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东海北部和黄海南部鲐鱼生长特性及合理利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用2002年11月~2003年8月在东海北部和黄海南部区域(30°~34°N、126°E以西范围)所获取的鲐鱼(Scomberjaponicus)样品,通过观察鲐鱼耳石生长轮和基础生物学测定,研究了鲐鱼的年龄和生长;再依据不完全β函数渔获量方程,计算、分析在不同开捕年龄和不同捕捞强度下的单位补充量渔获量(Yw/R)的变化情况。结果表明,采用Walford方法拟合的鲐鱼生长方程,其生长参数K、L∞、t0分别为0.320、451.4和-1.203。比较不同时期鲐鱼的生长情况显示,20世纪60、80年代和21世纪初期鲐鱼的生长较接近,而20世纪70年代的鲐鱼生长情况与其他3个时期的鲐鱼生长相差较大。比较不同海域鲐鱼的生长情况显示,随着纬度的增加,鲐鱼的个体有增大的趋势,经分析很可能与海水温度有关。根据历史资料推算出鲐鱼的最大年龄(tλ)为9龄;根据最近的采样,推算出鲐鱼的开捕年龄和补充年龄都为0.4年,鲐鱼的自然死亡率为0.355,捕捞死亡率为2.27。利用上述参数,动态综合模型模拟的结果显示,该资源过度捕捞已很严重。若保持当前捕捞强度,则必须把开捕年龄限制在2.9龄;若能同时改变捕捞强度和开捕年龄,则可以把当前的开捕年龄限制在2.0龄,捕捞死亡率降到1.3,这样鲐鱼资源才能够得到保护与合理利用。  相似文献   
利用华南(广东、广西、福建)芒果种植区115个气象站1961−2016年观测资料,结合芒果寒冻害指标,采用加权综合评价法,确定种植区各气象站点的寒冻害危险性指数,建立寒冻害危险性指数与地理因子之间的多元线性回归模型,并基于GIS技术对华南芒果种植区寒冻害危险性进行区划。结果表明:华南芒果种植区寒冻害危险性与地理因子之间关系密切,总体呈现由沿海到内陆,寒冻害危险性逐渐变大的趋势,此外,随着纬度和海拔的增高,从南到北芒果寒冻害危险性程度也逐渐增大。轻度危险区主要分布在华南芒果种植区南部沿海地带及部分内陆地市的低海拔地区,占种植区面积比例为56.85%,该区域适合大规模种植芒果;中度寒冻害危险性区域主要分布在华南芒果种植区内陆中低海拔地区以及北部高纬度沿海地区,占种植区面积比例为37.03%;重度以上的寒冻害危险性区域主要分布在华南芒果种植区内陆高海拔地区,占种植区面积比例为6.12%。通过历史灾情和各县区年产量资料验证,区划结果与实际较为吻合,研究结果可为华南地区芒果的优化布局和防灾减灾提供参考。  相似文献   
为了明确新疆南疆某猪场猪一起疫情发病原因,本研究采用发病情况调查、临床症状检查、病理学剖检、病理组织学观察和RT-PCR方法进行系统分析。结果诊断为该猪场猪感染猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒,且初步鉴定为高致病性猪繁殖与呼吸综合征。该诊断结果为该场乃至新疆南疆猪病的诊断和防制提供一定的方法和指导意义。  相似文献   
采用定点调查与普查相结合的方法,对滇南、滇东南芒果生产区芒果病虫害分布、危害情况及种类进行了调查,结果鉴定出危害滇南、滇东南芒果生产的病害25种,虫害61种。同时对滇南、滇东南芒果生产的干热区和湿热区病虫害的分布以及差异作了分析。调查结果对于生产上科学制定防治措施,保障滇南、滇东南芒果种植业的持续健康发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Upland red soils have been identified as major CO2 and N2O sources induced by human activities such as fertilization. To monitor characteristics of soil surface CO2 and N2O fluxes in cropland ecosystems after continuous fertilizer applications over decades and to separate the respective contributions of root and heterotrophic respiration to the total soil CO2 and N2O fluxes, the measurements of soil surface CO2 and N2O fluxes throughout the maize growing season in 2009 were carried out based on a fertilization experiment (from 1990) through of the maize (Zea mays L.) growing season in red soil in southern China. Five fertilization treatments were chosen from the experiment for study: zero-fertilizer application (CK), nitrogen-phosphorus- potassium (NPK) fertilizer application only, pig manure (M), NPK plus pig manure (NPKM) and NPK with straw (NPKS). Six chambers were installed in each plot. Three of them are in the inter-row soil (NR) and the others are in the soil within the row (R). Each fertilizer treatment received the same amount of N (300 kg ha-1 yr-1). Results showed that cumulative soil CO2 fluxes in NR or R were both following the order: NPKS〉M, NPKM〉NPK〉CK. The contributions of root respiration to soil CO2 fluxes was 40, 44, 50, 47 and 35% in CK, NPK, NPKM, M and NPKS treatments, respectively, with the mean value of 43%. Cumulative soil N2O fluxes in NR or R were both following the order: NPKS, NPKM〉M〉NPK〉CK, and soil N2O fluxes in R were 18, 20 and 30% higher than that in NR in NPKM, M and NPKS treatments, respectively, but with no difference between NR and R in NPK treatment. Furthermore, combine with soil temperature at -5 cm depth and soil moisWxe (0-20 cm) together could explain 55-70% and 42-59% of soil CO2 and N2O emissions with root interference and 62- 78% and 44-63% of that without root interference, respectively. In addition, soil CO2 and N2O flUXeS per unit yield in NPKM (0.55 and 0.10 kg C t^-1) and M (0.65 and 0.13 g N t^-1) treatments were lower than those in other treatments. Therefore, manure application could be a preferred fertilization strategy in red soils in South China.  相似文献   
