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本试验旨在根据肉鸡生长曲线及动态营养需要,研究动态细分饲粮营养供给对肉鸡生产性能、肉品质、氮、磷代谢率及血清生化指标的影响。选取1日龄爱拔益加(AA)肉鸡240只(公母各占1/2),随机分为3个组,分别为A组:每3.5 d 1个营养标准(1~7日龄1个营养标准);B组:每7 d 1个营养标准;C组:每14 d 1个营养标准。每组8个重复,每个重复10只鸡,试验期42 d。结果表明:1)C组肉鸡的平均日增重(ADG)显著高于A、B组(P0.05),料重比(F/G)显著低于A组(P0.05)。A、B组肉鸡生产性能指标差异均不显著(P0.05)。不同动态细分饲粮营养供给方式对肉鸡肉品质的影响无显著差异(P0.05)。2)不同动态细分饲粮营养供给方式对肉鸡氮、磷代谢率的影响无显著差异(P0.05)。3)肉鸡28日龄时,C组肉鸡血清尿素氮(UREA)含量显著高于A组(P0.05);42日龄时,C组肉鸡血清UREA含量显著高于A、B组(P0.05),但A、B组肉鸡血清UREA含量差异不显著(P0.05)。4)不同动态细分饲粮营养供给方式对肉鸡血清皮质酮(CORT)含量及总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)的影响差异不显著(P0.05)。综上所述,每14 d 1个营养标准可使肉鸡的生产性能达到最佳,从实际操作的复杂性考虑,每7 d 1个营养标准可更好地满足饲粮的氨基酸平衡。  相似文献   
戴丽娜  郑博薇 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(28):17586-17587
阐述了"ABC分析法"和"长尾理论",并将2种方法结合用于农村党员干部现代远程教育视频资源的管理。研究表明,这2种方法的结合使用可以有效实现管理效益。洞察开发视频资源在实际制作中存在的问题,及视频资源在网络教学中面临的实际情况,结合应用"ABC分析法"和"长尾理论",提出了突破这一新课题的管理方法。  相似文献   
由于在正交频分复用(OFDM)的系统中存在符号时间同步误差,为了消除这种误差,提出了工作在多径衰落信道的符号时间频移(STO)估计方法,即基于CP的符号时间偏移估计和基于训练符号的符号时间偏移估计,通过仿真对基于循环序列(CP)估计技术的最大似然法(ML)和基于训练符号的最小均方差异法(Classen)两类性能比较分析,在无载波频移条件下,ML算法精确度更高,当存在载波频移时,Classen算法精确度更高。  相似文献   
采取正交旋转回归设计,以播种期、种植密度、施肥量为试验因子,以9000kg/hm2为产量目标函数,进行春花生超高产栽培模式集成研究。结果表明,在鲁西南平原地区,超高产春花生以种植密度和N、P、K施肥量为主要限制因素,播种期为次要限制因素。明确了春花生单产达到9000kg/hm2以上的最佳种植密度、播种期和合理的N、P2O5、K2O施用量为主要指标的栽培技术模式,增产效果显著。  相似文献   
In cucumber, the genetic basis of traits under domestication and/or diversifying selection is not well understood. Here, we reported QTL mapping for flowering time and fruit size-related traits with segregating populations derived from a cultivated × wild cross. Phenotypic data of flowering time (FT), fruit size (FS), fruit number (FN) and fruit weight per plant (FW) were collected in multiple environments. QTL analysis identified 19 QTL for these traits. We found that the major-effect QTL FT1.1 played an important role in regulating flowering time in cultivated cucumber, whereas the minor-effect QTL FT6.3 contributed to photoperiod sensitive flowering time during domestication. Two novel consensus FS QTL, FS1.4 and FS2.3, seem to be the targets of selection during breeding for the US processing cucumber. All other FS QTL were co-localized with previously detected QTL using populations derived from cultivated cucumbers, suggesting that they were under selection during both initial domestication and subsequent improvement. Results from this study also suggested that the wild cucumber is a useful resource for capturing positive transgressive segregation and novel alleles that could be explored in cucumber breeding.  相似文献   
Winter canola (Brassica napus L.) is highly sensitive to increasing temperatures during the reproductive and pod-filling stages. Although the impact of high day-time temperature stress on yield and quality has been documented in canola, similar information under high night-time temperature (HNT) stress is not available. Using six hybrids and four open-pollinated cultivars, we observed a marked shift in peak flowering towards earlier, cooler hours of the morning under HNT. Averaged across two independent experiments, the photochemical efficiency of photosystem II was significantly decreased (3%), with a significant increase in thylakoid membrane damage (13%) in the leaves of susceptible cultivars under HNT stress. Similarly, the susceptible