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选择10头患铜缺乏症泌乳奶牛,每头牛内服硫酸铜4 g.d-1,每周1次,连续服用2周,测定补铜前后奶牛血浆Cu、SOD、BUN、Glu、TP、T-AOC、MDA含量。结果显示:试验奶牛补铜后,血浆BUN、TP、SOD水平略高于补铜前(P0.05),血浆Glu、Cu、T-AOC水平明显高于补铜前(P0.05或P0.01),血浆MDA水平显著低于补铜前(P0.01)。结论:补铜能有效的改善铜缺乏奶牛机体能量代谢和抗氧化能力。  相似文献   
热应激对奶山羊生产性能及瘤胃上皮细胞形态结构的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
马燕芬  杜瑞平  高民 《中国农业科学》2013,46(21):4486-4495
【目的】研究热应激对奶山羊生产性能及瘤胃上皮细胞形态结构的影响,为动物在炎热环境中能够维持正常生理机能以及探索促进动物抗热应激的方法提供理论基础和试验依据。【方法】本项目以泌乳中后期奶山羊为动物模型,采用逐渐加热的方式使奶山羊产生热应激,用温湿指数计算当连续1周早、中、晚THI>72时,动物模型建立;采用动物营养学方法,研究热应激对瘤胃内发酵指标、营养物质消化率、生产性能、瘤胃上皮细胞形态结构和超微结构的影响。【结果】①试验期间试验羊THI主要在72和87之间,处于轻度和高度热应激;②热应激极显著地提高了奶山羊直肠温度和呼吸频率(P<0.01),显著地降低了DM、CP、OM、NDF和ADF消化率(P<0.01),干物质采食量和奶产量(P<0.01),以及乳中乳蛋白和乳脂含量(P<0.05),但对乳糖含量影响不显著(P>0.05);③热应激显著降低了一天中各时间点的pH(P<0.05)、NH3-N浓度(P<0.05)、TVFA浓度(P<0.05);④与对照组相比,在热应激30 d时,发现瘤胃液呈稀粥状,酸臭味较浓,且奶山羊瘤胃黏膜乳头呈现大面积的坏死、脱落;当在热应激45 d时,黏膜乳头坏死、脱落情况更为严重;⑤在热应激30和45 d时,瘤胃背囊和腹囊绒毛长度和宽度分别要短于对照组(P <0.05),且随着热应激时间的延长,瘤胃背囊和腹囊的绒毛长度和宽度缩短的也越短(P<0.05)。【结论】①热应激通过显著提高奶山羊的直肠温度和呼吸频率,显著降低日粮各营养物质消化率、瘤胃液发酵参数等,进而显著降低日粮干物质采食量、乳品质及其生产性能;②热应激通过破坏瘤胃上皮组织结构,致使瘤胃黏膜绒毛大面积萎缩、脱落、甚至坏死,进而导致瘤胃黏膜屏障通透性增加。  相似文献   
我国当前处于社会转型期,经济结构正从增量扩能为主转向调整存量、做优增量并举的深度调整.基于文化经济学相关理论,以黑龙江省肇东市为例,利用经济学模型进行分析,进而提出对策建议.从宏观方面,运用态势分析(SWOT)等方法,阐释文化经济发生的动力与意义需求如何产生,并为文化与经济的交互作用奠定基础,研究社会转型时期如何科学传...  相似文献   
【目的】通过分析关中奶山羊αs1-酪蛋白(alpha-s1 casein, CSN1S1)基因组织表达谱及其生物信息学功能,初步探究CSN1S1基因在奶山羊乳成分合成中发挥的作用。【方法】以关中奶山羊为研究对象,利用PCR扩增并克隆CSNIS1-1和CSN1S1-2 2个突变形态,并利用ProtParam、NetPhos、SingalP 4.1 Server、NPS和Phyre2等多种生物信息软件和在线工具对CSN1S1基因及其突变形态的蛋白质结构、理化性质、磷酸化位点等进行分析,通过实时荧光定量PCR检测CSNIS1-1和CSN1S1-2在关中奶山羊肝脏、脾脏、乳腺、肾脏、子宫、输卵管6个组织中的相对表达量。【结果】关中奶山羊乳腺上皮细胞中存在CSN1S1-1和CSN1S1-2 2种突变形态。对测序结果比对显示,CSN1S1-1存在3个碱基的突变,CSN1S1-2不仅存在3个碱基的突变,还存在6个碱基的缺失。CSN1S1-1与CSN1S1蛋白相似性为99.07%,CSN1S1-2与CSN1S1蛋白相似性为97.20%。蛋白理化性质分析显示,CSN1S1-1中碱基的突变导致第31位亮氨...  相似文献   
【目的】评估建立奶牛疾病预测模型的6种机器学习(machine learning, ML)算法的性能及预测变量的重要性。【方法】选取2020年12月至2021年11月,共计944头泌乳牛的生产信息、行为信息作为预测因子,疾病信息作为输出变量,训练并验证模型。将日产奶量、反刍量、活动量、胎次和泌乳天数作为输入变量,利用ML算法建立奶牛疾病的预测模型,评估决策树(Decision Tree, DT) C5.0、CHAID算法、人工神经网络(Artificial Neural Network, ANN)、随机森林(Random Forests, RF)、贝叶斯网络(Bayesian Networks, BN)和逻辑回归(Logistic Regression, LR)6种ML算法的性能,评估预测变量的重要性,以及将胎次和泌乳天数纳入预测变量后模型性能的改善情况。采用敏感性和特异性评估模型性能,按照权重排序评估输入变量对模型预测的重要性。【结果】DT C5.0算法敏感性>85%,特异性>90%,为性能最佳的模型;RF总敏感性为56.8%,对各类牛预测的性能较稳定;ANN、BN、DT...  相似文献   
为探究附红细胞体在内蒙古呼和浩特市托克托县地区的流行情况,接诊呼和浩特托县地区某东佛里生奶绵羊养殖场病例,该场近一周多圈舍出现产奶羊只体温升高、精神沉郁、瘫软、食欲减退或废绝等症状,有出现症状1 ~ 2 d迅速死亡病例,也有使用抗生素硫酸庆大霉素-青霉素联用结合补液治疗1周无好转或死亡病例,死亡总数超8只,仍有10余只相似症状正在接受治疗。经现场剖检、圈舍环境调查、样品实验室检测,结合临床诊疗,确诊此次疫情为奶绵羊附红细胞体病,且周边羊养殖场(户)羊只也存在附红细胞体感染。说明附红细胞体在托克托县呈地方性流行。  相似文献   
奶牛围产期的饲养管理是规模化奶牛场生产环节中的重中之重,该项工作不仅影响奶牛泌乳量和生鲜乳品质,还直接决定新生犊牛的健康水平和奶牛的产后恢复情况.因此,各牧场需要加强奶牛围产期的饲养管理,让奶牛在分娩前后平稳过渡.本文从营养需要、分群、饲养和环境等方面介绍了奶牛围产前期和围产后期的管理需要,以期为围产期奶牛的科学饲养管...  相似文献   
In 4 dairy farms located in Baotou area, clinical medicine investigation and drug resistance of pathogenic bacteria were conducted, and then curative effects of different treatment methods were analyzed.Epidemic materials were collected from diary cows infected by endometritis, from which pathogenic bacteria were isolated using conventional microbiology technologies.Broth microdilution method was used to detect the sensitivity and resistance of pathogenic bacteria to antibiotics commonly used in clinic.On this basis, the sensitive drugs were used to treat mastitis or endometritis, the clinical curative effect of traditional treatment group was compared with that of therapeutic test group.The result of