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非静止轨道卫星移动通信服务(MSS)利用VHF带频率共享已有的陆地移动通信服务(LMS)和频率。它提示了在MMS和LMS之间共享VHF带频率时预测于涉影响的方法。标准电波传播模型定为flat earth model,NES则把Poisson分布定为在分布均匀的条件下同时传送的MES数。利用上述内容求出能超过干涉标准的概率,并提示了其结果。  相似文献   
简述广东省江门市的农业产业发展概况、存在问题与科研院所合作现状。探讨中国热带农业科学院广州实验站与江门市合作的领域与前景,提出江门市现代农业发展模式的相关建议。  相似文献   
The Canadian weathership time series of zooplankton wet weight biomass, collected at Ocean Station Papa in the Gulf of Alaska from 1956 to 1981, is one of the most comprehensive of its kind in marine science. In 1966, the sampling gear changed from a white North Pacific (NORPAC) net to a black Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) net and it was recently discovered that insufficient intercalibration samples were collected to understand how their sampling properties differed. A Canada‐GLOBEC project to redo the intercalibration of these net types and to understand how they relate to current sampling gear (bongo net) started in 1997. Seventy replicates of the three net types were collected in deep water in the Gulf of Alaska. The major finding is that all nets have similar sampling characteristics, whereas earlier reports indicated that NORPAC biomass values should be multiplied by a factor of 1.538 to be equivalent to the SCOR net. It now appears that this factor arose because flowmeters were not used in the original 1956–81 sampling (volume filtered was estimated from tow length × mouth area). A positive bias was introduced into the SCOR values because relatively more water passed through the SCOR net (undetected without a flow meter) than through the NORPAC net. This means that the unmetered NORPAC samples from 1956 to 1966 should not be adjusted and the unmetered SCOR values should be reduced by a factor that is related to wire angle. The general effect on the entire series is to lower the average biomass estimates, but more so for the early portion of the series than the later years.  相似文献   
Suppression of fire in the Southern Plains has led to proliferation of woody plants and fuel load accumulation that spurs wildfires. These effects have led to calls for widespread application of prescribed fire to reduce fuel loads, but there is substantial landowner resistance to the use of this land management tool. Here we explore factors that affect perceptions of landowners in the Southern Plains about prescribed fire liability and their willingness to apply this land management tool. This region was selected for the study because of the preponderance of private landholdings and widespread woody plant encroachment. The study used a mail survey of 1 853 landowners in 16 counties in Texas and Oklahoma, resulting in a data set from 680 respondents (37% useable response rate). Logistic regression models were developed to test three hypotheses relating to the likelihood that a landowner will apply prescribed fire. The study corroborated that landowners who perceived higher levels of fire-related legal liability were less likely to apply prescribed fire on their land or assist