cultivars also recorded significant reduction in biomass (34%), pod number (22%), pod weight (37%) and total seed weight (40%) per plant while the same set of agronomic traits were not affected among the tolerant cultivars. Quantitative impact of heat stress was confirmed with increased sensitivity to HNT exposure from gametogenesis until maturity resulting in a significantly higher yield loss compared to stress exposure from post-flowering till maturity. HNT significantly decreased oil concentration, but increased protein concentration and saturated fatty acid levels in seeds of the susceptible cultivars. However, HNT had no impact on the unsaturated fatty acids in both hybrids and the open-pollinated cultivars. Breeding targets based on fatty acid composition for enhancing canola seed quality may not be easily amenable due to the inconsistency documented with the compositional changes under heat stress. In summary, our findings conclude that canola hybrids are better suited to regions experiencing heat stress, compared to open-pollinated cultivars, indicating the possibility of a complete shift to hybrid canola cultivation under predicted hotter climates in the future.  相似文献   
基于状态变换法的车辆悬架系统时滞反馈控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了提高车辆行驶平顺性和稳定性,研究悬架系统中时滞补偿控制效果,本文以赛欧轿车悬架系统为基础,建立2自由度车辆半主动悬架系统模型,设计了时滞反馈控制器,采用理论与试验相结合的方法对系统时滞反馈控制特性进行研究。首先建立含时滞的悬架系统动力学方程,采用常微分理论和多项式判别方法分析系统稳定性,并通过时域与频域仿真对结果进行验证。研究表明:采用传统二次型最优控制律对含时滞的悬架系统进行控制,当系统控制时滞较大时,系统定性特性可能会发生改变,甚至会失稳发散。为保证系统的稳定性,采用状态变换方法设计时滞反馈最优控制律,仿真表明采用该控制律不仅可以保证系统稳定性,系统的减振特性亦有改善。最后搭建了悬架时滞反馈控制平台,基于时域辨识方法测得系统固有时滞为0.065 s,通过对相同工况下仿真结果与试验结果进行对比,发现两者具有较好的一致性,误差在15%以内,满足业内使用要求,表明研究可信,结果可为主动/半主动车辆悬架控制器实际设计应用提供参考。  相似文献   
Monitoring of acute phase proteins such as serum amyloid A at gene expression level may provide quick information about immune status of the host and its susceptibility towards common infections. Present study was carried out to evaluate and compare the mRNA expression of SAA gene in Rhode Island Red chicken (RIR) and Japanese quails using real time PCR analysis in response to inactivated Salmonella gallinarum culture. The results showed that expression of SAA gene was approximately 17–33 folds higher in case of birds administered with bacterial culture when compared to un-inoculated controls and expression was higher and quicker in case of quails than RIR chicken. The SAA genes from chicken and quail were cloned and upon sequence analysis it was observed that deduced amino acid sequence of SAA from chicken and quails were having approximately seven percent variation which might have significance in function of this protein in these species.  相似文献   
不同施肥措施对灰枣园土壤速效养分含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨灰枣生长期内不同施肥处理措施对枣园土壤速效养分含量的影响情况,于2014年3月采用不施肥、常规施肥和施用不同种类生物肥共3大类9种处理进行田间试验,并于同年7~10月在灰枣不同生长期测定了各处理区域土壤中的碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾、有机质这4种养分的含量,研究了不同施肥处理下灰枣不同成熟期土壤各养分的动态变化情况。结果表明,不同处理、不同成熟期土壤各养分含量间均有差异,施用生物肥可以显著提高土壤中各养分的含量。  相似文献   
通过建立理论模型,并用2014年湖南省5县区20个城乡社区的调查数据,从家务劳动时间的视角分析湖南劳动力市场的性别工资差异及其影响因素。结果发现,家务劳动时间是影响湖南劳动力市场性别工资差异的重要因素,同时其他影响因素还有月工资收入、受教育程度、行业等,但职务职称对性别工资差异的影响存在不确定性。因此,政府应大力发展家庭服务业,建立健全覆盖城乡的家庭服务体系,基本满足家庭的服务需求,使女性从家务劳动中解脱出来,同时应通过政策倾斜确保女性培训比例,增强就业竞争实力;规范劳动合同,维护私有及民营企业女性从业者在劳动就业、社会保障等方面的合法权益。  相似文献   
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