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成都市典型农家乐植物组成特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在成都市北湖公园、农科村、三圣乡选取了60个成都市典型农家乐,对植物群落进行了调查和分析。结果表明:成都市典型农家乐植物群落中应用的乔木种类有56种,灌木种类83种,草本种类有118种,共计257种,分属91科184属。在植物种类组成方面,成都北湖公园的乔木种类所占比例最高,达到22.39%;郫县农科村的灌木种类所占的比例是最高的,达到36.55%;而三圣乡"五朵金花"的草本种类所占的比例最高,达到47.92%。农科村主要树木的平均胸径为13.32±9.07?,平均高度为5.53±2.49 m,在3个地方中均为最高。群落外貌方面,三圣乡"五朵金花"和郫县农科村农家乐以常绿阔叶和落叶阔叶的混交林为主,针叶林少。成都北湖公园则以常绿阔叶为主,落叶和针叶林少。60个农家乐平均配置乔木5.1±2.47(N=60)种,平均配置灌木8.77±3.41(N=60)种,平均拥有草本11.83±6.75(N=60)种,超过50%的植物种类为三地或两地共有,植物配置呈现明显的相似性。  相似文献   
为了研究复混型植物生长调节剂对骏枣光合特性和品质构成因素的影响,选用4年生密植骏枣为对象,以5-ALA、GA3和CPPU为材料进行复配7个配方,调查分析其在盛花初期喷施后对果实发育过程中光合特性以及品质特征的影响.结果表明:①5 μg/g5-ALA+ 10 μg/gGA3+ 15 μg/gCPPU较GA3显著提高叶片净光合速率和水分利用率.②5 μg/g5-ALA+ 10 μg/gGA3+ 15 μg/gCPPU和20μg/g 5-ALA处理的产量分别较对照提高了38.00%和43.85%;降低了总糖和总酸的含量,但糖酸比分别较对照提高了19.13%和19.31%.故在枣树盛花初期间隔7d喷施2次5μg/g,5-ALA+10 μg/gGA3+ 15 μg/gCPPU或20μg/g5-ALA均有增加产量和改善果实品质的作用.  相似文献   
为探究琥珀酸黄杆菌(Flavobacterium succinicans)对非生物胁迫下多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne)的缓解效应,本试验研究了菌株DSM4002的生物学特性,并在盆栽条件下,分析了干旱(维持相对含水量(30±5)%处理7 d和14 d)、低温(4℃处理3 d和7 d)和盐胁迫(150 mM NaCl处理5 d和10 d)下根际接种DSM4002对多年生黑麦草生长和生理特性的影响。结果表明,DSM4002具有分泌吲哚乙酸(Indole-3-acetic acid,IAA)、溶磷和产铁载体能力,对壮观霉素、卡那霉素等具有抗性,对氯霉素敏感。同时,接种DSM4002能够提高正常生长、干旱、低温和盐胁迫下多年生黑麦草的生物量、抗氧化酶活性、可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量,降低相对电导率和丙二醛(Malondialdehyde,MDA)含量。综上,琥珀酸黄杆菌促进多年生黑麦草的生长与其自身具有分泌IAA、溶磷和产铁载体能力有关,而且它能够调节植物体内氧化还原平衡,从而增强多年生黑麦草的抗旱、抗寒和抗盐能力。  相似文献   
The role of soil organisms as possible driver of flowering has never been investigated. We hypothesized that Collembola (microarthropods) will change plant allocation to reproductive modes by changing soil nutrient availability. Individual seedlings of Poa annua were planted in microcosms, in the presence or absence of Collembola. Collembola affected biotic (fungal biomass) and abiotic (NNO3, P2O5) soil properties and some morphological (number of leaves, root biomass) and chemical (C:N, K, Mg, N) traits of P. annua. As a result, flowering of P. annua was promoted by the presence of Collembola. This provides experimental evidence that soil microarthropods can affect the reproduction strategy and phenology of a plant.  相似文献   
上海松江中心城区道路绿化类型及景观分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹洪虎  刘承珊 《安徽农业科学》2007,35(30):9516-9517,9521
将松江中心城区道路绿化的配置形式归纳为14个类型,并对各类型的绿化景观效果进行了分析。  相似文献   


The potential of weed species to respond to selection forces affecting the evolution of weedy traits such as competitive ability is poorly understood. This research characterized evolutionary growth changes in a single Abutilon theophrasti Medik. population comparing multiple generations collected from 1988 to 2016. A competition study was performed to understand changes in competitive ability, and a herbicide dose–response study was carried out to assess changes in sensitivity to acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicides and glyphosate over time.


