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Many biotic and abiotic factors influence recovery of soil communities following prolonged disturbance. We investigated the role of soil texture in the recovery of soil microbial community structure and changes in microbial stress, as indexed by phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles, using two chronosequences of grasslands restored from 0 to 19 years on silty clay loam and loamy fine sand soils in Nebraska, USA. All restorations were formerly cultivated fields seeded to native warm-season grasses through the USDA’s Conservation Reserve Program. Increases in many PLFA concentrations occurred across the silty clay loam chronosequence including total PLFA biomass, richness, fungi, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, and actinomycetes. Ratios of saturated:monounsaturated and iso:anteiso PLFAs decreased across the silty clay loam chronosequence indicating reduction in nutrient stress of the microbial community as grassland established. Multivariate analysis of entire PLFA profiles across the silty clay loam chronosequence showed recovery of microbial community structure on the trajectory toward native prairie. Conversely, no microbial groups exhibited a directional change across the loamy fine sand chronosequence. Changes in soil structure were also only observed across the silty clay loam chronosequence. Aggregate mean weighted diameter (MWD) exhibited an exponential rise to maximum resulting from an exponential rise to maximum in the proportion of large macroaggregates (>2000 μm) and exponential decay in microaggregates (<250 μm and >53 μm) and the silt and clay fraction (<53 μm). Across both chronosequences, MWD was highly correlated with total PLFA biomass and the biomass of many microbial groups. Strong correlations between many PLFA groups and the MWD of aggregates underscore the interdependence between the recovery of soil microbial communities and soil structure that may explain more variation than time for some soils (i.e., loamy fine sand). This study demonstrates that soil microbial responses to grassland restoration are modulated by soil texture with implications for estimating the true capacity of restoration efforts to rehabilitate ecosystem functions.  相似文献   
2005年,在云南元谋干热河谷采用样方调查法及生物多样性分析法研究了放牧干扰对明油子Dodonaea viscosa-扭黄茅Heteropogon contortus灌草丛生物多样性的影响。结果表明,无放牧干扰的明油子-扭黄茅灌草丛植物和节肢动物种类最丰富,节肢动物群落优势度最低,而多样性和均匀度最高,优势种为扁平虹臭蚁Iridomyrmex anceps;曾经过度放牧的明油子-扭黄茅灌草丛植物种类和节肢动物种类最贫乏,灌木-草本层节肢动物多样性最低;长期存在一定放牧干扰的明油子-扭黄茅灌草丛植物种类和节肢动物种类比较丰富,但节肢动物群落优势度最高而均匀度最低;经受或存在放牧干扰的明油子,扭黄茅灌草丛林下以刺吸类昆虫占优势,地表以迈氏小家蚁Monomorium mayri占优势。过度放牧导致明油子-扭黄茅灌草丛种类组成发生变化,生物多样性大大降低,群落趋于不稳定,栖息环境出现退化。放牧干扰对地表节肢动物群落的影响比对灌木-草本层节肢动物群落的影响突出。表6参21  相似文献   
