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ABSTRACT:   Compensatory growth, feeding rate, feed efficiency and chemical composition of juvenile black rockfish (mean weight 1.43 g) were investigated for 35 days after a 14-day feed deprivation treatment under four feeding conditions: one group continuously fed (control) and the other three groups fasted for 5 days (F5), 10 days (F10) and 14 days (F14). All fasted fish were re-fed from day 15. Only F5 achieved the same body weight as the control, indicating that complete compensation occurred in F5. The specific growth rate (SGR) of F5 was the highest at day 21 and then decreased thereafter, showing higher values than the control at days 21, 28 and 42. In contrast, although SGRs of F10 and F14 were higher than that of the control during the whole refeeding period except day 21, they did not catch up the control in body mass, indicating that only partial compensation occurred in F10 and F14. The feeding rate (FR) of all groups except F14 changed in a pattern similar to SGR (Spearman's rank correlation, r s > 0.9), suggesting that SGR varied depending on FR. Similar feeding efficiencies (FEs) were found in the four groups and they did not vary significantly during the whole refeeding period, suggesting that FE was not the factor affecting SGR. At day 14, the ratios of lipid to lean body mass in F10 and F14 were lower than those in the control and F5, and there was no difference between the control and F5. At day 49, however, only F14 showed a lower value than the other three groups, and there was no difference among the three groups. These results indicate that juvenile black rockfish fasted for 5–14 days can exhibit compensatory growth after refeeding, but timing and degree vary depending on the duration of feed deprivation.  相似文献   
A biochemically based model was developed to simulate the growth, development and metamorphosis of larvae of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. The model is unique in that it (1) defines larvae in terms of their protein, neutral lipid, polar lipid, carbohydrate and ash content; (2) tracks weight separately from length to follow larval condition index and (3) includes genetic variation in growth efficiency and egg quality to better simulate cohort population dynamics. The model includes parameterizations for larval filtration, ingestion and respiration that determine growth rate and processes controlling larval mortality and metamorphosis. Changes in tissue composition occur as the larva grows and in response to the biochemical composition of the food.

The simulations show that genetically determined variations in growth efficiency produce significant changes in larval survival and success at metamorphosis. Larvae with low growth efficiency are successful under a much narrower range of culture conditions than larvae with high growth efficiency. The impact of low growth efficiency is primarily controlled by the ability of larvae to store lipid for metamorphosis. Culture conditions that provide increased dietary lipid counterweigh low growth efficiency. Changes in food quantity and quality had little effect on size at metamorphosis. On the other hand, larval life span and success rate at metamorphosis varied over a wide range depending upon the conditions of the simulation. Food quality and food availability both influence larval life span and, hence, larval survival. As ingestion rate decreases, larval life span increases and cohort survival declines. Increased lipid or decreased protein in the diet improves cohort survival. Changes in carbohydrate content are less influential. If cohort success is significantly affected by mortality during larval life rather than success at metamorphosis, the influence of food quality becomes more complex. The range of food compositions yielding high survival is restricted by a balance between improved success at metamorphosis obtained by increased lipid storage and the shortening of larval life span as a result of more rapid growth, a function of protein availability. These simulations illustrate the strength and utility of numerical models for evaluating and designing hatchery protocols for optimizing yield of C. gigas larvae.  相似文献   