traditional treatment group showed 13 antibiotics were used to treat 160 cases of endometritis, florfenicol was most effective, penicillin was most ineffective.The results of therapeutic test group showed that Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Streptococcus were the main pathogenic bacteria of endometritis, which were sensitive to gentamicin and cefalotin, etc.The results of statistical analysis showed that the curative effect of therapeutic test group was extremely significantly different from that of traditional treatment group(P<0.01).Sensitive drugs screened by drug sensitive test could be used to target therapy, and obtain satisfied curative effect.Moreover, this approach could avoid antibiotic abuse.  相似文献   
To develop the potential function of dairy cow mammary stem cells (DCMECs) in regulation of lactation,we identify putative DCMECs which were BrdU label retaining epithelial cells,at the same time,analysis the location of two new mammary stem cells molecular marks FNDC3B and PROCR to verify the feasibility of them to indicate DCMECs.The mRNA levels of prolactin,growth hormone,insulin-like growth factor-1 and their receptors were detected along with cell passage by Real-time quantitative PCR.The results showed that the proportion of BrdU label-retaining epithelial cells was nearly 0.4% after 25 d continuous culture (passaged 4 times) and few cells were positive for FNDC3B or PROCR.Moreover,we observed the BrdU labelled epithelial cells by asymmetric division.The mRNA levels of prolactin,growth hormone,insulin-like growth factor-Ⅰ and their receptors in primary and passage cells were extremely significant difference(P<0.01).DCMECs would rapidly lose some physiological characteristics and the ability of milk synthesis when not under the condition of induction of lactation differentiation,but a certain percentage of mammary stem/progenitor cells will be retained,whose potential effects on the regulation of lactation and mammary acinar remodeling were worthy of attention.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate whether feeding selenium (Se)-replete cows a Se-yeast supplement in late pregnancy affects nutrient metabolism and inflammatory response during the periparturient period. Twenty cows were randomly assigned to two groups with 10 cows each. Cows in one group received Se-yeast at 0.3 mg Se/kg DM during the last 4 weeks before calving in addition to fed a TMR containing supplemented sodium selenite at 0.3 mg Se/kg DM (Se-yeast), while cows in another group were only fed a TMR containing supplemented sodium selenite at 0.3 mg Se/kg DM (Control). Blood samples were collected and analyzed for nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), glucose, insulin, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, serum amyloid A (SAA), haptoglobin (Hp), and albumin. In control cows, plasma NEFA, IL-1β, IL-6, SAA, and Hp levels increased after calving, but glucose, insulin, and albumin levels decreased after parturition. Se-yeast supplemental cows had lower postpartum concentrations of NEFA, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, SAA, and Hp, and higher postpartum levels of glucose, insulin, and albumin compared with control cows. The results indicate that feeding Se-replete cows a Se-yeast supplement in late pregnancy improves nutrient metabolism and attenuates the inflammatory response after calving.  相似文献   
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