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以深圳坪山农业园种猪场为研究对象,通过现场调查,查阅资料,监测农业园的水、土壤、大气环境质量,综合分析十多年来该养猪场对周边环境的动态影响,结果表明,至2004年该农业园用水质量属于清洁水平,土壤综合污染指数属安全级,从空气中氨气浓度和细菌数指标来看,场区空气质量比场外差,距离场区越远,空气质量越好,按相关标准评判,均处在卫生标准的允许范围。过去12年间,该农业园的土壤肥力逐年上升,土壤和农业园用水所含的5种金属元素有较小幅度升降。研究表明,规模化猪场通过合理选点、环保、种养结合、绿化、加强舍内废弃物管理等措施可以确保长期环境友好。  相似文献   
In recent years, inoculating sand surfaces with biocrust organisms has become one of the most promising biotechnological strategies for controlling and reversing land degradation in drylands. To fully exploit this biotechnology on a large scale in drylands, researchers must explore water‐saving techniques to incubate biocrusts in situ. To achieve this aim, we tested three methods—broadcasting dried cyanobacteria, spraying fresh cyanobacteria, and broadcasting natural biocrust fragments—to culture biocrusts in situ on the Tengger Desert in Northern China. The cover of incubated biocrust increased during the first 2 months after inoculation (from 6% to more than 20.0% in treatments using biocrust fragments); biocrust cover declined but persisted after 12 months of incubation (13.8% cover in the best treatment, natural cyanobacteria fragments). The cover of cyanobacteria was higher than the cover of lichen in our natural cyanobacteria‐lichen crust fragment treatment (NCL; p < .05) after incubating for 12 months. We highlight that cyanobacteria should be selected for biocrust incubation during the initial stages of dryland restoration. Accumulated rainfall was positively related to the cover of incubated biocrust. However, wind speed and wind erosion intensity were both negatively related to the cover of incubated biocrust. In conclusion, broadcasting biocrust fragments is a rapid, efficient, and water‐saving biotechnique to cultivate biocrusts in situ. Actions to reduce wind speed and wind erosion, such as mechanical sand fixing, can help stabilize soils and improve crust cultivation.  相似文献   
High stocking density aquaculture can result in major environmental impacts such as waste disposal with high organic matter. In order to overcome this issue, biofloc technology (BFT) has arisen as an alternative to lower effluent nutrient loading by promoting dense microbial communities that control water quality through the assimilation of inorganic nutrients. Given the central role of microorganisms in nutrients storage, the aim of this study was to evaluate the elemental composition of bioflocs and free‐living microorganisms and to determine which environmental factors are associated with the variation in their stoichiometric ratios (C:N:P) in shrimp farming systems. Samples were taken in marine shrimp farms, and the stoichiometric ratios from bioflocs and free‐living microorganisms were analysed, as well as physical and chemical water quality variables. The C:N ratios were lower, and N:P ratios were higher in the free‐living microorganisms than bioflocs. The C:P and N:P ratios of the biofloc were lower at higher temperature and total suspended solids (TSS). We concluded that the elemental composition of the bioflocs is richer in C and P and that systems with higher temperature and higher TSS have a greater ability to absorb and immobilize these elements in the bioflocs.  相似文献   