江春  田晶晶  宗成青 《安徽农业科学》2014,(18):5771-5772,5774
结合皖南烟区烟叶生产的实际情况,从多个方面分析了烟区可持续发展过程中存在的制约因素,并从烟叶生产人力资源、生产种植规模化、科技支撑和服务、烟叶标准化生产管理和烟叶生产保障体系等几个方面,提出了皖南烟区生产可持续发展的若干对策及建议,为皖南烟区实现可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   
本文主要论述了由于"广米"的畅销,使珠江三角洲等地兴起囤积、生产粮食的现象,通过丰富史料证明乡村中的富有阶层拥有、买卖、囤积粮食的情况。由于粮食生产有利可图,因此富有阶层以购买、兼并、圈占等方式取得土地的占有权,还占有水利资源以使土地资源升值,获得租谷。宋元期,王朝对岭南实行前代治理所没有过的农业政策,在珠三角实行的官员劝农活动取得了一定的成效,特别是在宋亡之后的宋遗民中的一部分士人转而研究农学,初步出现了一批耕读传家的人群。拥有土地和水利资源的富有阶层从事农业活动以增值财富,这是宋元岭南重要的社会变迁。  相似文献   
三种薇菜产品营养成分的分析与比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以南薇菜干、北薇菜干、水煮薇菜为原料,对它们的水分、灰分、粗蛋白、粗纤维、粗脂肪、胡萝卜素、Vc、K、Na、Ca、Mg、Fe、Cu、Se等营养成分进行了分析。结果表明:水煮薇菜含水量最高达到85.7%,两种薇菜干的水分含量差异不显著,但与水煮薇菜水分含量有极显著差异。南北薇菜干灰分和K含量差异显著,水煮薇菜含量最低与两种菜干均有极显著差异;水煮薇菜的粗脂肪和胡萝卜素含量最低与南薇菜干都有极显著差异,南北薇菜干间只有粗脂肪含量差异显著。三种菜样间Ca含量都有极显著差异,但Fe含量差异都不显著。粗蛋白、粗纤维、Vc、Na、Mg、Se、Cu南北薇菜干间无显著差异,水煮薇菜含量最低与两种菜干都有极显著差异。  相似文献   
There is a direct relationship between soil nutrient concentration in localized zones and root proliferation and elongation under well‐watered conditions. However, in field studies under semiarid conditions this relationship can change due to higher salt accumulation and soil dryness that affect root growth, water stress resistance, and seedling survival. We assessed the effect of different locations of fertilizer placement in the soil profile and water availability on root zone salinity, root development and ecophysiological responses of Quillaja saponaria Mol. after outplanting. A single dose (6 g L?1) of controlled‐release nitrogen fertilizer (CRFN) was placed at 0 cm (top layer), 15 cm (middle layer), or 30 cm (bottom layer) depth in the containers in a greenhouse, in addition to an unfertilized treatment (control). After 6 months, seedlings were transplanted to the field and subjected to weekly watering regimes (2 L plant?1 and unwatered). Morphological and ecophysiological parameters were periodically measured on seedlings, as well as soil electrical conductivity (EC). After 1 year, the shoot : root ratio of unwatered seedlings decreased as a function of CRFN placement depth, which was attributed to lower shoot growth and not to greater root growth. The root morphology of the bottom layer treatment was negatively affected by high EC in unwatered seedlings. Greater total root length and root volume of the middle layer treatment was found only when well‐watered; however, this did not contribute to improve physiological responses against water stress. The lowest EC and the highest photochemical efficiency, net photosynthesis, and stomatal conductance were shown by unfertilized seedlings, independent of water availability. Our findings suggest that varying depth of CRFN placement does not contribute significantly to improve root growth under water restriction. Water supplements, independently of the CRFN location in the substrate, contribute to decrease root zone salinity, and consequently, improve root volume growth.  相似文献   
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