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以野生欧李为试材,逐级提取不同形态的钙,研究欧李生长发育阶段(萌动期-开花期-果实发育期)主要结果基生枝各组织器官(木质部、韧皮部、花和果实、新梢)中不同形态钙(水溶钙、果胶钙、磷酸钙、草酸钙、剩余钙)的分配率变化及其与总钙分配的相关关系。结果表明:不同组织器官中钙吸收和分配与钙形态转化和分配密切相关,随欧李生长期发育进程,木质部和韧皮部中不同形态钙分配呈明显下降趋势,新梢中不同形态钙分配呈明显增长趋势,花器官中水溶钙、果胶钙和磷酸钙形态在盛花期均有一分配高峰,果实中果胶钙和水溶钙形态分配分别在果实发育初期和后期有一分配高峰;花和果实总钙分配率变化与输导组织器官木质部和韧皮部中各种形态钙的分配呈显著或极显著正相关关系,新梢总钙分配率变化与输导组织器官木质部和韧皮部中各种形态钙的分配呈显著或极显著负相关关系。欧李生长期结果基生枝各组织器官中存在钙形态转化与再分配,水溶钙和果胶钙形态是欧李果实钙素吸收积累的主要钙形态。  相似文献   
不同栽培条件下水稻分蘖角度动态变化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
110161沈阳市东陵路120号沈阳农业大学水稻研究所  相似文献   
增施不同有机物质对烤烟叶片中含氮化合物的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以烤烟品种龙江911为材料,研究了增施不同有机物质(芝麻、小磨芝麻油、豆糁、豆浆)对烤烟叶片中含氮化合物的影响.结果显示,穴施豆浆使烟叶中烟碱含量适中、蛋白质含量最低,氨基酸含量最高,硝酸盐含量适中,亚硝酸盐含量较低,烟叶的品质最为理想;穴施芝麻的烟叶烟碱含量相对其他处理较低,硝酸盐含量较低,亚硝酸盐含量较高,氨基酸和蛋白质含量较高;穴施小磨芝麻油的烟叶烟碱含量最高,硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量偏高,氨基酸含量较低,蛋白质含量较高;穴施豆糁的烟叶烟碱含量适宜,硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量相对最低,氨基酸含量相对其他处理偏低,蛋白质含量较高.综合比较,穴施豆浆和豆糁的烤后烟叶中含氮化合物的含量适宜,有益烤烟品质的提高.  相似文献   
Apatite is the dominant phosphorus (P) mineral in early stages of soil development, and its redistribution as labile forms under pedogenesis controls terrestrial bioavailability. Quantitative distribution of labile forms of P and apatite-P was examined in Pothwar Loess Plain, Pakistan where the degree of pedogenesis varied with relief. Four soil types, Typic Ustorthents (Rajar), Typic Calciustepts (Missa), Udic Calciustepts (Basal), and Udic Haplustalfs (Guliana), were sampled from three replicated locations at genetic horizon level. With the exception of total P value at surface, the mean total and apatite-P decreased towards the surface in Udic Haplustalfs and Udic Calciustepts where dicalcium and octacalcium phosphate increased toward surface. Iron (oxides and oxyhydroxides) adsorbed and occluded P forms were also in greater quantities in Udic Haplustalfs and increased toward the surface, whereas they were lowest and uniform in the Typic Ustorthents. Aluminum- and organic P correlated with soil organic matter. Apatite-P decreased exponentially with an increase in the sum of iron adsorbed and occluded P fractions, and fitted the equation M(x) =M0[1 - exp(-wx)] with r^2=0.996, where M(x) is the mean apatite-P concentration in solum, M0 is the apatite-P content in the loess sediments, x is the cumulative iron adsorbed and occluded P, and w is an empirical factor indicating the change rate of apatite-P in the loess. From the calculated apatite-P of 740 mg kg^-1 at the time of deposition, mean apatite-P loss was 60% in Udic Haplustalfs, 33% in Udic Calciustepts, 23% in Typic Calciustepts, and 8% in Typic Ustorthents. The transformation of soil P to labile forms was faster and deeper in level or slight depressions followed by gently sloping areas in wide plains, and was the least in the gullied land.  相似文献   
In a long‐term maize–wheat rotation at the Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India (subtropical climate), the effects of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) addition on soil fertility and forms of inorganic P and K in the plow layer of an alkaline sandy loam soil were measured after 11 and 22 years of cropping. The treatments comprised four rates of N (0, 60, 120, and 180 kg N ha?1) as urea, three rates of P (0, 17.5, and 35 kg P ha?1) as single superphosphate, and two rates of K (0 and 33 kg K ha?1) as muriate of potash. The treatments selected for the present study were N0P0K0, N120P0K0, N120P17.5K0, N120P35K0, N120P17.5K33, and N120P35K33. A significant year × treatment interaction in decreasing available N [alkaline potassium permanganate (KMnO4)–oxidizable N) status of soils was found in all the treatments. Available P (Olsen P) in the control plot decreased over time whereas in plots with added P, available P increased significantly after years 11 and 22, with the greatest increase in the N120P17.5Ko treatment. Compared to the initial values, continuous P fertilization resulted in greater total P and chloride P concentrations after 11 and 22 years. Although sodium hydroxide (NaOH) P and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) P increased in P‐treated