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为探讨不同水平尿素、氢氧化钙对玉米秸纤维含量的影响,本试验将尿素和氢氧化钙均按玉米秸风干重0%、2%、3%和4%的量分别添加,共16组,其中原玉米秸组为对照组,通过测定各组玉米秸的中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维含量来确定尿素和氢氧化钙最适宜的添加水平。结果表明,试验组在中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维含量上均极显著低于对照组(P<0.01),大部分试验组间也存在极显著或显著的差异(P<0.01或P<0.05)。在本试验设计条件下,尿素和氢氧化钙处理玉米秸时最适宜的添加水平分别为玉米秸风干重的4%和2%。  相似文献   
蔡树美  蔡玉琪  李广水  孙伟  钱晓晴 《土壤》2010,42(2):288-291
采用不同类型的3种水稻田土壤进行模拟培养,研究施用尿素、有机-无机复混肥和包膜有机肥对土表水层pH变化的影响。实验表明:淹水培养5天以后土表水层pH变化趋势明显。水稻田土壤类型不同,培养期间土表水层pH变化差异显著。在培养后5~15天期间,不施肥对照、施用包膜有机肥处理和施用复混肥处理,红壤、灰潮土和盐碱土土表水层pH都明显上升;施用尿素处理在灰潮土和盐碱土上土表水层pH值略微下降,而在红壤上仍呈上升趋势。  相似文献   
采用15N示踪技术,在袋控缓释条件下,研究不同形态氮素对当年生毛桃尿素态氮吸收分配的影响。结果表明:单独尿素处理、尿素与硝态氮混施、尿素与铵态氮混施,尿素与硝态氮、铵态氮按1∶1∶1混施4个处理15N利用率分别为13.81%、10.92%1、5.53%和15.78%,尿素与铵态氮混施、尿素与硝态氮、铵态氮1∶1∶1混施显著高于其它处理,均能提高植株对尿素态氮的吸收利用;而尿素与硝态氮混施,15N利用率显著低于其它处理,降低了植株对尿素态氮的吸收利用。从15N在植株不同器官的分配来看,各处理植株叶片的15N分配率最高,均占植株总吸收量的60%以上,其它依次为根主干枝梢。植株总吸氮量以尿素与铵态氮混施处理最高,但该处理表观生长量低于尿素与硝态氮混施处理。  相似文献   
以F/U的终摩尔比、F/U的初摩尔比、缩聚阶段pH值、缩聚阶段温度为变量,UF中游离甲醛含量和羟甲基含量为考核指标来设计正交试验,优化脲醛树脂合成工艺参数。最佳工艺参数F/U的终摩尔比1.05:1、F/U的初摩尔比2.2:1、缩聚阶段pH值5.1~5.3、缩聚阶段温度88℃~90℃。其产品游离甲醛含量小于0.15%,羟甲基含量大于10.5%。  相似文献   
N utilization at cow and field level was examined over two grazing periods of 30 days with 64 Holstein dairy cows. At cow and field level the effect of sward type (diploid vs. tetraploid perennial ryegrass, both mixed with white clover) and compressed sward height (6 vs. 10 cm) was examined. At dairy cow level the effect of urea supplementation (0 vs. 145 g/day) and energy supplementation strategy (soy hulls(am)/barley(pm) vs. barley(am)/soy hulls(pm)) was also examined. Cows grazed grass/clover swards for 7.5 h/day and were restrictively fed in the barn (3.2 kg dry matter (DM) in maize silage, 3.6 kg ground barley, 3.6 kg soy hulls per day). In none of the two periods were yield of milk (Period 1: 30.9 kg, Period 2: 25.4 kg), fat, protein and lactose significantly affected by sward type, sward height, urea supplementation or energy supplementation strategy. Urea supplementation increased the urea concentration in milk. Also low sward height and feeding soy hulls(am)/barley(pm) increased the urea concentration, probably due to a higher protein content in the sward and a higher grass intake, respectively. N utilization at cow level was highest with high sward height and no urea supplementation. Feeding soy hulls(am)/barley(pm) increased milk yield numerically but was counterbalanced by an equivalent increase in estimated grass intake, and supplementation strategy seemed therefore not to affect N utilization. At field level the N surplus was higher on diploid than on tetraploid swards (50 and 21 kg N/ha) due to a higher clover content in the diploid swards, whereas the difference in N surplus between sward heights was minimal (32 and 38 kg N/ha). Estimated N removal from the pasture in the grazing periods (intake minus excretion) increased by 5.2 kg N/ha when feeding soy hulls(am)/barley(pm), whereas with no urea supplementation the net N removal increased by only 2.5 kg N/ha. It was concluded that N utilization in dairy cows can be improved by decreasing N intake from both herbage and supplementary concentrate without compromising milk yield, and that N balance at field level could be improved by strategic barn feeding.  相似文献   
