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  目的  探究化肥配施不同类型有机物料连续施用对热带砖红壤性质、氮素转化过程速率及相关土壤酶活性的影响,以期为提高砖红壤生产力及发展农田氮素管理高效模式提供理论依据。  方法  基于田间原位试验,采集了连续种植6年不同施肥管理的砖红壤土样,测定单施化肥(N)、化肥配施秸秆(N + straw)和化肥配施羊粪(N + manure)处理的土壤理化性质、氮素转化速率和相关酶活性。  结果  化肥配施有机物料较单施化肥处理增加了土壤有机碳、土壤全氮及pH值,增幅范围分别为7.43% ~ 40.28%,28.57% ~ 42.86%和1.60% ~ 52.05%;降低了土壤C/N值,降幅范围为1.44% ~ 15.35%,其中化肥配施羊粪影响较大。有机物料连续施用土壤氮素矿化速率、氨氧化潜力、净硝化速率和反硝化潜力分别增加了3.00倍,11.48倍,0.28倍和4.07倍。化肥配施有机物料显著增加了土壤脲酶、硝酸还原酶、亚硝酸还原酶和β-1,4-葡萄糖苷酶,但显著降低了土壤亚硝酸氧化酶和多酚氧化酶活性,其中化肥配施羊粪较化肥配施秸秆作用更强。氮素转化速率(除净硝化速率)与土壤有机碳、全氮和pH呈显著正相关,与脲酶、亚硝酸还原酶、硝酸还原酶活性均呈显著正相关,而与多酚氧化酶活性呈显著负相关。  结论  化肥配施有机物料能够改善砖红壤性状,加速土壤氮素周转,其中化肥配施羊粪较化肥配施秸秆效果更加明显,因此化肥配施羊粪是改善热带砖红壤性状和提升氮素可利用性的有效措施。  相似文献   
Although ‘sewage farming’ or wastewater irrigation started in Australia in the latter parts of the 19th century, it was in the late 1960s that a considerable interest was revived in arid and semi-arid parts of the world due to scarcity of alternative water sources and the urgency to increase local food production. The practice has manifold benefits in the form of water conservation, nutrient recycling, surface and ground water pollution prevention. But for arid and semi-arid regions like many parts of Australia, while wastewater irrigation can be an attractive solution to irrigation water problems, it might not be the ideal solution for the common soil types encountered in these regions. Due to characteristic low rainfall, high evaporation and low leaching, these soils tend to have higher salt accumulations. This paper examines the soil salinity and sodicity effects of wastewater irrigation in soil types typical to South Eastern Australia and takes the soils of Western Treatment Plant (WTP) as a case study to highlight these issues.  相似文献   
通过试验研究,检验了磷石膏和硫酸铝这两种改良剂的实际效果,证明磷石膏能够有效降低苏打盐碱土的pH值,改善土壤的结构,增加土壤通透性,加快土壤熟化进程,减轻苏打盐碱土对水稻的危害,显著提高水稻产量.总结出一般中轻度苏打盐碱土种植水稻的关键技术,为利用中轻度苏打盐碱土提供了宝贵经验.  相似文献   
This study focuses on spatial heterogeneity in the soil microbial biomass (SMB) of typical climax beech (Fagus crenata) at the stand scale in forest ecosystems of the cold-temperate mountain zones of Japan. Three beech-dominated sites were selected along an altitudinal gradient and grid sampling was used to collect soil samples at each site. The highest average SMB density was observed at the site 1500 m a.s.l. (44.9 gC m−2), the lowest was recorded at the site 700 m a.s.l. (18.9 gC m−2); the average SMB density at the 550 m site (36.5 gC m−2) was close to the overall median of all three sites. Geostatistics, which is specifically designed to take spatial autocorrelation into account, was then used to analyze the data collected. All sites generally exhibited stand-scale spatial autocorrelation at a lag distance of 10-18 m in addition to the small-scale spatial dependence noted at <3.5 m at the 550 m site. Correlation analysis with an emphasis on spatial dependency showed SMB to be significantly correlated with bulk density at the 550 and 1500 m sites, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) at the 700 and 1500 m sites, and nitrogen (N) at the 550 and 700 m sites. However, no soil parameter showed a significant correlation with SMB at every site, and some variables were also differently correlated (negative or positive) with SMB at different sites. This suggests that the factors controlling the spatial distribution of SMB are very complex and responsive to local in situ conditions. SMB regression models were generated from both the ordinary least-squares (OLS) and generalized least-squares (GLS) models. GLS performance was only superior to OLS when cross-variograms were accurately fitted. Geostatistics is preferable, however, since these techniques take the spatial non-stationarity of samples into account. In addition, the sampling numbers for given minimum detectable differences (MDDs) are provided for each site for future SMB monitoring.  相似文献   

Within-field variations in plant-available soil nitrogen (N) are likely to be affected by differences in soil characteristics. To study this, a 3- year field investigation was conducted during 1998-2000 on a 15 ha arable field in Sweden with considerable within-field soil texture variability. In 34 plots soil N uptake by crops, net nitrogen mineralization (Nm) during the growing season and soil mineral N in spring and shortly after harvest were determined. Beside these parameters, topography, soil organic matter content (SOM), clay content, pH(H 2 O) and grain yield were recorded. The variations in Nm were considerably large both within the field and between years. The within-field variation in Nm could partly be explained by the variation in SOM and clay content (adjusted coefficient of determination = 0.23, P <0.001). The pattern in Nm differed between years, partly because of seasonal variations in soil moisture. For these reasons, the pattern of Nm is difficult to predict without seasonal adjustments.  相似文献   
