean clumping litter, and replaced in the opposite location. Results were recorded as simple counts of urine and fecal deposits for each day and each household. Over the 28-day period, there were a total of 5031 urine and fecal deposits in the larger boxes and 3239 urine and fecal deposits in the regular boxes. The effects of phase (days 1-14 vs. 15-28) and box size (regular vs. large) on the number of deposits per cat were evaluated using a linear mixed model. In addition to evaluating phase and box size, the effects of number of cats in the house, their average age, and gender were also evaluated. Urine deposits were significantly more frequent than fecal deposits. Large boxes were preferentially selected over regular boxes in both phases, but this difference was greater in phase 1 than phase 2. Further analysis indicated that there was a location preference during the first 2 days in phase 2, and this effect decreased as the study progressed. Results indicate that most cats show a definite preference for a larger litterbox than is typically available to them in homes and that other factors such as box cleanliness and location may have a compounding influence on this choice.  相似文献   
We incorporated explanatory factors including stream habitat type and fish density into individual‐based models with dynamic connections among adjacent habitat units to infer dispersal behaviour of juvenile steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss in a Great Lakes watershed. We used mark–recapture data and an inverse modelling approach to estimate daily probability of steelhead moving out of a habitat unit, P(move), according to four competing models. The models used included (i) a null model where all fish had equal movement probability; (ii) a habitat‐dependent model where P(move) depended on the habitat type; (iii) a density‐dependent model of P(move); and (iv) a model where P(move) depended on both density and habitat type. The habitat‐dependent model provided the most parsimonious fit to the observed data according to Akaike's information criteria (AICc). In the null model, P(move) averaged 0.70, whereas P(move) averaged 0.75 in pools, 0.68 in riffles and 0.73 in runs in the habitat‐dependent model.  相似文献   
2011-2013年冬季,作者采用分组全天跟踪的方法,调查小太平鸟迁徙期活动特征和食性。结果证明:小太平鸟冬季由北向南成群迁徙过程中,会在某个生境优良的区域停留取食9~15日、成群活动在树冠上部。小太平鸟在迁徙期停留区域取食植物果实种类有20种,有人工栽培树种果实,也有野生树种果实。今后应持续迁移路线、停歇地、种群动态监测。  相似文献   
Intravenous (i.v.) bolus administration of xylazine (XYL) (0.5 mg/kg) immediately followed by a continuous rate infusion (CRI) of 1 mg kg−1 hr−1 for 2, 4, and 6 hr produced immediate sedation, which lasted throughout the duration of the CRI. Heart rate decreased and blood pressure increased significantly (p > .05) in all horses during the first 15 min of infusion, both returned to and then remained at baseline during the duration of the infusion. Compartmental models were used to investigate the pharmacokinetics of XYL administration. Plasma concentration–time curves following bolus and CRI were best described by a one-compartment model. No differences were found between pharmacokinetic estimates of the CRIs for the fractional elimination rate constant (Ke), half-life (t1/2e), volume of distribution (Vd), and clearance (Cl). Median and range were 0.42 (0.15–0.97)/hr, 1.68 (0.87–4.52) hr, 5.85 (2.10–19.34) L/kg, and 28.7 (19.6–39.5) ml min−1 kg−1, respectively. Significant differences were seen for area under the curve ( ) (p < .0002) and maximum concentration (Cmax) (p < .04). This indicates that with increasing duration of infusion, XYL may not accumulate in a clinically relevant way and hence no adjustments are required in a longer XYL CRI to maintain a constant level of sedation and a rapid recovery.  相似文献   
饲料脂质对养殖鱼类品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,高脂饲料在鱼类养殖中的应用已越来越广泛。然而,目前全球每年鱼油产量虽然基本恒定,但水产饲料中鱼油的需求量却在持续上升,到2010年,鱼油的使用量将超出产量的70%。鱼油的有限供给和过量消耗,以及其中可能积蓄的二噁英和多氯联苯,使鱼类养殖业迫切需要采用其他脂肪源来代替饲料中的鱼油。然而,高脂饲料或用其他脂肪源替代饲料中的鱼油不仅影响养殖鱼  相似文献   
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