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定量化研究迷你型黄瓜的生育特性,对深入了解品种特征,进行精准化栽培管理具有重要意义。本文以生长度日(GDD)为度量单位,对迷你黄瓜京研迷你2号的生育进程、形态特征、干物质分配及产量形成等方面进行了定量化分析,并比较了秋冬季和春季不同栽培茬口环境下京研迷你2号与普通型黄瓜瑞光2号在生育特性和产量性状方面的差异。在生育特性上,京研迷你2号在缓苗期株高增长率为0.022 cm/(℃?d),缓苗后为0.585 cm/(℃?d),并且株高受低温抑制作用相对明显;出叶速率在缓苗期为0.016 叶/(℃?d),缓苗后为0.040叶/(℃?d);缓苗期叶片扩展速率为2.833 cm2/(℃?d),缓苗后为15.873 cm2/(℃?d),并且受高温抑制作用相对较小,而瑞光2号叶片扩展受高温抑制作用相对明显。在产量性状上,京研迷你2号在GDD达到773 ℃?d时进入结果期,坐果率为7.7 果/株,干物质向果实分配比例大,产量也相应较高,每100株产量在秋冬茬高出瑞光9.35kg,春茬高出瑞光4.17kg,并且两品种在春季茬口产量明显高于秋冬季茬口。京研迷你2号在形态特征、生育进程及干物质分配上与瑞光2号存在差异,由此也造成了产量的差异。因此,针对迷你型黄瓜结果期早,产量高,不耐低温的特点,应相应调整栽培管理措施,加强温度及水肥管理,最大程度发挥其产量优势。  相似文献   
摘要:了解不同植被恢复类型对土壤生物学特性的影响。以农地为对照,该研究通过对侧柏天然次生林、不同林龄(5,20,30年)刺槐人工林、荆条灌丛和苜蓿草地6种不同植被恢复类型土壤生物学特性的探索研究。结果表明,与对照相比,不同的植被恢复类型土壤生物学特性均有明显增强,土壤微生物量及土壤酶活性显著提高。采用土壤微生物量碳、氮、磷和尿酶、碱性磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶、蔗糖酶7项指标计算该区域土壤生物学特性,进行土壤生物学特性等量评价。不同植被恢复模式土壤生物学特性的大小顺序为:30年刺槐、20年刺槐、侧柏、荆条、5年刺槐、苜蓿、农地。该区采用刺槐恢复模式效果较优于苜蓿及荆条、侧柏模式。  相似文献   
不同砧木嫁接对西瓜抗病性及主要经济性状的影响   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
将引进的日本强势葫芦、勇士野生西瓜等7个西瓜嫁接砧木分别与本地主栽的西瓜品种早佳84-24进行嫁接试验。通过对嫁接亲和力,嫁接苗的抗枯萎病能力、产量和品质等主要性状的考查分析,结果表明以日本强势葫芦作砧木的嫁接苗综合性状表现最佳。  相似文献   
为进一步研究烟草黑胫病对烟叶品质的影响,在相同的田间条件下,以烤烟‘红花大金元’(以下简称‘红大’)、‘K326’和‘云烟85’品种为材料,比较了不同烤烟品种的生理指标、黑胫病发病率和相关化学成分之间的关系。结果表明,‘红大’品种的黑胫病发病率、病情指数最高,‘K326’次之,‘云烟85’最低;‘云烟85’的POD、PPO、CAT抗性酶活性和总酚、类黄酮含量接种时最高,且增加量最大,‘K326’次之,‘红大’最小;PPO、CAT、POD活性和类黄酮、总酚含量呈负相关关系,与蛋白质、可溶性糖含量呈正相关关系。  相似文献   
探讨数量性状遗传距离与杂种优势的关系,为黄瓜新品种的选育提供理论依据。选择5份黄瓜自交系材料作为母本,6份黄瓜自交系材料作为父本,按半双列杂交法配制出29个杂交组合,对11份黄瓜自交系材料的7个数量性状进行杂种优势分析和聚类分析,并研究数量性状遗传距离与杂种优势的关系。研究结果表明,各数量性状均有不同程度的正向杂种优势,其中株高、结瓜数和单株产量的杂种优势最为明显,而单果重、主蔓20节内雌花数、果实长和果实粗的杂种优势比较微弱。11份黄瓜自交系被分为3大类群,地理远近与遗传距离之间并不存在必然的联系。结瓜数的中亲优势指数和杂种优势指数、果实长和果实粗的中亲优势指数及单株产量的超亲优势指数与亲本遗传距离之间存在显著的相关关系,而株高、单株产量的中亲优势指数和杂种优势指数与亲本遗传距离之间存在极显著的相关关系,大部分数量性状的杂种优势都随着遗传距离的增大而增大。在进行黄瓜种质资源评价时,不能以地理关系作为唯一标准;在进行黄瓜杂交育种时,可根据育种目标,适当选择较大的遗传距离来获得杂种优势。  相似文献   
Competition for soil resources plays a key role in the crop yield of intercropping systems. There is a lack of knowledge on the main factors involved in competitive interactions between crops and weeds for nutrients uptake. Hence, the purpose of this work was to compare the effects of arbuscular mycorrhial fungi (Funneliformis mosseae) colonization in interspecific competitive relations and its effect on nutrients uptake and weed control in dill and common bean intercropping. Two field experiments were carried out with factorial arrangements based on randomized complete block design with three replications during 2013–2014. The factors were cropping systems including a) common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) sole cropping (40 plants m−2), b) dill (Anethum graveolens L.) sole cropping at different densities (25, 50 and 75 plants m−2) and c) the additive intercropping of dill + common bean (25 + 40, 50 + 40 and 75 + 40 plants m−2). All these treatments were applied with (+AM) or without (-AM) arbuscular mycorrhiza colonization. In both cropping systems, inoculation with F. mosseae increased the P, K, Fe and Zn concentrations of dill plants by 40, 524, 57 and 1.0 μg kg−1 DW, respectively. Intercropping increased Mn concentration in common bean (4.0 μg kg−1 DW) and dill (3.0 μg kg−1 DW), and also seed yields of both crops (198 g m−2 and161 g m−2, respectively). AM colonization improved seed yields of dill and common bean by 169 and 177 g m−2 in 2013 and 2014, respectively. Moreover, AM application enhanced competitive ability of dill + common bean intercrops against weeds at different intercropping systems. Intercropping significantly changed weed density compared to sole cropping, as weed density was decreased in the dill + common bean intercropping. Diversity (H), Evenness (E) and richness of weed species of weeds for intercrops were higher than those for sole crops.  相似文献   
