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Dead wood patterns and dynamics vary with biophysical factors, disturbance history, ownership, and management practices; the relative importance of these factors is poorly understood, especially at landscape to regional scales. This study examined current dead wood amounts in the Coastal Province of Oregon, USA, at multiple spatial scales. Objectives were to: (1) describe current regional amounts of several characteristics of dead wood; (2) compare dead wood amounts across ownerships; (3) determine the relative importance, according to spatial scale, of biophysical and ownership characteristics, to regional dead wood abundance. Dead wood plot data were evaluated with respect to explanatory variables at four spatial scales of resolution: plots, subwatersheds, watersheds and subbasins. The relationships of dead wood characteristics with biophysical attributes and ownership were diverse and scale-specific. Region-wide dead wood abundance and types varied among ownerships, with public lands typically having higher amounts of dead wood and more large dead wood than private lands. Regression analysis of total dead wood volume indicated that ownership was important at the subbasin scale. Growing season moisture stress was important at plot, subwatershed, and watershed scales. Topography was important at the two coarser scales. Multivariate analysis of dead wood gradients showed that ownership was important at all scales, topography at the subbasin scale, historical vegetation at watershed and subbasin scales, and current vegetation at plot and subwatershed scales. Management for dead wood and related biodiversity at watershed to landscape scales should consider the distinct dynamics of snags and logs, the importance of historical effects, and the relevance of ownership patterns.  相似文献   
Snags are critical structural features for managing biological diversity in forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA. However, commercial forests in this region often contain reduced numbers of snags compared to unmanaged forests and managers require effective methods to augment snag numbers in harvest units. Therefore, we created snags by topping live trees with a mechanical harvester and studied foraging and nesting use by cavity-nesting birds of these snags in clearcuts in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga mensezii) forests along the west slope of the Cascade Mountain Range and east slope of the Coast Range in Oregon, USA. We used a completely randomized design to assign 6 different treatments (single or scattered distribution by 3 different densities) to 31 different harvest units. We created 1111 snags from February 1997 through April 1999 and monitored them from 2–5 years after harvest (1999–2002). Fraction of created snags with nest cavities in harvest units was generally low across all treatments and years of the study, although some individual stands demonstrated increased nesting use with snag age. While the highest fractions of snags with nest cavities were found in units with low density and scattered snags, the mean fraction of snags used for nesting did not differ among treatments. Treatment type, distribution of snags (i.e., scattered or clumped), and associated interactions did not influence fraction of snags used for foraging. However, fraction of created snags used for foraging in all harvest units increased with snag age. Fraction of snags used for foraging was greatest in the low density treatments. While this technique provides managers with a relatively economical option for creating snags, mechanical harvesters cannot be used to create tall, large snags upon which several cavity-dependent species rely and provides only a partial solution to a critical forest management issue.  相似文献   
Many species of vertebrates depend on snags (standing dead trees) for persistence, and limited research suggests that snag density is lower in areas of intensive timber harvest and increased human access. While intensive timber harvest is one source of potential snag loss, ease of human access to forest stands may also facilitate loss via firewood cutting of snags. Accordingly, we hypothesized that density of snags (number of snags/ha) would decline in forest stands with increasing intensity of timber harvest and increasing ease of human access. We tested our hypothesis by sampling stands under varying levels of timber harvest and access on National Forest land in the northwestern United States. Stands with no history of timber harvest had 3 times the density of snags as stands selectively harvested, and 19 times the density as stands having undergone complete harvest. Stands not adjacent to roads had almost 3 times the density of snags as stands adjacent to roads. Unharvested stands adjacent to non-federal lands and closer to towns had lower snag density, as did stands with flat terrain in relation to nearest road. Our findings demonstrate that timber harvest and human access can have substantial effects on snag density. Meeting snag objectives for wildlife will require careful planning and effective mitigations as part of management of timber harvest and human access.  相似文献   
