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The effects of water deficit in different fruit growth stages on the variation of stem sap flux of 6-year old greenhouse-grown pear-jujube trees were investigated. Treatments included sufficient water supply during the whole fruit-growing period (T1), mild water deficit during the flowering–fruit setting stage (T2), moderate water deficit during the fruit rapid growth stage (T3) and severe water deficit during the fruit maturing stage (T4). Results showed that significant compensation effect on stem sap flux after re-watering was observed in T2, but not in T3 and T4 stages. At the end of rapid growth stage, the diurnal variation of stomatal conductance generally had a similar trend as that of stem sap flux, but with a distinct midday depression from 12:00 to 14:00 p.m. In addition, a linear relationship between the relative available soil water content (RAWC) and the ratio of daily stem sap flux to that of sufficient water treatment was observed (R2 = 0.4489).  相似文献   
对山东省姜田土壤特性与南方根结线虫密度进行了逐步回归和通径分析 ,同时进行了曲线拟合处理。表明 :土壤总空隙度 37.91%、有机质含量 3.16 %、有效磷含量 130 .6 9× 10 - 6 、有效铁含量 14 5 .93× 10 - 6 和有效锰含量 4 8.6 0× 10 - 6 时南方根结线虫密度最低 ,有效钾含量在 2 4 3.6 2× 10 - 6 时南方根结线虫密度最高。提出适当降低土壤总空隙度和有效钾含量 ,尽可能提高土壤中有机质、有效磷、有效铁和锰含量的土壤改良方案。  相似文献   
为探究‘辽宁1号’核桃较适宜的有机肥种类及施肥方式,以‘辽宁1号’核桃树为试验材料,利用半焦肥、鸡粪及生物菌肥三种有机肥进行施肥处理,检测不同有机肥对土壤及核桃产量品质的影响。结果表明,生物菌肥施肥能显著提高果仁黄酮含量;鸡粪能显著提高果仁Fe、Zn含量以及土壤速效磷、速效钾含量;5.0 kg半焦肥能显著提高果仁多酚、土壤有机质含量;10.0 kg半焦肥施肥能显著提高核桃单果重、横径、脂肪含量,矿质元素中K、Ca、Mg、Cu的含量以及土壤全磷含量。综合比较,10.0 kg/株半焦肥施肥对核桃相关果实品质的影响较大;根据隶属函数分析得出10.0 kg/株半焦肥施肥是较优施肥方式。  相似文献   
调查分析海南荔枝主产区荔枝园土壤养分状况,为荔枝的养分管理与合理施肥提供理论依据和科学指导。选择具有一定种植规模、有代表性的荔枝园 49 个,采集0~30 cm土层土壤样品进行养分丰缺状况的测试分析各种性质。结果表明,海南荔枝园土壤pH大部分呈酸性,16.3 % 荔枝园土壤pH适宜荔枝生长,土壤阳离子交换量为中等水平,63.3 % 果园土壤有机质含量处于适宜值及以上;土壤全氮、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾含量丰富;土壤交换性钙、有效硫含量丰富,42.7 % 果园土壤交换性镁含量缺乏,4.1 % 果园极缺乏;土壤微量元素铁、锰、铜、锌、钼含量较为丰富,但73.5 % 果园土壤有效硼含量低于适宜值。不同产区荔枝园土壤养分状况存在差异,海口果园土壤有机质和有效养分氮、钾、钙、镁含量最高,约2/3产区果园土壤偏缺交换性镁,仅海口、澄迈、定安土壤交换性镁含量在适宜值以上,各产区荔枝园土壤有效铁、锰、铜、锌、钼微量元素丰富,土壤有效硼在琼海果园含量丰富,澄迈、万宁、陵水、儋州、白沙荔枝园土壤有效硼偏缺。综合分析可知,各产区土壤肥力由高到低依次为:海口>定安>澄迈>文昌>琼海>儋州>万宁>陵水>白沙。综上所述,海南荔枝园应根据土壤养分情况平衡施肥,改良土壤酸度,增施有机肥,重视镁、硼肥施用,适当减施化肥以获得更好的产量效应。  相似文献   
为揭示典型潮土微生物群落及其生态网络对秸秆还田的响应机制,选择长期小麦-玉米轮作下不同秸秆还田处理的试验地为对象,应用高通量测序和生态网络等方法,阐明秸秆掩埋配施不同氮肥后土壤细菌群落组成、细菌网络共存关系以及与土壤养分的关联。结果表明:(1)与秸秆移除且不施氮肥处理相比,秸秆还田配合常规施肥处理显著降低土壤pH,提高了土壤全氮、有机碳、有效磷、速效钾和硝态氮含量(P < 0.05)。秸秆掩埋配施氮肥有利于增加土壤养分含量。(2)不同秸秆还田方式和氮肥施用量处理的细菌Alpha多样性无显著差异,而细菌群落结构差异显著。pH、SOC和TN等因子驱动了细菌群落结构变异。酸杆菌门、变形菌门、拟杆菌门和绿弯菌门是潮土细菌群落的主要优势菌门。(3)共现网络分析得到4个主要的生态集群,均与土壤养分有显著相关性。模块1中物种丰度与SOC、TN、TP、NO3- -N、AP和AK呈极显著负相关(P < 0.001),与pH呈极显著正相关(P < 0.001);模块2和模块3中物种丰度与大部分养分含量呈正相关,与pH呈负相关。因此秸秆还田配施氮肥可以通过调节细菌互作关系,从而调控土壤肥力。研究结果可为秸秆的资源化利用和土壤施肥管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   
云南是我国典型的重金属元素地球化学高背景区,超积累植物能否有效修复镉(Cd)地质高背景土壤,从而实现农产品安全生产,尚鲜见报道。以云南石林、富源和罗平等三地的典型Cd地质高背景农田土壤为对象,开展温室盆栽试验,探究Cd、锌(Zn)超积累植物伴矿景天对土壤Cd的吸取修复效果,及对后茬水稻生长和Cd吸收的作用。结果表明,种植三季伴矿景天使三地土壤全量Cd分别下降24.8%、30.9%和58.8%;伴矿景天在富源玄武岩风化物母质发育的土壤上长势最好,与富源土壤肥力相对最高有关;伴矿景天在罗平石灰岩风化物发育的土壤上重金属吸取修复效果最佳,与罗平土壤呈中性、酸化作用更为明显有关,这些差异由土壤母质、养分与重金属有效性等综合影响所致。经伴矿景天吸取修复三季后,全生育期淹水种稻,其糙米和秸秆Cd浓度均大幅降低,可实现糙米Cd安全生产。未经植物吸取修复,旱作处理下水稻糙米Cd存在超标风险。植物吸取修复后种植水稻,再结合水分管理措施,可进一步降低稻米中Cd浓度,实现稻米安全生产,为Cd地质高背景区土壤的农作物安全生产提供理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   
Polychlorinated biphenyls, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans, HCBs and p, p'-DDE were determined in soil and sediment samples from selected sites in Czecho-Slovakia. for the first three groups of chemicals soil pollution in Czecho-Slovakia is very high. in general, The pollution is higher in the Elbe than in the Danube catchment sediments.  相似文献   
