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Nitrogen (N) deposition can affect grassland ecosystems by altering biomass production, plant species composition and abundance. Therefore, a better understanding of the response of dominant plant species to N input is a prerequisite for accurate prediction of future changes and interactions within plant communities. We evaluated the response of seven dominant plant species on the Tibetan Plateau to N input at two levels: individual species and plant functional group. This was achieved by assessing leaf N : P stoichiometry, leaf δ15N and biomass production for the plant functional groups. Seven dominant plant species—three legumes, two forbs, one grass, one sedge—were analyzed for N, P, and δ15N 2 years after fertilization with one of the three N forms: NO$ _3^- $ , NH$ _4^+ $ , or NH4NO3 at four application rates (0, 7.5, 30, and 150 kg N ha–1 y–1). On the basis of biomass production and leaf N : P ratios, we concluded that grasses were limited by available N or co‐limited by available P. Unlike for grasses, leaf N : P and biomass production were not suitable indicators of N limitation for legumes and forbs in alpine meadows. The poor performance of legumes under high N fertilization was mainly due to strong competition with grasses. The total above‐ground biomass was not increased by N fertilization. However, species composition shifted to more productive grasses. A significant negative correlation between leaf N : P and leaf δ15N indicated that the two forbs Gentiana straminea and Saussurea superba switched from N deficiency to P limitation (e.g., N excess) due to N fertilization. These findings imply that alpine meadows will be more dominated by grasses under increased atmospheric N deposition.  相似文献   
Phosphorus (P) is a major plant nutrient, however, its availability in volcanic ash soils is presumed to be small, due to its specific sorption on short‐range order minerals. We analyzed distinct P fractions in volcanic ash soils of different age (60 to > 100,000 y BP) under pine forests in Central Mexico to investigate their changes along a chronosequence of Regosols, Andosols, and Lixisols, and to evaluate if P availability limits tree growth at any particular stage. Top soil and subsoil samples were first analyzed by the Tiessen and Moir method, which failed to extract exhaustively “organic” and “occluded P”, and “P associated with apatite”. Therefore, we modified the fractionation scheme by including a “recalcitrant organic P” fraction obtained from the difference between P determined in air‐dried subsamples and subsamples burned at 300°C; P adsorbed to short‐range order minerals was assessed in an extraction with NH4‐oxalate, and P in primary minerals by subtracting the sum of all other fractions from total P contents determined by