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为探索有机磷农药降解的新途径和方法,以大黄、海桐皮、木槿皮、五倍子按9:4:3:2质量份数混合,粉碎并以水浸泡,以GC-MS定量检测法、农残速测法,通过比较试验前后有机磷农药浓度变动,明确其对有机磷农药的降解效果。结果表明,2 min内浸提液对毒死蜱、对硫磷2种有机磷农药降解率分别达到93.6%、92.9%;浸提液17 h内对敌敌畏降解率为66.67%,11 h内对毒死蜱降解率为48.69%。本研究表明,大黄、海桐皮、木槿皮、五倍子浸提液对毒死蜱、对硫磷、敌敌畏等有机磷农药有显著降解效果。  相似文献   
Communal rangeland management policies in Botswana and Zimbabwe are based on incorrect technical assumptions about the stability of semiarid rangeland, the nature of rangeland degradation, and the benefits of destocking. Consequently, inappropriate policies, stressing the need to destock and stabilise the rangelands, are pursued. Acknowledgement of the great instability but intrinsic resilience of rangeland would encourage the Governments to more favourably regard the opportunistic stocking strategies of the agro-pastoralists of the Communal Areas. However, degradation of rangelands is occurring, although at varying rates. This justifies the promotion of a ‘tracking strategy’, in which livestock densities are encouraged to follow, more closely that at present, variations in rainfall. The establishment of grazing territories controlled by specific ‘communities’ may be a prerequisite for the promotion of the tracking strategy, and for communal rangeland management and improvement. However, the establishment of such territories must take into account social equity, institutional problems and transaction costs, as well as spatial and temporal variation in rangeland resources.  相似文献   
青海省同德县草地现状及畜牧业可持续发展策略   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
在调查同德县草地退化现状的基础上,综合分析了同德县草地退化的原因,指出了同德县畜牧业可持续发展的策略。同德县的草地退化是自然因素和人为因素共同综合作用的结果。人类活动和气候变化是导致同德县草地退化、区域生态环境恶化的两大因素,鼠虫害对它们产生的影响起了促进作用。只有合理利用和保护天然草地,综合治理退化草地,优化畜牧业产业结构,使草地生态系统步入良性循环,才能使同德县的草地畜牧业协调发展。  相似文献   
商全玉 《北方水稻》2021,51(1):23-25
在黑河市进行19个水稻品种比较试验,17个品种产量都比对照龙粳47高,其中绥粳317、龙禾154、绥生008、龙垦282、绥粳102、莲汇6783、龙粳4695、龙粳1614、龙粳3020、龙盾1595、中科641、KN107等12个品种产量较对照增产显著,各品种生育期符合审定要求,建议下一年度继续试验.  相似文献   
This paper examines soil amelioration by planting 15 leguminous and graminaceous plant species, including herbaceous annuals, perennials and biennials, and woody perennials and biennials. Disturbed and undisturbed natural regrowth were planted with leguminous species, in some cases with fertilizer applied at planting (400 kg ha−1 of 15:15:15 NPK). The studies were made on two highly degraded sites in southwestern Nigeria which had been subjected to intensive mechanized cropping for a period of 10 years. Changes in soil physical and chemical properties were monitored from 1989 to 1991. Acacia difficilis, Brachiaria lata and Mucuna utilis had the lowest survival rates by the following growing season. Soil fertility and compaction levels differed between sites. Planting had no effect on the latter. The decreases in compaction (i.e. macroporosity) between 0.00 and 0.10 m depth at both sites one month before and five and 17 months after planting were 43, 