The influence of topsoil and fertilizer application on denuded road construction sites was evaluated to assess its contribution to improvement of vegetation re-establishment. the study sites were within a mixed hardwood and conifer forest on crushed, unweathered subsurface material with low fertility and low biological activity. Topsoils were removed from the site, stockpiled and reapplied to the site after construction. the effect of topsoil amendment on plant growth, soil fertility, mycorrhizal infection and an index of microbial biomass were measured in field and greenhouse experiments. Plant growth on the topsoil amended field plots were greatly increased relative to treatments with fertilizer but no topsoil. Three years after establishment, dry weight production on the plots without topsoil treatment was about 40 per cent of the plots treated with topsoil. Greenhouse experiments were designed to compare fresh, dried and stockpiled topsoil. These experiments indicated that storage of the harvested topsoil for five months in a stockpile had minor effects on plant growth, soil fertility, mycorrhizal infection and microbial biomass. Topsoil volumes had to exceed 20 per cent of the total soil volume to achieve statistically significant benefits and higher ratios showed greater benefit. the percentage of mycorrhizal infection was greatest in topsoil treatments without fertilizer. the addition of fertilizer increased growth but reduced the percentage of roots forming mycorrhizae. When the total weight of infected roots was calculated, however, infection was found to be greatest with a moderate level of fertilizer (equivalent to approximately 27 kg N ha−1 and 39 kg P ha−1), and was less in both higher fertilizer treatments and in unfertilized treatments. Topsoil amendment increased microbial biomass nitrogen but fertilizer treatment did not.  相似文献   
Optimized nitrogen(N)management can increase N-use efficiency in intercropping systems.Legume-nonlegume intercropping systems can reduce N input by exploiting biological N fixation by legumes.Measurement of N utilization can help in dissecting the mechanisms underlying N uptake and utilization in legume-nonlegume intercropping systems.An experiment was performed with three planting patterns:monoculture maize(MM),monoculture soybean(SS),and maize-soybean relay intercropping(IMS),and three N application levels:zero N(NN),reduced N(RN),and conventional N(CN)to investigate crop N uptake and utilization characteristics.N recovery efficiency and 15N recovery rate of crops were higher under RN than under CN,and those under RN were higher under intercropping than under the corresponding monocultures.Compared with MM,IMS showed a lower soil N-dependent rate(SNDR)in 2012.However,the SNDR of MM rapidly declined from 86.8%in 2012 to 49.4%in 2014,whereas that of IMS declined slowly from 75.4%in 2012 to 69.4%in 2014.The interspecific N competition rate(NCRms)was higher under RN than under CN,and increased yearly.Soybean nodule dry weight and nitrogenase activities were respectively 34.2%and 12.5%higher under intercropping than in monoculture at the beginning seed stage.The amount(Ndfa)and ratio(%Ndfa)of soybean N2 fixation were significantly greater under IS than under SS.In conclusion,N fertilizer was more efficiently used under RN than under CN;in particular,the relay intercropping system promoted N fertilizer utilization in comparison with the corresponding monocultures.An intercropping system helps to maintain soil fertility because interspecific N competition promotes biological N fixation by soybean by reducing N input.Thus,a maize-soybean relay intercropping system with reduced N application is sustainable and environmentally friendly.  相似文献   
为探讨土壤Pb污染的治理方法,通过盆栽试验,比较了离子交换纤维的两种不同放置方式(分层放置与混匀放置)对麦田土壤Pb污染的修复效果。结果表明,在土壤1 000 mg·kg~(-1) Pb污染水平下,Pb污染处理(T1:Pb胁迫;T2:Pb+在土壤中分三层放置纤维;T3:Pb+在土壤中混匀剪碎的纤维)的土壤pH值、总有机碳含量较对照(CK:未添加Pb和离子交换纤维)有所降低。在小麦成熟期,T2、T3处理下土壤和植株各部位的Pb含量均低于T1处理,其中T3处理变化显著;T2、T3处理中纤维吸附的Pb含量则分别达到115.01和128.26 mg·kg~(-1)。T2、T3处理的Pb富集系数低于T1处理及CK。由此说明,离子交换纤维能够有效吸附土壤中的Pb,降低Pb从土壤向植株的转运能力,且离子交换纤维混匀放置方式的修复效果较好。  相似文献   
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