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以干青蒿叶粉末为原料,搅拌速度、溶剂量、温度、时间和原料粒度为考察因素,设计五因素四水平正交试验,研究青蒿素最佳提取条件。结果表明,青蒿素最佳提取条件为搅拌速度800 r/min,溶剂量60 mL(1 g原料),提取温度50℃,提取时间120 min,原料粒度0.25 mm。  相似文献   
针对烟田中烟秆的拔除难度大、拔除效率低等问题,采用三维建模软件Solid Works设计了一种新型烟秆拔除机,拔秆装置由一对不同旋向的笼状鼓形旋刀组成,可一次性完成拔秆、除土、平垄及覆盖杂草等作业;同时,利用机械系统动力学分析软件ADAMS对拔秆装置进行运动学仿真。仿真结果表明:机具作业轨迹曲线稳定,1个时间周期内沿X轴方向(机具前进方向)的位移变化量为400.5mm,验证了机具结构设计的合理性,且符合实际作业情况。田间性能试验表明:机具的通过性良好,作业效率为0.42hm2/h,烟秆断蔸率为1 0.2%,附土率为15.6%,效果远远优于人工拔除作业。  相似文献   
The plant‐availability of phosphorus (P) in fertilizers and soil can strongly influence the yield of agricultural crops. However, there are no methods to efficiently and satisfactorily analyze the plant‐availability of P in sewage sludge‐based P fertilizers except by undertaking time‐consuming and complex pot or field experiments. We employed the diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technique to quantify the plant P availability of various types of P fertilizers with a novel focus on sewage sludge‐based P fertilizers. Mixtures of fertilizer and soil were incubated for 3 weeks at 60% water holding capacity. DGT devices were deployed at the beginning of the incubation and again after 1, 2, and 3 weeks. Two weeks of incubation were sufficient for the formation of plant‐available P in the fertilizer/soil mixtures. In a pot experiment, the DGT technique predicted maize (Zea mays L.) biomass yield and P uptake significantly more accurately than standard chemical extraction tests for P fertilizers (e.g ., water, citric acid, and neutral ammonium citrate). Therefore, the DGT technique can be recommended as a reliable and robust method to screen the performance of different types of sewage sludge‐based P fertilizers for maize cultivation minimizing the need for time‐consuming and costly pot or field experiments.  相似文献   
为了明确棉花主栽品种耐冷性及障碍型冷害的量化指标,达到及时预报,减轻损失的目的。运用智能人工气候箱,在新疆石河子棉区乌兰乌苏农业气象试验站内,于2003-2005年进行低温冷害模拟试验,研究花铃期棉花在经受不同范围和时长的低温后,其植株的受害程度。结果表明,低温处理之后,棉花的叶片、蕾和幼铃都出现异常脱落,经过11.5~18.5℃处理2~4天的其叶片在第8天后才开始异常脱落,其减少率≥35%,并呈持续减少的趋势,而其蕾、幼铃在第6天后就开始异常脱落,减少率≥55%;经过11.5~22.5℃处理2~4天其叶片减少率≤25%,并在处理后的第18~23天基本保持稳定,其蕾、幼铃减少率≥70%。说明花铃期棉花在受冷害之后,其蕾、幼铃先于叶片出现异常脱落,其减少率大于叶片,经过2种相同最低温度不同最高温度的处理,温度日较差小的叶片减少率较高。  相似文献   
针对目前国产机械式施肥播种机中种肥排量无级调节装置种类较少、电液式种肥排量无级调节装置成本较高,变量播种施肥作业调节范围有限、准确性与均匀性较差等问题,该文提出了一种基于连杆机构与凸轮机构实现无级变速的方法,并设计了相应的双凸轮连杆型无级变速器,它由输出机构、传动机构及调节机构共同实现对输出轴转速的无级调节.运动学仿真分析表明:无级变速器的机构设计合理,凸轮的轮廓曲面质量较高,设计方案可行;性能校验试验表明:随着传动比的变化,输出转速的相对误差值基本在0~10%的范围内波动,占空比值在其理论值附近的波动幅度不超过10%,均满足种肥排量调节的传动比精确性与传动平稳性要求.该研究可为变量施肥播种机的设计提供参考.  相似文献   
废鸡油脂制取生物柴油试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物柴油作为一种绿色清洁替代型燃料,受到科研和产业界的广泛重视,原料油脂的廉价稳定供应是生物柴油产业化的关键.该文对来源于鸡肉制品加工的废鸡油作为生物柴油原料的潜力进行了探索,在NaOH催化剂作用下,通过与甲醇转酯化反应制备生物柴油.试验考察了醇油摩尔比、NaOH用量、反应温度、反应时间等因素对油脂转化率的影响,并对制备的生物柴油样品进行了燃料指标分析.结果表明,炼制鸡油较为适宜的转酯化反应条件为反应温度50℃、醇油摩尔比9:1、NaOH用量1.3%、反应时间90~120 min,获得油脂转化率约90%.试验生物柴油样品多项理化指标能够满足EN14214生物柴油标准及国内O#柴油标准.  相似文献   