孔隙结构图像分析中不同试验因素对分析结果的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
研究了不同试验因素 (包括图像分辨率、土壤切片定向性、分析区域大小等 )对孔隙结构图像分析结果的影响以及试验误差 ,并简要介绍了用于分析土壤孔隙结构的土壤切片及数字图像的制备技术。结果表明 :不同试验因素对分析结果均会产生一定的影响 ,试验误差约在 1 0 %。这表明同一研究中应保持试验条件的相对一致以保证分析结果的可靠性和可比性  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to develop an analytical procedure based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC–MS) for analysis of monomeric organic N compounds in soil extracts. To benchmark the developed LC–MS method it was compared with a capillary electrophoresis–mass spectrometry (CE–MS) method recently used for analysis of small organic N monomers in soil. The separation was optimized and analytical performance assessed with 69 purified standards, then the LC–MS method was used to analyse soil extracts. Sixty-two out of 69 standards were analysable by LC–MS with separation on a hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography column. The seven compounds that could not be analysed were strongly cationic polyamines. Limits of detection for a 5 μL injection ranged between 0.002 and 0.38 μmol L−1, with the majority (49 out of 62) having limits of detection better than 0.05 μmol L−1. The overall profile and concentration of small organic N monomers in soil extracts was broadly similar between LC–MS and CE–MS, with the notable exception of four ureides that were detected by LC–MS only. In soil extracts that had been concentrated ten-fold the detection and quantification of (some) organic N compounds was compromised by the presence of large amounts of inorganic salts. The developed LC–MS method offered advantages and disadvantages relative to CE–MS, and a combination of the two methods would achieve the broadest possible coverage of organic N in soil extracts.  相似文献   

The Solvita Soil Labile Amino-Nitrogen (SLAN) and Soil CO2-Burst (SSCB) tests are used in soil health assessments. Field experiments were conducted from 2014–2016 in Connecticut, USA to: (1) determine if SLAN and SSCB concentrations are correlated for a sandy loam soil under predominately Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) and tall fescue [Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort.] turfgrass lawns, and (2) compare the response of SSCB–C and SLAN–N concentrations in relation to varying rates of an organic fertilizer. Concentrations of SLAN–N were positively and significantly (P < .001) correlated with concentrations of SSCB–C for all years, both species, and combinations of years and species (r = 0.477 to 0.754). The response of SSCB–C and SLAN–N concentrations to organic fertilizer rates were positively linear and significant (P < .01) in all cases but one (2014 tall fescue SSCB–C concentrations). Rates of change across fertilizer rates were generally greater for SLAN–N concentrations. There was greater variation within the SSCB test than within the SLAN test. The results suggest that the SLAN and SSCB tests are well-correlated and both may be able to provide an estimate of a turfgrass soil’s N mineralization potential.  相似文献   
The fate of extracellular DNA in the environment concerns both the fate of transgenes from genetically modified organisms and the evolution of active bacteria capable of incorporating this DNA into their genomes. This study addressed the possibility that DNA, like other organic molecules, could move vertically in the capillary fringe of groundwater aquifers. The targeted gene fragment used here was the 35S-nptII sequence, which was below detection levels in controls. Initial microcosm studies detected the DNA target molecule by PCR during the entire experiment. The vertical advection of water and DNA were monitored for a period of 3 days in soil columns. DNA was added as a water solution at the bottom of the unsaturated soil column, and then DNA-free water was added at the bottom after 12 and 24 h. After the addition of the DNA solution, capillary water rose 4 cm within the soil column and the target DNA was detected up to that height. After 60 min, the entire soil column (10 cm) was wetted and the target sequence was detected up to a height of 7.5 cm. After the second wetting (12 h later), the target sequence was detected up to the top of the soil column (10 cm). However, after the third wetting (24 h later), the marker sequence was only found at heights from 0.5 to 4 cm. Results clearly show the vertical movement of DNA due the capillary rise and suggest the possibility of DNA degradation within the soil column.  相似文献   
传统的土壤颜色测定主要采用蒙塞尔比色卡比对,精度高,但费时费力。近年来尝试采用色系转换法预测土壤颜色,方法较为简便。基于土壤高光谱反射率和偏最小二乘回归(PLSR)方法进行土壤颜色预测,并与色系转换法进行对比研究。采集皖赣鄂交界地区76个不同颜色的土壤样品,分别采用PLSR及色系转换法进行土壤颜色预测,并与实测结果进行了对比。结果表明,PLSR交叉验证的R2cv分别达到0.62、0.61和0.75,测定值标准偏差与标准预测误差的比值(RPD)分别达到1.94、1.67和2.15,说明PLSR模型用于土壤颜色预测是可行的;其均方根误差(RMSE)仅为1.32、0.55和0.97个单位,较色系转换法的RMSE分别低0.94、1.24和0.95个单位,其HV/C整体预测误差?E的平均值为1.91,较色系转换法的平均值低5.16,说明PLSR方法预测土壤蒙塞尔颜色较色系转换法更优。该方法为土壤颜色的获取提供了一种新的途径。  相似文献   
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