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温度和水分胁迫下内生真菌对野大麦种子发芽的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过比较携带(E+)和未携带(E-)内生真菌(Neotyphodium)的野大麦种子(Hordeum brevisubulatum)在温度胁迫和模拟干旱胁迫条件下种子的发芽速度、发芽率、根苗长以及幼苗含水量等方面的差异,探讨了内生真菌在对宿主植物抗逆境胁迫条件下的增益作用。结果表明:在10℃,15℃低温胁迫和30℃高温胁迫时,E+种子的发芽率、发芽指数显著大于E-种子(P<0.05);而在模拟干旱胁迫条件下,-0.6~-1.2 MPa时,E+的发芽率和发芽指数显著高于E-(P<0.05)。表明内生真菌可以提高禾草在温度和干旱胁迫下的发芽率和发芽速度。另外,在10℃,15℃低温和30℃高温,及渗透势为-0.3~-1.2 MPa胁迫条件下,E+的胚根长、胚芽长和幼苗含水量也显著大于E-(P<0.05),表明内生真菌可以促进宿主植物在温度和干旱胁迫环境中发芽后幼苗的生长,并增强植株自主吸收水分的能力。  相似文献   
禾本科植物是我国天然草地的饲用植物中经济价值最大的牧草类群。本文根据1983~1989年在东北草地采集的80种禾本科牧草代表样本的计数和度量,探讨了结实率和千粒重数量性状的环境效应,及其不同生活型类群的生态多样性。结果表明:禾本科牧草结实率的环境效应较千粒重的环境效应大;结实率与千粒重的多样性格局均与植物的生态特性有较密切的关系;丛生地面芽植物结实率和千粒重的多样性均最高,一年生植物结实率的多样性最低,根茎地面芽植物千粒重的多样性最低。  相似文献   
寻求诉讼外纠纷解决方式,构造多元化纠纷解决机制,最大化节约社会资源,已成为当今整个法学界关注的焦点问题之一.人民调解制度,是我国所特有的纠纷解决制度.其在基层农村纠纷解决方面发挥了巨大作用.然而实践过程中,在工作方式、工作人员是否回避等问题中还存在问题,有待研究.  相似文献   
1985~1989年,我们在江西有代表性的县、市,对大面积栽培的黑麦草、三叶草和引种试验地(豆科和禾本科及部分其它科牧草计8种)的害虫进行了调查研究。经初步鉴定,已知害虫191种,隶属于6目48科。其中中国新纪录1种,江西新纪录33种。  相似文献   
[目的]为冀西北地区引进优质高产、抗寒耐旱、抗风沙牧草新品种提供依据。[方法]将7个西藏抗风沙草种引进冀西北高寒地区进行适应性试验,播种前测定种子特性,播种后调查出苗、生长情况。[结果]7个草种的发芽率均超过80.0%,符合播种要求;矮生蒿草的发芽势最弱(38.0%)。沙生地蔷薇、波伐早熟禾出苗较整齐,其他品种相对较差。7个西藏抗风沙草种在冀西北地区夏秋季节可以正常生长,长势较好,具有较好的抗旱性和耐低温性,但当年开花的只有西藏垂穗披碱草、波伐早熟禾、高原荠牧草。[结论]西藏垂穗披碱草、高原荠根系较发达,且以侧根系为主,防风固沙能力较强;沙生地蔷薇、波伐早熟禾可作城市绿化品种。  相似文献   


This study was carried out to investigate effects of threonine levels on growth, digestive and absorptive capacity and antioxidant status in intestine and hepatopancreas of sub-adult grass carp (Ctenopharyngodonidella).


Weight gain, specific growth rate, feed intake and feed efficiency were significantly improved by dietary threonine (P < 0.05). Intestinal activities of trypsin, chymotrypsin, alpha-amylase, lipase, alkaline phosphatase, γ-glutamyl transpeptidase and creatine kinase took the similar trends. Contents of malondialdehyde and protein carbonyl in intestine and hepatopancreas were significantly decreased by dietary optimal threonine supplementation (P < 0.05). Anti-superoxide anion capacity, anti-hydroxyl radical capacity, glutathione content and activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione-S-transferase in intestine and hepatopancreas were enhanced by dietary threonine (P < 0.05).


