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为保护右江流域生态环境,协调郁江乃至珠江上下游各方经济利益,更好的激励上游地区生态环境保护行为,通过分析右江流域水生态现状、存在问题、现有生态补偿政策环境及其在郁江流域、珠江流域中的地位和作用,利用外部性理论,分析提出了右江流域水生态补偿模式。通过对标对表有关生态保护规划和区划成果,立足百色市实际,提出了右江流域水生态补偿内容、补偿主客体、补偿标准和补偿方式,初步构建右江流域水生态补偿机制框架,并提出有针对性的补偿政策建议,为水生态补偿实施提供了参考。  相似文献   
泵的叶轮扫掠蜗壳隔舌时产生的压力脉动是引起船用泵振动噪声的原因之一.为尽可能弱化这一影响,分别设计了叶片出口边与前后盖板基本面垂直和倾斜的2种不同形式叶轮,将其配置在相同的双蜗壳中,通过数值计算与样机试验相结合的手段,对蜗壳内9个不同位置的压力脉动情况进行对比分析.结果表明:出口边倾斜的叶轮相比于出口边垂直的叶轮可明显改善蜗壳内次脉动的“驼峰”现象,且可以进一步降低隔舌处主波动的压力峰值;对蜗壳内2个隔舌稍前的位置,出口边倾斜的叶轮反而会使得该点的压力系数幅值明显增大,且该点主波动的周期数发生改变;2种叶轮出口边的不同形式对蜗壳出口位置的压力脉动的影响基本相同;采用出口边倾斜叶轮对改善因叶轮与隔舌间的液流压力脉动是可行的.  相似文献   
The International Symposium on Lipid Science and Health (ISLSH), which was organized annually by Oil Crops Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (OCRI-CAAS) since 2016, has gained a strong reputation and attracted hundreds of delegates from around the world for discussion of lipid research trends and advances every year, to promote research and academic exchanges in the fields of lipid science and health. The 5th International Symposium on lipid Science and Health was successfully held in Wuhan, China, from October 23rd to 25th, 2020, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of OCRI-CAAS. The two-day symposium gathered well-known experts specialized in lipid science to share the current state of lipid research with emphasis on aspects covering: (1) lipid profiling and characterization, (2) lipid preparation and modification, (3) lipid improvement and regulation, and (4) lipid nutrition and health. The symposium was conducted by a combination of on-site and network meeting. More than 250 distinguished delegates from academia and industry participated in the on-site multidisciplinary meeting, and thousands of scholars attended the virtual event. This paper is as a record of the symposium proceedings and a brief summary of the advances and trends in 4 aspects of lipid science and health.  相似文献   
面向养殖水体,传统光谱法对化学需氧量(Chemical Oxygen Demand,COD)检测模型构建的基础:源域(现有样本库)与目标域(检测地水体)间光谱数据独立同分布。但是当源域与目标域分布间存在差异时,由源域得到的低误差模型常在目标域上表现下滑。针对该问题,提出面向UV Vis光谱的域对抗训练网络(DAUVwpNet),将分布不同的源域和目标域数据映射至相同分布的特征空间中,使其在该空间的分布距离尽可能接近,从而在特征空间中对源域训练的目标函数也可以迁移至目标域上,以降低模型在目标域的误差。试验表明:面向同一批测试数据,DAUVwpNet的预测误差为0.78,要低于传统模型的预测误差(0.85);DAUVwpNet预测值与实测值间相关系数为0.95,要高于传统模型的相关系数(0.89)。表明了该网络能够较好对齐两域特征空间数据分布,降低因分布差异带来的COD检测误差。  相似文献   
为了获得简单、易操作、准确度高的橡胶园酸性、中性土壤交换性钙、镁测定方法,本试验通过响应面优化试验,建立称样量、提取液体积、提取方式与交换性钙测定结果之间的数学模型。结果表明:在25℃条件下,以1 mol/L的乙酸铵为土壤浸提液,称样量为2 g、提取液体积175 mL、振荡36 min,为橡胶园酸性、中性土壤的最佳提取条件。将上述条件下得到的结果与标准方法条件下得到的结果相对比,两结果的相对误差在1.25~3.04之间,均属合理范围。利用标准样品对优化方法进行试验验证,结果与推荐值相符。改进后的方法分析成本低、操作简便、测定结果准确、稳定性好,可用于橡胶园酸性、中性土壤交换性钙、镁的测定。  相似文献   
针对南疆地区水资源短缺、作物水分利用效率低等问题,以棉花为试验材料进行田间小区试验,在棉花现蕾期、开花期以及结铃期分别设置3个亏缺灌溉水平(W1:50%ETc,W2:65%ETc,W3:80%ETc,ETc为作物蒸发蒸腾量),以全生育期100%ETc灌溉处理为对照(CK),研究膜下滴灌条件下,不同生育期亏缺灌溉对棉花生长、产量、氮素吸收和水分利用效率的影响.结果表明:现蕾期亏水对棉花株高、叶面积指数、地上干物质生长、氮素吸收和产量有不同程度的抑制效应,但复水后补偿效应显著,其中轻度亏水(W3)在籽棉产量减少3.48%的条件下,WUE高达1.57 kg/m3,显著高于CK的1.48 kg/m3;开花期亏水,棉花的各项生长指标均有显著降低,复水后补偿效应不显著,不利于棉花生长发育;结铃期亏水对棉花地上干物质累积、氮素吸收和产量均有显著的抑制效应,但在W2和W3水平下,WUE均达1.51 kg/m3.综合考虑在保证棉花产量的同时达到节水增产的目的,可在棉花蕾期进行80%ETc灌水,其他生育阶段实施充分灌溉,来控制营养生长,促进生殖生长,获得更高的水分利用效率.  相似文献   
