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蟹类是福建海区重要的经济渔获种类之一。本文基于2009年1月-011年12月期间进行的蟹类调查资料,分析了福建中南部近海四种捕捞作业渔获物中蟹类的种类组成和分布特点。结果表明:福建中南部近海海域有蟹类94种,隶属16科、53属,以亚热带和热带的暖水性种为主,与南海关系最为密切,而与黄、渤海关系较为疏远。从蟹种分布区域看,这些蟹类在浅海均有分布,其中26.6%的蟹类既分布于浅海又分布于潮间带。从蟹种个体大小看,福建海区蟹类多数属于中小型种类。高强度捕捞加剧了对蟹类资源的破坏,因此需要调整捕捞作业结构,拓展外海蟹类捕捞作业,开展资源动态监测和苗种放流增殖工作,并实施TAC管理制度。  相似文献   
长鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus alalunga)经济价值高,是我国延绳钓渔业重要的目标鱼种。根据2013年9月~2014年1月和2014年4~8月我国金枪鱼观察员在南太平洋东部海域收集的长鳍金枪鱼样本和海洋环境数据,对其生物学组成和栖息环境进行了研究。结果表明:叉长(FL,cm)与体质量(WW,kg)的关系为:WW=3×10-5×FL2.909 9(雌雄性,R2=0.915 3);体长(TL,cm)与叉长(FL,cm)关系为:TL=1.033 6FL+2.555(R2=0.961 4);叉长(FL,cm)与两背鳍间距(LD1D2,cm)的关系为:LD1D2=0.248 5FL+1.238 1(R2=0.815 1);利用各水层长鳍金枪鱼渔获率(catch per unit effort,CPUE)推测其主要的栖息水层为150~270 m,栖息水层温度范围16~22℃,盐度范围35.0~35.6,其中最高资源丰度主要分布在190~230 m的水层,对应的温度为18~20℃,盐度为35.2~35.4。研究结果可为掌握南太平洋长鳍金枪鱼栖息环境提供基础数据。  相似文献   
深水张网是吕四渔场传统的作业方式,渔获量占江苏省海洋捕捞总量的比重较大。根据2004年4月~2005年11月吕四渔场深水张网渔业监测资料,结合渔业统计数据,分析了该渔业渔获物种类组成及其季节变化,以及主要经济鱼类渔获物种类组成和幼鱼比例。结果表明,各季节深水张网优势渔获物种类组成具有明显的季节变化特征,春季主要以小黄鱼、黄鲫、焦氏舌鳎和葛氏长臂虾为主,夏季为小黄鱼、黄鲫、焦氏舌鳎和银鲳,秋季为小黄鱼、焦氏舌鳎、棘头梅童鱼、灰鲳和银鲳,冬季为小黄鱼、焦氏舌鳎、棘头梅童鱼和斑鰶;小黄鱼和焦氏舌鳎是深水张网渔业常年优势渔获物。主要经济鱼类小黄鱼以6月份平均网产最高,但主要以幼鱼为主,2004年和2005年的平均体重分别仅0.81 g/ind和1.04 g/ind,幼鱼渔获尾数分别占到99.1%和99.8%,累计损害幼鱼尾数分别达1.84×107ind和2.37×107ind;银鲳平均体重3.22 g/ind和3.8 g/ind,累计损害幼鱼尾数分别为4.84×105ind和4.41×105ind。建议对深水张网渔业加强管理,可对该渔业提前一个月休渔,提高网囊网目尺寸,并强化管理力度。  相似文献   
研究了不同浓度Fe~(3+)对鼠尾藻光合作用、呼吸作用和体内不同生化组成的影响。结果表明,不同的Fe~(3+)浓度对鼠尾藻真光合速率和呼吸速率均有显著的影响,在0.04 mg/L的Fe~(3+)浓度下鼠尾藻的光合作用能力达到最强,而0.06 mg/L的Fe~(3+)浓度下鼠尾藻的呼吸作用达到最高;不同Fe~(3+)浓度下,鼠尾藻体内叶绿素a浓度和类胡萝卜素浓度变化显著,可溶性蛋白含量和可溶性糖含量变化不显著。  相似文献   
A feeding trial was conducted to investigate the influence of dietary protein levels on growth performance, carcass proximate composition and liver lipid classes of juvenile Spinibarbus hollandi (Oshima), a cyprinid fish. White fish meal was the primary protein source in the study. Eight experimental diets containing 13–55% crude protein were fed to three replicate groups of six fish weighing nearly 8.5 g each for 10 weeks. Both percentage weight gain and feed efficiency ratio increased significantly with increasing dietary protein levels up to 31%, but there was no further increase for protein levels from 31% to 55%. Application of broken‐line regression analysis to the percentage weight gain provided an estimate of 32.7±1.5% dietary protein for maximum growth. The protein efficiency ratio and productive lipid value were inversely correlated with dietary protein level. The hepatosomatic index and the viscerosomatic index were also inversely related to dietary protein level. The carcass protein of fish fed lower protein diets was significantly lower than that of the fish fed higher protein diets. Carcass lipid content decreased with increasing dietary protein levels, whereas moisture was inversely related to lipid content. Both liver glycogen and liver lipid contents decreased with increasing dietary protein levels. Triglyceride was the major component in the liver lipid, and the amount of triglyceride deposited in the liver also decreased with dietary protein levels. The results indicated that both carcass proximate composition and liver lipid class of juvenile Spinibarbus hollandi were affected by dietary treatments.  相似文献   