对无公害防治的概念与发展做了概述,并对无公害农药及果园使用的无公害农药种类,生物农药在果园无公害治理中的应用,昆虫性信息素及在害虫预测预报中的应用,天敌昆虫以及果园生境调节在果园害虫无公害治理中的作用进行了讨论。  相似文献   
萧蕾  林雅橙 《广东园林》2019,41(2):79-83
以瑞士Reusspark长者护理中心花园为例,分析总结其设计特点为心理和物理空间双重安全营造、五感体验与园艺操作并重进行植栽设计,以及根据行动力差异布局,得出对适老性户外环境设计的启示:建立跨学科团队以提高科学性和专业性,运用老人熟悉的场景要素营建心理安全感,组织布局要考虑老人行为习惯、行动能力和行走距离的差异性,提供满足老人精神需求的设施和服务。  相似文献   
建立资源节约型和环境友好型农业是我国农业加快转变生产方式,实现农业可持续发展的需要。本文分析了发展\"两型农业\"根源,通过与传统农业比较研究,系统分析了\"两型农业\"的科学内涵、本质特征和发展模式。认为\"两型农业\"就是以转变农业生产方式为根本目的,以发展优质、高产、高效、生态、安全的现代农业为主要目标,以提高资源利用效率和保护生态环境为重点内容,依靠技术创新和政策创新为支撑动力,大力发展循环农业、生态农业、集约农业的循环经济农业形态,促进农业实现可持续发展的现代农业综合生产体系。  相似文献   
在家居装修愈加普遍的今天,人们对建筑及装饰材料的环保要求日益强烈。本文简要分析了人造板装饰材料中的有害成分,并对国家新实行的标准中有关人造板环保性能方面的内容做了重点介绍。  相似文献   
单板中阻燃剂载药量的多少直接影响着阻燃胶合板的阻燃性能。单板进行阻燃剂浸泡过程中,影响其载药量的因素较多,如单板初含水率、浸泡时间、阻燃剂浓度及阻燃剂温度等。对影响单板载药量的因素做了初步试验研究并对试验结果进行了分析,同时结合国内实际生产情况给出了建议。  相似文献   
Lawns have a significant influence on the cityscape as one of the essential elements of green spaces and an important part of people’s everyday lives. Most people in the Western world view lawns as a compulsory element of the urban landscape, almost an icon, without questioning their social, symbolic, ecological or aesthetic values. This research is a part of the conceptual framework and methodological approaches that are being used in an ongoing transdisciplinary collaboration project to study lawns in Sweden as a social and ecological phenomenon.The overall aim of this study was to investigate social and cultural perceptions of lawns, as well as motives behind decisions about the establishment and management of lawns in Sweden. Two multi-family housing typologies, the ‘Million Programme’ and ‘People’s Homes’, were examined due to their dominance in Swedish cities. We also studied how an alternative vision of conventional lawns can be applied and accepted by urban residents. We estimated lawn cover in multi-family housing areas and links to people’s perception and use of lawns. Questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and observational studies were used (N = 300). Our results showed that people like lawns even if they do not always directly use them. Lawns cover the most significant amount of outdoor spaces in all multi-family residential areas and accompany people everywhere from the house to the schoolyard or park. The total lawn cover in the study areas was 27.8%. Lawns were particularly valued as important places for different outdoor activities (playing, resting, picnicking, walking, socialising) and enjoying the green colour. However people do not want to use a vast monotonous lawn, but a variety of spaces that provide good conditions for different senses (sound, smell, touch and sight) and activities. Alternative lawns were also appreciated by many citizens, politicians, planners and managers. The implementation of new types of lawns requires special planning and design solutions adjusted for each particular neighbourhood.  相似文献   
对陕西澄城县北部塬区无公害优质苹果生产基地大气、灌溉水和土壤环境质量现状进行了监测与评价。研究结果表明,无公害优质苹果生产基地的4项大气质量指标、8项灌溉水质量指标、6项土壤质量和2项农药残留指标均未超过国家《无公害食品苹果产地环境条件》限制,产地环境质量条件完全符合并能满足无公害苹果生产的要求,且果实重金属元素含量等完全符合无公害苹果卫生要求。评价结果同时表明,黄土高原空气中可悬浮颗粒物和土壤中重金属A s接近指标限制值,C r含量相比也较高,有可能成为无公害苹果生产基地大气和土壤未来的主要污染物,提出果园行间种草,株间覆盖,减少地面裸露,加强生态环境治理,严禁果园使用砷制剂,增施有机肥,避免土壤化学污染等措施。  相似文献   
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