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不同程度重金属污染对稻田土壤真菌群落结构的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
为了研究土壤真菌群落结构在不同程度重金属污染中的变化,本文用Illumina Hi Seq高通量测序技术分析了苏南地区某金属冶炼厂和加工产业区的重金属污染水稻土的真菌群落结构,发现不同程度重金属污染对水稻季土壤真菌丰度和群落结构均有显著影响。经过真菌主成分分析发现,PC1影响因素对样品处理差异的贡献率是35.96%,PC2影响因素对样品处理差异的贡献率是21.48%;通过真菌冗余度分析发现,重金属Pb和Cu污染对土壤真菌群落结构的影响显著;通过对真菌属水平的相对丰度分析表明,重金属污染会显著降低敏感真菌的丰度,如被孢霉属相对丰度最高降低了87.50%、木霉属最高降低了99.46%、离壳菌属和菇属最高降低了100.00%,同时耐性真菌的相对丰度会提高,如类球囊霉属的相对丰度最高增加了98倍、四枝孢霉属最高增加了56倍、根囊壶菌属最高增加了2.62倍。综上所述,不同程度重金属污染对稻田土壤真菌群落结构有显著影响,且随着污染程度的增加,抗逆真菌相对数量和种类显著增加,敏感真菌的相对数量急剧减少,真菌群落结构随着重金属污染程度增加进一步分化。  相似文献   
[目的]以湖南省湘江流域为研究对象,探索流域生态补偿方法,为湘江流域实施污染综合治理及区域平衡发展提供理论依据。[方法]通过研究区域内的8个城市(长沙、湘潭、株洲、衡阳、岳阳、永州、郴州、娄底)2012年的人均GDP,人口总数,人均工业生产总值和万元GDP污水排放量与8个市的平均值进行对比分析,确定生态补偿标准系数。通过将各个市的人均排污量与8个城市的平均排污量作比较,求得各个市的超量排污量和节余排污量;按照主要因子排污价格及其排污比例确定超量排放和节余排放的支付和补偿价格;利用生态补偿标准系数,计算2012年湘江流域每个城市的最终补偿标准。[结果]2012年长沙、株洲、湘潭市应分别支付生态补偿资金4 005.0,440.7和430.1万元,衡阳、岳阳、郴州、永州和娄底市可获得的生态补偿资金分别为338.2,90.4,561.4,602.8和379.5万元。[结论]实际排污大于理论排污权的城市有长沙、株洲和湘潭市;而其他5个城市排污权均有节余。  相似文献   
类芦植被对AMD污染土壤的生态修复效应及潜力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以贵阳市花溪区麦坪废弃煤矿区为研究区域,选择在受酸性矿山废水(AMD)污染的土壤上经类芦植被恢复的土壤为研究对象,研究自然恢复类芦植被后对AMD污染土壤的养分、酶活性及微生物数量的改善作用,探讨类芦植被对AMD污染土壤的生态修复效应及潜力。结果表明:AMD污染土壤呈养分极贫瘠、土壤酶活性和微生物活性极低的特征,污染土壤经自然恢复类芦植被后,污染土壤的理化性质及生物化学特性有显著改善,具体表现为:经类芦植被恢复的土壤的有机质、全氮、有效氮、有效磷、速效钾含量较对照(无类芦植被恢复)的污染土壤分别平均增加了48.95%,133.71%,46.23%,23.10%,29.83%,土壤过氧化氢酶、酸性磷酸酶、纤维素酶和脲酶活性得到极显著(p0.01)提高,土壤主要微生物类群(细菌、真菌、放线菌)数量和生物量极显著(p0.01)增加。相关性分析表明,土壤养分、酶活性和微生物数量之间呈正相关关系,表明土壤酶活性和微生物数量可作为评价AMD污染土壤修复前后质量改善状况的重要生物学指标。另外,主成分分析表明,在类芦植被对AMD污染土壤修复过程中土壤酶(脲酶)、土壤养分(全磷、全氮、有效磷、有效氮、有机质、速效钾)、土壤微生物(细菌)是主要控制因素。基于类芦植被能显著地提高AMD污染土壤有效养分含量、土壤酶活性和微生物数量,使AMD污染土壤朝着良性方向发展,并表现出对AMD污染土壤修复具有较大的潜力,因此类芦植被可作为AMD污染土壤植物修复和生态恢复的先锋物种或优势植物。  相似文献   
基于环境库兹涅茨曲线假设(EKC),采用吉林省1981-2010年的环境污染指标与经济增长指标数据,经统计回归得到环境污染指标与经济增长指标演进关系的计量模型,进而研究分析EKC的曲线特征.结果表明:吉林省的环境污染指标EKC形状不完全符合典型的“倒U型”特征.其中,工业废水排放量的EKC呈现“正U+倒U型”,在2009年出现拐点;工业废气排放量EKC呈连续增长态势,无拐点;工业固体废弃物产生量的EKC大致处于“倒U型”的左半部分,预计于2014年到达拐点;工业粉尘排放量的EKC呈对数函数,呈逐渐减小的趋势,不存在拐点;工业SO2排放量的EKC呈“正U+倒U型”,2008年出现拐点;工业废水COD排放量的EKC呈现不明显的“正U+倒U型”,2009年出现拐点,吉林省总体环境污染处于不断改善的阶段.灰色关联分析表明:吉林省环境污染指标的主要影响因素有工业比率、第三产业比率、单位GDP能耗、环境科研人数4个方面.吉林省必须采取一系列有效的对策,优化现有产业结构、加大科技创新力度、提高环境科研人员数量与素质,以保证经济增长与环境保护协调健康发展.  相似文献   
农村生活环境污染影响因素复杂多样。通过实地调研,从生活污水、生活垃圾、生活能源和农村厕所4个层面,识别出影响山东省农村生活污染的11个具体因素,运用ISM模型分析山东省农村生活污染的影响因素及其层次关系。结果表明:11个影响因素之间相互关联,构成一个5层级的影响因素递阶结构,其中卫生知识和环保意识是表层直接影响因素;户主受教育程度、家庭经济水平、所在村对环境保护的重视程度、非农业就业经历、政府投入和基础设施投入是中层间接影响因素;年龄、城镇化水平和人口居住密度是深层根源影响因素。  相似文献   
