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规模化畜禽养殖场粪便养分数据空间化表征方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前进行规模化养殖场粪便养分分配,主要以行政单元为单位将规模化养殖统计数据总量按农田面积简单分配,认为所有的农用地之间都是均匀的,而忽视了农用地块之间存在差异性的问题,利用GIS空间分析技术,结合农用地地块间的空间差异性以及规模养殖畜禽粪便作为肥料施用的特殊性,构建了规模化畜禽养殖统计数据空间化算法,并结合农用地最大养分负荷,实现从规模畜禽养殖统计数据到区域畜禽粪便养分供给的空间化转换,最后以福州市闽侯县上街镇为例进行了算法的实际应用。结果表明研究区农用地氮、磷最大养分负荷分别为169.994 kg/hm2和34.973 kg/hm2。无论是畜禽养殖粪便氮养分还是磷养分,都未超过算法设定的阈值。  相似文献   
Carbon and nitrogen budgets of nematodes in arable soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The amounts of C and N that pass through the nematode biomass in four cropping systems, barley without and with N fertilization, grass ley and lucerne, has been estimated. The nematodes were sampled at the field site of a Swedish integrated research project Ecology of Arable Land: The Role of Organisms in Nitrogen Cycling. The nematode biomass was lower (200 mg dry weight m–2) in the annual (barley) than in the perennial (grass and lucerne, 350 mg dry weight m–2) crops. For respiration, the nematodes used 4–71 O2m–2 year–1 corresponding to C liberation of 1.3%–2.0% of the carbon input to the soil. A higher relative contribution by bacterial-feeding nematodes to the C and N fluxes and a higher turnover rate of the nematode biomass is an indication of more rapid nutrient circulation in the annual than in the perennial cropping systems.  相似文献   
Summary The use of N and P by mixed and by sole cropping (crop rotation) of maize and cowpeas were compared in a field experiment on an Alfisol at the Nyankpala Agricultural Experiment Station in the northern Guinea Savanna of Ghana, using two levels of N (0 and 80 kg N ha-1 year-1 as urea) and P application (0 and 60 kg P ha-1 year-1 as Volta phosphate rock). Maize grain yields were significantly reduced in the mixed cropping system. This yield difference became smaller with the application of N and P fertilizer. The N and P concentrations in maize ear leaves at silking indicated that a deficiency in N and P contributed to the maize yield depression in mixed cropping. Competition for soil and fertilizer N between maize and cowpeas was suggested by: (1) A similarity in total N uptake between the two cropping systems; (2) efficient use of soil nitrate by the cowpeas; and (3) low N2 fixation by the cowpeas, calculated with the aid of an extended-difference method. In general, N2 fixation was low, with the highest values in the sole cropping (53 kg ha-1) and a substantial reduction in the mixed cropping system. The application of N fertilizer further reduced N2 fixation. This was substantiated by nodule counts. The lower N2 fixation in the mixed cropping system was only partly explained by the lower density of cowpeas in this system. In addition, dry spells during the cropping season and shading by the maize component could have reduced the nodulation efficiency. No N transfer from the legume/rhizobium to the non-legume crop was observed. Impaired P nutrition in the mixed compared with the sole-cropped maize might have been due to less P mobility in the soil. This was indicated by lower soil moisture contents in the topsoil under mixed cropping, especially during the dry year of 1986. The results show that mixed cropping of maize and cowpeas did not lead to improved use of soil and fertilizer N and P or to an enhanced N2 fixation. On the contrary, an annual rotation of maize and cowpeas was clearly superior.  相似文献   
苗期调亏处理对玉米根系生长影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以玉米为试验材料 ,利用盆栽试验研究了调亏灌溉对苗期根系形态、活力和干物质累积的影响。试验结果表明 :调亏灌溉减少根系干物质累积 ,根冠比、平均根长和根系活力 ( TTC还原量 )提高 ;单株根系条数下降 ;根系活力在复水后仍保持较高水平。表明调亏在量上抑制根系生长 ,但在形态和吸收功能上表现出一定的补偿效应。  相似文献   
典型黑土pH值变化对营养元素有效态含量的影响研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
