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抗草甘膦基因aroAM12及抗虫基因Bts1m的转基因棉株   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
构建了一种新的植物高效表达载体pAM12-s1m,其上携带有通过基因优化(gene shuffling)技术获得的抗草甘膦突变基因(aroAM12)和抗虫人工合成重组Bt基因(Bts1m)。aroAM12基因表达由CaMV35S启动子控制,Bts1m基因表达由2E-35S启动子和Ω因子控制。以棉花无菌苗下胚轴为外植体,采用农杆菌介导法将aroAM12和Bts1m基因导入棉花  相似文献   
Interception loss represents an important factor of water balance. The reduction of interception loss through silvicultural treatments to the benefit of water yield is very important for countries with large periods of limited rainfall like Greece. In the context of climate change and its possible effects on water availability, oak ecosystems can play a significant role in water production, as they comprise the largest part of the forested area in Greece. The objective of this study is to investigate the relationships between water interception changes, as a result of different forest management treatments, and water yield. For this reason, experimental watersheds have been established for the study of the hydrological impacts of thinning and clearcutting in an oak ecosystem in northern Greece. Two watersheds were used as control while different combinations of thinning (removal 50% of basal area) and clearcutting treatments were used in the other three study watersheds. Canopy annual interception amounted for 9.0%, 6.7% and 1.8% of the total precipitation in the untreated, thinned and clearcut plots respectively. The practiced thinning and clearcutting operations increased the available amount of water by a mean annual average of 13.2 mm and 42.8 mm respectively compared to the control watersheds. The total water surplus represented 29.5%, 30.9% and 33.9% of the average annual precipitation for the control, thinned and clearcut plot respectively. Surface flow was very low even during large rainfall events, possibly due to the soil and bedrock attributes and the topography of the area. Analogous silvicultural treatments can increase water availability but they should incorporate reduced-impact logging and skidding practices and thus cause the least possible soil disturbance, by carefully selecting the best suited wood harvesting systems and methods.  相似文献   
择伐作业对常绿阔叶林乔木层树种结构及物种多样性的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究4种不同强度择伐作业(弱度13.0%、中度29.1%、强度45.8%和极强度67.1%)对常绿阔叶林林分结构及乔木层物种多样性的影响结果表明,轻度与中度择伐对林分结构的影响较小,原林分乔木层优势树种的地位仍保持甚至略有提高;而强度择伐和极强度择伐则引起林分结构一定的变化,一些优势树种的地位削弱,而另一些树种的优势地位上升。但采伐作业不利于常绿阔叶林物种多样性的发展,尤其是林冠强度破坏对物种多样性的影响最大,而轻度与中度择伐作业有利于原有物种保持与恢复,这可能与不同强度择伐作业引起林地光照条件、温度和湿度等环境因子的不同变化有关。  相似文献   
邯棉802是依据基因累加和亲本性状互补原理,通过复合杂交创造出早熟、高产、优质的新种质97-S.710,再利用高产、优质、抗虫品种邯郸109进行抗虫Bt基因转育,经系统选择培育而成.该品种优质、高产、早熟不早衰和抗棉铃虫,适宜在黄河流域棉区麦套种植.  相似文献   
本文叙述了水曲柳天然林特性,以种群立异理论为基础,采用表型选择方法进行林分群体选择,并应用数量化理论Ⅰ进行计算分析,其数学模型是:同时分析了影响林分群体生产力、单株营养面积产量的诸因子间相互关系。以林分中水曲柳立木密度(株/ha)为基础,制定了不同等级林分的群体生产力定量指标。  相似文献   
周棉6号是周口市农业科学院以(泗331×周R-3)F<,1>代材料为母本,以(鲁742×9708)F<,3>代选系材料为父本,进行复合杂交,并对复合杂交分离群体进行多年连续选育而成的棉花新品种.2009年通过河南省农作物品种审定委员会审定.该品种在2006、2007年河南省棉花区域试验中,皮棉、霜前皮棉平均产量分别为1...  相似文献   
本文以我国水产养殖主导品种吉富罗非鱼(farmed tilapia)为研究材料,进行扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)反应体系的研究,初步建立了一套适合罗非鱼的AFLP反应体系。对体系中关键环节的优化结果如下:基因组DNA要求无降解和RNA污染,OD260/OD280比值在1.8~2.0之间;基因组DNA EcoRⅠ/MseⅠ37℃双酶切6h、20℃连接20h,连接产物10倍稀释,PCR预扩增产物稀释45倍作为选择性扩增的模板,选择性扩增产物经6%变性丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测可获得条带清晰、背景干扰小的图像。该体系的构建为今后进行罗非鱼群体遗传多样性分析、种质鉴定、重要经济性状分子标记的开发及遗传连锁图谱构建等方面研究提供了参考。  相似文献   
Bacterial wilt caused by race 1 strains of Ralstonia solanacearum is endemic on tomato produced in diverse agro-ecosystems in Taiwan. Using a new BIO-PCR protocol developed in this study, R. solanacearum was detected in soil, weed, and water samples collected from eight fields with different disease histories and cropping systems located in major tomato production areas. The sensitivity of the BIO-PCR was 1.9 CFU ml−1 and 17 CFU g−1 of soil for pure suspension and infested soil, respectively. The positive detection frequency of the BIO-PCR method was 66.6, 39.6, 23.1, and 31.8% for all tested samples of soil, weed rhizosphere soil, weed root, and water, respectively, and was higher than plating on MSM-1 medium. Detection of R. solanacearum from field soil indicated that spatial distribution of the pathogen in the field was not even regardless of the presence or absence of the disease and the different agro-ecosystems where the sampled fields were located, and the degree of unevenness was higher when tomato was absent from the field. Weed rhizosphere soils could be good sampling targets to monitor the pathogen in the field, because a higher positive detection proportion and population of R. solanacearum were found in the rhizosphere rather than the root of the collected weed samples. Symptomless weeds and contaminated irrigation, standing, or drainage waters were found to be important for the over-season survival and dissemination of R. solanacearum.  相似文献   
陇薯11 号是甘肃省农业科学院马铃薯研究所于1996 年以品系L9712-2(92-29-81×93-1-
204)为母本,远杂22 为父本组配杂交,从其杂交组合中经系统定向选育而成的马铃薯品种。晚熟,生育
期124 d(天)左右。薯块圆形,黄皮黄肉,芽眼深浅中等,薯皮微网纹,薯形评价较好。薯块含干物质
23.7%,淀粉18.68%,粗蛋白3.16%,VC 144.2 mg·kg-1,还原糖0.162%。较对照陇薯5 号抗晚疫病,
田间对花叶病毒病具有较好的抗性。每667 m2 产量1 350 kg 左右,适宜甘肃省高寒阴湿、二阴地区及半
干旱地区推广种植。  相似文献   
淮鲜豆5号是以台湾75为母本、高雄5号为父本的杂交后代,采用改良单籽传法育成的菜用春大豆新品种。丰产、优质、中熟,出苗至采收鲜荚83d(天)。平均每667m~2鲜荚产量670kg。鲜荚灰毛、深绿色,二粒标准荚长5.6cm、荚宽1.3cm,鲜百荚重312.5g,鲜百粒重77.2g。口感甜糯。适宜在江苏省内春播种植。  相似文献   
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