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Dispersion of a new invasive thrips species in the United States, chilli thrips Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, was studied on three plant hosts, i.e., cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), peanut (Arachis hypogeal L.) and pepper (Capsicum annum L.) in the greenhouse and under field conditions in Homestead, Florida. In the vertical distribution study, a strong negative relationship was observed between thrips density and height, with the significantly highest mean number of larvae and adults reported on host plants placed at the lowest height (45.7 cm) above ground. The study of horizontal distribution showed that S. dorsalis has weak dispersal potential and aggregates in open areas. During the entire six week study period, thrips were found to move a maximum of 12 m from their reservoir population. During two years (2009–2010 and 2010–2011) of study, a high abundance of thrips population was observed during May–October with the highest mean count during July and August in both years. Flight activity of adults was highest between 10:00and16:00 EST, during peak solar radiation (∼337–653 w/m2). Results from these studies will help growers and extension personnel predict farm-scale distribution of S. dorsalis and efficiently monitor the pest for management before they become a serious problem for the vegetable and ornamental industry in the United States.  相似文献   
Tillage changes the physical and chemical properties of soil and can also inhibit or enhance useful and harmful fauna. In agriculture, different tillage technologies are being tried to enhance crop productivity, but little concrete information seems to exist on their effects on pest abundance and damage. To address this lack of information, sowing of wheat was investigated under different tillage systems. In order to monitor pest abundance and damage in altered tillage systems, the present studies on the relative abundance and damage due to insect pests viz. pink stem borer (PSB, Sesamia inferens Walker), termites (Microtermes obesi Holmgren and Odontotermes obesus Rambur) and root aphid (Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominalis Sasaki) were undertaken in a rice–wheat cropping system during 2010–11 and 2011–12. Pest abundance and damage was monitored in four tillage systems i.e. conventional tillage (CT), zero tillage (ZT), ZT + mulch and rotary tillage (RT) under insecticide protected and unprotected conditions. The application of insecticide did not affect root aphid incidence or termite damage. However, significant differences in PSB damage in insecticide protected (0.9%) and unprotected (1.2%) conditions were observed. The investigations demonstrated that in CT, damage by PSB (0.6%) was minimum; however termite damage (2.2%) was maximum as compared to all other tillage conditions. In ZT, PSB damage (1.4%) was maximum and root aphid incidence (3.1 aphids/tiller) was minimum in comparison to other tillage conditions. ZT + mulch resulted in inter-mediate insect pest incidence/damage; however, RT was the least effective practice which showed relatively high incidence/damage of these three insects (1.2% PSB damage, 1.9% termite damage and 5.1 aphids/tiller). The insecticide × tillage interaction indicated that insecticide application is needed only in ZT and RT for PSB management.  相似文献   
蚯蚓养殖对幼龄胶园土壤养分及橡胶树根系生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在探讨林下蚯蚓养殖对幼龄胶园土壤养分及橡胶树根系生长的影响。以牛粪作为原料,于 2017年4—11 月在 4 年生幼龄胶园铺设粪垄养殖蚯蚓,并测定土壤养分和根系生长情况。结果表明,与对照(CK)相比,铺设粪垄无蚯蚓养殖(WQ)和铺设粪垄蚯蚓养殖(Q)处理总体上可显著提高土壤硝态氮、速效磷、速效钾和土壤水分含量以及土壤 pH,而对土壤铵态氮、有机质、微生物活性及微生物群系数量无显著影响(p<0.05);和 CK 相比,WQ和 Q 处理显著促进根的生长,并提高吸收根的比例(p<0.05)。综上所述,在幼龄胶园养殖蚯蚓短期内(半年)可提高土壤速效养分含量,促进根系生长。  相似文献   
