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对乌兰察布地区1971—2010年的降水与气温进行了分析。趋势分析表明,近40年来乌兰察布地区年降水量呈减少趋势,其中春、秋季降水量为增加趋势,夏、冬季节降水为减少趋势;年平均气温表现出明显的增加趋势,并在1987年以及1997年发生了明显的跃变;小波分析发现年降水量存在着5年、10年、20年以及28年左右的周期,年平均气温存在着6年、15年、20年以及28年左右的周期;旋转主因子分析发现乌兰察布地区夏秋季降水、气温的区域划分具有一致性,南部地区降水多,气温高;北部地区降水少,气温低,但北部地区气温波动较大。  相似文献   
袁野  邵洋  李爱华  李建邦 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(18):8583-8586
利用2006-2007年合肥多普勒天气雷达和安徽省全省自动雨量站的较长时间序列观测数据,基于Fisher多因子二级判别方法建立判别函数,以雷达产品数据作为预报因子来识别降水。结果表明,春、秋季和夏季的雷达产品数据与自动雨量数据具有较好的相关性;Fisher判别函数对降水的识别准确率较高,雨天的历史回报准确率分别达到76.16%和82.38%。  相似文献   
首先分析西峰1971~2004年先年7~9月夏闲期降水量与次年冬小麦产量相关关系,进而利用陇东15个气象观测站1971~2004年7~9月降水资料,讨论降水的时空分布特征。结果表明:7~9月降水量与次年冬小麦气象产量通过0.01信度检验,达到显著相关水平;降水量年际最大值出现在2003年,为464.8 mm,最小值出现在1991年,为130.2 mm,最大值是最小值的3.6倍,年际周期以7 a周期最为显著,年代际以13 a长周期最为明显。降水量年代际变化明显,上世纪70、80年代降水正常或略偏多;90年代降水普遍偏少或特少,降水距平均为负值;2001年以来,降水明显偏多。降水总量以正宁为最大值中心,向西及西北分为两支逐渐减少,中部的华亭成为次大值区域,这样的分布特征与陇东的地理和地形条件密切相关。  相似文献   
综述了光照强度、日照时数、光质、高温、低温、温差、水分过多和干旱对烤烟化学成分的影响,并展望了今后在气候因素对烤烟化学成分影响与形成机制方面的研究方向.  相似文献   
气候变化对不同纬度兴安落叶松径向生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以大兴安岭地区3个不同纬度地区的兴安落叶松为研究对象,建立不同纬度兴安落叶松年轮宽度年表;探索1967—2005年间,不同纬度气候因子变化规律,对气候因子和年轮宽度年表进行相关性分析。结果表明:1967—2005年间,大兴安岭不同纬度地区温度均显著上升,降水量未呈现出显著性变化;1927—2007年间,高纬度兴安落叶松树木径向生长显著增加,与此相反,中纬度和低纬度地区兴安落叶松径向生长变化不明显;温度是影响兴安落叶松径向生长的主要因子,降水变化对兴安落叶松径向生长的影响较小;高纬度地区气候变暖后,降水量的下降抑制了该地区兴安落叶松的径向生长。  相似文献   
采用SWAT分布式水文模型,结合汉江上游流域1961—1990年实测气象数据和CMIP5多模式RCP 2.6、RCP 4.5和RCP 8.5情景下的输出数据集,在对汉江上游流域径流模拟检验的基础上,分析未来气候变化对汉江上游流域水资源的响应。结果表明,SWAT模型能较好地模拟汉江上游流域径流变化。2011—2100年不同气候变化情景下,汉江上游流域多年平均降水、径流与基准期(1961—1990年)相比均呈增加趋势,增加幅度从大到小依次为RCP 8.5、RCP 4.5、RCP 2.6,且降水量的增幅大于径流的增幅。3种情景下的多年平均月降水、月径流总体呈增加趋势,且在冬季(12月至次年2月)枯水期增加幅度较为明显。  相似文献   
官司河流域防护林区大气降雨和树干茎流特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过统计分析法对官司河流域2003年度的大气降雨与3种不同类型森林(马尾松林、桤柏混交林和麻栎林)的树干茎流特征进行了研究。结果表明:该年降雨总量为683.2 mm,主要集中在4月~9月,6个月的总雨量为646.6 mm,占全年降雨总量的94.6%。3种类型森林树干茎流量都和降雨量密切相关,树干茎流量只有在降雨量达到一定临界值时才会出现,此临界雨量阔叶林针叶林;而在相同降雨量情况下,树干茎流量和干流率则表现为阔叶林针叶林;树干茎流量会随着降雨量的增加而增加,建立两者的相关方程,可知其相关性皆以2次多项式为最佳。  相似文献   
针对近10年干旱对南郑春玉米生产的威胁,分析了历年和近10年春玉米生育期内降水分布规律,提出了在保证出苗温度的前提下将春玉米播种期提早一旬,能更好地适应近年降水分布规律,减轻干旱危害。并通过土壤水分测定提出了低温早播、免耕、二元覆盖对减少土壤水分蒸发,增加土壤对降水的积蓄,提高降水利用率的作用。  相似文献   
The spatial dynamics of soil water-recharge in a forest stand is the product of a number of interacting processes. This study focuses on the role of tree species and antecedent soil water content upon horizontal and vertical patterns of soil water recharge in heavy clay soils of a mixed European beech–Norway spruce stand and of a pure Norway spruce stand after rewetting periods with different rain quantities and intensities. Volumetric water content (VWC) was measured at 194 locations across 0.5-ha plots in each stand using time-domain reflectometry (TDR) with fixed 30- and 60-cm vertical waveguides. This was repeated 28 times (as close as possible) before and after rewetting periods during the vegetation seasons in 2000 and 2001. In addition, the locations of all trees within the plots were recorded. Geostatistics was used to describe the spatial correlation between VWC measurements and to interpolate