Urban development typically has extensive and intensive effects on native ecosystems, including vegetation communities and their associated biota. Increasingly, urban planning strives to retain elements of native ecosystems to meet multiple social and ecological objectives. The ecological integrity of native forests in an urbanizing landscape is challenged by a myriad of impacts, such as forest management and invasive species. Environmental protection efforts in the Lake Tahoe basin, spanning the California/Nevada border in the Sierra Nevada mountains, over the past half century have resulted in the retention of thousands of parcels of remnant native forest located throughout the urbanizing landscape. The basin landscape provides an opportunity to evaluate the effects of land development on the composition and structure of remnant native forests along a gradient of urbanization. We sampled 118 sites located in remnant forests in the lower montane zone surrounded by 0–70% development. We also sampled forest structure in the landscape surrounding 75 of these sites to evaluate the contribution of remnant forests to the retention of native forest elements in the larger landscape. We characterized plant species composition and cover, vertical structure, and the density of trees, snags, and logs, as well as levels of ground disturbance and human activity. We found that remnant native forests retained much of their compositional and structural character along the development gradient, including large tree density, total canopy cover, and plant species richness. Notable exceptions were reductions in the density and decay stage of snags and logs, and the density of understory trees. We also observed increases in the richness and cover of herb and grass species and increases in the number of exotic plant species. In contrast, structural complexity was reduced in the landscape surrounding forest remnants in all measures except large tree density. We conclude that remnant native forests contribute significantly to maintaining native species in an urbanizing landscape, and that land conservation practices have an important role to play in protecting native forest ecosystems.  相似文献   
Dead wood, in the form of coarse woody debris and standing dead wood, or snags, is an essential structural component of forest ecosystems. It plays a key role in nutrient cycling, ecosystem functions and provision of habitat for a wide variety of species. In order to manage dead wood in a temperate hardwood forest, an understanding of its availability and spatial distribution is important. This research evaluates airborne digital camera remote sensing for mapping temperate forest dead wood across an area within Gatineau Park, Canada. Two approaches were evaluated: (1) direct detection and mapping of canopy dead wood (dead branches and tall snags) through the combination of three techniques in a hybrid classification: ISODATA clustering, object-based classification, and spectral unmixing, and (2) indirect modelling of coarse woody debris and snags using spectral and spatial predictor variables extracted from the imagery. Indirect modelling did not provide useful results while direct detection was successful with field validation showing 94% accuracy for detected canopy level dead wood objects (i.e. 94% of validation sites with canopy dead wood were detected correctly) and 90% accuracy for control sites (i.e. 90% of validation sites with no canopy level dead wood were identified correctly). The procedures presented in this paper are repeatable and could be used to monitor dead wood over time, potentially contributing to applications in forest carbon budget estimation, biodiversity management, and forest inventory.  相似文献   
We examined the availability and quality of standing dead trees (snags) for nesting habitat in a harvest chronosequence of boreal forests dominated by balsam fir (Abies balsamea) in western Newfoundland. Snag density declined substantially 10–15 years after harvest, then increased to reach its highest level in 81- to 100-year-old forests that had become senescent. Most (55%) of 1260 snags encountered were balsam fir, which contained 41% of the 81 cavities identified. Cavity presence was most strongly positively correlated to snag diameter at breast height (dbh), followed by decay class, time since harvest and height. Less than 40% of snags available throughout the chronosequence had large enough dbh for cavity nesters. Downy Woodpeckers (Picoides pubescens) were responsible for 47% of all cavities identified, excavating balsam fir 50% of the time. Two larger cavity nesters present, Northern Flickers (Colaptes auratus) and Three-toed Woodpeckers (Picoides tridactylus), were more likely to use large-diameter white birch (Betula papyrifera) snags. Northern Flickers excavated the largest cavities, potentially providing habitat for the greatest variety of secondary cavity nesters. Managing for snags with >30 cm dbh, which flickers target for excavation, has the greatest potential to enhance the broader snag cavity-based community in western Newfoundland.  相似文献   
Jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forests in parts of northern Lower Michigan have been managed with 30 years of extensive clearcut harvesting followed by planted stand establishment in order to maintain habitat for the endangered Kirtland's warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii). We used two, parallel chronosequences to study how this management has affected the structural development of jack pine stands relative to the historically dominant disturbance regime of stand-replacing wildfire. Each chronosequence consisted of three young stands (age range 3–6 years), three intermediate-aged stands (age range of 12–17 years) and three mature stands (age range of 39–69 years). Average stem density in young plantations (2300 stems/ha) was lower than the average for young, fire-origin stands (11,000) and varied over a much