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Waxy maize is widely cultivated under rainfed conditions and frequently suffers water shortage during the late growth stage. In this study, a pot trial was conducted to examine the effects of post-silking drought on leaf photosynthesis and senescence and its influence on grain yield. Two waxy maize hybrids, Suyunuo 5(SYN5) and Yunuo 7(YN7), were grown under the control and drought(soil moisture content was 70–80% and 50–60%, respectively) conditions after silking in 2016 and 2017. The decrease in yield was 11.1 and 15.4% for YN7 and SYN5, respectively, owing to the decreased grain weight and number. Post-silking dry matter accumulation was reduced by 27.2% in YN7 and 26.3% in SYN5. The contribution rate of pre-silking photoassimilates transferred to grain yield was increased by 15.6% in YN7 and 10.2% in SYN5, respectively. Post-silking drought increased the malondialdehyde content, but decreased the contents of water, soluble protein, chlorophyll, and carotenoid in the leaves. The weakened activities of enzymes involved in photosynthesis(ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase) and antioxidant system(catalase, superoxide dismutase and peroxidase) reduced the photosynthetic rate(P_n) and accelerated leaf senescence. The correlation results indicated that reduced Pn and catalase activity and increased malondialdehyde content under drought conditions induced the decrease of post-silking photoassimilates deposition, ultimately resulted in the grain yield loss.  相似文献   
The increasing need to prolong the shelf life of buckwheat has prompted the use of roasting techniques in buckwheat processing. For effective roasting, the responses of common buckwheat (CB) and tartary buckwheat (TB) to the process should be explored. Herein, the antioxidant properties, nutrients, pasting, and thermal properties of raw and roasted buckwheat flours (roasted at 200 °C for 50 s) from two CB and three TB varieties were investigated. Results showed that roasting considerably reduced the total flavonoid content (TFC) and total phenolic content (TPC) of TB. The TPC of CB was significantly improved by roasting, whereas the TFC significantly decreased. The total antioxidant capacities were consistent with the TPCs. Additionally, the colour deepened as the amount of antioxidant compounds increased. Unexpectedly, roasting enhanced the protein and fat contents of CB and decreased those of TB. Roasting improved the nutritional quality and antioxidant capacity of CB, and opposite results were obtained in TB. In conclusion, CB was more suitable to the development of roasted specialty products with nutritional applications than TB. We suggest that differences among varieties should be considered first in the buckwheat roasting process.  相似文献   
以希拉穆仁草原建群种羊草(Leymuschinensis)、短花针茅(Stipa breviflora Griseb)、芨芨草(Achnatherum splendens nevski)及其枯落物为研究对象,通过测定其C、N、P质量分数,并计算生态化学计量比,分析建群种养分限制格局及养分再吸收规律。结果表明:①植物叶片的C、N、P质量分数均值分别为398.74、24.41、1.55 g/kg,枯落物的为362.53、14.79、1.17 g/kg,3种植物叶片的C、N、P质量分数与其枯落物的差异显著(P<0.05)。②植物在枯落之前会将养分转移,防止养分的流失,N、P的养分再吸收效率范围分别在13.51%~77.49%、2.65%~49.51%,N的回流率大于P,进而使其具备了较强的适应干旱环境的能力。③3种植物叶片的N/P、C/N、C/P变化范围分别在11.81~21.70、15.76~16.59、195.47~273.37,枯落物的变化范围分别在7.72~17.05、17.71~64.46、215.43~487.46,3种植物叶片与枯落物的N/P、C/P差异显著(P<0.05)。④植物叶片N/P均值为16.95,枯落物N/P均值为12.31,说明植物的生长主要受P的限制。研究结果可为荒漠草原提供草地管理指导。  相似文献   
