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Since varietal differences in allelopathy of crops against weeds were discovered in the 1970s, much research has documented the potential that allelopathic crops offer for integrated weed management with substantially reduced herbicide rates. Research groups worldwide have identified several crop species possessing potent allelopathic interference mediated by root exudation of allelochemicals. Rice, wheat, barley and sorghum have attracted most attention. Past research focused on germplasm screening for elite allelopathic cultivars and the identification of the allelochemicals involved. Based on this, traditional breeding efforts were initiated in rice and wheat to breed agronomically acceptable, weed-suppressive cultivars with improved allelopathic interference. Promising suppressive crosses are under investigation. Molecular approaches have elucidated the genetics of allelopathy by QTL mapping which associated the trait in rice and wheat with several chromosomes and suggested the involvement of several allelochemicals. Potentially important compounds that are constitutively secreted from roots have been identified in all crop species under investigation. Biosynthesis and exudation of these metabolites follow a distinct temporal pattern and can be induced by biotic and abiotic factors. The current state of knowledge suggests that allelopathy involves fluctuating mixtures of allelochemicals and their metabolites as regulated by genotype and developmental stage of the producing plant, environment, cultivation and signalling effects, as well as the chemical or microbial turnover of compounds in the rhizosphere. Functional genomics is being applied to identify genes involved in biosynthesis of several identified allelochemicals, providing the potential to improve allelopathy by molecular breeding. The dynamics of crop allelopathy, inducible processes and plant signalling is gaining growing attention; however, future research should also consider allelochemical release mechanisms, persistence, selectivity and modes of action, as well as consequences of improved crop allelopathy on plant physiology, the environment and management strategies. Creation of weed-suppressive cultivars with improved allelopathic interference is still a challenge, but traditional breeding or biotechnology should pave the way.  相似文献   
黄土高原退耕还林措施对深层土壤含水率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
深层土壤水分分布状况对于黄土高原植被恢复和农业可持续发展意义重大。对陕北黄土区不同退耕还林措施(1979年种植的侧柏林、油松林和苹果林)及农地(对照)20 m深土壤剖面的土壤水分、根系分布状况及土壤粘粒含量进行了取样分析。结果表明:退耕还林措施显著降低了土壤含水率,总体表现为农地(11.30%)苹果林(6.66%)≈油松林(6.48%)≈侧柏林(5.92%)。深层土壤含水率同时受植物根系和土壤质地的影响,植物根系是影响4~10 m土壤含水率的主要因素,根系通过吸水作用降低了土壤含水率,但随着深度的增加,根系对土壤含水率的影响逐渐减弱,土壤质地对土壤含水率的影响逐渐增强,土壤含水率与土壤粘粒含量之间呈正相关关系。侧柏人工林根系影响土壤水分深度可达18 m,油松林的影响深度为16 m,35 a树龄的苹果林耗水深度为19 m左右。  相似文献   
以大田玉米为研究对象,在少耕地膜覆盖和不同灌水水平下,研究了一膜两年用地膜覆盖、秋免耕春覆膜和传统耕作覆膜对玉米农田土壤温度和水分利用效率(WUE)的影响。结果表明:与传统耕作覆膜和秋免耕春覆膜两种新膜覆盖处理相比,一膜两年用处理在玉米播种到拔节期的增温效果显著低于新膜覆盖,农田0~25 cm土壤平均温度较传统覆膜处理低13.35%,而对玉米拔节期到成熟期的土壤温度无明显影响,且农田0~25 cm土层土壤积温差异也不显著,相同覆膜方式下不同灌水水平间有显著差异,随着灌水水平的降低土壤积温增加;一膜两年用地膜覆盖方式下玉米籽粒产量和WUE与两种新膜覆盖方式相当,中灌水水平下WUE最高,达到17.89kg·mm-1,且在低灌水水平下获得籽粒产量显著高于传统覆膜处理,一膜两年用覆盖、灌溉定额5 700 m3·hm-2较传统耕作覆膜、灌水定额5 700 m3hm-2处理的玉米产量高出16.39%。说明,一膜两年用地膜覆盖在玉米播种到拔节期的增温效应低于新膜覆盖,但并不影响籽粒产量的形成,且在存在水分胁迫的低灌水水平下一膜两年用覆盖模式可减缓干旱胁迫,提高作物籽粒产量,是适于西北绿洲灌区的具有较好经济效益和生态效益的覆膜农田管理新技术。  相似文献   
