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为提高设施农业的水分利用率,设计了平地漫灌灌溉水净化与循环利用系统;阐述了系统的组成、节水灌溉原理与工作过程。理论分析可知,系统具有较高的输水利用率、灌水利用率和降水利用率,是农业节水灌溉的有效新途径。  相似文献   
以宁夏荒漠草原不同土地利用方式(耕地、弃耕地、草地和柠条地)的土壤为研究对象,测定了不同土层土壤有机碳和活性有机碳含量,分析了土壤活性有机碳占有机碳的比例,以期探寻不同土地利用方式对土壤活性有机碳的影响。结果表明:不同土地利用方式土壤总有机碳含量范围在1.78~6.17 g·kg^-1,具体表现为弃耕地>柠条地>草地>耕地。表层(0~5 cm)土壤有机碳含量显著高于深层(10~60 cm),说明荒漠草原土壤有机碳主要富集在表层;4种土地利用方式土壤易氧化有机碳含量为0.57~1.38 mg·g^-1,变化趋势具体表现为柠条地>草地>耕地>弃耕地,且柠条地在每个土层都高于其它3种土地利用方式;土壤可溶性有机碳含量范围为6.8~11.1 mg·kg^-1,变化趋势表现为草地>耕地>柠条地>弃耕地。土壤易氧化有机碳含量占有机碳的比例范围为13.7%~43.1%,大小排序为柠条地>耕地>草地>弃耕地;土壤可溶性有机碳含量占有机碳的比例范围为0.11%~0.48%,比例大小为耕地>草地>柠条地>弃耕地,耕地和草地中土壤可溶性有机碳含量占有机碳比例随着土壤深度的增加而减小,这与有机碳在耕地和草地中变化趋势一致。土地利用变化可以显著影响土壤活性有机碳的含量与分布,能够敏感的反映土壤碳库的变化,可以作为评价宁夏荒漠草原土壤质量和肥力的指标之一。  相似文献   
对松嫩平原上一典型土地开发整理项目区深入调查研究基础上,在人均土地面积较少的农村,构建出由农田防护林、水利排灌、道路、农田4项网络构成的高效农田防护林复合经营与多样型林带乔、灌立体混交经营模式,实现了林带由单一结构向多层次的立体结构转移,架构了生态立体农业体系,旨为重新调整土地利用结构,实现山、水、田、林、路的全面治理提供依据。  相似文献   
中国共产党自诞生起就是农民利益的忠实代表,在制定经济政策的过程中,总是尽可能地把农民阶级的利益最大化,这从中国共产党根据不同的历史条件下,制定、调整、取消农业税制的过程中可窥一般。本文仅对中国共产党在局部执政时及全面执政后所制定的农业税制的变革及实施情况作以梳理,并期对资政存史有所裨益。  相似文献   
湖南省退耕还林工程社会经济效益调查研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
调查结果显示:①农户家庭总收入和净收入退耕后2004年,分别增长41.54%、62.95%,且退耕后农户家庭收入结构也发生了一定的变化;②农户家庭生活和文化消费总支出退耕后2004年增长率分别为37.28%、51.17%,且退耕后农户家庭的生活和文化消费支出结构也发生了一定的变化;③恩格尔系数退耕后2004年下降了3.56%,说明退耕后农民的生活水平得到了进一步提高;④农户家庭就医率和适龄儿童入学率上升到了退耕后2004年的84.5%、97.8%;⑤生态环境建设在我省干部和农户心目中的地住逐渐提高,说明生态环境建设在我省干部和群众中奠定了坚实的民意基础,产生了较为深远的影响力。  相似文献   
Herbage production is regarded as having environment-friendly credentials. However, as the ruminant production it supports is facing major challenges on sustainability, environmental footprint and human health concerns, EU herbage cultivar testing must contribute to the solutions. Before new cultivars can be sold in a member state (MS) and gain EU-wide marketing, they must pass official tests to prove they are both novel (distinct, uniform and stable, DUS) with improved value for cultivation and use (VCU). Herbage species present specific challenges, as their allogamy imposes a wide within-cultivar variation that adds complexity to DUS tests and their “value” is only realized in ruminant produce. Current VCU systems measure production, chemical composition and disease/stress tolerances, often on large numbers of candidate cultivars, but prohibitive labour costs and logistics mean that animal intake, ruminant output or environmental benefits cannot be measured directly. Furthermore, some candidate cultivars with proven superior VCU fail DUS even though the non-distinct comparison is with a significantly lower performing registered cultivar. To resolve these problem cases, a “vmDUS” distinctness tool is proposed, which uses molecular markers but conforms to UPOV-declared principles. A short overview of current grassland research shows smart proxy measures of animal value can easily and quickly be adopted into an integrated pan-European (EU-VCU) test network. The proposed EU-VCU scheme will reallocate test resources to conduct these additional tests by placing MS in data sharing collaborations, while retaining their national listing authority. The benefits to all stakeholders from adopting these new testing procedures are considered.  相似文献   
