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对糯米糍荔枝进行螺旋环剥与不同方法环割研究螺旋环剥与不同的环割方法对糍米糯荔枝冬梢的控制促花、保果增产效应的影响。研究结果表明螺旋环剥和不同环割方法在控稍促花方面能有效的控制糯米糍荔枝冬梢的萌发与促进花和花穗的生成;在保果增产方面,螺旋环剥、环割2处与同株50%主干枝条环割2处都能增加糯米糍荔枝的果穗枝条数与株产量,但环割1处反而降低了糯米糍荔枝的果穗枝条数与株产量。  相似文献   
该文阐述了紫穗槐的特性,提出了滨州市推广种植紫穗槐的重要性和可行性,并进行了效益分析。  相似文献   
为探究植保无人飞机(大疆T30)作业参数对枇杷冠层雾滴沉积分布的影响。本文利用3个因素(作业高度、作业速度、亩用液量),3因子的正交实验,进行植保无人飞机喷洒枇杷树的喷雾试验。试验结果表明:从雾滴沉积密度、雾滴覆盖率和雾滴穿透性等因素来看,植保无人飞机对枇杷树的最佳作业参数为:作业高度2.0m、作业速度4.5m·s-1、亩用液量2.0L。对雾滴穿透冠层的影响最大的因素是工作高度;在1.5m的作业高度下雾滴沉积穿透性最佳。本研究对指导植保无人飞机枇杷树精准喷施叶面肥具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The Ryukyu long-furred rat, Diplothrix legata, is a large rodent distributed only on Amami-ohshima Island, Tokuno-shima Island and Okinawa-jima Island, Japan. This animal is endangered as a result of deforestation, predation by introduced carnivores and mortality caused by vehicles. We performed theriogenological examinations of 32 male and 25 female Ryukyu long-furred rats carcasses collected from wild populations on northern Okinawa-jima Island from December 2005 to September 2013. Adult males had remarkably large preputial glands. Seminiferous diameter of adult was significantly small (136 ± 28 µm, n=8) from April to August. Numerous spermatozoa were observed from September through February, and seminiferous diameter was significantly large (216 ± 27 µm, n=12) during this time in adults; testes length changed in a similar pattern. These findings indicate that the mating season may occur from September through February. Size (body length) at sexual maturity was estimated to be >560 mm in both sexes. From observation of corpora lutea and placental scars, litter size was estimated to range from 2 to 12 (average=6, n=4). These results provide fundamental knowledge that will be beneficial for in situ and ex situ conservation of this rare species.  相似文献   
以西藏北部羌塘草原高寒草甸为研究对象,研究不同退化阶段草地植物群落特征及16种主要组分种的繁殖分配,试图揭示多年生草本植物及其繁殖分配与草地退化程度的关系。结果表明:随着退化程度的加剧高寒草甸植物群落内优势植物发生明显变化,草地群落的各项指标随着草地退化程度的增加而降低;退化程度对群落内物种个体生物量大小和生物量分配有着显著影响,伴随退化程度的加剧各物种对繁殖的绝对投入所受影响不明显,但繁殖投入升高。在群落水平上,草地退化使植物群落繁殖分配增加,茎分配和叶分配减少。不同植物群落内共有种繁殖分配存在差异,表明其繁殖分配跟退化程度有关;植物繁殖投入随退化程度的变化,反映了植物繁殖对策和繁殖投入在生活史特征中的可塑性。  相似文献   
高寒草甸斑块的根-土复合体对局部水土流失过程具有调控作用,为研究其特征及抗侵蚀效应,本研究选取三江源区达日县境内典型中度退化草甸的植被斑块为研究对象,调查草甸斑块中心与边缘植物群落特征,测定斑块边缘0~10 cm土层和斑块中心0~20 cm土层的容重、含水率、毛管孔隙度等土壤物理性质,并开展单根拉伸和根-土复合体直剪试验。结果表明:受优势种矮嵩草的分布影响,地上生物量主要分布在斑块中心,根系主要分布在0~10 cm土层;斑块中心区域土壤抗剪强度、内摩擦角和粘聚力均随土层深度的增加而减小;斑块边缘区域土壤粘聚力,抗剪强度明显高于斑块中心区域,草甸斑块植物根系是土壤抗剪强度的主要影响因素。草甸斑块根-土复合体能明显增加退化草甸土壤的抗侵蚀能力,研究结果可为深入研究高寒草甸根系固土功能及水土流失调控提供科学依据。  相似文献   
城市街头绿地是城市绿地系统的重要组成部分,作为重要的绿色廊道,将城区内外的各类绿地连接在一起,形成城市绿色网络。笔者通过杭州市西湖区街头绿地典型群落结构的调查和测定,对其结构特征进行分析,并针对街头绿地存在的突出问题,探讨群落结构调整优化的措施。根据杭州市西湖区植物群落的类型统计结果,表明调查样地植物群落类型多样,但种类单一,群落结构简单,只是将有限的物种资源进行不同的配置。最后,根据调查地立地条件,对杭州市西湖区植物群落的景观优化提出意见。  相似文献   
The plant infection method is commonly used to estimate the Most Probable Number (MPN) of soil rhizobia. Here, a qPCR method was set-up and validated with newly developed ANU (strain specific) and RHIZ (more general) primers to quantify the specific Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii ANU843 strain or general R. leguminosarum strains. Detection limits of qPCR protocols in soil were 1.2 × 104 (ANU) and 4.2 × 103 (RHIZ) cells per g soil. The qPCR assay appears robust and accurate in freshly inoculated soils but overestimated MPN for indigenous soil rhizobia. An incubation experiment showed that qPCR detected added DNA or non viable cells in soils up to 5 months after addition and incubation at 20 °C in moist conditions.  相似文献   