A 10‐week feeding experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different protein to energy ratios on growth and body composition of juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei (initial average weight of 0.09 ± 0.002 g, mean ± SE). Twelve practical test diets were formulated to contain four protein levels (300, 340, 380 and 420 g kg?1) and three lipid levels (50, 75 and 100 g kg?1). Each diet was randomly fed to triplicate groups of 30 shrimps per tank (260 L). The water temperature was 28.5 ± 2 °C and the salinity was 28 ± 1 g L?1 during the experimental period. The results showed that the growth was significantly (P < 0.05) affected by dietary treatments. Shrimps fed the diets containing 300 g kg?1 protein showed the poorest growth. However, shrimp fed the 75 g kg?1 lipid diets had only slightly higher growth than that fed 50 g kg?1 lipid diets at the same dietary protein level, and even a little decline in growth with the further increase of dietary lipid to 100 g kg?1. Shrimp fed the diet with 420 g kg?1protein and 75 g kg?1 lipid had the highest specific growth rate. However, shrimp fed the diet with 340 g kg?1 protein and 75 g kg?1 lipid showed comparable growth, and had the highest protein efficiency ratio, energy retention and feed efficiency ratio among dietary treatments. Triglycerides and total cholesterol in the serum of shrimp increased with increasing dietary lipid level at the same dietary protein level. Body lipid and energy increased with increasing dietary lipid level irrespective of dietary protein. Results of the present study showed that the diet containing 340 g kg?1 protein and 75 g kg?1 lipid with digestible protein/digestible energy of 21.1 mg kJ?1 is optimum for L. vannamei, and the increase of dietary lipid level has not efficient protein‐sparing effect.  相似文献   
The marine diatom Chaetoceros calcitrans f. pumilus has been examined for its potential source as live feed in aquaculture. The present study investigated effects of temperature (20, 25 and 30 °C), salinity (25 and 35) and carbon dioxide addition (air+CO2) on the growth and proximate composition of C. calcitrans under laboratory conditions. The growth and biomass of C. calcitrans were primarily affected by carbon dioxide addition, and to a lesser extent by temperature and salinity. In general, lipid and carbohydrate contents were higher at lower temperatures (20 and 25 °C), while the protein content was unaffected. Carbon dioxide addition increased protein, while lowering carbohydrates, but had no effect on lipid content. Carbohydrates were increased while lipids and protein decreased at the highest salinity (35±0.9). These results should be taken into consideration when evaluating the dietary value of this micro alga for aquaculture.  相似文献   
以岭头单丛茶树品种晒青毛茶为材料进行后发酵加工陈香茶,重点跟踪研究后发酵过程不同阶段的微生物种群、主要生化成分及主导酶类的变化并进行鉴定和分析。结果表明,在陈香茶后发酵过程中,微生物以产黄青霉和黑曲霉为主。茶多酚、茶黄素、茶红素、游离氨基酸等茶叶品质成分含量均呈下降趋势,而茶褐素逐步增加;果胶酶、纤维素酶等促进茶叶品质形成的酶类在后发酵一翻(4 d)时活力到达最高峰,多酚氧化酶在整个过程中活性较低。  相似文献   
黄淮海地区夏大豆区试品种化学品质的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文研究了1985-1990年黄淮海夏大豆区试品种籽粒蛋白质和脂肪含量在不同试点的变化,鉴定出高蛋白质含量品种9个,高脂肪含量品种1个,兼用型双高品种14个高蛋白大粒品种1个,高蛋白产量品种10个。研究了蛋白质,脂肪,蛋白质+脂肪与蛋白质产量之间的关系。  相似文献   
