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不同施氮量对水稻氮素吸收与分配的影响   总被引:24,自引:8,他引:24  
运用15N示踪法研究了不同施氮量对两个品种水稻(4007和武运粳15)干物质积累量与其对15N吸收及分配的影响。结果表明,当施氮量超过N 150 kg/hm2时, 两个品种水稻子粒产量均不再显著增加。4007在4个施氮量下(N 100,150,200和 250 kg/hm2)分别比无氮区增产22.3%,36.9%,43.2%和38.1%;武运粳15分别增产10.6%,18.8%,27.1%和21.5%。同一施氮量下,4007子粒中15N累积量显著高于武运粳15,但茎叶和根中没有差异。增加施氮量降低了15N在水稻子粒中的分配比例,但提高了茎叶中15N的分配比例。15N在根中的分配比例不受施氮量和品种的影响。研究结果还表明,同一施氮量下,4007对肥料氮的总体利用率要比武运粳15高3~6个百分点。  相似文献   
灌溉策略及氮肥施用对设施番茄产量及氮素利用的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以传统水肥管理为对照,根据根层氮素实时监控技术与氮素供应目标值指标,对秋冬季设施番茄生育期进行氮肥追施优化管理,同时结合小管出流的方式比较研究采用每次灌溉至田间持水量及固定灌额两种策略对设施番茄产量及氮素追施调控的影响。结果表明,传统灌溉方式下,优化氮素处理保证了番茄产量,与传统氮肥处理相比,追施的氮肥数量减少了48%;在番茄的主要生育时期内,采用每次灌溉至田间持水量及固定灌额处理的灌溉量分别比传统灌溉处理减少46%和30%;采用同样指标所推荐的氮肥追施数量也分别减少14%和10%,明显减少土壤–蔬菜体系中氮素的表观损失,减轻了由于过量施氮而对环境造成的影响。  相似文献   
A 90‐day laboratory incubation study was carried out using six contrasting subtropical soils (calcareous, peat, saline, noncalcareous, terrace, and acid sulfate) from Bangladesh. A control treatment without nitrogen (N) application was compared with treatments where urea, ammonium sulfate (AS), and ammonium nitrate (AN) were applied at a rate of 100 mg N (kg soil)–1. To study the effect of N fertilizers on soil carbon (C) turnover, the CO2‐C flux was determined at nine sampling dates during the incubation, and the total loss of soil carbon (TC) was calculated. Nitrogen turnover was characterized by measuring net nitrogen mineralization (NNM) and net nitrification (NN). Simple and stepwise multiple regressions were calculated between CO2‐C flux, TC, NNM, and NN on the one hand and selected soil properties (organic C, total N, C : N ratio, CEC, pH, clay and sand content) on the other hand. In general, CO2‐C fluxes were clearly higher during the first 2 weeks of the incubation compared to the later phases. Soils with high pH and/or indigenous C displayed the highest CO2‐C flux. However, soils having low C levels (i.e., calcareous and terrace soils) displayed a large relative TC loss (up to 22.3%) and the added N–induced TC loss from these soils reached a maximum of 10.6%. Loss of TC differed depending on the N treatments (urea > AS > AN >> control). Significantly higher NNM was found in the acidic soils (terrace and acid sulfate). On average, NNM after urea application was higher than for AS and AN (80.3 vs. 71.9 and 70.9 N (kg soil)–1, respectively). However, specific interactions between N‐fertilizer form and soil type have to be taken into consideration. High pH soils displayed larger NN (75.9–98.1 mg N (kg soil)–1) than low pH soils. Averaged over the six soils, NN after application of urea and AS (83.3 and 82.2 mg N (kg soil)–1, respectively) was significantly higher than after application of AN (60.6 mg N (kg soil)–1). Significant relationships were found between total CO2 flux and certain soil properties (organic C, total N, CEC, clay and sand content). The most important soil property for NNM as well as NN was soil pH, showing a correlation coefficient of –0.33** and 0.45***, respectively. The results indicate that application of urea to acidic soils and AS to high‐pH soils could be an effective measure to improve the availability of added N for crop uptake.  相似文献   