采用室内培养实验的方法,控制典型黑土样品的酸碱度值,探讨典型黑土中Cu、Zn、Mn、P和Fe等营养元素有效态含量与pH值的关系。结果表明:pH值变化0.5个单位左右,有效态铜含量变化约0.5~1倍;有效态锰含量变化约3~5倍;有效态锌含量变化9~15倍之多;有效态磷含量变化约1.5~2倍;有效态铁含量变化约3~4倍。说明精确掌握土壤的酸碱度值对于土壤诊断、合理施肥、提高作物产量和实现土地的可持续利用都具有重要的理论与实践意义。  相似文献   
Quantifying how tillage systems affect soil microbial biomass and nutrient cycling by manipulating crop residue placement is important for understanding how production systems can be managed to sustain long-term soil productivity. Our objective was to characterize soil microbial biomass, potential N mineralization and nutrient distribution in soils (Vertisols, Andisols, and Alfisols) under rain-fed corn (Zea mays L.) production from four mid-term (6 years) tillage experiments located in central-western, Mexico. Treatments were three tillage systems: conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT) and no tillage (NT). Soil was collected at four locations (Casas Blancas, Morelia, Apatzingán and Tepatitlán) before corn planting, at depths of 0–50, 50–100 and 100–150 mm. Conservation tillage treatments (MT and NT) significantly increased crop residue accumulation on the soil surface. Soil organic C, microbial biomass C and N, potential N mineralization, total N, and extractable P were highest in the surface layer of NT and decreased with depth. Soil organic C, microbial biomass C and N, total N and extractable P of plowed soil were generally more evenly distributed throughout the 0–150 mm depth. Potential N mineralization was closely associated with organic C and microbial biomass. Higher levels of soil organic C, microbial biomass C and N, potential N mineralization, total N, and extractable P were directly related to surface accumulation of crop residues promoted by conservation tillage management. Quality and productivity of soils could be maintained or improved with the use of conservation tillage.  相似文献   
带状种植是1种以固N植物篱为核心、农作物与植物篱相间种植的农林复合经营模式,植物篱通过修剪避免对农作物遮光,其枝叶作为覆盖物和有机肥,可提高土壤肥力。阐述了植物篱枝叶N素矿化和利用、枝叶有机碳矿化及其对土壤有机质的影响以及固N植物篱对土壤P素和其他矿质元素的供给状况,并评价了该模式下土壤养分和有机质动态。  相似文献   
冀南地区蔬菜保护地土壤养分变化特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对冀南地区蔬菜保护地土壤养分现状及变化趋势进行了研究,结果表明,保护地耕层土壤有机质、土壤速效N、速效P和速效K比相邻露地栽培分别平均增加146.64%、51.68%、567.17%和110.41%;比1981年土壤分别增加143.23%、97.97%、2311.00%和98.8%。随栽培年限的增加,耕层土壤速效N、速效P和速效K有积累的趋势,土壤养分主要积累在0~20cm土层,随着土层加深土壤养分积累程度降低,其中以日光温室栽培的土壤养分积累高于塑料大棚。  相似文献   
设施土壤盐分的累积、迁移及离子组成变化特征   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
通过对我国不同地区设施栽培现状的野外调查和取样分析,研究了设施栽培条件下土壤盐分的累积、迁移及离子组成变化特点。结果表明:1)设施栽培条件下,土壤含盐量的变化幅度大,且均明显高于露地土壤,各研究区域内已有40%8~9%的土壤含盐量超过了作物正常生长的临界浓度。2)设施栽培的可持续利用周期较短,连续种植到4年左右的设施土壤,其耕层盐分的累积量可达到作物的生长障碍临界点,之后因设施使用率的下降以及采取的措施而有所降低,但仍高于露地土壤。设施连续使用会导致土壤环境质量的不断恶化。3)设施土壤剖面(0100.cm)盐分含量均高于相邻露地,盐分含量随土层深度增加而降低,其中耕层(020.cm)的盐分含量显著高于其下各层;盐分离子在土壤剖面的运移同时存在着明显的向底层迁移和向表层聚集两种方式,但以表聚为主;此外,盐分离子的大量累积和向底层迁移,特别是NO3-的淋溶已严重影响到部分地区的地下水水质。4)设施栽培后,土壤中的NO3-、SO42-、Cl-、Ca2+、Mg2+、K+、Na+均有不同程度的累积,阴离子以NO3-和SO42-为主,阳离子以Ca2+为主。盐分的大量累积以及某些离子的相对富集在一定程度上引起了作物养分的供需失衡、土壤酸化、棚室内CO2供应不足等生产问题。  相似文献   
不同品种水稻产量形成过程的养分积累与分配特征研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过测定三系杂交稻"汕优63"、两系杂交稻"两优2186"和常规稻"IR64"不同器官N、P和K含量动态,探讨了3种水稻各生育期的养分积累与分配特征。结果表明:3种水稻稻株N含量均随生长过程逐渐下降,同一生育期水稻N含量以"汕优63"最高;除"汕优63"K含量在齐穗时明显上升外,3种水稻的K含量随生长过程逐渐下降;而P含量总体上在分蘖盛期最高。完熟期3种水稻的N积累量依次为24.79g/m2、15.14g/m2和14.42g/m2,P积累量为4.766g/m2、3.306g/m2和3.678g/m2,K积累量为2.439g/m22、.029g/m2和1.725g/m2。"汕优63"分配到籽粒中的N素比例为61.23%,分别比"两优2186"、"IR64"高17.97%和11.23%;分配到籽粒中的P素比例为62.97%,分别比"两优2186"、"IR64"高6.41%和9.63%;分配到籽粒中的K素比例为27.51%,分别比"两优2186"、"IR64"低3.00%和2.39%。在全生育期中,"汕优63"、"两优2186"和"IR64"的N需求量依次为31.33g/m2、22.88 g/m2、24.82g/m2,N、P、K吸收比依次为1∶0.192∶0.098、1∶0.219∶0.134和1∶0.255∶0.120。3种水稻中"汕优63"的养分生产效率最低。N、P、K生产效率"汕优63"依次为37.25kg/kg、193.80kg/kg和378.80kg/kg,"两优2186"依次为52.54 kg/kg、240.38kg/kg和392.16kg/kg,"IR64"依次为58.38kg/kg、228.83kg/kg和487.80kg/kg。三系杂交稻"汕优63"的N、P、K需求量大,积累量高,分配到籽粒中的比例亦高,与其高产特性相吻合。在保证N、P、K供给的前提下,进一步提高养分生产效率是实现"汕优63"高产、高效的关键。  相似文献   
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