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烤烟(Nicotiana tabacum)总植物碱的时空变异规律研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究以2003~2005年我国烤烟(Nicotiana tabacum)主产省份C3F、B2F、X2F3个等级烟叶中的总植物碱含量为研究对象,研究总植物碱含量各等级年度间变化情况,利用地统计与GIS技术结合的方法研究区域内总植物碱的时间变化和空间分布特征。结果表明,各等级烟叶总植物碱含量年度间空间分布特征相似,均呈由北向南和由东向西方向递增的趋势,且有逐年降低趋势。  相似文献   
Steep physiochemical gradients and diffusive limitation associated with microscale features such as cracks and pores make soil and sediments remarkably heterogeneous environments, which is reflected on many environmentally important processes. If we are to understand and attempt to control the ecology of the microorganisms which inhabit these environments we must not only characterize their inhabitants, but also the complex biogeochemical landscape they live in. This includes local concentrations of electron acceptors and donors, microbial metabolites and key physical and chemical parameters such as pH and soil structure.To this end, an array of techniques for collecting data at the microscale has been developed, deployed and refined, ranging from microsensor probes to planar sensors. This review provides a general reference for and a critical comparison of microscale techniques available to the fields of soil and sediment microbial ecology. Techniques are evaluated based on their ability to provide spatially resolved data at the microscale, with focus on performance characteristics, potential for repeated measurements, degree of physical disruption they create, and accessibility.Microscale studies have given us many insights, but we outline further progress needed to make the microscale toolkit more accessible and to extend the range of analytes that can be measured simultaneously, so that we may expand our knowledge of the complex environmental microscale heterogeneity and its impact on soil and sediment ecology and functioning.  相似文献   
Soil organic carbon (SOC) content and its spatial distribution in the Northern Gangetic Plain (NGP) Zone of India were determined to establish the cause–effect relationship between agro‐ecological characteristics, prevailing crop management practices and SOC stock. Area Spread Index (ASI) approach was used to collect soil samples from the NGP areas supporting predominant cropping systems. Exponential ordinary kriging was found most suitable geo‐statistical model for developing SOC surface maps of the NGP. Predicted surface maps indicated that 43.7% area of NGP had 0.5–0.6% SOC, while the rest of the area was equally distributed with high (0.61–0.75%) and low (< 0.5%) SOC content levels. Averaged across cropping systems, maximum SOC content was recorded in Bhabar and Tarai Zone (BTZ), followed by Central Plain Zone (CPZ), Mid‐Western Plain Zone (MWPZ), Western Plain Zone (WPZ) and South‐Western Plain Zone (SWPZ) of the NGP. The SOC stock was above the optimum threshold (> 12.5 Mg/ha) in 97.8, 57.6 and 46.4% areas of BTZ, CPZ and