plots from the start of the trial to year 11, they decreased from year 11 to year 22. Among these inorganic P forms, chloride P was significantly positively correlated with P uptake (r = 0.811*). When only N and P were applied, available K [ammonium acetate (NH4OAc)–extractable K] significantly decreased over time. In plots without K addition, water‐soluble and exchangeable K decreased from their initial status. Compared to year 11, water‐soluble K increased, whereas exchangeable K decreased after year 22 in plots receiving no K fertilizer. Compared with NPK treatments, a significant decrease of total K in NP treatment plots suggests the release and uptake of nonexchangeable K. Water‐soluble K and exchangeable K were not correlated with K uptake. These results suggest that long‐term application of P fertilizers resulted in the accumulation of P in the soil, which could have resulted in saturation of P binding sites. Of the soil inorganic P fractions, only chloride P appears to be a good indicator of plant‐available P. The gradual loss in native soil K and release of nonexchangeable K indicates the need for adding K fertilizer to maintain soil fertility.  相似文献   
Profiles of semi-arid-zone soils in Punjab, northwestern India, were investigated for different forms of copper (Cu), including total Cu, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable Cu, soil solution plus exchangeable Cu, Cu adsorbed onto inorganic sites, Cu bound by organic sites, and Cu adsorbed onto oxide surfaces. When all soils were considered, total Cu content ranged from 7 to 37 mg kg?1, while DTPA-extractable and soil solution plus exchangeable Cu contents ranged from 0.30 to 3.26 mg kg?1 and from 0.02 to 0.43 mg kg?1, respectively. Copper adsorbed onto inorganic sites ranged from 0.62 to 2.6 mg kg?1 and that onto oxide surfaces ranged from 2.0 to 13.2 mg kg?1. The Cu bound by organic sites ranged from 1.2 to 12.2 mg kg?1. The magnitudes of different forms of Cu in soils did not exhibit any consistent pattern of distribution. Organic matter and size fractions (clay and silt) had a strong influence on the distribution of different forms of Cu. The content of all forms of Cu was generally greater in the fine-textured Alfisols and Inceptisols than coarse-textured Entisols. Soil solution plus exchangeable Cu, Cu held onto organic sites, and and Cu adsorbed onto inorganic sites (crystalline) had significant positive correlations with organic carbon and silt contents.The DTPA Cu was positively correlated with organic carbon, silt, and clay contents. Total Cu content strongly correlated with silt and clay contents of soils. Among the forms, Cu held on the organic site, water soluble + exchangeable Cu, and Cu adsorbed onto oxide surface were positively correlated with DTPA-extractable Cu. The DTPA-extractable Cu and soil solution plus exchangeable Cu seems to be good indices of Cu availability in soils and can be used for correction of Cu deficiency in the soils of the region. The uptake of Cu was greater in fine-textured Inceptisols and Alfisols than coarse-textured Entisols. Among the different forms only DTPA-extractable Cu was positively correlated with total uptake of Cu.  相似文献   
The phytoavailability of soil phosphorus (P) depends on the different forms in which it occurs and how these forms change after the application of P fertiliser to the soil. Forms of P in the A, B and C horizons of eleven pedons that developed on mafic rocks were characterised by a fractionation method before and after fertilisation with single superphosphate, and a micropot experiment was conducted to assess the short-term use of P fertiliser by rye (Secale cereale L.). The main sources of P to the crop were (i) phosphate adsorbed on mineral surfaces and pedogenic Fe, Al or Ca phosphates in the A horizon and (ii) Ca-phosphates in B and C horizons. In the C horizons, poor in Fe/Al phases and clay, the precipitated Ca-P showed low solubility, resulting in a reduction in shoot biomass. The apparent P recovery by rye was similar in the A (36%) and B (29%) but decreased in the C (15%) horizons. The partial factor productivity (g g?1) decreased from the A (58) to B (11) and C (5) horizons. P phytoavailability decreased with increasing profile depth because the transformation of P fertiliser to poorly soluble Ca-P forms increased with depth.  相似文献   