When grown in monoculture, A. theophrasti biomass production per plant increased steadily across year-lines while leaf number decreased. In replacement experiments, A. theophrasti plants from newer year-lines were more competitive and produced more biomass and leaf area than the oldest year-line. No clear differences in sensitivity to imazamox were observed among year-lines. However, starting in 1995, this A. theophrasti population exhibited a progressive increase in growth in response to a sublethal dose of glyphosate (52 g a.e. ha−1), with the 2009 and 2016 year-lines having more than 50% higher biomass than the nontreated control.


This study demonstrates that weeds can rapidly evolve increased competitive ability. Furthermore, the results indicate the possibility of changes in glyphosate hormesis over time. These results highlight the importance of the role that rapid (i.e., subdecadal) evolution of growth traits might have on the sustainability of weed management strategies. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   
高寒草甸斑块的根-土复合体对局部水土流失过程具有调控作用,为研究其特征及抗侵蚀效应,本研究选取三江源区达日县境内典型中度退化草甸的植被斑块为研究对象,调查草甸斑块中心与边缘植物群落特征,测定斑块边缘0~10 cm土层和斑块中心0~20 cm土层的容重、含水率、毛管孔隙度等土壤物理性质,并开展单根拉伸和根-土复合体直剪试验。结果表明:受优势种矮嵩草的分布影响,地上生物量主要分布在斑块中心,根系主要分布在0~10 cm土层;斑块中心区域土壤抗剪强度、内摩擦角和粘聚力均随土层深度的增加而减小;斑块边缘区域土壤粘聚力,抗剪强度明显高于斑块中心区域,草甸斑块植物根系是土壤抗剪强度的主要影响因素。草甸斑块根-土复合体能明显增加退化草甸土壤的抗侵蚀能力,研究结果可为深入研究高寒草甸根系固土功能及水土流失调控提供科学依据。  相似文献   
植物对磷饥饿的反应研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
磷是构成生命的重要元素之一,也是土壤中有效性最低的一种营养元素。我国是世界上最大的小麦生产国。但是我国耕地中有59%的土壤缺磷。农作物的产量常受到缺磷的影响而受损。土壤缺磷并不是土壤中总磷量低,而是土壤中可供植物直接吸收利用的有效态磷含量低。植物在磷饥饿时会发生各种各样的变化,以尽最大可能满足自身对磷的需求。植物对缺磷的反应是一个复杂的网络过程。大约有100多个基因参与了植物对缺磷的反应。其中主要的有磷转运蛋白基因、核糖核酸酶基因、磷酸酶基因等。植物在吸收外界的磷的过程中磷转运蛋白发挥了重要作用。植物磷转运蛋白基因按照序列相似性可以划分为H+/Pi共转运家族(Pht1家族)和Na+/Pi共转运家族(Pht2家族)。按照吸收动力学的标准可以分为高亲和力磷转运蛋白和低亲和力磷转运蛋白两种。磷饥饿时植物对磷吸收能力的增强的原因之一是增加了磷转运蛋白分子的合成数目。目前尽管人们对植物吸收磷的理解已经有了长足的进步,但是在植物对磷的具体调控机制、磷的跨液泡膜运输等重要方面仍然没有明确的结果。  相似文献   
With the development of the economy, the demand forhabitation is enhanced and the sewage and industrial waster water must be disposed before outlet. Today, most of the sewage treatment plants are built on the aboveground without discussing the underground. Therefore, by the comparative analysis of the property and cost of the underground sewage treatment plant and the ground, the underground sewage treatment plant have merits in save the city land and improvement environment.The Chongqing citypossess a lot of advantages in using the space of underground with the analysis of the physiognomy and geology condition of the Chongqing city. Therefore, the development of underground sewage treatment plant is feasible in the Chongqing city.  相似文献   
由于工程老化,年久失修,北墅水库输水暗渠墙体多处发生位移破坏,严重影响工程的正常使用。通过对输水暗渠墙体破坏区受力状态的初步分析,找出了输水暗渠破坏原因,得出了破坏区墙体与拱座是分离的、直墙顶不承受拱荷载作用、在墙背回填料和较高外水压力作用墙体不满足抗倾安全要求而破坏的结论,提出了衬砌加固处理措施。  相似文献   
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