narrower range among stands (1403–2667 for plantations and 1552–24,192 in fire stands). In addition, within-stand patchiness of stem density was also much higher in the wildfire sites for young and intermediate ages. Plantation sites possessed very little dead wood at young ages (averaging 3 snags/ha and 12 m3/ha CWD) compared to young fire-origin stands (averaging 252 snags/ha and 49 m3/ha CWD). In contrast, mature plantations had similar levels of dead wood (averaging 269 snags/ha and 22 m3/ha CWD) as mature fire-origin stands (averaging 557 snags/ha and 12 m3/ha CWD). Differences between the plantation and fire-origin chronosequences were driven mainly by young- and intermediate-aged stands, whereas mature stands were typically quite similar in all structural features. Our results show clearly that forest management aimed at preserving and enhancing the population of a single endangered species results in greatly simplified habitat structure at the stand level, and suggest that this simplification is perpetuated across the landscape as well. Of particular concern are the effects of extensive harvesting and planting on the availability of snags and CWD.  相似文献   
Snags are an important resource for a wide variety of organisms, including cavity-nesting birds. We documented snag attributes in a mixed-conifer forest dominated by ponderosa pine in the Sierra Nevada, California where fire is being applied during spring. A total of 328 snags were monitored before and after fire on plots burned once, burned twice, or left unburned to assess the effects of prescribed fire on snag populations. The greatest loss of snags (7.1 snags ha−1 or 43%) followed the first introduction of fire after a long fire-free period. On plots burned a second time 21% of snags (3.6 snags ha−1) were lost, whereas 8% (1.4 snags ha−1) were lost on unburned control plots in the same time period. New snags replaced many of those lost reducing the net snag losses to 12% (2.0 ha−1) for plots burned once, and 3% (0.5 ha−1) for plots burned twice and unburned plots. We also examined snags used by cavity-nesting birds. Snags preferred for nesting were generally ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), larger diameter, and moderately decayed as compared to available snags. For monitored snags that met the preferred criteria, there was a net loss (1.7 snag ha−1 or 34%) after the first burn, while the loss of useable snags was less than 1 snag ha−1 following the second burn (15%) or on unburned controls (8%). We recommend protection of preferred snags, in particular large ponderosa pines, especially during primary fire applications on fire-suppressed landscapes.  相似文献   
Patterns of tree mortality, rates and type of tree and snag fall, and relationships between snag characteristics and potential wildlife habitat value were estimated for hybrid spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss × engelmannii Parry ex Engelm.) and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.) in east-central British Columbia in order to provide important parameters for deadwood modelling. We sampled 172 snags (52 spruce and 120 fir) for species, size, morphological, and habitat attributes, and used dendroecological techniques on a subsample of these (n = 158) to estimate year of death. Input of snags appeared to occur at a nearly constant rate in these stands. Estimated annual tree fall, including live trees and snags, was 5.3% for hybrid spruce and 6.1% for subalpine fir and stem breakage was more frequent than uprooting. Long-term annual snag fall rates were 4.6% for hybrid spruce and 2.9% for subalpine fir. Discriminant analysis based on time since death correctly classified snags into three decay classes for 85% and 72% of spruce and fir, respectively. Snags that potentially could provide important functions for wildlife habitat were more prevalent in fresh and intermediate classes for hybrid spruce and in intermediate and old classes for subalpine fir. The results provide valuable parameters for further development of deadwood models, which are an important tool for development of best practices for deadwood management.  相似文献   
The reliance of cockatoos upon large hollows for nesting makes them vulnerable to any reduction in this resource. Species inhabiting forests managed for timber production are at risk because logging has the capacity to reduce hollow abundance significantly. In this study I identified the factors significantly associated with the selection of nest trees and nest sites by glossy black-cockatoos. Glossy black-cockatoos nested in vertical spouts in large trees. Nests were more likely to be located relatively high in senescent trees or standing dead trees (snags), factors most likely related to hollow suitability. As the density of potential nest hollows increased within a site, so to did the relative probability of it being used for nesting. The number of potential hollows serves as an index for the availability of suitable hollows. The persistence of glossy black-cockatoos within the study area will require careful management of nesting resources. Maximising the available hollow resource within known nesting areas is desirable. This is most efficiently achieved by facilitating the recruitment of large trees. This will require the exclusion of logging from nesting areas. Snags are a critical nesting resource. Information on snag dynamics is required and active intervention, such as the erection of nest boxes, may be necessary if unsustainable snag loss is occurring.  相似文献   
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