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七种与小麦近缘的野生植物对禾谷缢管蚜抗性的生化机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了7种与小麦近缘的多年生野生植物长穗偃麦草Elytrigia elongata、费尔干偃麦草E. ferganensis、垂穗披碱草Elymus nutans、华山新麦草Psathyrostachys huanshanica、竖立鹅观草Roegneria japonensis、鹅观草R. kamoji和R. tsukushiensis对禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi抗性的生化机制.禾谷缢管蚜内禀自然增长率(rm)与叶片游离脯氨酸和蛋氨酸含量呈极显著和显著正相关,其逐步回归方程为:rm=-0.0198 0.1930X脯氨酸** 0.3350X蛋氨酸* ;总酚含量与禾谷缢管蚜内禀自然增长率无显著相关关系;丁布含量与内禀自然增长率呈极显著的负相关(r=-0.941**,p<0.01).低含量的游离脯氨酸﹑蛋氨酸及高含量的丁布是小麦近缘多年生野生物种抗蚜的重要生化因子.  相似文献   
Oncosis is another form of cell death, which is different from apoptosis. The review will discuss the recent advances of oncosis on pathological morphology, nuclear biochemical changes and molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   
草原灌丛化已成为全球性问题,也是生态学、畜牧学研究的热点问题。紧扣草原灌丛化过程、发生机理及其生态学后效等关键问题,介绍了国内外的最新研究进展。灌木入侵途径包括有意识引进入侵和自然入侵2类,入侵过程分为传播到达、定居建群和扩散入侵3个阶段。放牧、火烧、温室气体增加,干旱以及降水格局改变等均可导致草本向木本的转化,且机制复杂,主要有影响草本,木本植物盖度、水分利用效率、化感作用等。木本植物入侵打破了草原生态系统的稳定,表现出沃岛效应,影响动植物的分布以及生态系统的功能和服务。阐明草原“草本-木本”群落演替机制,可为我国研究草原灌丛化和管理提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

1. Enzymes have been used commercially for nearly 40 years and save significant costs through sparing of expensive nutrients but the mechanism by which this is achieved is still debated.

2. The research focused on non-starch polysaccharidase (NSPase) enzymes is used as an example of where greater progress could have been made if the details of the work had been described more fully and the analysis of the data generated had been broader in scope and more critical.

3. Lack of standardisation of the details presented in the materials and methods has been identified as a significant barrier to meaningful retrospective analysis and thus limits advances in the understanding of the mode of action of these enzymes.

4. The identity of the enzyme employed and its activity is often lacking, and more importantly the purity is rarely disclosed. Contaminant activities which are neither listed nor assayed could play a significant role in the responses observed.

5. The dose optimum of most enzymes is often considerably higher than that employed in most studies. Thus studies claiming synergy between two ‘activities’ should ensure that the response is not related to each enzyme simply augmenting the dose of just one activity in the finished feed. This is a common problem, and coupled with the lack of factorial experiments to justify the presence of each enzyme in a multi-enzyme product, it is not surprising that there is still debate as to whether single or multi-enzymes are best suited poultry rations.

6. The three proposed mechanisms for NSPases (viscosity, cell wall and prebiotic) are discussed, and along with their strengths and weaknesses it is suggested that a re-evaluation of each is needed. Viscosity may have to be re-evaluated as being a function not only of the cereal being fed, but of the age of the animal as well. The cell wall theory as described is poorly modelled in vitro and hence the validity of these data is questioned. The prebiotic theory may need significant modification as it appears that the quantities of oligomers produced are insufficient to generate the additional volatile fatty acids (VFA)’s reported. It is likely that all three mechanisms play a role in the responses observed, but the prebiotic mechanism probably plays by far the most important part in low viscosity diets.