XRF. This we did after discovering that primary P occurred in the form of fluorapatite included in plagioclase, volcanic glass or olivine. We also measured P contents in pine needles and related these with the “mobile soil P” fractions. The results show that “organic P” reaches maximum contents in 10,000‐y old soil, as does P associated with short‐range order minerals, while P occluded into crystalline oxides increases constantly over time. After 100,000 y, 31% of total P still remains in the form of primary P in A horizons. “Mobile P” was constant > 40 mg kg?1 in Regosols and Andosols and related positively with foliar P contents, which were within adequate nutritional ranges. Only in Lixisols small “mobile P” concentrations in soil correspond with inadequate P contents in pine needles.  相似文献   
为了寻求一种安全有效的方法防治由意大利青霉(Penicillium italicum)引起的柑橘青霉病,该研究分析了碳酸铵抑制意大利青霉生长的可能作用机制及对脐橙、皇帝柑、沃柑3种不同类型柑橘贮藏品质的影响。结果表明,碳酸铵能抑制意大利青霉孢子萌发和菌丝生长,且呈现剂量依赖效应,在质量浓度分别为0.4和0.8 g/L时可完全抑制孢子萌发和菌丝生长。结构观察表明,碳酸铵引起菌丝生长节点稀疏和分支减少;超微结构观察发现菌丝严重皱缩,菌丝线粒体结构异常。生理生化分析表明,碳酸铵处理引起线粒体的钠/钾离子ATP酶(Na+/ K+-ATPase)、钙离子ATP酶(Ca2+-ATPase)和镁离子ATP酶(Mg2+-ATPase)活性下降,导致还原型谷胱甘肽(Reduced Glutathione,GSH)含量及谷胱甘肽还原酶(Glutathione Reductase,GR)活性降低,活性氧清除体系超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide Dismutase,SOD)、过氧化氢酶(Catalase,CAT)、过氧化物酶(Peroxidase,POD)活性紊乱,促进H2O2积累。添加活性氧清除剂半胱氨酸(Cysteine,Cys)能部分恢复碳酸铵处理的病菌孢子萌发。活体接种表明,16 g/L碳酸铵处理显著减小了柑橘果实接种意大利青霉的病斑直径(P<0.05),减轻果实发病。碳酸铵处理能降低3种类型柑橘果实自然发病率,且对果实失重率、色泽、可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、维生素C、还原糖含量无不良影响。结果表明,碳酸铵通过损伤意大利青霉菌丝线粒体结构和功能,促进活性氧积累来发挥抗真菌活性,可以作为杀菌剂的绿色有效替代品,研究结果可为碳酸铵防治柑橘果实采后腐烂提供参考。  相似文献   

An ammonia electrode was evaluated as a means of determining ammonium concentration in semi‐micro Kjeldahl digests of plant samples. Results of the ammonia electrode determination agreed closely with distillation and titration results. Advantages of the electrode method include speed, precision, increased safety, simplicity and the fact that only a small aliquot of the digest is used.  相似文献   

Cavity spot incidence on sixteen samples of carrots from four fields was found to be correlated with soil ammonium (r = + .78***) and pH (r = ‐ .63**). The calcium concentration in the carrots related to soil ammonium (r = ‐ .65**), but not to cavity spot incidence. Soil nitrate and ammonium were positively associated with each other (r = + .63**), and their ratio (NH4/NO3) was very highly correlated with exchangeable manganese (r = + .93***) suggesting that anaerobicity was present.  相似文献   