Interest in the commercial production of cobia Rachycentron canadum continues to rise as additional insight is gained into the hardy and fast growing nature of this species. However, research regarding the biochemical composition of captive-spawned eggs and egg and larval quality remains scarce. Such data is essential as a common bottleneck to production is a steady supply of fingerlings for grow-out. This study quantified the biochemical composition and quality of cobia eggs produced over 2 spawning seasons by broodstock on a traditional ‘trash fish’ diet which is commonly fed to tank spawning cobia. Throughout the study, batch fecundity, proportion of floating eggs and percent hatch averaged > 1 million eggs,  0.8 and 70%, respectively. Batch fecundity was significantly higher during the second spawning season as a result of the increased size of the females which weighed 18/22 kg and 22/26 kg at the beginning of each season. A positive correlation was found between the proportion of floating eggs and hatch rate for both spawning seasons. No correlations were found between egg composition (total lipid (30.0 ± 1.1% dry wt), protein (25.4 ± 2.2% dry wt), carbohydrate (2.4 ± 0.3% dry wt), vitamin E (10.2 ± 0.6 μg/g wet wt) or dry weight (119.1 ± 5.5 μg/egg)) and egg quality (proportion of floating eggs, hatch rate, larval growth and larval survival). Further, no differences in egg composition were noted between seasons or over the course of each season. The fatty acid composition of cobia eggs varied between seasons possibly due to changes in the quality of frozen feed (fish, shrimp, squid) given to the broodstock. The only correlation between the fatty acid profile and egg quality was a decrease in the proportion of floating eggs as the total amount of n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids increased. No relationship between egg quality and amino acid content was noted with the most prominent amino acids being glutamate, leucine, alanine, proline, lysine and aspartate nor were any differences detected between spawning seasons.  相似文献   
The study was designed to assess the seasonal variations in the quality and lipid profile of mussel meat (Mytilus galloprovincialis) harvested along the Bulgarian coast of the Black Sea. The trial period lasted from June to October, and the sampling was carried out in the area of Varna Bay. Technological quality of the mussels was determined by measuring the water holding capacity (WHC) and cooking and roasting losses. Proximate composition, total aerobic plate count, and fatty acid analysis were carried out. Technological parameters and nutritional quality of the mussel meat were strongly affected by the season. During the summer, the mussels had higher mass, meat content, and meat yield (< 0.001) compared to the early autumn, which corresponds to the lowest protein content during this season. Lipid profile showed seasonal variations in both individual and total fatty acid amounts (p < 0.001). Saturated fatty acids (SFA) had the highest content in summer, while monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) decreased gradually until the autumn. The content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) reached its peak in October, contributing to the most favorable values of the nutritional indices of lipids in the early autumn.  相似文献   