灌溉方法对温室栽培番茄产量及水分利用效率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用温室小区栽培试验的方法,研究滴灌、渗灌、沟灌三种灌溉方法对番茄养分吸收、产量及水分利用效率的影响;结果表明,温室番茄栽培采用渗灌灌溉,在其它条件相同的情况下,1 m3灌溉用水生产出的番茄数量是沟灌的1.9倍、滴灌的1.2倍,滴灌则是沟灌的1.6倍;在番茄生长的整个生育期内,滴灌土壤水吸力平均值最大为24.20 k Pa,渗灌次之为23.11 k Pa,沟灌最小为22.01 k Pa;土壤温度表现出一定差异,但差异相对较小。沟灌处理番茄果实氮素含量高于滴灌和渗灌,而滴灌能够促进番茄的营养器官对氮素的吸收。渗灌和滴灌能有效地调控耕层土壤水分,有利于土壤养分供应,具有明显的节水、增产效果,是理想的设施番茄栽培灌溉模式。  相似文献   
海河流域控制性河流生态环境需水量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中基于水量、水热、水沙和水盐平衡理论和河流生态功能性划分理念,构建考虑了河流基本生态、自净、输沙和生态景观等功能的河流系统生态环境需水量理论体系。以境内河流监测站水文数据为基础,研究海河流域控制性河流的生态环境需水量,结果表明:该区域地表水资源量尚不能满足河流自净水量,河流生态修复年需水量86.65×108m3/a,城市景观河流生态环境年需水9.0×108m3/a,采取节水措施,减少污染物排放,加强雨水、洪水等非常规水资源开发和调配有望改善现状。  相似文献   
Liebman  & Davis 《Weed Research》2000,40(1):27-47
Greater adoption and refinement of low-external-input (LEI) farming systems have been proposed as ways to ameliorate economic, environmental and health problems associated with conventional farming systems. Organic soil amendments and crop diversification are basic components of LEI systems. Weed scientists can improve the use of these practices for weed management by improving knowledge of four relevant ecological mechanisms. First, multispecies crop rotations, intercrops and cover crops may reduce opportunities for weed growth and regeneration through resource competition and niche disruption. Secondly, weed species appear to be more susceptible to phytotoxic effects of crop residues and other organic soil amendments than crop species, possibly because of differences in seed mass. Thirdly, delayed patterns of N availability in LEI systems may favour large-seeded crops over small-seeded weeds. Finally, additions of organic materials can change the incidence and severity of soil-borne diseases affecting weeds and crops. Our research on LEI sweetcorn and potato production systems in central and northern Maine (USA) suggests that these mechanisms can reduce weed density and growth while maintaining crop yields. Low-external-input farming systems will advance most quickly through the application of interdisciplinary research focused on these and other ecological mechanisms.  相似文献   
半干旱黄土丘陵区小流域横断面土壤水分生态特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在半干旱地区甘肃榆中北部中连川流域取一横断面,根据地形部位与利用条件布设11个测点,用土钻法监测土壤水分剖面分布与动态,测深到5m。各立地条件年内4月到12月土壤水分动态趋势多样。流域横断面的土壤湿度均较低,2~5m平均值一般都小于10%,其中以坡地苜蓿与半阳坡柠条林地最干燥。该地区土壤干燥化层是普遍存在的,不仅存在于人工植被,也存在于天然植被。径流富集叠加可显著改善土壤水分状况,隔坡水平梯田是其重要途径。退耕还草中要考虑各类草地的比例、苜蓿种植的适宜规模及其持续性问题。  相似文献   
2014年浑善达克沙地黄柳生长季水分来源同位素示踪研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄柳是我国内蒙古东部和辽宁西部沙丘上广泛分布的多年生灌木,是极佳的固沙树种.通过利用氢同位素示踪方法,测定了2014年浑善达克沙地黄柳生长季茎干水与潜在水源(降水、土壤水、地下水)氢同位素比率δD值,并利用多源线性混合模型IsoSource,计算了黄柳对各潜在水源的利用比例.结果表明:在5月黄柳80%以上利用120 ~ 160 cm土壤水和地下水;6月主要吸收0~40 cm土壤水;7月主要吸收120~160 cm土壤水;8月以地下水为主要水源,利用率为82%.这表明生长在不同季节的黄柳对于各潜在水源的利用有特定的适应结果,同时也说明荒漠灌木可以通过自身的调节朝着最优的方向发展,实现最大限度的水分利用.  相似文献   
联苯菊酯10%水乳剂的配方研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究通过正交优化得到联苯菊酯10%水乳剂的最佳配方:联苯菊酯原药10%,二甲苯20%,农乳602#3.5%,Tween-20 2.5%,农乳500#2%,乙二醇4%,有机硅消泡剂0.2%,去离子水补足至100%。最佳生产工艺为:使用高速剪切机,剪切转速6 000r/min,剪切时间4min。该水乳剂pH值5.7~6.5,稀释100倍于(30±2)℃恒温水浴24h未出现浮油、沉油、沉淀,经(54±2)℃热贮14d,分解率〈2%,制剂表面张力低,倾倒性佳。  相似文献   
通过田间试验研究了播前灌水营造底墒差异对压砂地土壤水分动态变化、西瓜耗水规律、西瓜产量和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:播前灌水造墒处理不同程度提高了1 m土层土壤水分含量,但灌水定额过大(70 m3·667m-2和55 m3·667m-2)会引起水分深层渗漏;西瓜生育前期耗水量随着播前灌水量降低而降低;西瓜需水高峰期,当1 m土层底墒在222~270 mm范围内,耗水量随1 m土层底墒增加而降低;底墒差异还会影响收获期1 m土层土壤水分含量;综合西瓜产量和水分利用效率,在试验区域内,当西瓜生育期降雨量在85 mm左右,1 m土层土壤储水量在250 mm就可保证西瓜正常生长。另外,压砂地夏季休闲措施提高了土壤水分含量,1 m土层土壤储水量增加了2.7 mm,为下一季作物提供了良好的土壤水分条件。  相似文献   
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