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不同有机厩肥输入量对土壤团聚体有机碳组分的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
刘中良  宇万太  周桦  马强 《土壤学报》2011,48(6):1149-1157
土壤是重要的有机碳库,其微小变化可能引起大气CO2浓度水平的较大变异。土壤团聚体对土壤有机碳具有物理保护作用。有机厩肥的输入既可以提高土壤有机碳含量,又可以促进土壤团聚体的形成,对土壤有机碳的截获和保持有重要意义。本实验采用湿筛的方法分离土壤团聚体,并对团聚体进行有机碳组分分离。通过对连续8年施加不同量有机厩肥试验的研究发现:适量的有机厩肥施用可以显著地提高土壤的平均质量直径(MWD),改善土壤结构;过量施用有机厩肥则明显降低了>2 000μm团聚体含量。潮棕壤有机碳主要分布在250~53μm和2 000~250μm团聚体中,两者相加约占有机碳全量的73.7%~78.5%。并且随着有机碳输入量的增加,土壤有机碳主要贮存在2 000~250μm团聚体中。有机厩肥的施加明显地加快了>2 000μm团聚体的更新速率。土壤轻组分有机碳含量也随有机厩肥输入量的增加而不断增加,高量有机厩肥下占全量的22.1%。土壤固定有机碳的能力有限,存在明显的等级饱和现象。因此,在有机质匮乏的土壤施用有机肥意义重大,应尽量减少向高有机质土壤输入有机碳。  相似文献   
A field experiment conducted on rapeseed (Brassica juncea L.) during 2005–2006 in a typical lateritic soil (Alfisol) of West Bengal, India revealed that sources of sulfur viz. gypsum and magnesium sulfate and levels of sulfur (0, 20, 40, 60 kg S ha?1) have significant influence on grain yield, total biological yield, sulfur concentration in grain and stover, total sulfur uptake, oil content and oil yield and chlorophyll content. The maximum grain yield (18.28 q ha?1) and oil yield (8.59 q ha?1) was obtained with magnesium sulfate followed by gypsum yielded the grain yield of 17.99 q ha?1 and oil yield of 8.22 q ha?1 at 40 kg S ha?1. Overall, the best performance was recorded when sulfur was applied at 40 kg S ha?1 either as magnesium sulfate or gypsum. Results revealed that magnesium sulfate may be considered as the better source of sulfur than gypsum to raise the mustard crop in sulfur deficient acidic red and lateritic soils of West Bengal and if farmers apply either magnesium sulfate or gypsum to soils, the possible deficiency of sulfur and magnesium/calcium in soils and plants can be avoided.  相似文献   
红壤溶磷菌的筛选及溶磷机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用以磷酸铝为磷源的蒙金娜(PVK)液体培养基研究了从红壤土中筛选出的4种溶磷菌的溶磷效果,选出其中的优势菌株B1,并对其溶磷机理做出初步探讨。结果表明,所筛选出的4株溶磷菌在液体培养条件下均有显著的溶磷效果,其中菌株B1在培养4 d后有效溶磷量最大,达到292.8 mg L-1。各处理培养液pH在培养期间均有显著下降,pH从7.0下降至3.2~4.7。高效液相色谱测定发现,各菌株培养液中有机酸的种类与含量随培养时间变化而不同,其中菌株B1主要分泌草酸和苹果酸,培养1 d后有机酸总量可达到5 mmol L-1;通过添加有机酸对磷酸铝活化的试验表明,分泌有机酸溶磷仅是菌株B1溶磷机制之一,可能还存在其他溶磷机制。菌株B1生长的适宜pH范围为5~9,最适培养温度为30℃,100 ml三角瓶的最适装液量为30~40 ml。经鉴定,菌株B1与苏云金芽孢杆菌有99.9%的相似性。  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted at farmer's field in Mollisols of Tarai soils in Uttarakhand (India), to assess the direct and residual effect of sulfur fertilization in wheat-soybean cropping sequence. Four levels of sulfur (S; 0, 15, 30, and 45 kg ha?1) were applied to main crop (wheat) along with recommended dose of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K). The direct and residual effect of sulfur at highest level showed 27 and 6 percent increase in grain yield of wheat and soybean over control, respectively. The increase in grain yield of wheat was significant at each sulfur level. The direct as well as residual effect of sulfur showed significant increase in sulfur concentration and its uptake by grain and straw except increase in sulfur concentration and uptake by soybean straw. In wheat-soybean cropping sequence, the agronomic efficiency and apparent sulfur recovery decreased with increase in levels of sulfur, but the percent response increased with increasing sulfur application. Different forms of sulfur such as total sulfur, organic sulfur, calcium chloride extractable sulfur, potassium dihydrogen