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提出了一种新型的林区汽车辅助制动系统——液体粘性辅助制动系统,详细介绍了其制动原理,通过建立数学模型对其制动性能进行分析,并给出了在两种典型的林区路况下该辅助制动系统作用时车辆系统动态响应的计算机仿真结果.  相似文献   
杉木形态结构可视化模拟调查方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
树木可视化模拟首先是树木形态结构的模拟,对树木形态结构的准确了解对于提高模拟精度至关重要。杉木是我国特有的重要用材树种,从杉木可视化模拟的角度出发,针对杉木的形态结构建模所需的参数,从杉木的整体信息和分枝信息两个方面设计了杉木形态结构调查因子,并提出了相应的调查方法。对所调查的杉木数据进行了统计分析,得出了杉木的结构特征:杉木一级枝仰角主要分布在60~°90°内,方位角基本属于均匀分布,二级枝分布在水平方向上;随着枝下距的增加,枝长减少;枝长越长,子枝个数越多。  相似文献   
对杜仲、农作物、蔬菜(简称“杜农蔬”)立体栽培作了研究,提出了平原农区适宜的立体栽培模式及与此配套的良种壮苗和栽培技术措施,并分析了立体栽培模式对小气候的影响。  相似文献   
Restoring altered forest landscapes toward their ranges of natural variability (RNV) may enhance ecosystem sustainability and resiliency, but such efforts can be hampered by complex land ownership and management patterns. We evaluated restoration potential for southern-boreal forests in the ∼2.1 million ha Border Lakes Region of northern Minnesota (U.S.A.) and Ontario (Canada), where spatially distinct timber harvest and fire suppression histories have differentially altered forest conditions (composition, age–class distribution, and landscape structure) among major management areas, effectively resulting in forest landscape “bifurcation.” We used a forest landscape simulation model to evaluate potential for four hypothetical management and two natural disturbance scenarios to restore forest conditions and reduce bifurcation, including: (1) a current management scenario that simulated timber harvest and fire suppression practices among major landowners; (2) three restoration scenarios that simulated combinations of wildland fire use and cross-boundary timber harvest designed to emulate natural disturbance patterns; (3) a historical natural disturbance scenario that simulated pre-EuroAmerican settlement fire regimes and windthrow; and (4) a contemporary fire regime that simulated fire suppression, but no timber harvest. Forest composition and landscape structure for a 200-year model period were compared among scenarios, among major land management regions within scenarios, and to six RNV benchmarks. The current management scenario met only one RNV benchmark and did not move forest composition, age–class distribution, or landscape structures toward the RNV, and it increased forest landscape bifurcation between primarily timber-managed and wilderness areas. The historical natural disturbance scenario met five RNV benchmarks and the restoration scenarios as many as five, by generally restoring forest composition, age–class distributions, and landscape structures, and reducing bifurcation of forest conditions. The contemporary natural disturbance scenario met only one benchmark and generally created a forest landscape dominated by large patches of late-successional, fire-prone forests. Some forest types (e.g., white and red pine) declined in all scenarios, despite simulated restoration strategies. It may not be possible to achieve all objectives under a single management scenario, and complications, such as fire-risk, may limit strategies. However, our model suggests that timber harvest and fire regimes that emulate natural disturbance patterns can move forest landscapes toward the RNV.  相似文献   
罗光裕 《林业研究》1994,5(1):41-44
RESEARCHSITELivingfue1splayedanimportantroleinheatconcentrationactionorinheatsourceofforestfire.Whenitshumiditydecreasestoacertainlevel,theybecameaheatsourcewhenthelivingcombustibl-eswerecombinedwithfire.Thus,itwasessentialhowtodeterminethemoisturesituationandthefOrestfiredangerdegreetobeforecastedaccurately.Thedynamicmodelspresentedinthispaperwereusefultosolvethisproblem.Everyyear,-therewerealotofforestfires,especiallythefireoccurrenceinDaxinganMountains,inthespringofl987.Itwasveryimpo…  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to test harvester group-guiding methods by comparing how the total log output distribution of independent harvesters differs from the total log output distribution of group-guided harvesters. In this simulation study four harvesters worked in their own stands in the same region for an identical target, given by a sawmill. Group-guiding was done by utilizing other harvesters’ bucking outcomes to fulfil the target log distribution better. Harvesters were combined to form a group in an adapting phase where a new price list was formed. For group-guiding, four different price list adapting methods were developed. There were five different simulations: four with adaptation and one reference simulation without adaptation. Apportionment degree and log/pulpwood proportions were calculated to compare the difference between the methods and reference simulation. With group-guiding, by adapting the price list harvesters reached the target distribution better than working independently. The best group-guiding method fulfilled the target distribution almost 9% better than independently working harvesters. However, the pulpwood proportion increased as a result of using the group-guided method.  相似文献   
