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Analysis of landscape-scale patterns of plant invasiveness can assist in interpreting spatial patterns of plant species richness. We investigated downstream variation in plant invasiveness in the riparian corridor of the free-flowing Vindel River in northern Sweden by introducing seeds of an alien species, Helianthus annuus, in 0.25 m2 plots of natural vegetation from mountain headwaters to the coast and found a significant downstream pattern with middle reaches having the highest invasiveness. We related invasiveness to species richness, both on a reach scale (200-m long stretches of riverbank encompassing the experimental plots) and on the scale of experimental plots. We found no significant correlation between plant invasiveness and species richness, neither at the reach nor at the plot scale. The number of available soil substrates shows a significant positive quadratic relationship with location along the river and substrate fineness shows a near significant negative quadratic relationship with location along the river, with middle reaches having coarser substrates. Several studies have shown that plant species richness in riparian corridors often exhibits a quadratic pattern with highest species richness in the middle reaches of a river, similar to the pattern we found for invasiveness. Although species richness per se might not be a primary factor for invasibility, the same habitat conditions as those supporting plant species richness, can help in explaining large-scale patterns of plant invasion in riparian zones.  相似文献   
Riparian ecosystems are interfaces between aquatic and terrestrial environments recognized for their nutrient interception potential in agricultural landscapes. Stream network maps from a broad range of map resolutions have been employed in watershed studies of riparian areas. However, map resolution may affect important attributes of riparian buffers, such as the connectivity between source lands and small stream channels missing in coarse resolution maps. We sought to understand the influence of changing stream map resolution on measures of the river network, near-stream land cover, and riparian metrics. Our objectives were: (1) to evaluate the influence of stream map resolution on measures of the stream network, the character and extent of near-stream zones, and riparian metrics; (2) to compare patterns of variation among different physiographic provinces; and (3) to explore how predictions of nutrient retention potential might be affected by the resolution of a stream map. We found that using fine resolution stream maps significantly increased our estimates of stream order, drainage density, and the proportion of watershed area occurring near a stream. Increasing stream map resolution reduced the mean distance to source areas as well as mean buffer width and increased the frequency of buffer gaps. Measures of percent land cover within 100 m of streams were less sensitive to stream map resolution. Overall, increasing stream map resolution led to reduced estimates of nutrient retention potential in riparian buffers. In some watersheds, switching from a coarse resolution to a fine resolution stream map completely changed our perception of a stream network from well buffered to largely unbuffered. Because previous, broad-scale analyses of riparian buffers used coarse-resolution stream maps, those studies may have overestimated landscape-level buffer prevalence and effectiveness. We present a case study of three watersheds to demonstrate that interactions among stream map resolution and land cover patterns make a dramatic difference in the perceived ability of riparian buffers to ameliorate effects of agricultural activities across whole watersheds. Moreover, stream map resolution affects inferences about whether retention occurs in streams or riparian zones.  相似文献   
