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黄河流域干旱时空变化特征及其气候要素敏感性分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用黄河流域102个气象站点1961-2013年气象数据,选用相对湿润度指数作为干旱指标,探讨年尺度和季节尺度干旱的时空分布特征,并尝试利用偏导数方法计算分析相对湿润度指数的气候要素敏感性及其与气候要素间的相关关系。结果表明:黄河流域上游旱情比中游和下游地区偏重,春夏秋冬各季分别处于中旱、轻旱、中旱和特旱状态,全年尺度处于特旱程度,季节和全年尺度的相对湿润度指数均呈现从西北到东南递增的变化趋势,春季、秋季和全年尺度特旱区域主要分布在陕西、山西、宁夏北部以及内蒙古地区,而气象干旱减缓的站点主要分布在黄河流域上游地区,干旱增强的站点主要分布在黄河流域东南部。相对湿润度指数对太阳辐射和相对湿度呈正向敏感,对温度和风速呈负向敏感。上游和中游地区夏季相对湿润度指数最敏感要素分别为太阳辐射和平均温度,全流域春季、秋季、冬季和全年尺度对相对湿度最敏感。全流域春季和夏季与相对湿润度指数相关性最强的要素均为相对湿度,上游和下游地区秋季的主控要素为太阳辐射,上游、中游和下游地区冬季则分别与温度、风速和风速相关性最强。全年尺度上,上游、中游和下游地区相对湿润度指数变化的主控要素则为太阳辐射、相对湿度和相对湿度。 相似文献
塔里木盆地资源环境与区域可持续发展 总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15
陈亚宁 《干旱区资源与环境》1999,13(1):11-15
本文在对新疆塔里木盆地资源环境分析评价的基础上,通过罗列大量数据,指出了区域资源开发和经济发展过程中所存在的绿洲水土资源开发、生态环境建设、区域经济发展差异等问题,并结合塔里木盆地区域特点和资源环境优势,提出了加强生态建设,强调深度开发,发挥资源优势,提高人口素质,增加科技投入的区域可持续发展战略与对策 相似文献
Soil distribution pattern play a significant role in the stability conservation and economic development of oasis in arid regions. Hence, ecologists and agrology scientists have a central interest in understanding the spatial distribution changes of soil types. The aim of this study was to analyze the main processes of soil distribution pattern changes from 1987 to 2006 through the landscape indexes. Soil types and soil distribution pattern changes were assessed and compared by using two soil maps made in 1987 and 2006. 14 soil types were classified and analyzed in the study area. Results indicated many differences among the changes of different soil types. During the period from 1987 to 2006, there were widespread changes in spatial distribution of soil types in Manasi River Basin at class-level. The area of Petrocambids decreased, whereas Aquicambids increased. The small patches began to coalesce into large ones and the patch numbers decreased during the past 20 years, which brought about the fragmentation decrease in Manasi River Basin. In contrast to the decrease of the patch density, the average patch area of 12 soil types increased. With the increasing man-made disturbance, more soil type patches, especially the agricultural soil patches were close to square in shape. During the recent 20 years, the decreased patch shape indexes occupied about 57% of all while the increased patch shape indexes were over 40%. The split index of most soil types has also declined during the same period. The landscape-level indexes also reflected the spatial distribution changes of oasis soil types. The landscape diversity index and landscape evenness index have increased while the landscape dominance index has decreased in the recent 20 years, which showed that more equirotal soil patches were formed and various soil types dominated the soil landscape in Manasi River Basin. Changes of different soil types are one of major indictors to show environment changes and impacts of human activities. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize the study of soil type changes in the arid and semiarid region. 相似文献
桤柏混交林林下植被结构及生物量动态 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
林下植被是森林生态系统的重要组成部分,在森林生态系统的物质循环、生物多样性以及演替、发展等方面具有重要的作用.选取具有代表性的10,15,20,25 a桤(Aluns cremastogyme)柏(Cupressus fu-nebris)混交林和由桤柏混交林演替而来的30 a纯柏林为研究对象,研究了川中丘陵区桤柏混交林的林下植被结构及生物量的动态变化.(1)灌丛和草本的物种丰富度在10~20 a间增加,20~30 a间,灌丛物种丰富度显著降低,草本层无明显变化.(2)灌丛和草本层的高度在10~15 a间显著增加,15~30 a间缓慢降低,灌丛高度具较大的空间异质性.(3)灌丛和草本层的盖度在15 a前后有显著的上升和下降,20~30a间无显著的变化;草本层的盖度高于灌丛,且空间异质性小于灌从.(4)灌丛生物量在15 a前后有显著增加和下降,20~30 a间相对稳定;草本层生物量在10~30 a间呈波动性变化,但总体上呈下降趋势.研究结果表明,在桤柏混交林的生长发育过程中,林下植被的结构和功能呈逐渐退化趋势. 相似文献