with its application on other properties. In addition, burn bans were found to inhibit landowner willingness to apply fire during periods that result in higher woody plant mortality. Oklahoma respondents, landowners who believed prescribed fire to be an affordable woody plant management tool, and members of prescribed burning associations (PBAs) were more likely to use prescribed fire. These results have important implications for policies aimed at overcoming resistance to the use of prescribed fire to curb woody plant encroachment and reduce fuel load accumulation. Specifically, language in state statutes pertaining to prescribed fire should be modified to reduce landowner concerns over legal liability; PBAs should be established more widely; and public cost-sharing funds for woody plant management should prioritize prescribed fire.  相似文献   
以国家南水北调东线源头泵站江都四站为例,进行泵站多机组变速优化运行探讨。提出了考虑峰谷电价、长江潮汐变化的站内多机组日变速优化运行非线性模型:在水泵设计叶片安放角不变的情况下,以站内机组耗电费用最少为目标函数,时段为阶段变量,水泵转速、开机机组台数为决策变量,日提水量为约束条件。提出了各阶段水泵转速试验选优、机组开机台数线性整数规划优化的方法对模型进行求解。优化运行结果表明:考虑峰谷电价,日均扬程7.8~3.8m,与额定运行相比,100%负荷运行时,单位提水费用节省介于-3.58%~-2.14%之间,说明在此条件下,变速优化运行效果不足以抵消变频器损耗,80%、60%负荷运行时,单位提水费用节省分别介于11.38~15.71%、24.79~29.17%之间,优化效果明显;不考虑峰谷电价,日均扬程7.8~3.8m,与额定运行相比,只有在日均扬程较低、提水负荷较小(5.8m,60%负荷;4.8m、3.8m,80%、60%负荷)时,变速优化具有一定的效益,在其余日均扬程、提水负荷条件下,变速优化运行效果均不足以抵消变频器损耗。为受潮汐影响的大型泵站多机组变速优化运行提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
PVC毒饵站技术在防治森林鼠害中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用PVC毒饵站技术防治森林鼠害,平均防治效果为87.95%,防治成本为52元.hm-2,且对鸟、兽不产生毒害,是一种简便易行、方便实用、投资低廉、安全环保的森林鼠害防治技术措施。  相似文献   
研究安谷水电站施工期浮游动物对水文情势改变、栖息地条件变化等工程影响的响应,为径流式水电工程建设对浮游动物的影响预测评价提供参考,为安谷水电站水生态环境发展或生态修复提供科学依据。2014年春季、秋季对大渡河安谷水电站施工期浮游动物及水环境因子进行调查采样,利用SPSS和Canoco软件进行数据分析。结果表明:大渡河安谷水电站施工期春、秋季共检出浮游动物69属116种,密度平均为619.65个/L、生物量平均0.093 mg/L。左侧河网浮游动物种类、密度和生物量高于干流。浮游动物种类、密度、生物量和多样性指数在季节分布上差异显著,春季明显高于秋季。浮游动物种类、密度、生物量与环境因子硝氮、总氮、磷酸盐、总磷呈显著正相关,与流速呈负相关;RDA结果进一步说明硝氮、磷酸盐、TN、TP是影响浮游动物群落结构的重要环境因子。  相似文献   
2004年11月~2005年1月,在兴隆山麻家寺保护站的6种生境(灌木、阔叶林、混交林、针叶林、农田和人工林)中共记录鸟类25种。鸟类物种总数以灌丛和人工林最高,均为15种。阔叶林最低,为10种。鸟类多样性最高的是灌丛,最低的是阔叶林。各种生境中的鸟类组成和优势物种差异较大,建议每种生境均保持一定面积,以便保护鸟类物种多样性。  相似文献   
小河水电站溢洪道体型优化试验研   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
小河水电站溢洪道试验泄流能力大于设计泄流能力,整体布置方案优化后泄流能力满足设计要求,并大大减小了工程量。针对溢流堰闸墩后产生的水冠以及出口消能段存在的问题,通过模型试验进行体型优化,取得了较为理想的成果。① 中墩由原来4.0m改成3.0m厚并在其后部以流线型尾墩相连接,基本消除了水冠,大大降低了冲击波高,泄槽水流稳定。② 经过窄缝式挑坎和斜切挑坎试验方案比较,斜切坎能够很好地适应溢洪道轴线与下游河道流态衔接,同时达到了消能和改善下游河道流态的目的。  相似文献   
拉萨河中下游底栖动物群落结构特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2013年10月,在拉萨河热震藏布-河口中下游河段及支流共设置16个采样断面(拉萨河干流10个、支流4个,雅鲁藏布江汇口2个),对底栖动物进行了调查。样品分析结果表明:拉萨河评价河段干、支流底栖动物共31种,其中环节动物5种,占16.13%;软体动物3种,占9.68%;节肢动物23种,占74.19%。优势种有正颤蚓(Lumbricus tubifex)、四节蜉(Baetidae sp)、多足摇蚊(Polypedilum sp)、隐摇蚊(Cryptochironomus sp)、网石蝇(Perlodidae sp)、钩虾(Gammaridae sp)等。直孔电站影响河段底栖动物现存量较高,密度、生物量平均分别为31 911个/m2、117.65 g/m2。剔除直孔电站影响河段,拉萨河干流底栖动物密度、生物量分别为32个/m2、0.92 g/m2,支流密度、生物量分别为63个/m2、0.78 g/m2。底栖动物Shannon-Wiener指数为0~2.02。直孔电站运行对拉萨河中、下游河段底栖动物整体影响较小;对库区河段底栖动物群落结构影响较大,群落结构由流水型向耐氧、静水型的环节动物、摇蚊转化。  相似文献   
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