根据2008年4,5,6月在浙江中北部沿岸禁渔区线内45个站位开展的产卵场调查资料,研究分析了该海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼的种类组成和数量分布。结果表明,本海区共出现鱼卵、仔稚鱼64个种类,分别隶属13目36科47属,能鉴定到种的有47种,鉴定到科的有17种。3个航次的调查共采集到鱼卵5 846个和仔稚鱼5 502个。其中4月最少,仅采集到鱼卵366个和仔稚鱼1 445个,分别占鱼卵和仔稚鱼总数量的6.26%、26.26%;5月份共采集到鱼卵1 530个和仔稚鱼1 551个,分别占鱼卵和仔稚鱼总数量的26.17%、28.19%;6月份数量最多,共采集到鱼卵3 950个和仔稚鱼2 506个,分别占总数的67.57%、45.55%,4—6月鱼卵、仔稚鱼的数量呈月递增趋势。鱼卵中石首鱼科未定种最多占10.06%,其次黄姑鱼占6.45%,再次为凤鲚占总数的6.06%。凤鲚仔稚鱼数量最多,占总种类数的34.06%,其次为虾虎鱼科仔稚鱼,占24.25%,再次为鲻科鱼类仔稚鱼,占23.57%。调查发现杭州湾是凤鲚的主要产卵场,其仔稚鱼也主要分布在杭州湾内,少量分布在舟山渔场和鱼山渔场。小黄鱼产卵场主要分布在舟山渔场、鱼山渔场外侧。从产卵时间和渔场分布来看,鱼山渔场是最早集中的水域,随着时间推移,产卵场的中心区向北部水域的舟山渔场转移。研究的海域内重要经济鱼类大黄鱼、小黄鱼、银鲳的鱼卵数量百分比明显下降,由1960年的优势种成为现在的非优势种;主要经济鱼类中鳓、凤鲚所占比例相对增加,但绝对数量有所下降。在某种程度上说明,沿岸水域资源补充量有所减少,这可能与水域环境变化及过度捕捞导致亲体量减少有关。  相似文献   
赵甜甜  田康  胡文友  黄标  赵永存 《土壤学报》2022,59(5):1204-1214
磷是土壤生态系统中的重要组成元素,开展土壤磷循环研究对提高磷肥利用效率和降低磷的生态环境风险具有重要意义。磷酸盐氧同位素技术已经被证明是一种示踪环境中磷生物地球化学行为的有效方法。本文系统综述了磷酸盐氧同位素技术的研究进展和未来发展方向。详细介绍了磷酸盐氧同位素的技术原理、样品处理和测定方法;阐述了无机磷和有机磷的氧同位素特征及时空分布特征;从评估土壤磷微生物利用状况和示踪土壤磷循环两个方面探讨了磷酸盐氧同位素技术在土壤磷循环研究中的应用前景,分析了磷来源、环境条件、生物活动和样品前处理过程对土壤磷酸盐氧同位素特征的影响,最后展望了该技术未来的研究方向。以期为磷酸盐氧同位素技术在土壤学和环境科学领域的发展和应用提供新的视角和科学指导。  相似文献   
Plant materials differ in their chemical composition, rate of decomposition and suitability as mulch materials. Experiments were conducted during 2006–2007 and 2007–2008 cropping seasons for early yam cultivation at Owo in the forest–savanna transition zone of southwest Nigeria to study the effect of Chromolaena odorata and Tithonia diversifolia mulches applied at 0.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 and 12.5 t ha?1 on soil chemical properties, leaf nutrient composition, growth and tuber yield of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir). Both C. odorata and T. diversifolia mulches reduced soil bulk density and temperature; increased concentrations of soil organic matter (SOM), total N, available P, exchangeable K, Ca and Mg, leaf N, P, K, Ca and Mg; enhanced growth and yield of yam compared with control. The values of SOM, total N and available P and leaf N and P concentrations increased with increasing mulch rate. C. odorata mulch and T. diversifolia mulch applied at 10.0 and 7.5 t ha?1, respectively, was found to be suitable for yam production. T. diversifolia mulch compared with C. odorata mulch produced higher values of soil chemical properties, leaf nutrient concentrations, growth and yield of yam. T. diversifolia mulch produced 19% and 18% higher tuber yield compared with C. odorata mulch during 2006–2007 and 2007–2008 cropping seasons, respectively.  相似文献   
Background: Nitrogen losses is an economic problem for wheat production and a high risk to the environment. Therefore, improved N fertilizer management is a key to increasing the N efficiency and minimizing N losses. To increase N efficiency, enhanced fertilizers such as urea combined with urease inhibitor can be used. Aims: The aim of present study was to evaluate the effects of different N forms on grain storage protein subunits in winter wheat and to examine whether the observed changes correlate with parameters of baking quality. Methods: The investigation was performed over two consecutive years at two locations in Germany. Protein subunits were analyzed by SDS‐PAGE. Results: Protein concentrations were similarly increased after fertilization with ammonium nitrate and urea + urease inhibitor. Analysis of the individual storage protein fractions indicated that both fertilizers specifically enhanced ω‐gliadins and HMW glutenins, but the effect was more pronounced in the ammonium nitrate treatment. Application of urea + urease inhibitor had greater influence on the protein composition and resulted in higher specific baking volume as well as the best fresh keeping ability, in comparison with urea treatment. Conclusion: Considering that the urea + urease inhibitor treatment resulted in almost comparable improvements of NUE and baking quality, with the additional benefit of reduced N losses in combination with easy handling, urea + urease inhibitor can be recommended as a viable alternative to both urea alone and ammonium nitrate treatments. This opens up an opportunity for the reduction of N loss in wheat production when use of urea is preferred.  相似文献   
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