phosphate extractable sulfur, and non-sulfate sulfur in post-harvest soil increased according to sulfur level applied but it decreased under control and also after residual crops. The buildup of sulfur in surface soils was greater than in the deeper soils. Application of sulfur showed the positive sulfur balance and it increased with increase in sulfur level, while it was negative under control. A major portion (46–62%) of applied sulfur contributed to increase in sulfur content of root zone soil followed by unaccounted component (25–40%) and small portion (11–18%) was absorbed by wheat plant as uptake.  相似文献   
研究了施用化肥和农家肥对盐碱地桑树生长和叶片光合及叶绿素荧光日变化的影响,结果表明:盐碱地桑树的生长、光合和叶绿素荧光日变化明显受施肥的影响。施用化肥在一定程度上改善了盐碱地桑树的生长状况,但其作用效果没有农家肥明显。施用农家肥不但促进了桑树地上部生长,而且增加了桑树的根冠比,说明施用农家肥可促进盐碱地桑树根系生长。施用农家肥提高了盐碱地桑树叶片光合能力,表现在桑树的光合日积累量增加和光能原初转化效率提高,维持了盐碱地桑树叶片在中午时PSⅡ反应中心的活性,减缓了盐碱地桑树叶片中午的光抑制。施用农家肥桑树叶片在1天之中可以维持较高的气孔导度和蒸腾速率,以保证光合碳同化原料(CO2)的供应,且降低了桑树叶片中午时的叶面温度和叶片的卷曲程度,从而保持了叶片对光能的捕获和利用能力。  相似文献   

Oats (Avena sativa L. cv. Garry) were grown in microplots of three organic soils at site A (peat), site B (muck) and site C (mucky peat) in the summer of 1983. The soil surface (0 to 20 cm) varied in total Cu from 13 to 1659, 135 to 1745, and 81 to 1063 μg/g at sites A, B and C, respectively, due to applications of CuSO4.5H2O made at three rates in 1978, at sites A and B, and in 1979 at site C. Neither the rates of Cu application nor total soil Cu influenced yields. High levels of residual Cu increased the levels of Cu in straw at sites A and B, and in grain at site C. However, even the highest levels of Cu in straw and grains, were below the 20 μg/g which is often considered to be the threshold of Cu phytotoxicity. Data on the levels of other nutrients (P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, B, Mo and S) in the tops and roots of oats generally revealed no significantly adverse effects of the Cu applications or total accumulated Cu in the three soils.  相似文献   
基于地统计与遥感反演相结合的有机质预测制图研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴才武  张月丛  夏建新 《土壤学报》2016,53(6):1568-1575
土壤水分对土壤光谱反射率有显著影响,而以往有机质遥感反演制图中却很少将水分作为预测建模的变量。为了使遥感制图更加符合野外实际环境,提高有机质预测制图精度,在充分考虑土壤样点空间自相关、异相关与野外复杂环境特点的基础上,通过地统计获得研究区水分的空间分布数据,结合遥感反射率,建立多因子预测模型,得到了吉林省黑土区土壤有机质空间分布图。结果表明,有机质遥感制图中,水分因素的加入,使模型的建立更加符合野外实际情况,显著提高了有机质预测制图的精度。  相似文献   
通过田间采样结合沉降法分级提取,研究了不同利用年限红壤水稻土有机碳和养分含量的粒级分布变化特征。结果表明,红壤水稻土有机碳和养分含量随土壤颗粒粒径的增大而下降,但在各粒级中的分布比例存在显著差异。<0.002mm、0.002~0.02mm、0.02~0.05mm、>0.05mm粒级的有机碳占全土有机碳的比例分别是29.2%、30.7%、11.9%、15.4%,氮的相应数值为36.7%、31.9%、10.2%、14.0%,磷为49.2%、26.5%、11.1%、12.4%,钾为36.9%、33.4%、12.9%、20.0%。总体来说,黏粒和粉粒中有机碳和养分的分布比例较高。红壤水稻土有机碳和养分含量及分布比例还随利用年限而有明显变化。开垦利用不到10a的水田土壤,有机碳和养分含量较低且主要集中在<0.002mm粒级中;而利用超过10a的水稻土,有机碳和养分在粉粒中(0.002~0.05mm)的比例大于50%。各利用年限的红壤水稻土多以0.02~0.05mm粒级的C/N为最高,并随利用年限延长而下降。红壤水稻土各粒级有机碳和养分含量及分布状况随利用年限的变化反映了土壤肥力熟化和养分有效性的提高过程。  相似文献   
利用甲醛与乙酰丙酮及铵离子反应,将生成的黄色物质与标准系列比较,定量测定甲醛含量,并用碘标准溶液滴定二氧化硫含量,从而对湿米粉中吊白块含量进行检测,效果良好。  相似文献   
增施不同有机物质对烤烟烟叶香气质量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以河南省南阳市烤烟为试材,采用GC/MS联用分析技术,研究了常规措施(CK)下增施不同的有机物质对烤烟化学成分和主要中性香气成分含量的影响。结果表明:与常规施肥措施相比,增施豆制品处理烟叶中水溶性总糖、还原糖和钾含量提高幅度较大,芝麻制品处理增幅相对较小,且各处理之间其他成分差异不大;增施不同的有机物质均能增加烟叶中的中性挥发性香气物质总量,其中新植二烯、类胡萝卜素类降解产物、芳香族氨基酸代谢产物、美拉德反应产物、西柏烷类降解产物等各类致香物质含量在各个处理中均有不同程度的提高。表明增施有机物质在一定程度上改善了烟叶化学成分之间的协调性,提高了烟叶的香气质量;增施的有机物质种类不同,其效果也有所不同,其中以增施发酵后的豆浆的2个处理最好,其次是增施豆糁,增施芝麻和香油的2个处理效果稍差。  相似文献   
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