Residue quality has been shown to influence soil water-stable aggregation (WSA) during crop residue decomposition, but there is still little information about its interactive effect with soil mineral N availability. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of soil mineral N on WSA during the decomposition of two high-C/N crop residues (wheat straw with C/N = 125.6 and miscanthus straw with C/N = 311.3). The two crop residues were combined with three mineral N addition rates (0, 60, and 120 mg N kg−1 dry soil). Respiration, soil mineral N content, and WSA (expressed as mean-weight diameter, MWD) were measured on several dates during a 56-d incubation. The effect of decomposing crop residues on WSA followed two phases. (i) Between 0 and 7 d, the increase in WSA was related to intrinsic residue quality with higher decomposability of the wheat straw resulting in higher WSA. (ii) Thereafter, and until the end of the experiment, mineral N addition rates had a predominant but negative influence on WSA. In this second phase, the average MWD of residue-treated soils was 0.92, 0.55, and 0.44 mm for the 0, 60 and 120 mg N kg−1 dry soil addition rates, respectively. Mineral N addition which did result in higher crop residue decomposition did not lead to higher WSA. WSA during crop residue decomposition is therefore not simply positively related to the induced microbial activity, and changes in microbial community composition with differential effects on WSA must be involved. The impact of high-C/N crop residues inputs on WSA, initially assumed to be low, could actually be strong and long-lasting in situations with low soil mineral N content.  相似文献   
以本实验室设计的配方来制备水泥-粉煤灰基固沙材料,以3~4个月释放期的美国Osmocote 14-14-14为控释肥肥源,以PAM、自制SAP1和SAP2为吸水保水剂,采用沙柱法对植生固沙材料的吸水剂种类、吸水剂用量、肥料用量和水灰比材料参数进行正交优化试验,研究材料参数与NPK释放速率和材料抗压、抗折强度的关系。结果表明,影响N释放速率的主要因素是肥料用量和吸水剂种类,影响抗折强度的主要因素是水灰比和吸水剂种类,优化配方是1.5%PAM,0.8 g Osmocote/100 g沙和水灰比为1.2。在水泥-粉煤灰基固沙材料中NPK的28 d初期释放量大小顺序为K>N>P,其原因是水泥基材料富钾和固磷特性使得增K减P,水泥基材料毛细孔多孔特征使得N将以气态氨和液态銨释放。N的初期释放率受N的水溶肿胀和控释肥薄膜孔缝扩大速度的影响。  相似文献   
基于遥感和CASA模型的西江流域NPP时空分布特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于EOS/MODIS遥感资料,采用CASA模型分析西江流域陆地植被净第一性生产力(NPP)的时空变化特征。结果表明:西江流域平均植被NPP为400~500 gC/(m2·a),上游地区偏低,为200~300 gC/(m2·a),中下游地区较高,平均500~600 gC/(m2·a),部分地区可达到800 gC/(m2·a)以上;植被NPP季节变化显著,夏季最高,春、秋季节次之,冬季最低小;西江流域植被NPP的空间差异明显,在5-10月,上游地区植被NPP较低,中下游地区较高;在1-3月,上游地区尤其是南盘江流域的植被NPP较高,中下游地区尤其是中游地区明显较少。西江流域植被NPP的空间特征还表现在汛期空间差异大,枯水期空间差别小。  相似文献   
河南省扶沟县农牧业全面发展的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 扶沟县养牛业发展很快,每5.6亩地一头牛,人均牛肉占有量比全国高1倍。由于牛种改良慢,出栏率还低,每头存栏牛产肉量仅为先进国家的40%,故潜力极大。猪、牛头数比为0.55∶1,猪、牛产肉比为2∶1,猪的饲料转化率较高,有必要提高牲猪出栏比例。扶沟县粮、棉人均占有量分别达470.3和71.1公斤,在全国也是先进的。但总肉品生产量过低。目前,扶沟县已形成了粮、棉、畜三元结构雏形。在粮草兼作,粮肉生产关系和畜牧业内部结构上还有待进一步合理化;农牧营养物质相互转化都在30%上下,宜进一步强化。  相似文献   
蔗渣堆沤过程的变化特征与“有效C/N比值”的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究测定不同堆沤时限蔗渣(新鲜和堆沤3,6,9及12个月蔗渣)的理化性质,详细探讨蔗渣堆沤后的变化特征;并用分离的各蔗渣组分和多种纯无氮有机物来调节沙培系统的C/N比值,进行微生物夺取速效氮强度的模拟试验,查明了蔗渣中各组分和多种纯无氮有机物对微生物的有效性,确定蔗糖,淀粉,半纤维素和纤维素是微生物有效(速效)的碳源,而木质素是无产(迟效)的碳源。从而提出以“有效C/N比值”代替以往人们常用的“  相似文献   