In recent decades, ambient gaseous pollution has increased due to anthropogenic activities worldwide. The studies to evaluate the adverse effects of ambient pollutants on commonly grown food crops are still limited, especially in Asian countries like Pakistan. The present study was conducted to measure the ambient pollutants in different sites of Faisalabad and their impact on growth and yield of wheat, mung bean and peas. Plants were grown in pots and placed at three sites named as control (Wire house of Government College University, Faisalabad), low pollution (LP) (Farm Area of Ayub Agricultural Research Institute) and high pollution (HP) (GT Chowk, Faisalabad) sites. Results showed that ambient ozone (O3) concentration was highest at HP site followed by LP site and was below AOT40 in control site. Ambient pollutants caused foliar injury in crops and decreased plant height, leaf area, biomass and grain yield. Pollutants caused a reduction in photosynthetic pigments, stomatal conductance and net photosynthetic rate and grain protein contents in all three crops. In conclusion, the ambient O3 level was highest at HP site, this current O3 level and other pollutants decreased the growth and yield of important food crops.  相似文献   
农业面源污染及其控制技术研究   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35  
水环境面源污染的严重性已受到国内外普遍关注,面源污染业已成为国际上水环境问题研究的活跃领域。从农业面源污染的发生机理和农业面源污染的特点出发,通过分析农业面源污染与水体环境之间的关系,探讨了农业面源污染对水环境的影响。对于面源污染的控制,最佳管理措施(BMPs)现已得到广泛应用。其中,人工湿地、前置库、缓冲带、水陆交错带、水土保持和农业生态工程等是目前研究和应用较多的农业面源污染控制技术。  相似文献   
The Florida Keys coral reef ecosystem supports multimillion-dollar commercial and recreational fisheries. The ecological effects caused by fishing gear that is lost when cut or broken after snagging on the bottom is a growing concern to managers and scientists. Few data exist, however, to assess the impacts of lost fishing gear to benthic organisms and habitat structure. In this study, 63 offshore coral reef and hard-bottom sites were surveyed during 2001 to quantify the impacts of lost fishing gear to coral reef sessile invertebrates. Lost hook-and-line fishing gear accounted for 87% of all debris (N=298 incidences) encountered and was responsible for 84% of the 321 documented impacts to sponges and benthic cnidarians, predominantly consisting of tissue abrasion causing partial individual or colony mortality. Branching gorgonians (Octocorallia) were the most frequently affected (56%), followed by milleporid hydrocorals (19%) and sponges (13%). Factors affecting the impacts of lost fishing gear include sessile invertebrate density, the density of lost fishing gear, and gear length. While lost hook-and-line fishing gear is ubiquitous in the Florida Keys, less than 0.2% of the available milleporid hydrocorals, stony corals, and gorgonians in the habitats studied are adversely affected in terms of colony abrasions and partial mortality.  相似文献   