本研究旨在分析小麦/西瓜/玉米间作体系限制作物产量的关键因子,为该体系的优化提供科学依据。采用农户调研的方式,对河北省曲周县的小麦/西瓜/玉米间作模式展开调查,主要调研内容是小麦和玉米的播种量、养分投入量和产量以及西瓜的养分投入量和产量,应用边界线分析方法评价小麦/西瓜/玉米间作高产体系的限制因子。结果表明,限制小麦产量的关键因子为小麦播种量,贡献率达17.8%,而养分投入量的贡献率分别为:P2O5 12.5%、K2O 11.7%、N 8.0%。限制西瓜产量的关键因子为钾肥投入量,贡献率达15.8%,N、P2O5的贡献率分别为14.2%和11.8%。限制玉米产量的关键因子为氮肥投入量,贡献率达20.6%,其他因子的贡献率分别为:K2O 14.2%,P2O5 11.5%,播种密度9.2%。因此,在小麦/西瓜/玉米间作体系中,应适当调控小麦播量,优化西瓜的钾肥和玉米的氮肥投入量,促进该间作模式的产量优势。  相似文献   
【目的】分析盐碱胁迫对甜菜光合物质积累及产量的影响,研究盐碱胁迫对甜菜生长发育影响的过程,为甜菜抗盐碱栽培提供理论依据。【方法】采用室外盆栽方法,按照NaCl∶Na2SO4∶Na2CO3∶NaHCO3=1∶9∶1∶9比例配制成1 mol/L的混合盐碱溶液,各处理Na+浓度分别为0、0.5%、0.8%及1.0%,以甜菜品种HI0135、SD12830和MA11-8为材料,测定盐碱胁迫下甜菜的农艺性状、净光合速率(Pn)、生物量积累及产量。【结果】随着盐碱胁迫浓度的增加,HI0135的相关性状表现为先升高后下降,0~0.5%盐碱胁迫浓度对甜菜生长发育、光合物质生产及产量有促进作用;SD12830和MA11-8甜菜表现为持续抑制。【结论】HI0135甜菜品种在盐碱胁迫浓度为0.5%时表现出一定促进作用,对盐碱环境有较强的适应性。  相似文献   
对泡桐一年生埋根苗生长、干物质积累、储存/结构分配、同比物分配等规律进行了定量研究。并结合不同群体结构的研究,优化了育苗密度。研究结果表明:在年生长周期中,泡桐一年生埋根苗的叶面积增长和干物质积累规律均符合Logistic 方程,净同化率和比叶面积为单峰曲线,相对生长率和叶面积比随着时间的推移逐渐减小,储存/结构分配的变化规律与净同化率一致:而同化物的分配在各生长时期不同,生长初期主要分配给根系和叶片,速生期主要分配给叶片和茎,生长后期主要分配给茎和根系.同时,地上部分和地下部分的生长和分配具有交替节律性。密度影响单株叶面积、叶片的解剖结构和光能的分布,从而影响净同化率。随着密度的增大,净同化率降低,单株生物量减小。密度对储存/结构的分配没有显著影响,但它影响同化物在各器官间的分配。通过优化方法,确定育苗密度以每亩555株为最佳.  相似文献   
水曲柳天然林生物生产力及营养元素的积累与分布的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对样地水曲柳天然林的各器官生物量的测定和化学元素分析,研究了生物生产力及营养元素的积累与分布规律。结果表明:林龄为43a的水曲柳天然林乔木层地上部生物量为135.749 t/ha,其中干材为79.891 t/ha,干皮为13.191 t/ha,大枝(未着生叶)为23.961t/ha,小枝(着生叶)为12.830t/ha,叶为5.877 t/ha;乔木层地上部平均净初级生产力为4.539 t/ha·a,其中叶为1.519t/ha·a,仅次于干材;近期(5a)平均净初级生产力为8.390 t/ha·a,其中叶为4.012 t/ha·a,是器官之中最高者;地上各器官营养元素含量因器官、元素而异,但尤以叶的含量最高。根据分析结果,从植物营养学角度出发,提出了以发展针叶树为主的“栽阔养针”的观点,对生产实践具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   
1992年春夏,大兴安岭北部出现了长期无雨天气本文重点研究林木在无雨期后首次和第二次降水过程中对降雨金属养分元素浓度的影响。结果表明:兴安落叶松林系统对Ca、K、Na、Mg、Zn的吸收量大,使得降雨后输出系统的养分处于积累状态,另外,该地区空气尘埃含量少,不同时间降水金属养分元素含量变化不大,但林内雨的金属养分元素浓度却有着明显变化。从再分配降水金属养分元素浓度变化情况来看,兴安岭落叶松林除了对Ca具有明显的吸收作用和能迅速脱溶较多的K和Na外,林分能大量提供Zn,但对其它微量元素影响不大,可以说林木是降水金属养分元素的分布、循环、集累、亏损、输入、输出的支柱。  相似文献   
临沂茶区土壤养分现状及培肥途径   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
梁恕坤 《安徽农业科学》2005,33(11):2070-2071
对临沂茶区土壤养分现状及其变化规律进行了分析,找出存在的问题,提出了今后合理培肥的途径。  相似文献   
Dynamic changes in calcium content were investigated in eight apple cultivars. The results showed that the calcium concentration in leaves and shoots increased with fruit development. The cultivars displayed only a small difference in the calcium concentration during the early stage of development, the difference became very significant at the late stage of development, especially in shoots. In shoots, for example, calcium content was highest in Starkrimson (19 638.6 mg kg^-1) and lowest in Fuji (8 751.3 mg kg^-1). Calcium concentration was highest in young fruits and was found to decrease with the growth of fruit, and was characterized by a dramatic drop at the rapid expansion stage. There was a significant difference among cultivars. Young Starkrimson fruits contained the highest calcium concentration of 506.52 mg kg^-1 among cultivars tested, followed by Pink Lady and Fuji. The calcium concentration in mature fruits from high to low is as follows: Starkrimson, Sansa, Pink Lady, Senshu, Gala, Fuji, Red General and New Century. In this study, it was found that eight cultivars continuously assimilated calcium during the whole growing season, especially at the young stage when fruit took up 35-46% of total calcium. The calcium content in fruitlets was low in all cultivars; in the expansion stage, there was rapid absorption of about 30% of total calcium, whereas in the ripening fruit, content of calcium was reduced. The calcium accumulation increased with fruit growth in stalk, similar to that in fruit.  相似文献   
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