7. Future research would be improved if it considered all potential mechanisms when designing a trial. Significant failings are apparent as a result of adherence to tenets in explanation of the results. Most importantly, it should be emphasised that a hypothesis is there to be tested, not defended.  相似文献   
This study evaluated the effects of dietary concentrate levels and 2‐methylbutyrate (2MB ) supplementation on performance, ruminal fermentation, bacteria abundance, microbial enzyme activity and urinary excretion of purine derivatives (PD ) in steers. Eight ruminally cannulated Simmental steers (12 months of age; 389 ± 3.7 kg of body weight) were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. Moderate‐concentrate (400 g/kg diet [MC ]) or high‐concentrate (600 g/kg diet [HC ]) diets were fed with or without 2MB (0 g/day [2MB ?] or 15.0 g/day [2MB +]). Dry matter intake and average daily gain increased, but feed conversion ratio decreased with the HC diet or 2MB supplementation. Ruminal pH decreased, but total volatile fatty acid increased with the HC diet or 2MB supplementation. Molar proportion of acetate and acetate‐to‐propionate ratio decreased with the HC diet, but increased with 2MB supplementation. Propionate molar proportion and ruminal NH 3‐N content increased with the HC diet, but decreased with 2MB supplementation. Neutral detergent fibre degradability decreased with the HC diet, but increased with 2MB supplementation. Crude protein degradability increased with the HC diet or 2MB supplementation. Abundance of Ruminococcus albus , Ruminococcus flavefaciens , Fibrobacter succinogenes and Bufyrivibrio fibrisolvens as well as activities of carboxymethyl cellulase, cellobiase, xylanase and pectinase decreased with the HC diet, but increased with 2MB supplementation. However, abundance of Prevotella ruminicola and Ruminobacter amylophilus as well as activities of α‐amylase and protease increased with the HC diet or 2MB supplementation. Total PD excretion also increased with the HC diet or 2MB supplementation. The results suggested that growth performance, ruminal fermentation, CP degradability and total PD excretion increased with increasing dietary concentrate level from 40% to 60% or 2MB supplementation. The observed diet × 2MB interaction indicated that supplementation of 2MB was more efficacious for improving growth performance, ruminal fermentation and total PD excretion with promoted ruminal bacteria abundance and enzyme activity in the MC diet than in the HC diet.  相似文献   
土壤的盐化和碱化往往伴随发生,在盐碱胁迫下,植物会遭受许多类型的非生物胁迫,严重影响植物的正常生长发育.本综述首先介绍了盐碱土的分类;其次从四个方面对植物在盐碱胁迫下体内产生相应生理机制进行详细介绍;接下来以植物在盐碱胁迫下产生的钙信号为重点进行阐述,包括植物首个非离子通道型盐胁迫下离子感受器GIPCs的发现、盐碱胁迫...  相似文献   
土壤有机碳循环研究进展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
阐述了国内外土壤有机碳含量模型、循环机理和影响因素等方面的研究进展和土壤有机碳循环研究中最新的理论成果。  相似文献   
水稻无盘抛秧剂旱地育苗生理机理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了无盘旱育秧苗与塑盘旱育秧苗、常规旱育秧苗生理机能的差异。结果表明:无盘抛秧剂包衣稻种具有吸水速度快、吸水量大的特点,并起到蓄水保水作用;无盘旱育秧苗的叶片叶绿素含量、光合速率、植株伤流量、植株相对含水率、植株可溶性糖及含氮量、植株根和叶SOD活性等生理指标,均优于塑盘旱育秧苗和常规旱育秧苗;无盘旱育秧苗素质明显提高,抛栽后发根早、发根多、立苗速度快。  相似文献   
茚虫威属于噁二嗪类杀虫剂,与大多数杀虫剂不同的是其进入害虫体内需要经活化代谢转变成N-去甲氧羰基代谢物(decarbomethoxylated metabolite,DCJW)后不可逆地阻断钠通道,进而发挥杀虫活性。茚虫威由于其作用机制不同于常见的使钠离子通道延迟关闭的菊酯类药剂而被广泛用于鳞翅目和一些同翅目、鞘翅目害虫的防治。抗药性是任何杀虫药剂使用后面临的问题,茚虫威也不例外,许多害虫对其产生了不同程度的抗性。昆虫对茚虫威产生抗性的机制包括酯酶活性、谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(glutathione S-transferase,GST)和P450活性的增加以及分子靶标F1845Y、V1848I、L1014P的突变,这些对茚虫威抗性机制的研究基本都是基于抗性种群和敏感种群开展的,需要进一步验证其对抗性研究的贡献度。针对我国田间害虫种群对茚虫威的抗性现状,及时实施对茚虫威有效的抗性治理是迫切的。对于茚虫威的抗性治理除了传统的杀虫药剂轮用、混用外,需要利用其作用机制特点开展抗性治理策略研究。一是充分利用其活化代谢的特点,开展组合药剂的研究应用;二是菊酯类药剂和茚虫威的作用机制均与钠离子通道有关,...  相似文献   
水稻品种宁317对水稻条纹叶枯病的抗性特征及其遗传   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了明确水稻品种宁317对水稻条纹叶枯病的抗性特征及其抗性遗传模式,并寻找与抗条纹叶枯病基因连锁的分子标记。利用单分蘖鉴定、苗期接种鉴定、非嗜性测验和抗生性测验分析宁317对水稻条纹叶枯病和介体灰飞虱的抗性;并分别采用单分蘖鉴定和苗期接种鉴定方法对武育粳3号与宁317构建的F2群体、F2:3家系进行水稻条纹叶枯病抗性遗传分析;同时以SSR标记连锁分析方法对抗病基因进行定位。结果表明:宁317表现出较强的病毒抗性和较弱的抗虫性;其对水稻条纹叶枯病的抗性表现为显性单基因的遗传模式;SSR标记分析结果显示该抗病基因位于水稻第11染色体上,与标记RM287间的遗传距离为21.7cM。这表明宁317对水稻条纹叶枯病的抗性主要来自于对病毒的抗性,由1对主效核基因控制,以宁317为抗病亲本结合本研究结果,可望加快水稻条纹叶枯病抗性品种选育的速度。  相似文献   
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