Based on the result of NiMH battery performance experiments, changing trend of maximal temperature and difference in temperature of HEV NiMH battery in different SOC and different charging current is analyzed. Considering the working situation of HEV NiMH battery and the theory of battery quick charging, a control strategy for NiMH battery quick charging is described which adapts to HEV regenerative braking system based on Mascc law. By Modeling and simulating the process of NiMH battery quick charging with this strategy, constant voltage charge method and constant current charge method, validates this control strategy.  相似文献   
The Exploitation of Crop Allelopathy in Sustainable Agricultural Production   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Crop allelopathy may be useful to minimize serious problems in the present agricultural production such as environmental pollution, unsafe products, human health concerns, depletion of crop diversity, soil sickness and reduction of crop productivity. Several crops including alfalfa, buckwheat, maize, rice, rye, sorghum, sunflower, wheat, etc. are affected either by their own toxicity or phytotoxin exudates when their residues decompose in the soil, that show strong suppression on weed emergences. Allelopathic crops when used as cover crop, mulch, smother crops, green manures, or grown in rotational sequences are helpful in reducing noxious weeds and plant pathogen, improve soil quality and crop yield. Those crop plants, particularly the legumes, incorporated at 1–2 tons ha−1 (alfalfa, buckwheat, rice by-products), which can give weed reduction and increase of rice yield by 70 and 20 %, respectively, are suggested for use as natural herbicides. Allelochemicals from allelopathic crops may aid in the development of biological herbicides and pesticides. Cultivating a system with allelopathic crops plays an important role in the establishment of sustainable agriculture. The introduction of allelopathic traits from accessions with strong allelopathic potential to the target crops will enhance the efficacy of crop allelopathy in future agricultural production.  相似文献   
Zn deficiency is one of the leading health problems in children and women of developing countries. Different interventions could be used to overcome malnutrition, but biofortification is most impactful, convenient, sustainable and acceptable intervention. Maize is one of the major crops grown and consumed in the regions with prevalent Zn malnutrition; therefore, this is suitable target for Zn biofortification. Zn biofortification of maize could be achieved through agronomic and genetic approaches. Discussion of agronomic approaches with genetic approaches is prerequisite because soils in developing countries are deficit of Zn and availability of Zn in soils is mandatory for estimating the genetic responses of maize genotypes through genetic approaches. Seed priming, foliar and soil applications are agronomic tools for biofortification, but solo and combined applications of these treatments have different effects on Zn enrichment. Genetic approaches include the increase of Zn bioavailability or increase of kernel Zn concentration. Zn bioavailability could be increased by reducing the anti‐nutritional factors or by increasing the bioavailability enhancers. Kernel Zn concentration could be improved through hybridization and selections, whereas genetically engineered attempts for improving Zn uptake from soil, loading in xylem, remobilization in grains and sequestration in endosperm can further improve the kernel Zn concentration. Key challenges associated with dissemination of Zn biofortified maize are also under discussion in this draft. Current review emphasized all of above‐mentioned contents to provide roadmap for the development of Zn biofortified maize genotypes to curb the global Zn malnutrition.  相似文献   
棉花生产管理系统研究进展及应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
介绍了棉花生产管理系统研究概况,包括棉花生产模拟模型、专家系统和生产管理系统。在此基础上总结出棉花生产管理系统研究的发展趋势,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   
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