We developed a methodological protocol for comprehensive evaluation of nutrient management (NM) technologies for production of cauliflower taking its yield, quality, profitability, energy balance and environmental sustainability in terms of soil quality as the goal variables. Fifteen NM technologies comprising three sources of nutrients viz., organics [farmyard manure (FYM), vermicompost (VC) and green manure], inorganic fertilizations (recommended NPK at the rate of 200-44-82 kg ha−1and 125% of recommended NPK) and their selected combinations were tested for producing cauliflower for six consecutive growing seasons during 2006–2011. Integrated NM technology proved to be economically sound and environment-friendly practice. It helped to produce better quality cauliflower with higher value added products such as crude protein, dietary fibre, and vitamin C. Further, it concomitantly maintained better soil quality by improving soil organic carbon stock, microbial biomass carbon, bulk density and extractable plant available nutrients. Combining all the parameters together by employing non-parametric evaluation of regression factor scores through principal component analysis, the NM technology of FYM 5 Mg ha−1 + 125% of recommended NPK and VC 3 Mg ha−1 + 125% of recommended NPK were found to be the best among the NM technologies compared. The superiority of the technologies were attributed to higher curd biomass yield (8.36 and 9.70 Mg ha−1, respectively), higher economic return (benefit-cost ratio 2.7 and 2.5; marginal rate of return 8.0 and 5.1, respectively), more energy conserving efficiency (net energy 22.4 and 25.7 GJ ha−1; output-input energy ratio 1.86 and 2.00, respectively) and greater improvement in the indices of soil quality (6.219 and 5.709, respectively) and crop quality for human (6.7 and 7.4, respectively) and animal (7.4 and 6.4, respectively) nutrition. Organics were less productive, less profitable, and energetically less efficientas compared to integrated and inorganic systems for cauliflower production in subtropics.  相似文献   
Indigenous soil macroinvertebrates (moth larvae, weevil larvae, earthworms) are cardinal agents of nutrient release from litter on sub-Antarctic Marion Island (47°S, 38°′E). Their populations are threatened through predation by introduced house mice, which do not prey on an introduced slug Deroceras panormitanum. A microcosm study was carried out to explore whether slugs affect rates of carbon and inorganic nutrient mineralisation from plant litter differently to an indigenous caterpillar (larva of a flightless moth Pringelophaga marioni). Caterpillars stimulated N, Ca, Mg and K mineralisation from plant litter two to five times more than slugs did, whereas the two invertebrate types stimulated C and P mineralisation to the same degree. Consequently, ratios of C:N and N:P released from the litter were different for slugs and caterpillars. Such differences might affect peat nutrient quality and ultimately the peat accumulation-decomposition balance, an important driver of ecological succession. This suggests that slugs cannot simply replace caterpillars without consequences for ecosystem structure and functioning on the island.  相似文献   
