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在未治理塌陷地水域,设置生态养鳙网箱52箱。使用生态养殖技术(不投饵),利用微生物制剂及人工诱导饵料生物技术,在25m~2网箱内放养鱼种300尾,其中鳙规格为165g/尾。经过137天的养殖,网箱平均单产19.72kg/m~2,其中鳙单产14.97kg/m~2,折合每667m~2产鳙9985kg。网箱平均产值达138.06元/m~2,净收入为99.66元/m~2,投入产出比为 1∶3.59。  相似文献   
披露从1550年至2008年7次冻雨的发生,根据现有统计信息,分析二次灾害间隔期,有较大缩短趋势。根据1982年灾害调查,由于样地少,探索影响林木受害率的因子分析比较困难。但灾后详细调查有重大现实意义与理论价值。  相似文献   
虎杖规范化种植操作规程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该规程明确规定了宁化虎杖产地环境、种子和种根标准、育苗技术、栽培技术措施、病虫害防治、采收加工、虎杖根干品的农药、重金属残留标准、有效成分含量标准以及包装、贮运方法等.以便科学种植虎杖,指导福建虎杖人工规模化种植.  相似文献   
农作物品种区域试验重复次数和试点数量的合理配置有利于提高试验的成本效率和品种选择效率。本研究分析了2010—2019年期间北部冬麦区小麦品种区域试验的重复次数和试点数量设置的合理性,依据小麦品种试验的信噪比和遗传力水平随重复次数和试点数量的变化规律,提出了重复次数和试点数量的优化设计方案。结果表明:(1)北部冬麦区小麦单点试验的遗传力平均达到0.87,需要的重复次数平均值仅为1.4,说明3次重复可以充分保证试验精确度的需求。(2)北部冬麦区水地组和旱地组小麦区域试验达到0.75的遗传力水平时,需要的试点数量分别为11个和13个,目前有效试点数量分别约为11个和8个,分别达到0.75和0.60的遗传力水平。(3)小麦品种区域试验结果对品种的审定和应用十分重要,而每年都可能有少数试验点因为各种异常情况而报废,为保证试验结果的可靠性,可按H=0.75的水平需求安排试验点数量和重复次数,即重复次数可保持当前的3次;水地组的试点数量可保持在11个左右;旱地组可将试点增加到13个;如要将遗传力提高到0.80的水平,则需约16个试点。  相似文献   
Phlorotannins play a role in biological functions to protect the cells against UV and oxidative damage in brown algae. We hypothesized that these compounds can function as photo-protectors and antioxidants in skin care formulations. Two types of extracts (water (FV-WE) and 67% v/v ethanol (FV-EE)) from Fucus vesiculosus were obtained with a phlorotannin content between 7−14% in dry extract. Exposure to sun light during growth was included as a factor on the phlorotannin content but did not influence the phlorotannin content. However, green colored F. vesiculosus had lower total phenolic content (TPC) (FV-WE = 6.9 g GAE 100 g−1 dw, FV-EE = 7.8 g GAE 100 g−1 dw) compared to those with a yellow/brownish color (FV-WE = 10.4–13.7 g GAE 100 g−1 dw, FV-EE = 11.2–14.0 g GAE 100 g−1 dw). UVA and UVB photo protective capabilities of the extracts through different biological effective protection factors (BEPFs) were evaluated using in vitro methods; the Mansur method for sun protection factor (SPF) and calculation of effective solar absorption radiation (%ESAR) to determine SPF and UVA protection factor (UVA-PF) of the extract and in seaweed enriched lotion. The SPF was negligible, when evaluating FV-WE in lotion (10 and 20% w/w). Moreover, %ESAR of the FV-WE showed SPF and some UVA-PF, but not enough to give sufficient SPF in lotions (10% w/w). It was concluded that the concentration of UV protecting compounds in the extracts was too low to and that further fractionation and purification of phlorotannins is needed to increase the SPF.  相似文献   