不同控释氮肥运筹对粳稻养分吸收与氮素利用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以绥粳18为供试材料,通过盆栽试验,在一次性施入控释氮肥免追肥条件下,设置不同施肥量(高、中、低、无)和施肥深度(5 cm、10 cm),探讨不同氮肥施用方式对粳稻养分吸收和氮素利用的影响。结果表明,在不同氮肥运筹条件下,粳稻各生育期氮、磷、钾的吸收、转运均存在明显的协同效应,施肥深度5 cm组,随着氮肥施用量的增加,粳稻的氮吸收总量增加,同时可促进磷的吸收,但影响幅度较小。钾变化与氮、磷变化有所不同。施肥深度10cm组,施高量氮肥抑制了粳稻对磷的吸收、减少了对氮的吸收,但有利于提高氮素利用率,对钾的吸收无显著影响。施用树脂包膜控释肥,纯氮用量为153 kg/hm^2、施肥深度5 cm、一次性施肥免追肥可获得最优水稻氮素利用效率并显著提高磷钾肥利用效率。  相似文献   
以鲁家村田园综合体项目为例,构建田园综合体土地利用效益评价指标体系,综合运用层次分析法和变异系数法组合确定指标权重,并从社会效益、经济效益、生态效益3方面对其土地利用效益进行综合分析,以期为田园综合体建设提供借鉴。结果显示:鲁家村田园综合体建设初期土地利用效益评价中,社会效益、经济效益、生态效益所占比重依次减小。鲁家村土地利用效益在田园综合体规划实施后有较大提升,社会效益、经济效益于2016—2017年增幅较大,2017—2018年增幅较小;生态效益在2016—2018年总体呈现稳定小幅增长。总的来看,鲁家村田园综合体建设对当地社会发展、经济提升、生态保护等均有正向影响,且在短期内社会效益、经济效益显著,而生态效应提升不明显。  相似文献   
Soil chemical, biochemical, biological and structural properties were measured in two New Zealand loessial soils that were topsoil-mined 10 and 25 years ago respectively. Measurements at the 10-year site were compared to some earlier measurements made at this site and the data combined in a chronological sequence for analysis. Topsoil mining had a large, detrimental impact on the soil microbial biomass, the earthworm populations, easily mineralizable N and soil enzyme activities. However, most of these properties substantially recovered, to 80-90 per cent of the levels in unmined soils, within 10-25 years of restoration under pasture. In contrast, while total soil C and N were less affected by topsoil mining, their recovery was much slower. Stabilities of macro-aggregates of soil had fully recovered within 10-25 years after topsoil mining. The apparent changes in all the measured properties between 10 and 25 years of restoration were small in comparison with changes between 0-10 years of restoration after topsoil mining. The total C content of both soils under pasture appeared unlikely to attain the levels present in unmined soils. In soils undergoing restoration, the ratio of microbial C/total soil C may be a useful index of soil ‘biological stability’. Sulphatase activity may reflect the recovery of pasture production.  相似文献   
天水旱作农业区膜侧小麦不同施肥水平增产效应分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过不同施肥条件对膜侧小麦水分利用、农艺性状、增产效应、经济效益等方面分析,研究干旱地区膜侧小麦的施肥问题。结果表明:施肥可以提高水分利用率1.1~3.1 kg/(mm.hm2),促进小麦生长发育;不同施肥水平对小麦的增产效应不同:低肥、中肥、高肥3种施肥水平分别比不施肥的对照增产731.5 kg/hm2,1461.0kg/hm2和1 648.5 kg/hm2,增产率分别为25.5%、50.9%和57.4%;经济效益以中肥水平(折合施纯N118.1kg/hm2,P2O594.5 kg/hm2和K2O 60.0 kg/hm2)最高,产值可达2 045.4元/hm2,产投比为2.7∶1。因此,在低、中、高3个施肥水平中,中等施肥最为有效、合理,有利于增产增收。  相似文献   
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