To enhance sustainable land use, a From Farmer to Farmer project was conducted in Switzerland (2001–2010). A multi‐stakeholder discussion group co‐produced nine videos with experienced farmers and wine producers showing sustainable soil management practices. We analysed the video audio‐visual content and drew on reflections of the co‐production process, referring to concepts of system, target and transformation knowledge, as well as on social learning. The analysis showed a broad range of means (or actions) for sustainable soil management in arable land management, fodder production and wine growing that are aligned to transformation knowledge. The research showed that farmers refer to three phases of social learning, light‐bulb moments, coping with challenges and gaining successful expertise. These are not just linear processes of individuals. Four types of social learning were found in the video analysis: (a) learning from observing actions of others, (b) sharing experiences with storytelling, (c) informal social interactions and (d) being a role model with a large social network. Videos enable transformation knowledge to be shared with peers using storytelling; this powerful narrative communication style provides credibility and respects the ‘thought style’ of the target audience group. We conclude that for successful implementation of sustainable actions, it is important to address a specific target group and share their transformation knowledge built upon system and target knowledge. The social learning video method is a viable way to enable social learning between science, administration and practice and has potential for fostering change in sustainable soil management.  相似文献   
【目的】探明不同保护性耕作措施对黄土高原旱作土壤不同粒级复合体中有机氮含量与分配的影响,可对评价耕作措施的效果提供科学依据。【方法】基于黄土高原旱区14年的长期定位试验,采用Bremner法, 对传统耕作(T)、免耕(NT)、秸秆覆盖(TS)及免耕+秸秆覆盖(NTS)四种耕作措施条件下不同土壤粒级复合体中的有机氮含量和分配进行了研究。【结果】保护性耕作方式均增加了2~10 μm粒级土壤复合体的比例,增幅为20.0%~31.7%;降低了0~2 μm粒级土壤复合体在土壤中所占的比例,降幅为27.6%~31.0%。在所有耕作措施下,耕层土壤中不同粒级复合体所占的比例为10~50 μm>2~10 μm>0~2 μm>50~100 μm>100 μm。保护性耕作方式均明显提高了耕层0~2 μm粒级土壤复合体中氨基糖氮的含量,增幅在46.9%~107.1%,降低了单位质量0~2 μm粒级土壤复合体中的NH+4-N含量,降幅在14.8%~27.0%;明显提高了耕层单位质量2~10 μm粒级土壤复合体中酸解总氮、氨基酸氮和氨基糖氮的含量,增幅分别为8.2%~14.3%、16.2%~31.5%和154.9%~184.3%;降低了单位质量2~10 μm粒级土壤复合体中NH+ 4-N的含量,降幅为28.7%~46.6%。传统耕作(T)条件下,与各粒级土壤复合体相结合的有机氮量顺序为10~50 μm>0~2 μm>2~10 μm>50~100 μm>100 μm以上,而保护性耕作条件下,与各粒级土壤复合体相结合的有机氮量顺序为10~50 μm>2~10 μm>0~2 μm>50~100 μm>100 μm以上;与传统耕作相比,保护性耕作措施显著地增加了耕层土壤中酸解总氮、氨基酸氮、氨基糖氮的含量,增幅分别为6.6%~20.4%、89.0%~113.0%和11.9%~31.6%,降低了NH+4-N的含量。【结论】与传统耕作(T)处理相比,保护性耕作(NT、TS、NTS)措施明显提高了土壤2~10 μm粒级复合体的比例,降低了0~2 μm粒级复合体的比例;增加了耕层土壤中酸解氮总氮、氨基糖态氮和氨基酸态氮的含量,降低了NH+ 4-N的含量。土壤中以氨基酸态氮占优势地位,其它形态的有机氮无明显分布规律。  相似文献   
C. Royo    C. Soler  I. Romagosa 《Plant Breeding》1995,114(5):413-416
A collection of 299 secondary hexaploid triticale cultivars and advanced breeding lines from 18 countries, which were considered a representative sample of the existing diversity, was evaluated for morphological and agronomical characters with autumn planting at Lleida, Spain, from 1988 to 1991. The entries were classified as having winter (84) or spring (215) growth habit and among this latter group were complete (73) or substituted (147) types according to CIMMYT's terminology. Winter and spring triticales were grouped by cluster and principal component analyses. Winter triticales were taller with longer growth cycles, longer spikes, and more spikelets per spike than spring types. At early stages they also had prostrate growth. Spring-substituted types were separated from complete material. As a group, spring-substituted triticales differed more from winter types than the spring complete genotypes, which showed intermediate characteristics. Complete types of spring habit had tendency to be taller, with longer spikes, more spikelets per spike and bigger and heavier grains than substituted triticales. Greater variation in morphological and agronomical parameters was detected among winter triticales followed by the complete-spring group.  相似文献   
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