The field experiments were carried out to investigate the dynamics and models of N, P and K ab-sorption for the cotton plants with a lint of 3 000 kg ha-1 in Xinjiang. The main results were as follows: Thecontents of N, P2O5, K2O in cotton leaves, stems, squares and bolls decreased obviously with the time over thewhole growth duration and the falling extent was greater in high-yield cotton than in CK. Contents of N inleaves, squares and bolls, in particular in the leaves of fruit-bearing shoot was higher in high-yield cotton thanin CK. Contents of P2O5 in squares and bolls and that of K2O in stems were higher in high-yield cotton than inCK during the whole growing period. The accumulations of N, P2O5 and K2O in the cotton plants could be de-scribed with a logistic curve equation. There was the fastest nutrient uptake at about 90 d for N, 92 d for P2O5and 85 d for K2O after emergence, respectively. Total nutrient accumulation of N, P2 O5 and K2O was 385.8,244.7 and 340.3 kg ha-1 , respectively. Approximately 12.5 kg N, 8.0 kg P2O5 and 11.1 kg K2O were neededfor producing 100 kg lint with the leaves and stems under the super high yield condition of 3 000 kg ha-1 inXinjiang.  相似文献   
Vertical distribution of nitrogen in wheat canopy, nitrogen remobilization and their influence on grain quality of winter wheat were studied. Two winter wheat cultivars, Jingdong8, a common cultivar, and Zhongyou9507, a high quality cultivar, were selected. Leaf nitrogen showed an obvious decreasing trend from the canopy top to the ground surface for all treatments in growth duration. There was no apparent vertical nitrogen gradient in stem and sheath of Zhongyou9507 compared with Jingdong8. Zhongyou9507 had more nitrogen remobilization from leaf, stem and sheath than Jingdong8 from middle grain filling to waxening, especially the nitrogen remobilization amount in stem and sheath, which was higher than that in Jingdong8 during growth duration. Higher vertical nitrogen gradients in Jingdong8 at anthesis had disadvantages on its grain quality. But higher vertical nitrogen gradients between middle and lower layers of Jingdong8 at grain filling stage enhanced its grain quality. Higher vertical nitrogen gradients in upper layer at anthesis and upper layer leaf and middle layer stem and sheath at grain filling stage had advantages on protein accumulation in grain of Zhongyou9507. There were positive correlations between foliar nitrogen remobilization amount and grain quality at later growth stage for the two cultivars. There was a positive correlation between quality of Jingdong8 and stem and sheath nitrogen remobilization amount from anthesis to early grain filling, and that of Zhongyou9507 emerged from anthesis to early grain filling and from middle grain filling to waxening. Contribution of leaf nitrogen to the quality of Jingdong8 was larger than nitrogen from stem and sheath. High protein content of Zhongyou9507 was attributed to the nitrogen condition in its leaf, stem and sheath. Nitrogen in stem and sheath played a more important role on the grain quality of Zhongyou9507 than on that of Jingdong8.  相似文献   
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