To evaluate whether the capacity of interlayer sites affects the dynamics of fixed ammonium (NH4+) in a paddy soil, a combination of potassium (K)–saturation treatment and stepwise extraction of nonexchangeable K with 0.01 mol L?1 hydrochloric acid was applied to a soil incubated anaerobically up to 70 days. The capacity of interlayer sites increased with an increase of weakly fixed NH4+ during the initial 28 days (r = 0.78, P < 0.01), and remained stable thereafter. On the other hand, the concentration of exchangeable NH4+ increased curvilinearly during the whole incubation period, which was correlated with an increase of weakly fixed NH4+ (r = 0.85, P < 0.01). These results suggested that the dynamics of weakly fixed NH4+ in a paddy soil is regulated not only by the chemical equilibrium between exchangeable and weakly fixed NH4+ but also by the capacity of interlayer sites within a few weeks after flooding.  相似文献   
三种不同聚合度组成的聚磷酸铵对玉米苗期生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
【目的】了解不同聚合度组成的聚磷酸铵(APP)作种肥对玉米苗期生长的影响。【方法】以磷酸一铵(简称MAP)作对照,比较了3种APP [(简称APP1,低中聚成分为主)、APP2 (中高聚成分为主)、APP3 (低中高聚成分均匀分布)]及APP与MAP配施(APP∶MAP=1∶1,P_2O_5质量比)在砖红壤上作玉米种肥的效果。试验设置了CK (不施磷肥)、MAP、APP1、APP2、APP3、APP1∶MAP、APP2∶MAP和APP3∶MAP共8个处理。播种40 d后,收取玉米苗期植株,采集土壤样品,分别测定玉米植株株高、茎粗、地上和地下部干重、土壤全磷及有效磷含量、植株磷吸收量和磷利用率等指标。【结果】不同聚合度组成APP对玉米苗期生长具有显著影响。单独施用APP时,以APP3的肥效最好,MAP和APP1居中,APP2最差。APP3可以稳定供磷,玉米株高、干重、磷吸收量均最高,表明聚合度组成均匀分布的APP作种肥效果最佳。与单独施用APP相比,APP配施MAP后,显著提高玉米生物产量和磷吸收量,其中以APP3配施MAP效果最好,与MAP相比,APP3∶MAP处理的干物质量和磷利用率分别提高了21.3%、81.6%。【结论】APP作为种肥施用时,聚合度组成会显著影响肥效,以聚合度组成分布均匀的APP效果最佳。此外,配施MAP对中高聚APP的肥效有显著的促进作用。  相似文献   
设施土壤有机氮组分及番茄产量对水氮调控的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】酸解铵态氮和酸解氨基酸氮是土壤有机氮的主要组分,可表征土壤的供氮能力,并在氮素矿化、固定、迁移以及为植物生长供氮过程中起到至关重要的作用。研究水、氮调控下设施土壤有机氮组分和番茄产量的相互关系,为评价设施土壤肥力变化和制定科学合理的水、氮管理措施提供科学依据。【方法】田间定位试验在沈阳农业大学的温室内进行了5年,供试作物为番茄,栽培垄上覆盖薄膜,打孔移栽番茄幼苗,膜下滴灌。定位试验三个氮肥处理为施N75、300、525kg/hm^2,记为N1、N2和N3;三个灌水量为25、35和45kPa灌水下限(灌水始点土壤水吸力),记为W1、W2和W3,共9个肥水处理组合。在试验第五年番茄生长期(2016年4—8月)调查了番茄产量及其构成,在休闲期(2016年9月)测定0—10、10—20和20—30cm土层土壤有机氮组分、有机碳和全氮含量。【结果】9个处理中,土壤全氮、有机碳和除酸解氨基糖氮外的有机氮组分含量均随土层深度的增加而降低,且0—10、10—20和20—30cm土层间含量差异显著(P<0.05)。三个土层中酸解总氮占土壤全氮的66.0%、64.6%和55.2%,是土壤有机氮的主要存在形态。土壤酸解总氮中各组分含量及其所占比例的大小顺序为酸解氨基酸氮、酸解铵态氮>酸解未知态氮>酸解氨基糖氮。灌水下限和施氮量对番茄产量及单果重的影响均达极显著水平(P<0.01),水氮交互效应也达显著水平(P<0.05)。休闲期土壤酸解铵态氮与番茄产量间显著负相关(P<0.05)。番茄产量W1N2(25kPa+N300kg/hm^2)、W2N1(35kPa+N75kg/hm^2)和W1N1(25kPa+75kg/hm^2)处理间差异不显著。【结论】灌水和施氮量及其交互效应对各土层土壤全氮、酸解总氮、酸解铵态氮和酸解氨基酸氮的影响均达到极显著水平(P<0.01),而对土壤有机碳的影响不显著(P>0.05)。相同施氮量下,0—30cm土层酸解铵态氮和0—20cm土层酸解氨基酸氮含量均在土壤水吸力维持在35~6kPa范围内达最高值,此土壤水分含量下的0—20cm土层酸解氨基酸氮含量在施N75kg/hm^2时达到最大值。从节水减氮和番茄产量的角度考虑,控制土壤水吸力不低于35kPa、每季随水施N75kg/hm^2为供试番茄生产条件下最佳的水、氮组合量。  相似文献   
川西低山丘陵区植茶土壤团聚体矿质氮分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究植茶对土壤团聚体全氮和矿质氮的影响可为茶园土壤合理施用氮肥提供理论依据.通过野外调查和室内分析,研究不同茶树品种(福鼎大白、川茶3号、川农黄芽早和川沐217)对土壤团聚体中全氮和矿质氮含量的影响.结果 表明:(1)各植茶品种土壤团聚体含量随粒径减小呈先减小后增大的变化趋势,>2 mm粒径团聚体含量显著高于其他粒径团...  相似文献   
针对目前农用运输车钢板弹簧选用不合理及用经验公式进行手工计算的低效率设计问题,分析了常用钢板弹簧的结构性能特点和适用范围。以多片等截面式和少片变截面式钢板弹簧为例,介绍了用计算机辅助设计方法进行钢板弹簧参数设计的步骤。最后用作者开发的计算机程序,对某1.0t级农用运输车的前悬架多片等截面钢板弹簧进行了参数设计,结果表明,用计算机辅助设计手段可大大提高钢板弹簧的设计效率。  相似文献   
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