选择青藏高原东缘同一生境类型下具有不同交配系统特点和不同传粉者丰度的3种龙胆科植物湿生扁蕾(Gentianopsis paludosa)(自花授粉)、祁连獐牙菜(Swertia przewalskii)(高昆虫访问异花授粉)和线叶龙胆(Gentiana farreri)(低昆虫访问异花授粉)为对象,研究其资源分配特征。结果表明,1)3种植物的花粉胚珠比例(P/O)存在显著差异(P0.05),湿生扁蕾的P/O显著低于另外两种异花授粉植物的(P0.05),祁连獐牙菜的P/O显著低于线叶龙胆的(P0.05);2)3种植物的繁殖分配比例存在差异,湿生扁蕾的繁殖分配比例显著高于另外两种异花授粉植物的(P0.05),线叶龙胆的繁殖分配比例显著高于祁连獐牙菜的(P0.05);3)在繁殖分配比例与个体大小关系上,湿生扁蕾与其个体大小不存在显著相关关系(P0.05),而另外两种异花授粉植物则与其各自个体大小之间存在显著负相关关系(P0.05)。研究表明,交配系统类型和传粉者丰度与植物的资源分配模式有关,尽管3种植物的繁殖绝对投入量都与其个体大小显著正相关(P0.05),但自花授粉植物相对于异花授粉植物具有较高的繁殖分配比例,并且这种较高的繁殖分配比例不受个体大小影响,这种高繁殖投入的资源分配模式可能与自花授粉植物具有繁殖保障,从而降低其繁殖代价有关。  相似文献   
为了解博斯腾湖鱼类资源现状及其与环境因素的关系,于2019年5月(春季)、7-8月(夏季)、10月(秋季),采用分裂波束回声探测仪(Simrad EY60, 120 kHz)开展全湖水声学探测,并对水环境指标进行现场测量。结果显示,博斯腾湖鱼类密度在夏季最高,平均值为(8 783±2 611) ind./hm2;春季和秋季间无显著性差异,平均值分别为(709±141)、(743±499) ind./hm2。根据目标强度与体长关系经验公式推算,春季、夏季和秋季鱼类的平均体长分别为8.8、4.0和5.1 cm。相关分析结果显示,博斯腾湖鱼类密度与水温和电导率呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),而与透明度呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。随机森林模型的特征重要性排序结果显示,电导率是鱼类密度最重要的预测因子,其次为溶解氧、盐度和水温等。推测鱼类密度的季节变化与环境变化、食物来源、繁殖习性等因素密切相关,环境因子可能通过直接或间接的方式影响鱼类的生态环境需求。  相似文献   
Soil microorganisms play important roles in nitrogen transformation.  The aim of this study was to characterize changes in the activity of nitrogen transformation enzymes and the abundance of nitrogen function genes in rhizosphere soil aerated using three different methods (continuous flooding (CF), continuous flooding and aeration (CFA), and alternate wetting and drying (AWD)).  The abundances of amoA ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), nirS, nirK, and nifH genes, and the activities of urease, protease, ammonia oxidase, nitrate reductase, and nitrite reductase were measured at the tillering (S1), heading (S2), and ripening (S3) stages.  We analyzed the relationships of the aforementioned microbial activity indices, in addition to soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and soil microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN), with the concentration of soil nitrate and ammonium nitrogen.  The abundance of nitrogen function genes and the activities of nitrogen invertase in rice rhizosphere soil were higher at S2 compared with S1 and S3 in all treatments.  AWD and CFA increased the abundance of amoA and nifH genes, and the activities of urease, protease, and ammonia oxidase, and decreased the abundance of nirS and nirK genes and the activities of nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase, with the effect of AWD being particularly strong.  During the entire growth period, the mean abundances of the AOA amoA, AOB amoA, and nifH genes were 2.9, 5.8, and 3.0 higher in the AWD treatment than in the CF treatment, respectively, and the activities of urease, protease, and ammonia oxidase were 1.1, 0.5, and 0.7 higher in the AWD treatment than in the CF treatment, respectively.  The abundances of the nirS and nirK genes, and the activities of nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase were 73.6, 84.8, 10.3 and 36.5% lower in the AWD treatment than in the CF treatment, respectively.  The abundances of the AOA amoA, AOB amoA, and nifH genes were significantly and positively correlated with the activities of urease, protease, and ammonia oxidase, and the abundances of the nirS and nirK genes were significantly positively correlated with the activities of nitrate reductase.  All the above indicators were positively correlated with soil MBC and MBN.  In sum, microbial activity related to nitrogen transformation in rice rhizosphere soil was highest at S2.  Aeration can effectively increase the activity of most nitrogen-converting microorganisms and MBN, and thus promote soil nitrogen transformation.   相似文献   