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and N2-fixing legumes can alter the community structure of grasses. However, the effect of AMF, N2-fixing legumes, and their interaction on the dynamics of prairie grass communities remains unclear. The aim of this study was to clarify the influence of two AMF (Glomus cubense and Glomus sp.) and two legumes (Medicago sativa and Dalea purpurea) on the competitive relationship between three native cool-season (Elymus canadensis, Elymus trachycaulus ssp. subsecundus, and Elymus lanceolatus ssp. lanceolatus) and two native warm-season species of grasses (Schizachyrium scoparium and Bouteloua gracilis). Results show that AMF and legumes altered the community structure of the grasses. G. cubense favoured the productivity of warm-season B. gracilis when growing with M. sativa. This might be related to a negative impact of G. cubense on the nitrogen-fixing activity of M. sativa and to a lower N-use efficiency of E. canadensis and E. lanceolatus ssp. lanceolatus under competition. This suggested an increased ability of B. gracilis to use the available N resource as affected by more competitive species, whereas Glomus sp. reduced the competitive ability of this grass when associated with M. sativa. The decrease in B. gracilis biomass was thus likely caused by enhancement of P uptake by M. sativa over this grass. Glomus sp. was beneficial to S. scoparium, another warm-season species, in the absence of legumes, and this may be attributed to improved P-use efficiency of this grass under competition with cool season-grasses. In contrast, AMF and legumes were not beneficial for the cool season grasses. G. cubense depressed the growth of E. trachycaulus ssp. subsecundus, and M. sativa decreased nutrient uptake by cool-season native grasses. This study shows that beneficial effect of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on the coexistence of warm-season grasses with more competitive cool-season grasses depends on the identity of the AMF symbiont, the presence of legume species, and nitrogen resource availability that was affected by the most competitive species or P-use efficiency of warm season species.  相似文献   
In forest soils, the availability of phosphate is largely dependent on phosphatase activity. We used soil imprinting to compare in situ activity and fine-scale distribution of phosphatase on soil profiles located across forest chronosequences of four age classes young (5–6 yrs), canopy closure (24–30 yrs), stem exclusion (61–71 yrs), and older (90–103 yrs) of mixed Douglas-fir/paper birch stands regenerated after fire or clearcutting in southern interior British Columbia, Canada. Chromatography paper treated with a mixture of substrate and colorimetric reagent was applied directly to vertical soil surfaces, accessed through root windows. Stands older than 61 years had both the highest level of in situ phosphatase activity and larger, more intense regions of activity. Bray-extractable phosphorus was negatively related to imprintable phosphatase activity. We compared the changes in phosphatase activity with differences in the ectomycorrhizal fungal (EMF) community that had been documented previously in the same stands. Of 84 ectomycorrhizal fungi found on roots in at least two of the stand-age classes, eight taxa were positively correlated and one taxon (Rhizopogon vinicolor/vesiculosus) negatively correlated with high phosphatase activity. The frequency of three taxa appeared to be positively correlated with larger areas of activity on the soil profiles. By using an imprinting approach, this study was able to demonstrate, for the first time, that in situ phosphatase activity and physical attributes of that activity (i.e., number, size, and relative rates of each area of activity) were related to concentrations of soil nutrients and with the frequency of individual ectomycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   
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