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[目的]研究中草药添加剂饲喂育肥猪(巴克夏×梅山猪)免疫功能的影响。[方法]选取48头体重40 kg健康巴梅猪随机分为对照组和3个试验组。分别采集30、60和90 d血样,检测血清中总蛋白、白蛋白、免疫球蛋白Ig G、Ig M和补体C3水平。屠宰后对免疫器官进行病理组织学检查,并进行组织切片观察。[结果]添加中草药试验组和对照组在总蛋白水平上差异不显著;试验Ⅰ组白蛋白水平在第30天显著高于对照组(P0.05);试验Ⅱ组血清中Ig G水平在第30天显著高于对照组(P0.05);Ⅱ组血清中Ig M水平在第60天显著低于对照组(P0.05),90 d极显著低于对照组(P0.01);C3补体试验组在第30天水平均显著高于对照组(P0.05)。屠宰组织器官观察和组织学切片观察均无明显差异。[结论]中草药饲料添加剂能够促进育肥猪的免疫功能。  相似文献   
猪血超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)性质的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐亚欧 《畜禽业》2003,(9):48-49
本文对猪血红细胞精制SOD的理化性质进行了研究。研究结果表明精制猪血SOD分子量为31697.86,亚基分子量15848.9,SDS-PAGE为1个条带。DAGE电泳为4个条带。FPLC法测定SOD为单一的吸收峰,达均一纯度。人源、牛源、猪源SOD氨基酸序列比较,猪源与人源的SOD在一级结构中有27个氨基酸不同,占总数的17.6%;牛源与人源的SOD在一级结构中有28个氨基酸不同,占总数的18.3%;仅从SOD氨基酸排列的序列上看,猪源SOD较牛源SOD更接近人源SOD。  相似文献   
文章在全面阐述我国生猪种业产业现状的基础上,深入分析了我国生猪种业发展面临的诸多问题,提出了解决问题的对策建议,为推动新形势下我国生猪种业健康可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   
Although Vietnamese catfish farming has grown at a rapid rate in recent years, the industry has also faced many problems that affect its sustainability. This paper explores the perceptions of catfish farmers regarding risk and risk management strategies in their production activities. The relationships between farm and farmer socioeconomic characteristics and perceptions of risk and risk management are also examined. Data for the study were collected in 2008 from a sample of 261 catfish farmers in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam using a questionnaire survey. The results show that, in general, price and production risks were perceived as the most significant risks. Farm management and technical measures were perceived to be more effective than other kinds of risk management strategies in risk reduction. Although price risks were rated as important, price risk management strategies were not perceived as important measures for risk mitigation. The results of the study are discussed to identify the implications for various industry stakeholders, including policymakers, processors, advisors, and developers of new risk management strategies.  相似文献   

The L46 (Hypancistrus zebra) stands out as one of the most valuable Amazonian species in the international market for ornamental fish and faces a notable problem: the risk of extinction versus the demand for new specimens for aquariums. Considering that breeding in captivity can be a conservational tool for aquatic species and an alternative source for generating income, the objective of the present paper was to verify the economic feasibility of producing H. zebra in recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS), in different scenarios of rearing: residential breeding (S1), mid-size store production (S2) and large-scale production as a supplier (S3). The main profitability indicators used were: net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and payback period (PP). The selling price per unit was fixed in US$260.15 (S1/S2) and US$156.09 (S3). The largest investments were made with the acquisition of broodstocks (S1/S2) and property (S3), while the highest costs were with labor (S2/S3) and taxes (S1). Only S1 demonstrated economic profitability (NPV 8.50%?=?US$28,187.85; IRR?=?74.71%; PP?=?1.80?years). Conclusion: the production in this study appeared to be profitable on smaller scales, however the profitability of large-scale production depends upon reducing expenses and increasing the selling price.  相似文献   