Carbon nanomaterials have been widely used in industry and inevitably enter the environment. However, there is little information about their influence on the abundance and diversity of soil nematode community. We evaluated the impact of three kinds of carbon nanomaterials (graphene, graphene oxide, and carbon nanotubes) on the abundance and diversity of soil nematodes after growing tall fescue for 130 d using a laboratory pot experiment. A total of 29 genera of nematodes were identified in all the treatments. Carbon nanomaterials significantly increased the abundance of total nematodes and plant parasites. The presence of graphene and graphene oxide increased the numbers of bacterivores, and graphene benefited fungivores. The total nematode abundance was 1.9-2.9 times greater in the carbon nanomaterial treatments than in the control with no carbon nanomaterial addition. However, graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes decreased the values of nematode community parameters, e.g., diversity, species richness, and structure index. Compared with the control, the addition of graphene resulted in a community with a higher plant-parasitic index (i.e., the maturity index of the plant-parasitic nematodes). Overall, our findings highlight that the addition of carbon nanomaterials has a negative influence on the composition and diversity of the nematode community, simplifying the community structure.  相似文献   
Research on insect pests (including leafhoppers and planthoppers) in Nepal was initiated in 1956 by the Entomology Division and Plant Protection Units of the Department of Agriculture. More systematic work began after the establishment of a Rice Improvement Programme in 1972. Because of poor documentation and publication of research findings, it is difficult to assess the research efforts and achievements to date. The available research reports are mostly published in the proceedings of national seminars/workshops. They are used here to assess the current status of research on the occurrence and damage caused, distribution and composition, relative abundance, biology and management through chemicals. Much of past research has focused on insect surveys by light traps and sweep nets and the evaluation of insecticides and, since early 1990, some research on rice green leafhoppers (Nephotettix virescens and Nephotettix nigropictus) has begun to determine their relative abundance and population characteristics in relation to their potential as vectors of rice viruses. The challenges to pest management in general and some suggestions for future research needs are discussed, based on the present standing of agricultural research in the country  相似文献   
Over half of the 21 Mha of soybean planted in Brazil is now transgenic glyphosate-resistant (GMRR). A field experiment was carried out to investigate whether the application of glyphosate or imazethapyr to the GMRR variety reduced the input of N2 fixation (BNF). No effects on yield, total N accumulation, nodulation and BNF (δ15N) could be assigned to the genetic modification of the plant. Imazethapyr reduced soybean yield but had no significant effect on BNF. Even though yields were not affected by glyphosate, the significant reduction of nodule mass and BNF to the GMRR suggests that the use of this herbicide could lead to an increased dependence on soil N and consequently an eventual decrease of SOM reserves.  相似文献   
二氢砒啶二羧酸还原酶(DAPB)是赖氨酸合成途径中的一个重要酶,在蛋白质和细胞壁的合成中起着重要作用.本研究基于KEGG总数据库分析表明,藜麦中DAPB的基因拷贝数远高于水稻、玉米及大豆等作物.对藜麦基因组数据筛选得到4个DAPB基因成员,均属于碱性蛋白质,氨基酸序列长度约330 bp,分子量为36.623~36.88...  相似文献   
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