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水库汛期的蓄水担负着城市供水、工农业供水、发电等兴利任务。科学合理地优化水库分期汛限水位,是保障水库供水量和防洪安全的有效手段。以汤河水库为研究对象,提出水库分期汛限水位优化方案,并对调整分期汛限水位后水库增容产生的效益进行分析。  相似文献   
An experiment was carried out to determine how the late application of nitrogen (N) fertilizer affects the use of pre‐anthesis carbon reserves during the grain‐filling period of pot‐grown wheat with no water shortage. Increasing doses (equivalent to 0, 140, and 180 kg N ha–1) of N fertilizer were applied, either in two amendments (stages GS20 and GS30) or in three amendments (stages GS20, GS30, and GS37, according to Zadoks scale). The management of fertilizer by combining an increased N rate with late N application was able to stimulate canopy development, to raise photosynthetic capacity and carbohydrate accumulation during the vegetative stages, and to increase grain yield. Based on the dynamics of carbohydrate accumulation in the ear, three phases were differentiated during the grain‐filling period, whose temporary pattern remained stable regardless of the fertilizer management. The net remobilization of carbohydrates started 12 d after anthesis from the leaves and 28 d after anthesis from roots and stems. The increase of the N dose with late N application allowed on one hand a lower use of the pre‐anthesis carbon reserves in favor of greater de novo photosynthesis during the grain‐filling period, and on the other hand greater relative contribution of the leaf and ear C reserves to remobilization towards the grain. Further splitting the dose increased only the relative contribution of ear C reserves. The stem contribution seemed to be independent of N applied whereas the root contribution tended to diminish with late N application.  相似文献   
2011年呼伦贝尔市大豆种植62.62万hm2,比2010年增加4.68万hm2。通过2011年气候资料的统计分析,得知在大豆生长季气温稍低,降水正常或局部偏多,大部分地区光照偏少,光、水、热匹配较好,尤其是水分条件对需水较多的大豆生长较为有利。  相似文献   
棉株现蕾后即从营养生长进入生殖生长,但仍是营养生长占优势,以增大营养体为主。这一阶段的田间管理重点是在壮苗早发的基础上,采取合理的促控措施,调节棉株地上部和地下部、营养生长和生殖生长的关系,实现发棵稳长。发棵是高产的基础,稳长是高产的保证。  相似文献   
高寒草地西北针茅生长发育特征及与气象因子的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1999~2009年连续11年的定位观测数据,研究了高寒草地西北针茅的生长发育特征与气象因子的关系。结果表明,在3月中旬,如果气温升高,返青日会推迟,这主要因为高温促使土壤水分蒸发,而土壤干旱阻碍返青;返青后,如果≥0℃的积温不足或累计日照时数不足,针茅的抽穗期会推迟;开花期的当日平均气温在10~20℃,如果抽穗-...  相似文献   
在辽宁,6月下旬大豆蚜种群增长最快,是大豆蚜防治的关键时期。日前,生产上推行百株蚜量一万头的防治指标,可放宽。辽河中下游平原铁丰18大豆,可放宽到2.38—4.07万头;辽豆3号放宽到2.65—3.30万头。以查蚜量为指标,生产上应用困难较大。经研究,卷叶株率与百株蚜量密切相关,(?)=4.283 1.8419x(r=0.90)所以提出以卷叶株率为大面积生产防治的指示指标,铁丰18为10%,辽豆3号为8%。  相似文献   
Controlled environment studies were conducted to determine the effects of inoculum density, temperature, leaf wetness and light regime on the infection of linseed by Alternaria linicola. The % cotyledons and leaves with symptoms, and the disease severity (% leaf area with symptoms) increased linearly when the inoculum density increased from 1×103 to 1×105 conidiaml–1. The first symptoms appeared on cotyledons and leaves 4 and 6 days after inoculation, respectively. Eight hours of leaf wetness were sufficient to initiate the disease at 25°C but not at 15°C, when 10-h periods of leaf wetness were required. % leaf area with symptoms was lower at 15°C than that at 25°C irrespective of the leaf wetness periods tested. Interruption of a continuous leaf wetness period by a 12-h dry period, occurring at any time between 1 and 18h after inoculation, decreased the % cotyledons with symptoms and the disease severity, with the greatest reductions (60% and 100%, respectively) being observed when the dry period began 6h after inoculation. A. linicola conidia were able to exploit successive 12-h periods of leaf wetness cumulatively to infect linseed plants. Disease incidence and severity were positively correlated with the dark period following inoculation, but they were negatively related to the length of the initial light period. Our findings suggest that infection of linseed by A. linicola and further development of symptoms can occur under unfavourable environmental conditions.  相似文献   
lntroductionTherearemanystudiesonOrientaIWhiteStorks.Thestudysubjectsincludepopulation,distribution,migration,ecology,historicstatusandconservation,captivepropagation,reproductivebioIogyandbe-haviors,etc.KyDkoArchibaIdandBernardSchmitt(1991)reportedthecomparisonbetWeentheorientaIWhiteStorkandtheEuropeanWhiteStork.TheyalsodescribedspeciaIbehaviorsofiIlCIattering"anddi-videdinto3styIes.ThesearethreatbiIIcIattering",courtshipbilIclattering"andcontactbilIclattering".TheyexpIainedthefem…  相似文献   
短季棉生育进程、皮棉产量与积温、光照的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以中棉所16号为试验材料,经三年试验,研究短季棉在不同年际间气温、光照条件的差异及对生育进程和皮棉产量的影响。结果表明,同一品种不同年际间气温不同,各生育阶段和全生育期的长短差别很大,但所需积温基本一致。生育进程的快慢主要取决于积温,光照无明显的直接影响。同为富光照年,高温年比低温年产量高。在适宜范围内提高温度,对促进光合作用,增加皮棉产量有一定影响,尤其能提早成熟。根据品种对积温的需求,结合当地的气候条件,科学调控棉花的开花结铃期,是实现短季棉高产、稳产、早熟的有效途径。  相似文献   
二十世纪90年代,世界格局发生了根木的变化,人类试图在“全球一体化”的语境中寻求共同的利益。经济领域计划经济向市场经济的转型势必会引起上层建筑中文化、意识的转型。转型期的中国当代文学呈现出现代主义”与后现代主义”文化语境互相渗透,知识分子人文意识的变化与失落,文学创作的精神属性淡化与商品生产强化的特点。  相似文献   
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