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研究不同栽培措施对萝卜生产的影响,结果表明:试验条件下,播种太早或太迟,对萝卜生长都不利,"瑞雪"萝卜最适播种期应为9月25日至11月5日;利用地膜覆盖,萝卜地上部和地下部的生产速度明显提高,生育期提早,产量比露地提高了36.64%;每667m2种植密度以6 500~7 500株为好。  相似文献   
成渝地区葡萄园营养状况初步研究与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在成渝地区具有代表性的葡萄园内进行了叶样和土样采集分析,结果表明:与标准值对比,大部分葡萄园内叶片中营养元素P与Mg含量水平较低,微量元素Mn与Fe含量水平则偏高;在大量使用有机肥的葡萄园内,土壤中速效性的营养元素N、P、K含量水平相对较高.  相似文献   
通过测试不同厚度的试样和改变相同厚度试样的老化时间及温度来验证和分析试样厚度对塑性初值(P0)、老化条件对塑性保持率(PRI)的影响。试验表明,在其它试验条件不变的情况下,试样厚度偏大塑性初值(P0)也相应偏大,老化时间越长和老化温度越高,老化后的P30和塑性保持率(PRI)就越小。  相似文献   
秸杆栽培食用菌拮抗菌株的鉴定及混菌发酵条件的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从海洋泥样和食用菌发酵料中分离出了32个菌株,从中筛选出了既具有较高的纤维素酶活性又具有对青霉(Penicillium spp)、木霉(Trichoderma spp.)、根霉(Rhizopus)、曲霉(Aspergillus spp)、毛霉(Mucro)较强拮抗能力的W-4、W-10、N-14三个菌株。经鉴定W-4、W-10分别属于放线菌中黄色节杆菌(Arthrobacter flavescens)和石灰壤诺卡氏菌(Nocardia calcarea),N-14属于细菌中的乳酸乳杆菌(Lactobacillus lactis)。通过正交试验对上述3个菌株混合发酵条件进行优化,确定在温度35℃、时间36h、pH7.5、装液量60ml/250ml时为最适发酵条件。在此条件下3个菌株混合发酵液纤维素酶活力仍然很高。同时混合发酵液对青霉、曲霉、毛霉、木霉、根霉的拮抗能力分别为单菌株发酵液的1.79倍、1.36倍、1.29倍、1.04倍、1.07倍。  相似文献   
Some new concepts of coneD_s convexity,coneD-s quasiconvexity,cone D-s pseudoconvexity,s right derivative of vector value mapping are proposed;and their related properties are discussed;the optimality necessary conditions and sufficient conditions for constrained extremum problem(VP)involving in cone D-s convex mapping are extablished;the relation between local optimal solution and global optimal solution;as well as the relation between weakly efficient solution and efficient solution for (VP) are derived;the corresponding results generalize the related results of classic convex programming.  相似文献   
The deformation characteristics of the fine-sandstone is studied under the loading and unloading conditions at the three different deformation-rates and the two different stress-levels. The experimental results show that there is really the plastic-loop in the deformation curve for the loading deformation curve is different from the unloading deformation curve. But the plastic-loop is nearly unchangeable since the second circulate loading. The residual-deformation is be almost zero since the second circulate loading, and that the slope of the deformation curve increases as the deformation-rate increases, and that the residual-deformation increases as the stress-levels increases.  相似文献   
The feasible control problem is presented for the day-operation of the Three-Gorge Caseade Hydropower Station. The significance of the problem is explained. Basic propetties ofthe problem and the approaches to study it are discussed. Two methfods are given for solving theproblem. which are calculus of variation and linear programming. In the former. the Euler equationwith time-lag and the generalised two-point boundary conditions are obtained and the correspondingpractical implication is interpreted. In the latter. the rationality for the discrete model is exptainedand the computalional details are given for the implement software. some questions which should bepaid much attentfon and the corresponding propeels are prasented based on the numerical results andtheoretical analysis  相似文献   
The deformation characteristics and the plastic-loop of the fine-sandstone is studied under the loading and(unloading) condition at the three different deformation-rates and the two different stress-levels,the results show: 1) There is really the plastic-loop in the deformation curve for the loading deformation curve is different form the unloading deformation curve.But the plastic-loop is nearly unchangeable since the second circulate loading.2) There is different for every imitational parameter between the first deformation curve and the second deformation curve at the different stress-levels and the different deformation-rates,but every imitational parameters become more and more invariable gradually since the second circulate curve.3) With the change of the deformation-rates and stress-levels,the imitational(parameters) will change with it.4) The imitational parameters are different for loading section and unloading section of the fine-sandstone deformation curve at the same circulate curve under the same deformation-rate and stress-level.  相似文献   
本实验以南高丛蓝莓品种‘绿宝石’为研究材料,以土壤pH、有机肥施用量和珍珠岩施用量三个因素设置正交实验,研究蓝莓在不同土壤条件和不同生长时期,其净光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾速率以及叶片氮、磷、钾含量的变化规律,为蓝莓健康生长提供理论依据。结果表明:萌芽期,最佳处理土壤条件为土壤pH值4.2,有机肥施用量14.4 kg,珍珠岩施用量3600 g,净光合速率达到11.23 umol CO2 m-2s-1。生长旺期,最佳土壤条件为土壤pH值5.8,有机肥施用量7.2 kg,珍珠岩施用量为5400 g,最大净光合速率达到10.11 umol CO2 m-2s-1。挂果期,最佳处理土壤条件为土壤pH值5.8,有机肥施用量14.4 kg,珍珠岩施用量1800 g,净光合速率为8.78 umol CO2 m-2s-1。综上所述,在不同时期,土壤pH、有机肥施用量和珍珠岩施用量配比施用对蓝莓光合作用和叶片氮磷钾含量具有显著影响,但不同时期对土壤条件需求不同,应该结合蓝莓生长的实际需求,在不同时期对蓝莓土壤条件进行改良,以利于蓝莓生长。  相似文献   
通过采用MS培养基、MS 2.0mg/LGA3培养基、纸床(双层无菌滤纸)对红肉火龙果种子进行萌芽试验。试验发现,接种后5d,纸床培养的火龙果种子的萌发率最高,为95%;其次是MS 2.0mg/LGA3培养基,为89%;萌发率最低的是MS培养基上的火龙果种子,为81%。15d后,MS 2.0mg/LGA3培养基上火龙果幼苗的生长势高于其他两种培养方式,幼苗平均高度为1.5cm,子叶较厚,浅绿色。结果表明,MS 2.0mg/LGA3培养基为较为理想的火龙果种子萌芽培养基。  相似文献   
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