[目的]揭示典型复垦工业场地中重金属元素污染特征及潜在生态风险,为此类工业复垦场地管理和治理提供科学依据。[方法]分析上海市33块典型复垦工业场地表层、中层和深层土壤中8项重金属(砷、镉、铬、铜、镍、铅、锌、汞)的含量,采用内梅罗指数法和潜在生态风险指数法对复垦工业场地土壤重金属污染进行生态风险评价。[结果]①复垦工业场地土壤中重金属整体风险可控,17个点位重金属含量超过风险筛选值,其中以表层土壤中Cu和Zn污染最为突出,最大超标倍数分别为3.24,3.73倍。下层土壤中重金属平均含量均低于上海市土壤背景值,部分点位存在一定的重金属累积;②复垦工业场地表层、中层和深层土壤重金属内梅罗综合污染指数分别为1.21,0.78,0.73,分别处于轻度污染、尚清洁和尚清洁水平,其中表层Cd和Zn污染最为突出;③除表层土壤Hg(中度)和Cd(中度)外,其余重金属元素均存在轻微生态风险,表层土壤潜在生态风险指数(RI)为107.22,总体潜在生态风险接近中等水平,中层及深层土壤处于轻微潜在生态风险水平。[结论]复垦工业场地土壤重金属存在一定程度的累积性污染,其中Cu,Cd,Hg和Zn污染较为突出,考虑到毒性响应因素,则Hg和Cd更应引起关注。  相似文献   
曹顺爱  江华  李明月 《农机化研究》2008,(4):221-223,227
以枣庄地区煤矿塌陷地复垦利用为实例,在对该地区塌陷地实地调查的基础上,分析了塌陷地的危害性及其影响,提出了塌陷地复垦中存在的问题,并从技术的科学性、政策的有效性和资金的充足性等3个角度提出塌陷地复垦治理措施.  相似文献   
三峡水库投入使用后,在库区两岸形成周期性变化的水陆交错地带即消落区。通过调查消落区的类型、分布、面积等基本情况,从消落区水、土相互作用角度,分析了消落区在水、土交互作用下对水、陆生态系统的影响,提出了利用生物缓冲带等技术来建立消落区生态保护的措施。  相似文献   
Abstract  Species richness in relation to area of habitat is extremely high in many freshwater groups, with an estimated 12 000 fish, 5000 amphibians and 2000 mollusc species dependent on freshwater habitats. Other major groups dependent upon fresh waters include, reptiles, insects, plants and mammals. The IUCN Redlist and The Nature Conservancy assessments both indicate the serious vulnerability and degradation of inland water habitats world-wide. It is evident that there are neither the resources nor the time to protect all areas where species are under threat. Clearly a method is needed for prioritising inland water sites for conservation at both local and regional scales. IUCN held a workshop in June 2002 to develop a method for prioritising important inland water sites for biodiversity conservation. The goal of the workshop was to develop a method which would help to focus on conservation efforts and funds at the regional scale and would serve as a tool for active conservation efforts at the local scale. The method was developed on the foundations of a review of the existing site prioritisation schemes for terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecosystems. Expert representatives for a broad range of priority taxa and for existing schemes provided input to the development of the site prioritisation method. This paper describes the development of the method, the selection criteria adopted, guidelines for their use and the site selection procedure.  相似文献   
本研究以金马河温江段河岸带植被为研究对象,采用典型样地法对5种生境(河滩地、砾石地、芦苇地、斑茅地和沙坑地)进行调查,分析其3年来(2015-2018年)植被群落特征变化。结果表明:从时间尺度上看,2015年仅有草本层32科80属113种,2018年草本、灌木层共计57科118属161种,各生境草本层优势种变动较小,物种多样性指数值增大,地上、地下生物量变化情况为河滩地和沙坑地增加,砾石地和芦苇地变化不明显,斑茅地减少;从空间尺度上看,2015年各生境之间的物种多样性指数和地上生物量均不存在显著差异,而2018年各生境间变异程度复杂;该段河岸带3年间取得了一定程度的生态恢复效果,但芦苇(Phragmites australis)、葎草(Humulus scandens)呈扩张趋势,需要注意控制生长,维持生境物种多样性。  相似文献   
城市工业污染场地土壤修复技术研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
城市工业污染场地是我国城市化进程中面临的新环境问题,制约着城市土地资源的安全再利用。分析了我国城市工业污染场地的主要污染物及其主要工业企业来源,综述了应用于污染场地土壤修复的主要技术及其优缺点,在此基础上提出了我国城市工业污染场地修复的研究重点及发展趋势。  相似文献   
本研究分别以普通刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)和白刺参基因组DNA为实验材料,应用甲基化敏感扩增多态性(Methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism,MSAP)技术对刺参体壁、呼吸树和消化道3个组织的DNA甲基化水平和甲基化模式进行了研究,初步探讨了DNA甲基化对刺参组织间基因特异性表达的影响.结果显示,筛选得到的9对引物组合能够在普通刺参和白刺参两个群体中得到稳定扩增,在两群体刺参中分别检测到5932和5208个位点,均以未甲基化位点为主,普通刺参和白刺参未甲基化位点数分别为4317和3944,分别占总扩增条带数的72.78%和75.73%.普通刺参体壁的甲基化水平为31.07%,呼吸树为23.36%,消化道为26.34%;白刺参中体壁的甲基化水平为29.88%,呼吸树为23.25%,消化道为19.45%,由此可见,体壁的甲基化率在两群体中是最高的.普通刺参和白刺参同一组织间的甲基化水平和甲基化模式不同,同一群体体壁、呼吸树和消化道不同组织间的甲基化水平和模式也不同.甲基化在普通刺参和白刺参组织分化和发育过程中可能发挥着十分重要的作用.在检测的3个组织中,CCGG序列的全甲基化位点较半甲基化位点多.  相似文献   
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