We studied the impact of organic loads due to the biodeposition of a fish farm in a non-impacted coastal area of the Tyrrhenian Sea (Western Mediterranean). Sediment chemistry and benthic microbial community were investigated from July 1997 to February 1998 on monthly basis at two stations: one was located under the fish farm, while the second was about 1 km away, and served as a reference site. The presence of the cage induced rapid changes in the benthic conditions: the sediments were rapidly (after 6 weeks) reduced. A significant accumulation of biopolymeric carbon was observed beneath the cage both 2 weeks after the initial cage deployment, on non-impacted sediments, and 5–7 months after, and appeared to be related to the fish farm production cycle. The density of microbial communities beneath the fish farm increased only during the first month of farming activity (July) and partially 7 months after cage disposal (i.e. in January), when there was a significant sediment organic enrichment. Additional evidence of rapid impact of the fish farm on the benthic bacterial communities is provided by the increase in the numbers of autofluorescent microbial cells. The photosynthetic eukaryotic cells displayed a highly reduced contribution to total autofluorescent microbial density, indicating that their decrease is related with biopolymeric carbon accumulation, and probably was due also to “shadow effect” induced by suspended material, coming from the fish farm, on the environment below. We propose here, to apply the ratio of culturable heterotrophic bacteria to microbial direct counts (CFU/MDC) to detect fish farm impact. In cage sediments, organic enrichment and the consequent modification of the characteristics of the benthic environment, determined an increase in aerobic heterotrophic bacteria and vibrio density indicating that they are efficient colonizers of organic-rich sediments. Densities of Escherichia coli and Enterococci were not significantly higher than in the reference site, and are likely of terrestrial origin. Thus they cannot be used as specific indicators of fish farm impact.  相似文献   
研究了柘林湾沿岸对虾养殖产生的环境氮磷负荷及其来源的数量和比例。2006年柘林湾沿岸对虾养殖产生的环境氮负荷为210.21t,其中来源于对虾的排泄氮、粪氮和残饵氮分别为157.10t、39.61t和13.50t;环境磷负荷为45.45t,其中排泄磷、粪磷和残饵磷分别为4.93t、24.87t和15.65t。对虾养殖环境氮负荷主要来源于对虾的排泄,占氮负荷的74.74%,而磷负荷主要源自粪便,占磷负荷的54.72%。柘林湾沿岸对虾养殖的环境氮磷负荷量以湾北部沿岸最大,北部、西部和东部沿岸环境氮负荷分别为144.86t、53.99t和11.36t,环境磷负荷分别为31.32t、11.68t和2.46t。  相似文献   
Sea lice, Caligus rogercresseyi, are ectoparasitic copepods, which severely affect the salmon farming industry in southern Chile, reducing the health status of fish and producing both direct and indirect economic losses. Local farmers have reported increasing infestation levels since 2004, reaching a peak in 2007. In response to this situation, the Chilean Fisheries Service (Sernapesca) developed a surveillance programme; the first step of which consisted of a general survey of salmon farms. This survey included documenting counts of parasite burdens on fish and measurements of several husbandry and environmental factors providing an evaluation of risk factors for the observed infestation levels. The information collected was analysed using a linear mixed model technique, which takes into account the clustered structure of data, decomposing the unexplained variation and assigning it to different aggregation levels of the productive system. Geographical zones, fish species, treatment against sea lice performed 1 month before sampling, stocking density, fish weight and water salinity were the variables significantly associated with sea lice burdens. In contrast, treatments performed 2-3 months before sampling, use of photoperiod in sea cages and water temperature, were not significant. There was significant unexplained variation at all aggregation levels, i.e. sub-zone, fish farm and cage level, with the fish farm level showing the greatest variation.  相似文献   
猪额窦的发育与其年龄的增长成正相关。湖北白猪Ⅲ系的额窦发育也遵循这一规律。它在胎儿期,额骨的鼻额部汉是一层柔软骨板,出生后形成骨松质,到15公斤体重时,骨松质开始形成小腔室,30公斤体重时,形成主窦和许多侧窦,以后主窦加大并向后伸展,侧窦逐渐融合与主窦相通,到90—120公斤体重阶段,主窦和侧窦合并向额骨后端伸展,到达两眼眶后缘的连线。随着年龄的增长还可扩大到顶骨。在这一进展的过程中,通城猪(早熟品种)额窦发育最快,长白猪的较慢,湖北白猪Ⅲ系则界于两者之间,这与它全身发育界于两者之间是一致的。说明额窦的发育与品种的成熟程度有密切关系。从这一点出发,也可看出湖出白猪Ⅲ系生长发育的成熟程度界于两者之间而偏早熟。它属于优良的瘦肉猪新品种之一。  相似文献   
研究了传统放牧饲养方式和简单圈养方式的利与弊,根据北方养殖现状,提出了高效生态养殖的思路和实施方法。  相似文献   
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