59 and 61 per cent, respectively were attributed to exclusion of heavy machinery from the sites. Large decreases in fertility occurred at both sites and were attributed to a combination of nutrient extraction and to leaching. Between fallow species, exchangeable Ca, pH and the cation-exchange capacity (CEC) were greater and total acids lower for herbaceous cover compared with woody perennials, and was attributed to a higher Ca demand by the latter. Highest and lowest values of Ca, CEC and pH occurred in plots where plant material was returned to the soil (i.e. by cutting or die-back) and in cropped plots, respectively. Natural regrowth was as effective or better than planted species in improving soil physical and chemical properties. Therefore the use of exotic plant species for ameliorating highly degraded alfisols is unnecessary. Amelioration of highly degraded alfisols may be best effected by allowing natural regrowth to occur while excluding all mechanized traffic from the site.  相似文献   
科学的耕地评价是耕地合理开发、利用、保护的前提,耕地资源认知的深化引领耕地评价研究发展。为明晰耕地评价研究的发展历程、热点动态和未来前景,系统梳理1949—2023年引领耕地资源认知变化的理念、事件和政策,探讨耕地资源认知发展的阶段性特征,借助文献调查、文献计量分析、理论分析等方法,对不同阶段耕地评价研究的主要内容、政策支撑、技术方法与代表成果等进行总结,并提出面向新时期社会发展需求的耕地评价研究展望与关键问题。研究表明:1)耕地资源认知按时间顺序可划分为资源本体、资源平衡体和资源综合体3个阶段,认知对象由耕地数量单一维度向耕地数量与质量、数量-质量-生态、实体耕地与虚拟耕地等多维度转变,研究范围也由宜耕地、耕地等实体资源向近远程耦合框架下的全球虚拟耕地拓展;2)各阶段耕地评价的研究重点围绕耕地数量、耕地质量和耕地综合利用展开。在资源本体阶段,侧重土地开发适宜性评价,关注本底要素宜耕性;在资源平衡体阶段,注重耕地质量提升,对耕地资源的可持续利用潜力进行评价。在资源综合体阶段,评价对象向全球粮食贸易中的虚拟耕地拓展,评价内容关注耕地多功能及功能间权衡与协同关系。因此,未来耕地评价的研究内容需适应新时代发展的现实需求,耕地本体评价需兼顾实体和价值量,耕地质量评价需匹配人类福祉需求,耕地综合评价需考虑多元对象和指标。在评价理论与方法层面应加强学科交叉融合,充分利用新调查监测手段,丰富精细化耕地资源数据,为进一步拓展资源认知、丰富评价范式、优化耕地保护制度等提供支撑。  相似文献   
农村改革使劳动力流动的障碍得以消除,农村劳动力不断向城市流动。外地务工反映了农民工务工地决策中的地点选择,对其研究有助于在微观层面了解农民工流动的倾向及其内在原因。利用2014年和2016年中国劳动力动态调查数据,运用最小二乘法和工具变量回归方法,分析子女性别差异对农民工外地务工的影响。结果表明,外地务工的农民工收入相对更高,同时家中拥有儿子的农民工更可能选择外地务工。第一胎为男孩将显著提高农民工外地务工的概率,从子女所处成长阶段看,当子女处于婴幼儿和接受义务教育阶段时,子女性别对农民工外地务工影响较小;而当子女处于婚配阶段时,生养儿子将显著提高农民工外地务工的可能性;当子女家庭趋于稳定之后,子女性别的影响不再显著。研究表明,男孩偏好观念对子女性别的影响具有协同作用;当子女处于婚配阶段时,助儿购/建房是农民工外地务工的原因之一。因此,提出营造男女平等的社会环境;积极落实与二胎政策相关的配套政策;进一步推进城乡一体化发展等建议。  相似文献   
低温木质纤维素分解复合菌系PLC-8对玉米秸秆的分解特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高东北寒区玉米秸秆的分解效率,突破低温的瓶颈,探讨了低温木质纤维素分解复合菌系PLC-8对玉米秸秆的分解效果及其微生物多样性.通过pH、玉米秸秆的减重、木质纤维素的含量、酶活性、有机酸含量等指标评价玉米秸秆的分解效果,采用变性凝胶电泳(DGGE)和高通量测序技术研究其微生物多样性.结果表明:pH先下降后回升至接近初...  相似文献   
The purpose of this experiment was to isolate and screen the microorganisms from the soil where chicken feathers were piled for a long time and identify them bi...  相似文献   
为了研究氯硝柳胺在斑点叉尾(Ictalurus punctalus)组织中的残留消除规律,在静水条件下经安全性试验确定安全浓度后,直接对水族箱泼洒25%氯硝柳胺乙醇胺盐(NES)粉剂后采集斑点叉尾皮肤、肌肉和水样。采用高效液相色谱-质谱联用法(HPLC-ESI/MS/MS)测定样品中氯硝柳胺的浓度,结果表明,静水条件下25%氯硝柳胺乙醇胺对斑点叉尾的安全浓度为0.113 mg/kg;养殖水环境中氯硝柳胺能快速消解,实验第2天即低于1μg/L,并呈无规律性持续较长时间;用药24 h内,氯硝柳胺在鱼体肌肉和鱼皮中具有较强的蓄积能力,但48 h后,其在鱼皮和肌肉中呈现快速消除至较低浓度,但后期消除缓慢,并会持续一定时间;氯硝柳胺(NIC)在斑点叉尾肌肉和鱼皮中的消除半衰期T1/2分别为10.66和9.24 d,显著大于在水体中的消除半衷期。  相似文献   
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