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Wild olive (Olea europaea subsp. europaea var. sylvestris) is an important component of Mediterranean forests and a key genetic source for olive improvement programmes. Since 2009, a severe decline caused by Phytophthora cryptogea and P. megasperma has been detected in a protected wild olive forest of high ecological value (Dehesa de Abajo, Seville, Spain). In this natural forest, sampling of roots and soil was carried out on 25 wild olives with symptoms in 2014 and 2015. Apart from the already known P. cryptogea A1 and P. megasperma, a third Phytophthora species was consistently isolated from wild olive rootlets with symptoms. These isolates conformed morphologically with the newly described species P. oleae and were confirmed by analysis of their ITS regions and cox1 sequences. Temperature–growth relationships showed a maximum growth at 19.9 °C on carrot agar medium, making it the lowest temperature Phytophthora species infecting wild olive roots. Pathogenicity was confirmed on 1-year-old healthy wild olive seedlings and was similar to the previously known pathogenic phytophthoras. As temperature requirements are quite different, the three Phytophthora species may be active against wild olive roots in different seasons. However, the prevalence of P. oleae infecting wild olives in recent years could be due to its introduction as a new invasive pathogen. The probable invasive nature of P. oleae, together with increasing rain episodes concentrated in short periods frequent in southern Spain, would allow the outbreak of infections in wild olive forests, and also put cultivated olive orchards at risk.  相似文献   
为有效防治月季灰霉病发生,保障切花产品采后品质,以‘粉蝴蝶’(‘Vuvuzela’)和‘雪山’(‘Avalanche’)为试验材料,实地调查设施内灰霉病发病情况,监测温室内温湿度,获取当地降雨量等气象资料,构建了月季切花设施生产灰霉病预测模型,并利用这一模型进行灰霉病防治的实际指导。结果表明:1)‘粉蝴蝶’‘雪山’的灰霉病病情指数与设施内的均温和均湿呈线性相关,据此建立灰霉病预测模型,Y=4.761-0.332X1+4.930X2+0.015X3;这一预测模型经设施内实测验证,平均绝对误差(MAE)=0.20,平均绝对百分误差(MAPE)=0.31,表明可有效预测7日内设施条件下月季切花灰霉病发病情况。2)‘粉蝴蝶’‘雪山’在贮藏和瓶插期的灰霉病发病率与栽培中病情指数预测值呈正相关。当病情指数为Y=0.33的低预测值时,切花产品在模拟运输1 d+冷库贮藏5 d后,发病率为5.0%;当病情指数为Y=2.09的高预测值时,切花产品在相同处理后发病率可达35.0%。3)基于预测模型进行病害爆发前3 d喷药的早期防治处理,采收当...  相似文献   
为厘清非农就业质量对山区农户土地转出稳定性的影响机制,基于2021年浙江省山区4县480户农户调查数据,采取OLS、Heckman两阶段以及2SLS等模型开展实证研究,同时采取Probit模型检验作用机制并结合案例加以佐证。结果表明:1)非农就业质量的改善激励山区农户提高土地转出的稳定性。2)非农就业质量显著影响老一代农户和“体制外”农户土地转出的稳定性,但是对新生代农户和“体制内”农户的影响不显著,同时,非农就业质量对土地转出稳定性的影响并不因为就业距离的远近而产生差异;3)非农就业质量影响土地转出稳定性的作用机制在于强化农户的城市融入意愿、弱化农户对地租的偏好以及弱化土地的社会保障功能。相关政策需要致力于提升山区农户的非农就业质量,提升和完善非农就业的稳定性、收入和保障制度。  相似文献   
为深入探讨国际有机农业和中国有机产业的发展历程,以其整体发展情况为研究对象,利用对比研究法和经验总结法,对国际有机农业和中国有机产业的发展历程进行了回溯和对比。结果表明:1)20世纪初,科学和技术的发展推动了现代农业的发展进展。在整体论和还原论这2种不同观点指导下,现代农业分化成有机农业和常规农业2大体系,两者既矛盾又统一;2)国际有机农业理念多样,经历了起源、发展壮大和迈向主流化等3个发展阶段,分别称为有机1.0、2.0和3.0阶段。3)20世纪90年代,有机农业主要以农产品认证的形式正式被引入国内,国内对其理念、政策、人才和技术尚未成体系。因此,中国有机产业虽然市场发展快速,但是面临生产端需要更高质量发展的境况;4)基于还原论的常规农业是机械唯物主义在农业领域的表现,与以辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义为指导的中国特色的社会主义农业农村现代化终将存在分歧。中国农业现代化不能只是侧重常规农业,更必须发展以整体论为指导的有机农业。总之,有机产业在中国取得了优异的成果,同时也正面临巨大挑战。在新常态下,中国有机产业应着力建立起全面的科学哲学、科学与技术以及产业与实践体系,以满足消费者对有机理念到产品与服务的多维度需求。  相似文献   