Experiments were conducted at irrigated and rainfed lowland rice sites in Bangladesh to assess the performance of management practices that have become known as the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). At a research station, SRI management principles such as seedling age, plant spacing, application of organic manure, seedling densities, duration of planting, planting shape and time of planting were evaluated under SRI management as compared to previously established Best Management Practices (BMPs). In on-farm trials, SRI was compared with BMP on 40 farmers’ fields. Nutrient inputs and water management in BMP and SRI treatments were kept at comparable levels. Seedling age, ranging from just sprouted seed to 40-day-old seedlings, had no effect on grain yield in the winter season. In a plant spacing experiment subject to SRI, the highest and lowest grain yields of 7.82 and 5.41 t ha−1 were obtained with spacing of 25 cm × 15 cm (narrow) and 40 cm × 40 cm (wide), respectively. In SRI, seedling density (1–2 seedlings per hill), planting durations (≤15 min to 1–3 h after uprooting) or root placement (L-shape and J-shape) had no effect on grain yield. With regard to time of planting, the highest grain yields were observed with transplanting in the 3rd week of December, with no difference between SRI and BMP management systems. In on-farm trials, BMP gave significantly higher grain yield compared to SRI and farmers’ practice in a triple-cropped area, but grain yields were similar with SRI in a double and single-cropped area when spacing was narrow. The highest profit was obtained with BMP followed by SRI and farmers’ practice in the single-cropping area. Major findings from this study are that under comparable levels of net nutrient input and water management (i) well-implemented BMPs for rice are more efficient for producing high yields than SRI and (ii) there is no intrinsic yield advantage of SRI that could be caused by its individual crop management techniques or some unknown synergism of the different SRI practices proposed.  相似文献   
秸秆中金属元素是关系农作物秸秆科学利用的重要组成部分,目前还没有统一的秸秆中金属元素原子吸收光谱(atomic absorption spectroscopy,AAS)测定方法标准,该研究采用原子吸收光谱测定黄芪(GBW10028)标准物质、玉米秸秆、小麦秸秆和棉花秸秆中金属元素含量,比较了不同前处理方法对样品中K、Cu、Fe、Zn和Mg分析结果的影响。结果表明:微波消解、干法灰化和湿法消解测定黄芪(GBW10028)标准物质中金属元素含量差异性显著(P<0.05),微波消解比干法灰化、湿法消解准确度高。微波消解对玉米秸秆、小麦秸秆和棉花秸秆中各金属元素的影响与黄芪(GBW10028)标准物质趋于一致。微波HNO3与微波HNO3-H2O2测定结果差异性不显著(P>0.05),微波HNO3比微波HNO3-H2O2和微波HNO3-H2SO4测定结果稳定。微波HNO3是进行秸秆样品金属元素含量测定时较准确简便的前处理方法。  相似文献   
几个杨树新品系苗期耐盐碱试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文采用室外大花盆栽培的方法,对几个杨树新品系的耐盐碱性进行了初步测定。采用方差分析、多重比较、聚类分析的数学手段进行分析,初步确定了不同杨树新品种对盐碱土的适应性及适应范围。结果表明:不同杨树品系的高生长,在同一土壤类型中有显著差异,径生长只是个别品系间的差异显著。在不同土壤类型中同一品系的高生长及径生长差异显著。不同杨树品系在不同土壤类型中的成活率在生长初期变化不大,后期则随着盐碱土含量的增加,苗木生长及保存率都明显降低。当含盐量在0.255%~0.320 7%范围内时,有明显抑制作用;含盐量在0.320 7%以上时,随着时间的推移苗木逐渐死亡。同时根据综合指标确定了10个杨树品系对盐分及pH值的适宜生长范围。  相似文献   
为探究道依茨TCD2015柴油机上配备的导流燃烧系统(简称TCD燃烧系统,T表示涡轮增压器,Turbocharger,C表示进气中冷,Charge air cooling,D为柴油颗粒捕集器,Diesel particle filter)对改善柴油机燃烧性能和降低污染物排放的效果,采用单缸机试验对TCD燃烧系统在不同转...  相似文献   
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