闵华明  马家海 《海洋渔业》2007,29(2):109-114
报道了上海市滩涂冬季底栖硅藻的种类组成、生态特征和数量分布情况。样品于2005年12月从7个站点中采集。经处理、镜检观察,从中鉴定出硅藻有90个分类单位,包括64种和22变种2变型(有两个未定种名),分别隶属于2纲6目9科27属。从水体咸度来看,淡水种类最多,为52个分类单位,占总数的57.78%;从温度性质来看,广温种占优势,有65个分类单位,占72.22%;从生活习性来看,底栖种占优势,有77个分类单位,占87.5%。数量分析表明,底栖硅藻细胞丰度变化为6.25×106~16.25×106cells/m2,平均为10.43×106cells/m2,在吴淞口站点含量最高。优势种为肘状针杆藻尖喙变种、斯氏布纹藻、膨胀桥弯藻和卵形双菱藻等,它们在各站点中都有分布,分别占总数的13.42%、12.56%、14.00%、9.88%。  相似文献   
为分析赤点石斑鱼与鞍带石斑鱼杂交子一代的营养组成,参照国家标准,测定了体质量(182.84±29.35) g杂交石斑鱼肌肉的常规营养成分、氨基酸和脂肪酸组成,并对肌肉营养价值进行了评定。试验结果显示,杂交石斑鱼肌肉水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪和灰分的含量分别为(74.07±0.71)%、(21.52±0.78)%、(4.03±0.15)%和(1.29±0.07)%。肌肉鲜样中测定了17种氨基酸,总量为(19.88±0.15)%;必需氨基酸和鲜味氨基酸总量分别为(8.64±0.13)%和(7.64±0.16)%,必需氨基酸指数为85.19,必需氨基酸组成符合联合国粮农组织/世界卫生组织标准。肌肉鲜样中含有17种脂肪酸,饱和脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸和多不饱和脂肪酸分别占肌肉脂肪酸总量的(27.63±1.15)%、(22.75±1.22)%和(32.59±1.90)%,其中二十二碳六烯酸和二十碳五烯酸占肌肉脂肪酸总量的(19.27±1.27)%。研究表明,赤点石斑鱼与鞍带石斑鱼杂交子一代具有较高营养价值,可作为新品种进行开发。  相似文献   
A 7‐wk feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary Antarctic krill meal (AKM) on the growth performance, proximate composition of muscles, and antioxidative capacity of juvenile spotted halibut. Six diets were formulated to contain about 50% protein and 8% lipid. A control diet (R0) without AKM and the other five diets with 8.1, 16.2, 24.3, 32.4, and 42.5% AKM supplementation (R10–50) to replace 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50% fishmeal protein were used to feed to juvenile spotted halibut. The juveniles were fed with each diet using three replicates and cultivated in the indoor culture system. Results showed that the specific growth rate, feed intake, and protein efficiency ratio in the R30 and R40 groups were significantly higher than that in other groups (P < 0.05). Survival rate in the R50 group was significantly lower compared with the R0 group and the other four AKM supplementation groups. Moreover, the rising AKM levels in diets had significant effects on the chemical composition of juvenile spotted halibut, showing significantly decreased contents of crude protein, but increased lipid and ash contents (P < 0.05). The total superoxide dismutase activity and catalase activity of serum and liver in AKM groups were significantly higher than those in the control group (P < 0.05). In contrast, the contents of malondialdehyde in serum and liver were significantly lower compared with the control group. These findings illustrate that a moderate AKM level in diets can significantly improve the growth performance, feed utilization, and antioxidative capacity in juvenile spotted halibut, which support the finding that AKM may be used as a good protein source for halibut in the aquafeed industry.  相似文献   
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