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in blood is measured using the Japanese Society of Clinical Chemistry (JSCC) method in Japan and the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) method in other countries. In human clinical practice, the IFCC method replaced the JSCC method due to international standardization. Moreover, veterinary LDH measurement will also eventually shift to the IFCC method. However, the relationship between the IFCC and JSCC methods for LDH in various animals and whether they can be equated or not have not yet been investigated. This study aimed to present the changes in measurements in canines and felines after switching to the IFCC method. The plasma LDH activity of canines (N=177) and felines (N=115), who visited a secondary care veterinary clinic, was measured using the JSCC and IFCC methods. The IFCC/JSCC ratio was <1.0 in 85% of canines and 88% of felines, indicating that the IFCC method tended to show lower values than the JSCC method, presumably because LDH5 is dominant among the LDH isozymes in canines and felines. The increase in the systematic errors of both assays was in the high value range, with some samples exceeding the error tolerance from near the upper end of the reference range. When switching to the IFCC method for LDH measurement in canines and felines, each institution should consider whether the reference range and clinical diagnostic values established by the JSCC method are appropriate for continued use.  相似文献   
Recent requirements of the pesticide industry have become much severer, and pesticides (formulated products) are required to satisfy higher safety to both human beings and the environment, higher biological efficacy, lower price, and labor-saving. This review explains the outline of basic pesticide formulation technology, followed by recent advances in developing new formulations and application technologies. Labor-saving formulations and application technologies, environmental load reduction technologies, and user-friendly formulations and application technologies are elucidated.  相似文献   
【目的】研究暗期前短暂远红光处理对南瓜幼苗生长形态、组织细胞形态和相关激素水平的影响,为远红光在农业上的应用提供理论依据。【方法】以南瓜品种‘日本雪松’为试验材料,分别在暗期前给予2(T1)、4(T2)、6(T3)、8(T4)、10(T5)和12(T6)mmol·m-2·d-1的远红光处理,以无远红光处理为对照(CK),测定植株生长形态下胚轴细胞形态以及生长素(IAA)、玉米素(ZT)、赤霉素(GA3)与油菜素内酯(BR)含量。【结果】在暗期短时外施远红光能显著提高南瓜幼苗下胚轴长度和株高,对植株茎粗,地上、地下部干/鲜重无显著影响;2、4、6、8、10和12 mmol·m-2·d-1远红光处理的下胚轴薄壁细胞轴向长度分别比CK显著增加34.6%、20.7%、31.3%、25.6%、32.8%和20.9%;下胚轴厚角组织厚度分别比CK显著增加19.6%、22.4%、21.2%、23.9%、19.6%和28%;经暗期前远红光处理后,南瓜幼苗根中生长素(IAA)含量,下胚轴中生长素(IAA)、赤霉素(GA3)、玉米素(ZT)含量,子叶中生长素(I...  相似文献   
[目的]龟纹瓢虫捕食蚜虫、粉虱、木虱等多种害虫,是农林业重要天敌昆虫.掌握龟纹瓢虫雌雄内生殖系统结构及卵细胞生成过程,为龟纹瓢虫人工繁育提供理论依据.[方法]采用组织石蜡切片技术和内部解剖,在光学显微镜下观察龟纹瓢虫雌雄成虫内生殖器及卵子发生过程.[结果]龟纹瓢虫雄性内生殖系统包括1对精巢、1对雄性附腺、1对输精管、贮...  相似文献   
跌水是一种较为常见的渠系建筑物,当水流经过跌水口时必然产生缓流向急流的过渡。在梯形渠道上通过2种不同的连接渐变段(扭面与隔墙)以及不同的堰厚和缺口宽度组合,进行了系统的跌水口量水试验,应用量纲分析法建立了2种连接渐变段在不同堰厚下的流量公式,得出流量计算的平均相对误差最大值为3.002%。  相似文献   
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