对松辽黑猪3个体质量阶段(1期为24.0 kg,2期为45.0 kg,3期为62.0 kg)饲粮能量物质转化及代谢规律的影响进行了研究。每期选取松辽黑猪6头,通过开放式呼吸测热装置,进行消化代谢试验、呼吸测热和气体交换试验。结果表明:随着体质量的升高,松辽黑猪对饲料中粗纤维的消化能力显著提高(P0.05);松辽黑猪生长代谢和绝食代谢的耗O2量和CO2产生量1期显著高于2期和3期(P0.05),耗O2量2期与3期差异显著(P0.05),CO2产生量2期与3期差异不显著(P0.05);松辽黑猪蛋白沉积和脂肪沉积趋势一致,2、3期显著高于1期(P0.05)。 相似文献
为研究衡阳盆地农村水资源系统脆弱性动态演变问题,采用GIS/RS方法,以衡阳盆地为研究对象,构建由多年平均降水量、干旱指数(7—9月)、坡度指数、土壤蓄水能力指数、植被覆盖指数、土地利用指数、水源可获得性指数和人类活动指数8个指标组成的评价指标体系,对1990—2010年衡阳盆地农村水资源系统脆弱性进行定量评价,构建模型对其脆弱性指数的时空演变特征进行分析。结果表明:1)衡阳盆地农村水资源系统脆弱性近20年内整体呈现"中高周低,北强南弱"空间分布之势。2)研究期内,脆弱性整体有所增强,空间分异明显,脆弱性增强区域呈条带状南北展布,脆弱性减弱区域则呈团聚状分布在东西两翼。从各时段的变化来看,脆弱性变化大体呈"首尾增长、中间下降"的规律。3)从全时段脆弱性指数变化来看,衡山、衡阳和衡东3县农村水资源脆弱性增强明显,耒阳和祁东2县(市)则以脆弱性减弱为主,常宁和衡南2县(市)各种变化类型相对均衡。4)脆弱性指数变化的空间分异特征大致可以分为4种类型:波动变化型,先减弱、后强势增长型,先增强、后强势减弱型和先强势减弱、后恢复性增长型。5)从不同时间变化趋势来看,脆弱性以波动变化为主要类型,其次是未变化类型,单调增加、单调减少两种变化类型非常少。可见,近20年来,衡阳盆地水资源脆弱性强度整体有所增强,脆弱性指数具有明显的时空分异特征。加强水资源系统的科学管理成为有关部门的紧迫任务。 相似文献
根据南疆环塔里木盆地区1961—2010年以来资料完整的32个气象站点的资料,利用线性趋势函数分析了该地区近50年的冬季气温变化特征。结果表明:南疆环塔里木盆5个区域冬季年平均气温、平均最低气温、极端最低气温均呈增暖趋势,平均气温最高的年份集中出现在80年代末以后,冬季最暖年的出现具有统一性、大范围的特性暖温年多发生在80年代后,且90年代是50年中最暖的时期,冷年多发生在20世纪60年代、70年代;平均气温异常的年份为:1966年、1977为气温异常偏冷年,无异常偏暖年。 相似文献
The Colorado River Basin has been, and continues to be, the focus of a wide diversity of research efforts to learn more about the effects of natural and human-induced disturbances on the processes and functioning of the basin's upland watersheds. These watersheds are situated at the headwaters of streams and rivers that supply much of the water to downstream users in the western United States. Responses of streamflow to vegetation manipulations have been, and are, one of the research foci in this water-deficient part of the country. The watershed-scale research, led by the U.S. Forest Service and its cooperators, has spanned nearly a century and included an array of vegetation types along a wide range of precipitation gradients. Results from this research have shown that vegetation can be managed to enhance annual water yields while still providing the other natural resource benefits. Analyses of the research results suggest that the effect of vegetation manipulation on streamflow is associated with precipitation–elevational gradient and, therefore, vegetation type. An annual water yield increase between 25 and 100 mm could be achieved by implementing vegetation manipulations in the high elevation subalpine and mixed conifer forests, the ponderosa pine forests (in the Lower Basin), and portions of the low elevation chaparral shrublands. Negligible effects or small increases in water yield were observed for treating sagebrush, pinyon-juniper woodland and desert scrubs. Results from this research have improved our understanding of the basin's hydrology and provided much needed insights to manage forest to mitigate global climate change induced hydrologic impact and meet the increased needs of people living in the basin. 相似文献
模糊模式识别模型在流域生态安全评价中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
生态安全是指人类赖以生存和发展的生态环境处于健康和可持续发展状态,流域生态安全评价是实现流域可持续发展的一项重要调控措施。流域生态安全评价需要通过评价模型来实现,由于生态安全是一个外延不明确的模糊概念,为此以模糊模式识别理论为基础,提出了流域生态安全评价的模糊模式识别模型。运用模型对岷江上游的生态安全现状进行了评价,建立了1,2,3共三个级别的指标体系,结果表明岷江上游生态安全处于第2级,即处于预警状态。评价结果符合岷江上游地区的生态环境状况。 相似文献