乳酸菌微生态制剂对肉鸡生产性能及免疫机能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本实验利用乳酸菌微生态制剂饲喂AA肉鸡,通过检测鸡增重、料重比、免疫器官指数、抗体效价以及盲肠内容物的乳酸菌和大肠杆菌数量,探索乳酸菌微生态制剂对肉鸡生产性能及免疫功能的影响。首先将150只肉鸡随机分成3组,第1组在饮水中添加0.3%的乳酸菌微生态制剂,第2组添加抗生素饮水,第3组为空白对照组,7日龄时接种新城疫疫苗;于每周末称取各组鸡的体重、耗料,计算增重和耗料量;在21日龄和35日龄时,采取各组鸡的脾脏、法氏囊和胸腺、分别计算免疫器官指数;用HI和微量平板滴种法分别检测抗体效价和盲肠内容物乳酸菌、大肠杆菌数量。结果显示,添加0.3%乳酸菌微生态制剂组与对照组和抗生素组鸡比较,分别提高鸡体重15.55%和8.57%(差异显著P<0.05),料重比分别降低5.11%和4.57%;于21日龄和35日龄时检测发现,添加0.3%乳酸菌微生态制剂组与对照组鸡比较,脾脏、法氏囊和胸腺指数分别提高了44.26%1、3.51%、33.96%和67.14%、16.47%3、8.16%;抗体水平分别升高了1.8log2和2 log2,差异显著(P<0.05),与抗生素组比较,抗体效价分别提高了1.4log2和1.75log2,差异显著(P<0.05);另外,21日龄和35日龄时,与对照组比较,添加0.3%乳酸菌微生态制剂鸡盲肠内容物中乳酸菌数量分别增加1.28log2和0.27log2,差异显著(P<0.05),同时分别使大肠杆菌数量减少1.88log2和0.84log2,差异显著(P<0.05)。本研究为合理开发利用乳酸菌微生态制剂提供了理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   
Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] is an important legume crop in South Asia, East and southern Africa, and the Caribbean. Pod fly (Melanagromyza obtusa Malloch) and pod wasp (Tanaostigmodes cajaninae La Salle) are important constraints to increase the production and productivity of pigeonpea under subsistence farming conditions. Host plant-resistance can be used as an important component for the management of these pests, and therefore, we evaluated 28 accessions of wild relatives of pigeonpea for resistance to these pests. There were significant inter- and intra-species differences in the relative susceptibility to pod fly and pod wasp damage. Accessions belonging to Cajanus scarabaeoides (L.) Thouars, C. sericeus (Benth. ex Bak.) van der Maesen, Rhynchosia bracteata Benth. ex Bak., C. acutifolius (F.v. Muell.) van der Maesen, C. lineatus (W. & A.) van der Maesen, and C. albicans (W. & A.) van der Maesen showed resistance to pod fly damage, while those from C. platycarpus (Benth.) van der Maesen, C. cajanifolius (Haines) van der Maesen and R. aurea DC. were susceptible. For the pod wasp, some of the accessions from C. scarabaeoides, C. albicans, Flemingia stricta Roxb., and R. bracteata (Roxb.) Wight showed a resistant reaction, while ICPW 83 belonging to C. scarabaeoides showed a susceptible reaction. ICPW 141, ICPW 278, and ICPW 280 (C. scarabaeoides), ICPW 214 (R. bracteata), ICPW 14 (C. albicans), and ICPW 202 (F. stricta) showed resistance to both pod fly and pod wasp damage. There was considerable variation in accessions belonging to different species for their susceptibility to pod fly and pod wasp, which can be exploited to breed for resistance to these pests. There was a negative association between pod wasp and pod borer damage, and therefore, it is important to keep track of the relative susceptibility of pigeonpea genotypes to pod wasp, while breeding for resistance to pod borers.  相似文献   
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