Dietary threonine could improve growth, enhance digestive and absorptive capacity and antioxidant status in intestine and hepatopancreas of sub-adult grass carp. The dietary threonine requirement of sub-adult grass carp (441.9-1,013.4 g) based on weight gain was 11.6 g/kg diet or 41.5 g/kg of dietary protein by quadratic regression analysis.  相似文献   
以粉煤灰、腐殖土、水和绿矾作为草坪砖基质主要成分进行配合比设计,研究高羊茅、黑麦草、匍匐剪股颖3种草分别在4种配方条件下的植生效果,筛选了3种草各自适宜的基质配方。试验结果表明:在配方2 (粉煤灰∶腐殖土∶水∶绿矾=10∶20∶20∶1)条件下,3种草发芽数均可达最高,且高羊茅和黑麦草的株高最高;不同配方对3种草的颜色和质地没有显著影响,但配方1 (粉煤灰∶腐殖土∶水∶绿矾=10∶10∶10∶1)和配方2对于改善3种草的绿期、盖度和生物量等生长质量具有最佳效果;对于3种草而言,高羊茅在配方2条件下生态质量指标表现最好,而黑麦草和匍匐剪股颖则在配方1条件下表现最好,综合评分表明,高羊茅更适合作为植生草种。研究结果为草坪砖-基质配制及适生草种的选择提供了依据。  相似文献   
本文介绍了果园生草原则和滨海盐碱地葡萄园生草草种选配,总结了盐碱地葡萄园生草栽培管理要点,以期为种植户提供参考。  相似文献   
To compare the effect of methods (foliar and soil) and rate of application of zinc sulphate on zinc and phosphorus uptake, tree size, yield and fruit quality of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Dusheri, zinc sulphate was applied as a foliar spray application (0.25, 0.50, 1.0%) and soil (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 kg tree‐1) treatments during the second week of October (during flower bud differentiation period). All the zinc sulphate treatments of soil and foliar spray were effective in increasing the leaf zinc concentrations above recommended adequate level of (>20 mg kg‐1) whereas control trees maintained low leaf zinc concentrations (13.8 to 13.3 mg kg‐1). The uptake of foliar‐applied zinc was more rapid than that of soil applied zinc. All the treatments of zinc sulphate except the foliar spray treatment of zinc sulphate (0.25%) significantly increased zinc concentrations in the fruit pulp as compared with those in the control trees. The percent increase in the stem girth of trees was highest with the soil application of zinc sulphate (0.5 kg tree1) followed by foliar application of zinc sulphate (1.0%) as compared with all other treatments. The percent increase in the tree canopy volume was highest with the foliar application of zinc sulphate (1.0%) followed by soil application of zinc sulphate (1.0 kg tree1) as compared with control and all other treatments. There was no significant (P<0.05) increase in yield, fruit size and weight, pulp or stone weight with any treatment of zinc sulphate. Total soluble solid (TSS) in the fruit was significantly higher (18.6%) with the treatment of soil application of zinc sulphate (0.5 kg tree1) as compared with all other treatments of zinc sulphate and the control. Acid and sugar content of the fruit was not significantly affected by the foliar or soil application of zinc sulphate.  相似文献   
用完全随机区组设计的方法在三个池塘中进行了源于长江的鲢,草鱼原种与封闭人繁群体子三代1龄鱼种阶段的生长比较试验。结果表明;原种鲢,草鱼的体长绝对增长高出封闭人繁子三代群体17-21%,相对增长快13-18%;体重绝对增重高出25-26%,相对增重快15-20%。但这些差异均未达数理统计上差异显著的标准。  相似文献   
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