Sustainable soil and crop management practices that reduce soil erosion and nitrogen (N) leaching, conserve soil organic matter, and optimize cotton and sorghum yields still remain a challenge. We examined the influence of three tillage practices (no-till, strip till and chisel till), four cover crops {legume [hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth)], nonlegume [rye (Secaele cereale L.)], vetch/rye biculture and winter weeds or no cover crop}, and three N fertilization rates (0, 60–65 and 120–130 kg N ha−1) on soil inorganic N content at the 0–30 cm depth and yields and N uptake of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. A field experiment was conducted on Dothan sandy loam (fine-loamy, siliceous, thermic, Plinthic Paleudults) from 1999 to 2002 in Georgia, USA. Nitrogen supplied by cover crops was greater with vetch and vetch/rye biculture than with rye and weeds. Soil inorganic N at the 0–10 and 10–30 cm depths increased with increasing N rate and were greater with vetch than with rye and weeds in April 2000 and 2002. Inorganic N at 0–10 cm was also greater with vetch than with rye in no-till, greater with vetch/rye than with rye and weeds in strip till, and greater with vetch than with rye and weeds in chisel till. In 2000, cotton lint yield and N uptake were greater in no-till with rye or 60 kg N ha−1 than in other treatments, but biomass (stems + leaves) yield and N uptake were greater with vetch and vetch/rye than with rye or weeds, and greater with 60 and 120 than with 0 kg N ha−1. In 2001, sorghum grain yield, biomass yield, and N uptake were greater in strip till and chisel till than in no-till, and greater in vetch and vetch/rye with or without N than in rye and weeds with 0 or 65 kg N ha−1. In 2002, cotton lint yield and N uptake were greater in chisel till, rye and weeds with 0 or 60 kg N ha−1 than in other treatments, but biomass N uptake was greater in vetch/rye with 60 kg N ha−1 than in rye and weeds with 0 or 60 kg N ha−1. Increased N supplied by hairy vetch or 120–130 kg N ha−1 increased soil N availability, sorghum grain yield, cotton and sorghum biomass yields, and N uptake but decreased cotton lint yield and lint N uptake compared with rye, weeds or 0 kg N ha−1. Cotton and sorghum yields and N uptake can be optimized and potentials for soil erosion and N leaching can be reduced by using conservation tillage, such as no-till or strip till, with vetch/rye biculture cover crop and 60–65 kg N ha−1. The results can be applied in regions where cover crops can be grown in the winter to reduce soil erosion and N leaching and where tillage intensity and N fertilization rates can be minimized to reduce the costs of energy requirement for tillage and N fertilization while optimizing crop production.  相似文献   
为了研究不同仪器、方法对同一水样检测的结果是否有明显差异,是否得到不同的评价参数,选取河南省新乡市地表水和地下水各3个样本,分别用原子吸收分光光度法(AAS法)和电感耦合等离子发射光谱法(ICP-OES法)检测同一样本中6种金属元素的浓度,并进行检测的差异性分析;评价其水质等级。结果表明,所获得的36对检测结果数据均有明显差异,其中14个指标的污染等级不同。仪器与方法检出限较高,导致所得监测结果受检出限限制,不是真实、准确测得的结果,而是取检出限的一半的值得出,影响了环境质量评价结果的准确、真实程度,影响环境管理措施的制定和实施,应当选择检出限低于最高评价等级数值的仪器和方法。  相似文献   
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