本研究采用变性梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-DGGE)技术研究猪场沼气池细菌群落,对基于16S rDNAV3区的PCR-DGGE电泳的最佳变性剂梯度范围、电泳时间、染色时间进行优化。研究结果表明,最佳变性剂梯度范围为35%~60%,电泳时间为12h,SYBR Green Fluorescent Dye染料的染色时间是30min,优化后的PCR-DGGE确保了实验的准确性、灵敏度和可重复性。运用此优化后的PCR-DGGE技术对5个猪场沼液细菌群落进行了研究,获得了较丰富的多样性。该实验为深入研究畜禽养殖粪污治理的菌种筛选奠定了基础。  相似文献   
采用农达防除休闲耕地杂草,结果表明:41%农达对苣荬菜的适用剂量(有效量)以3000mlhm-2为宜;野胡萝卜为1125mlhm-2,西伯利亚蓼为2250mlhm-2;旱雀麦等一年生杂草为1500mlhm-2,在杂草株高5~10cm时茎叶喷雾,防效可达80%~90%以上。  相似文献   
苏南丘陵区秋播苜蓿适用伴生作物筛选试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为解决苏南丘陵区苜蓿苗期的杂草问题,从保护播种入手,在多年生黑麦草、一年生黑麦草、黑麦、小黑麦四种作物共五个品种中寻找适宜的伴生作物.通过对产量、株高、杂草率等多个指标测定分析,筛选出中新830小黑麦、赣选一号黑麦草适于用作苜蓿播种的伴生作物,同时获得两个苜蓿存活率最高的处理:苜蓿(15kg/hm^2)+中新830小黑麦(150kg/hm^2)撒播及苜蓿(18 kg/hm^2)+中新830小黑麦(250kg/hm^2)30cm条播.试验还表明撒播方式下,苜蓿播量与其竞争力不成正比。  相似文献   
通过测定重庆江北祺龙垃圾场、北碚金刚碑垃圾场、九龙坡二郎垃圾场中6种植物中4种重金属(Cd、Cu、Zn、Pb)的含量,发现灯笼草和鹅儿肠对4种重金属的吸收和富集能力较强,杂草对重金属的富集能力与土壤中重金属的背景值有一定的相关性。  相似文献   
If soil communities rely on plant-derived carbon, is biodiversity lost when this primary source is removed? Soil microbial and mesofaunal communities at the Rothamsted Highfield site were compared under a mixed grass sward, arable rotation and a section maintained as a bare-fallow for the past 50 years by regular tillage. Organic matter reserves have been degraded and microbial and mesofaunal numbers and mite diversity have declined in this unique bare-fallow site, where fresh carbon inputs have been drastically reduced. However, it supports a species-rich metabolically active bacterial community of similar diversity to that in soil maintained as grass sward. Thus in contrast to soil mesofauna, bacterial diversity (but not abundance) is apparently independent of plant inputs.  相似文献   
间隙灌溉和控释肥施用对稻田土壤产甲烷微生物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纪洋  于海洋  Conrad Ralf  徐华 《土壤》2017,49(6):1132-1139
间隙灌溉和控释肥施用影响稻田CH_4的产生和排放,然而其微生物机理尚不清楚。本研究通过采集稻季田间原位试验新鲜土样,采用核酸定量技术(qPCR)和末端限制性片段长度多态性(T-RFLP)技术,研究间隙灌溉和控释肥施用对稻田土壤产甲烷微生物群落丰度和结构的影响。结果表明,稻季CH_4排放量与古菌、产甲烷菌(mcr A基因)和甲烷氧化菌(pmo A基因)数量均呈极显著正相关关系(P0.01),而与细菌数量无显著相关性。间隙灌溉显著影响产甲烷菌和甲烷氧化菌数量的季节变化,其中烤田抑制产甲烷菌生长,而对甲烷氧化菌数量没有显著影响。与尿素相比,施用控释肥增加了稻田土壤细菌、古菌和产甲烷菌数量,降低了甲烷氧化菌数量。土壤古菌群落的优势T-RFs片段为184bp和391bp,其中184bp片段的相对丰度随着间隙灌溉的进行由45%~55%降低到23%~30%;而391bp片段则相反,其相对丰度由12%~18%增加到23%~26%。典型相关性分析(CCA)表明间隙灌溉显著影响土壤古菌群落结构(P0.001),而控释肥施用对土壤古菌群落结构没有明显影响。  相似文献   
广东八宝山森林群落优势种群的生态位研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
研究了广东八宝山森林群落25个优势种群的生态位特征,以Shannon-Wiener指数和相似性比例分别计算了25个种群的生态位宽度及它们之间所形成的部分种对的生态位重叠,结果表明,八宝山森林群落中生态位宽度最大的种群为红背雄,米锥,硬斗稠以及木荷,生态位宽度的大小与按重要值排列的优势种群顺序基本一致,生态位重叠则与生态位宽度有一定关系,具较宽生态位的2个种群一般都有较高的生态位重叠值,文章还对生态  相似文献   
赵建华  姚和金 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(32):15764-15766
对浙西南柑橘园杂草种群调查结果表明,柑橘园共有杂草80种,隶属27科。杂草数量最多的为禾本科,有20种,占杂草总数的25.0%;其次是菊科,有11种,占杂草总数的13.8%。主要杂草集中分布的月份为7、8,9、10、115个月。冬、春季柑橘园杂草优势种为:早熟禾、猪殃殃、看麦娘、牛繁缕、婆婆纳。夏、秋季杂草优势种为:马唐、铁苋幕、牛筋草、小飞蓬、旱稗。  相似文献   
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