MWPZ, respectively. Only 9.8 and 0.4% area of WPZ and SWPZ, respectively, had SOC stock above the threshold value. The variation in SOC stock was attributed largely to carbon addition through recycling of organic sources, cropping systems, tillage intensity, crop or residue cover and land‐use efficiency, nutrient‐use pattern, soil texture and prevailing ecosystem. Adoption of conservation agriculture, balanced use of nutrients, inclusion of legumes in cropping systems and agro‐forestry were suggested for enhancing SOC stock in the region.  相似文献   
季节性干旱是影响关中平原农业生产最主要的灾害,研究气候变化背景下的关中平原旱情空间分布特征和变化规律具有重要的科学意义与应用价值。基于关中平原2003—2014年每年3月上旬—5月下旬的旬时间尺度条件植被温度指数(VTCI)的干旱监测结果,采用结构相似度(SSIM)研究关中平原VTCI的空间变化特征及其影响因子。结果表明:关中平原VTCI的空间变化特征具有明显的区域差异性和空间异质性,结构性因素是VTCI空间变化的主要影响因子,总体上受水热、地形分布格局等因素的结构性影响,但微地貌、下垫面覆盖的不同及变化和人为因素导致其主体产生变化。当微地貌、下垫面覆盖类型和人为因素成为主导因子时,结构相似度与其高度相关,对其变化的响应非常敏感。与利用某些指数直接作为干旱的指示因子或构建统计模型分析干旱特征相比,引入研究图像的结构信息的参量SSIM实现了定量、准确、形象地描述干旱的空间分布特征和变化规律。  相似文献   
基于距离反比法的土壤盐分三维空间插值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以新疆兵团一块面积约70 hm2的盐碱地为研究对象,采用EM38与土钻取样相结合的方法得到了126个点不同土层(0~200 cm)的1 386个土壤盐分数据,应用三维距离反比法(3D-IDW)对土壤盐分进行了空间插值,探讨了垂向坐标扩大倍数和搜索点数对插值结果精度的影响。结果表明,研究区0~140 cm土层盐分平均含量较高,为1.84~2.11 g/kg,盐分变异较大,而140~200 cm土层盐分平均含量较低,为1.74~1.79 g/kg。所有土层盐分含量的统计特征值(平均值、标准差和变异系数等)均随土层加深而呈现递减的趋势。土壤盐分实测值和估计值的均方根误差随垂向坐标扩大倍数的增大而减小,随搜索点数的增加而增大,其值在0.1~0.4 g/kg范围内变化,当垂向坐标扩大300倍、搜索点数为6个时,插值效果较优。采用确定的参数对研究区的土壤盐分进行了三维空间插值,结果表明土壤盐分空间分布特征与实测值比较吻合,大部分区域土壤盐分含量小于2.5 g/kg,靠近北部和南部边界区土壤含盐量较低,属于非盐化土区,而大于4 g/kg盐化土主要分布在中间和南部局部区域。研究区80%土壤为非盐化土和轻度盐化土,20%为中度和重度盐化土。影响该区盐化土分布的主要因素有灌溉、局部地形、粘土层位置、地下水埋深和矿化度。当不同方向的取样间距相差很大时,选取合适的垂向坐标扩大倍数和搜索点数对保障3D-IDW法的插值结果精度至关重要。  相似文献   
宋立  肖平 《安徽农业科学》2015,(12):184-186
以江苏环太湖国际旅游区规划为实验对象,重点探讨生态景观吸引力空间异化过程,即从要素磁场分化开始,经由同质景观间的引力异化,导致同类景观片区间的引力空间异化,最终推导出另一种同质相斥、异质相吸的新型生态景观吸引力空间结构。  相似文献   
典型干旱荒漠绿洲区耕层土壤养分空间变异   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
[目的]对干旱荒漠绿洲区耕层土壤养分空间特征进行研究,为绿洲土地资源的合理开发利用,以及土壤施肥方案的科学制定提供理论依据。[方法]基于GIS与地统计学方法对新疆维吾尔自治区精河县耕层土壤养分空间变异特征及影响因素进行分析。[结果](1)研究区内有效磷的空间变异性较强(变异系数Cv为67.45%),速效钾的空间变异性最弱(Cv为40.76%)。(2)有机质、碱解氮和有效磷存在较强的空间自相关性,其空间变异主要由地形、土壤质地和土壤类型等结构性因素所引起;速效钾为中等程度的空间自相关性,其空间变异不仅受结构性因素的影响,还与随机因素(即施肥和种植结构)有关。(3)各土壤养分元素在绿洲内部具有较高含量的片状和斑块状分布,而在绿洲外缘,其含量相对较低,且呈大面积的片状分布。[结论]精河县耕层土壤养分总体呈现出有机肥含量缺乏,磷钾肥相对丰富的特点。  相似文献   
辽宁省不同地域稻水象甲分子遗传差异及其意义研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
外来入侵害虫稻水象甲(Lissorhoptrus oryzophilusKuschel)在辽宁省迅速传播蔓延,成为水稻主要害虫,对北方稻区水稻生产构成严重威胁[1]。探索外来入侵有害生物传播蔓延途径、过程等机理,将为控制或减缓其传播蔓延和实施检疫防治措施提供依据。但是,历史事件的追踪、传播蔓延过  相似文献   
余昊  王运兵  王国昌  刘洋 《安徽农业科学》2006,34(24):6410-6411
应用地质统计学的半方差函数分析了中黑盲蝽空间格局。结果表明,中黑盲蝽种群在三叶草坪上为聚集分布,空间相关范围为3.6 m;采用普通克里格空间插值模拟了中黑盲蝽种群分布状况,取得了较好效果。  相似文献   
农业信息化标准体系框架研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
加强农业信息化建设是目前我国改革进程中的重大举措,也是社会热点,加快农业信息化标准体系建设是保证农业信息化顺利进行的重要措施。本文从标准化、标准体系和农业信息化的概念入手,在分析了国内外农业信息化建设的现状后.阐述了标准化和标准体系的结构及其相互关系,提出我国农业信息化标准体系框架的三维空间模型及其分解,为制定农业信息化标准提供了理论基础和参考依据。  相似文献   
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