soil water recharge in space. Spatial patterns of soil water recharge were then evaluated according to antecedent soil water-content and tree species distribution. Open-field precipitation of 30 mm (maximum intensity 10 mm h–1) on extremely dry initial soil conditions resulted in higher subsoil (30–60 cm soil depth) recharge and erratic recharge patterns. This was presumably due to preferential flow in opening shrinkage cracks of the heavy clay soil. A comparable quantity and intensity of rainfall under moderately dry antecedent soil water conditions resulted in almost exclusively topsoil (0–30 cm soil depth) water recharge and patterns of recharge that were clearly related to tree species distribution. The higher recharge around beech trees can be attributed to the lower interception rates there. Spatial patterns of soil water recharge reflect patterns of antecedent soil water conditions.  相似文献   
Despite growing attention to the role of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in forest nutrient cycling, their monthly concentration dynamics in forest ecosystems, especially in subtropical forests only were little known. The goal of this study is to measure the concentrations and monthly dynamics of DOC and DON in precipitation, throughfall and stemflow for two plantations ofSchima superba (SS) and Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata, CF) in Jianou, Fujian, China. Samples of precipitation, throughfall and stemflow were collected on a rain event base from January 2002 to December 2002. Upon collection, all water samples were analyzed for DOC, NO3 −N, NH4 +−N and total dissolved N (TDN). DON was calculated by subtracting NO3 −N and NH4 +−N from TDN. The results showed that the precipitation had a mean DOC concentration of 1.7 mg·L−1 and DON concentration of 0.13 mg·L−1. The mean DOC and DON concentrations in throughfall were 11.2 and 0.24 mg·L−1 in the SS and 10.3 and 0.19 mg·L−1 in the CF respectively. Stemflow DOC and DON concentrations in the CF (19.1 and 0.66 mg·L−1 respectively) were significantly higher than those in the SS (17.6 and 0.48 mg·L−1 respectively). No clear monthly variation in precipitation DOC concentration was found in our study, while DON concentration in precipitation tended to be higher in summer or autumn. The monthly variations of DON concentrations were very similar in throughfall and stemflow at both forests, showing an increase at the beginning of the rainy season in March. In contrast, monthly changes of the DOC concentrations in throughfall of the SS and CF were different to those in stemflow. Throughfall DOC concentrations were higher from February to April, while relatively higher DOC concentrations in stemflow were found during September–November period. Foundation item: This study was supported by the Teaching and Research Award program for MOE P.R.C. (TRAPOYT). Biography: Guo Jian-fen (1977-), female, Ph. Doctor in College of Life Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, P.R. China. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   
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