试验用不同浓度的N对假俭草插穗进行浸泡处理后,观测插穗的外观反映,并通过测定生根时间、生根长度、生根数量,说明用4%的尿素溶液处理能使假俭草插穗的成活率提高24%,过高的浓度使插穗出现中毒症状;而4%的尿素与Fe溶液共同处理后,插穗的成活率可提高32%。在假俭草幼坪上叶施不同浓度的N、N+Fe,通过测定茎的生长速度、分蘖情况,说明叶施合适的N、N+Fe可以加速假俭草草坪的成坪速度,并且提高草坪的外在品质,也提高了假俭草的活力和抗逆性。  相似文献   
耐水性大豆基木材胶粘剂两步法工艺研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
利用天然高分子聚合物开发无甲醛木材胶粘剂是人类社会发展的必然选择.在国际上,利用低温大豆粕制备生物质基木材胶粘剂具有相当长的历史.但是在传统豆胶制备方法中,碱等变性剂用量高达豆粕干重的6%~7%或更高,外加4%左右的石灰乳.豆胶中残碱对大豆蛋白的水解破坏难以得到控制,因此传统豆胶都不属于耐水胶粘剂.在本研究中,采用低碱量低液比高强度变性和均质处理分两段进行的工艺技术解决了这一矛盾.得到了制备符合国标Ⅱ类(耐热水)的大豆基木材胶粘剂的主要工艺参数并通过验证试验加以确定.最后把新法豆胶优化工艺与两个典型的传统豆胶制作配方做了比较.这种豆胶制备新工艺具有国际先进水平.  相似文献   
漆酶/碳源系统预处理对稻草碎料板性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用添加少量碳源与漆酶组成的体系对稻草进行预处理,以改善其压板性能,研究了漆酶预处理的最佳工艺条件、漆酶/碳源系统(LCS)与漆酶/介体系统(LMS)预处理结果比较及酶处理对稻草碎料板性能的影响。结果表明:LCS完全可以代替昂贵的LMS来降解稻草中木质素;预处理最适条件为pH值5.0,温度45℃,液比1:7,时间4-6h,酶用量20-30IU/g;当酶用量为20IU/g,时间4h条件下预处理稻草碎料板的各项力学性能均有显著改善,与粗碎料板相比,酶处理对细碎料板的性能改善效果更是明显:内结合强度(IB)增加20%,静曲强度(MOR)增加21%,弹性模量(MOE)增加31%,吸水厚度膨胀率(TS)降低35%,甲醛释放量可达到F1级标准。  相似文献   
The present work reports the activities of urea cycle enzymes during the ontogenic development of the teleost pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). Urea cycle enzymes from the kidney and liver of adult fish were compared with those from the fish's embryonic phases. Samples were evaluated over all phases of embryonic development, the larval period and alevin. Ammonia and urea concentrations were determined during embryogenesis and in the plasma of adult fish. Except for carbamoyl phosphate synthetase-III (CPS-III), all enzymes of the urea cycle were expressed in the larvae and alevins as well as in the liver and kidney of adult fish. In spite of the low level of activity of the ornithine urea cycle (OUC) enzymes compared to those in mammals, and the low levels of tissue urea concentration compared to ammonia, the ureogenesis was evaluated in pacu. Ammonia seems to be the main nitrogenous waste during embryonic development. In this phase glutamine synthetase (GS) may play a role in ammonia detoxification, and the OUC enzymes can be individually involved in functions other than urea production. The presence of ornithine carbamoyl transferase (OCT) in all developmental phases of pacu and in the adult liver and kidney suggests that this enzyme is performing different metabolic pathways. OCT in the kidney, wherein the activity is less than in the liver, should work in the biosynthesis of polyamines and control the arginine plasma concentration given that renal arginase and argininosuccinate synthetase-argininosuccinate lyase are more active than from the liver. We suppose that OCT during the embryogenesis is a control step regulating the cellular concentration of ornithine for polyamines synthesis.  相似文献   
聚合物包膜尿素溶出动力学特征及其与包膜层通透性的关系   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
 通过聚合物包膜尿素(PCU)在30℃纯水中的溶出试验,精确描述了PCU尿素溶出的动力学特征。将PCU尿素溶出过程分成4个阶段:滞后阶段、溶胀阶段、稳定阶段和衰退阶段。同时,基于Fick扩散第一定律,确立了PCU尿素溶出速率与包膜层通透性的关系方程,并根据此方程,推断出PCU尿素溶出过程中包膜层通透性的变化情况。结果表明,在溶胀阶段,溶出速率系数K(包膜层通透性的量度)逐渐变大;在稳定阶段,K为一稳定值;在衰退阶段,K随时间t变化可以用公式K=mt~(n-1)表示(式中m和n均为常数)。当n>1时,包膜层的通透性逐渐增大,肥心尿素溶出加快;当n=1时,包膜层通透性稳定,肥心尿素以一级动力学方式溶出;当n<1时,包膜层通透性逐渐减小,肥心尿素溶出变慢,导致明显的“尾留效应”。  相似文献   
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