Abstract  Socioeconomic characterisation of fishing activities in the Veracruz Reef System National Park was used to develop a management system which balances the community's livelihood, and the conservation needs of the protected area. A survey was applied to four sectors of the fishing community: the fishers, fishers' wives, retailers and local population. The survey determined their perceptions about: (1) fishing as a lifestyle; (2) economic alternatives; (3) perspectives about the future; (4) environment; and (5) knowledge of the National Park as a protected area. Fishers devoted an average of 27 years fishing, investing an average of 12 h per day giving a regular income of 15–20 US$. Most interviewed (60%) were full-time fishers, with fishing the only family income source. Fishers are predominately educated to primary school level (64%).The main problem faced by fishers and the communities were economic opportunities but 89% believed that mariculture could be an alternative income source. There was strong ecological awareness, with 75% aware of the decline in fisheries resource and 62% knowing about the role of protected areas. There was divided opinion about future perspectives. Inefficient organisation and communication between authorities and fishers were identified as obstacles to co-management. Discussion on alternative incomes and a proposal involve fishers in co-management initiatives are presented.  相似文献   
The Florida Keys coral reef ecosystem supports multimillion-dollar commercial and recreational fisheries. The ecological effects caused by fishing gear that is lost when cut or broken after snagging on the bottom is a growing concern to managers and scientists. Few data exist, however, to assess the impacts of lost fishing gear to benthic organisms and habitat structure. In this study, 63 offshore coral reef and hard-bottom sites were surveyed during 2001 to quantify the impacts of lost fishing gear to coral reef sessile invertebrates. Lost hook-and-line fishing gear accounted for 87% of all debris (N=298 incidences) encountered and was responsible for 84% of the 321 documented impacts to sponges and benthic cnidarians, predominantly consisting of tissue abrasion causing partial individual or colony mortality. Branching gorgonians (Octocorallia) were the most frequently affected (56%), followed by milleporid hydrocorals (19%) and sponges (13%). Factors affecting the impacts of lost fishing gear include sessile invertebrate density, the density of lost fishing gear, and gear length. While lost hook-and-line fishing gear is ubiquitous in the Florida Keys, less than 0.2% of the available milleporid hydrocorals, stony corals, and gorgonians in the habitats studied are adversely affected in terms of colony abrasions and partial mortality.  相似文献   
农村科技需求的情报调研分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文针对农村科技需求进行了问卷调查。结果表明,农民对新技术需求最为强烈是良种、新的种植、养殖技术和防病防疫技术。最信赖的农技服务组织是政府的农技推广站。  相似文献   
帽儿山地区是东北东部山区较典型的天然次生林区。本文利用ARC/INFO软件,对帽儿山林场景观类型最小距离指数和景观连接度指数进行分析,进而对帽儿山林场各景观类型的空间分布规律进行了探讨。结果表明:有林地与无林地的景观连接度有明显差异,无林地的景观连接度普遍大于有林地;天然林的景观连接度都接近于O,景观破碎化程度较高。人工林的最小距离指数低于天然林和非林地;人工林中,人工针叶混交林的距离指数最小,格局接近于团聚分布;天然林的景观格局近于随机分布;非林地中,采伐迹地的距离指数最小,接近于团聚分布。图2参15。  相似文献   
张雄  张庆红 《北方园艺》2019,(9):176-183
构建了包含思想观念、普通话水平等内容的农户多维贫困指标体系,基于2017年微观调查数据,利用A-F方法测度了南疆三地州连片特困地区农户多维贫困状况,并进一步从家庭特征、村庄特征和县域特征方面系统地探究农户多维贫困的影响因素。结果表明:该地区农户贫困多元化特征显著,多维贫困发生率较高,从维度分解看,思想观念、普通话水平和收入对多维贫困的贡献最大。对农户家庭劳动力开展职业技能培训、改善农户生产生活自然条件、村文化基础设施建设、提高教育基础设施可达性、通村公路建设和增加县公共财政投入可以显著降低农户陷入多维贫困的可能性。  相似文献   
李光明  刘丹玉 《北方园艺》2019,(17):158-165
以新疆农牧区贫困户为研究对象,采用计划行为理论模型以及双槛模型的方法,研究了影响贫困户的参与行为,以期提出减贫路径。结果表明:农牧民是否参与旅游精准扶贫的行为前提为是否有一定的参与意愿。贫困户的个人特征中,家庭创业、人均纯收入、通用电对参与旅游精准扶贫产生了正向的促进作用,与村主干路距离、外出务工人员、思想动力不足导致的贫困对参与旅游精准扶贫产生了负面影响;在行为规范中,指令性规范、示范性规范、合作态度对旅游精准扶贫中的前景看好、知觉行为控制力对农牧民参与旅游精准扶贫产生了正面影响。  相似文献   
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