Cost‐effective strategies for using chemically amended organic fertilizers need to be developed to minimize nutrient losses in surface and groundwater. Coupling specific soil physical and chemical characteristics with amendment type could increase their effectiveness. This study investigated how water‐extractable phosphorus (P) was affected by chemical amendments added to pig slurry and how this effect varied with soil properties. A 3‐month incubation study was conducted on 18 different mineral soils, stored at 10 °C and 75% humidity and treated with unamended and amended slurry which was incorporated at a rate equivalent to 19 kg total P (TP )/ha. The amendments examined were commercial‐grade liquid alum, applied at a rate of 0.88:1 [Al:TP ], and commercial‐grade liquid poly‐aluminium chloride (PAC ), applied at a rate of 0.72:1 [Al:TP ]. These amendments were previously identified by the authors as being effective in reducing incidental losses of P. The efficacy of the amendments varied with the soil test P, the degree of P saturation (DPS ) and the Mehlich aluminium, iron and calcium, but not soil texture. Chemical amendments were most effective in soils with DPS over approximately 20%. Due to their high cost, the incorporation of amendments into existing management practices can only be justified as part of a holistic management plan where soils have high DPS .  相似文献   
以养蚕与缫丝课程模块为例,对其课程内容安排、教学特点、考核方法进行分析,并对其所面临的问题展开探讨,旨在为进一步提高相关实践教学效果提供借鉴。  相似文献   
To examine the role of longitudinal connectivity on the spatial and temporal dynamics of mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni), we quantified movement and population dynamics following installation of the Landsburg Dam fishway, Cedar River, WA, USA. Mountain whitefish is widely distributed, poorly studied and not the focus of restoration. Before the fishway, mountain whitefish were not observed above the dam. Here, we focus on snorkel counts collected at reach and mesohabitat (e.g. pools) scales over 11 summers on the 20‐km above‐dam segment following restoration. A camera within the ladder provided number, size and movement timing, thereby informing on behaviour and recolonisation. Segment‐scale abundance increased following fish passage reaching an asymptote in 7 years, and mountain whitefish were detected throughout the main stem in 10 years. Annual movement through the ladder increased over time and was positively correlated with instream abundance and discharge, but negatively correlated with water temperature. About 60% of fish movements occurred in spring and early summer, potentially for foraging opportunities. Reach‐scale abundance peaked between 7 and 10 km from the dam; deep, cool (~10.6 to 11.6°C) conditions characterised these reaches. At the mesohabitat scale, mountain whitefish detection increased with depth and velocity after accounting for distance from the dam. Our results show how restoring longitudinal connectivity allowed this nontarget species to colonise newly available habitat. Their response supports the critical roles of longitudinal connectivity and environmental conditions, that manifest at different spatial scales, in dictating how freshwater fish respond to habitat disturbance.  相似文献   
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