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利用常规气象资料、雷达及NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料,对江苏沿江地区一次雷雨大风过程的天气形势、热动力因子及中尺度特征进行分析,研究此次雷暴大风天气的成因。结果表明:此次雷暴大风天气发生在副热带高压边缘,前倾槽、中低层切变线和地面辐合线是主要影响系统,冷暖空气交汇导致不稳定能量触发;大的CAPE值提供了充足的水汽与能量条件;高空辐散与低空辐合的配置为雷暴大风的形成和维持提供有利的动力条件;VIL值达到最大后快速减小对雷暴大风灾害的预警具有指示意义。  相似文献   
Two non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) devices (oscillometry and Doppler) were compared to invasive blood pressure using a Bland–Altman analysis, in anesthetized and conscious dogs. When considering the systolic arterial pressure only during general anesthesia, both NIBP devices slightly underestimated the systolic arterial blood pressure however the precision and the limits of agreement for the Doppler were of a greater magnitude. This indicates a worse clinical performance by the Doppler. The performance of both NIBP devices deteriorated as measured in conscious animals. In general, for the oscillometric device, determination of invasive diastolic and mean arterial pressures was better than the invasive systolic arterial pressure. Overall, the oscillometric device satisfied more of the criteria set by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine consensus statement. Based upon these results, the oscillometric device is more reliable than the Doppler in the determination of blood pressure in healthy medium to large breed dogs.  相似文献   
Our previous research has demonstrated moderate exercise can be detrimental to early pregnancy in the mare, but little work has examined exercise after pregnancy has been detected. We exercised mares (n = 8) 6 days a week for 45 min from Day 16 until Day 80 of gestation. Color Doppler ultrasonography was used to evaluate embryonic vesicle size, fetal length, and uterine blood flow. Blood was sampled every other day to analyze cortisol and progesterone concentrations. Results indicated that exercising pregnant mares (n = 4) led to greater (P < .01) cortisol concentrations 30 min after the exercise period. No overall treatment effect could be detected in progesterone concentrations; however, following Day 60 of gestation, progesterone concentrations were lower (P < .05) in exercised mares. Additionally, progesterone concentrations peaked earlier in exercised mares at Day 52 of gestation compared to peak levels at Day 68 of gestation for control mares. No significant effects were detected in embryonic vesicle size. Fetal length tended (P = .06) to be longer in the conceptus of exercised mares. Uterine blood flow did not differ between groups but increased as pregnancy progressed (P < .001) in both groups. All mares in this study went on to deliver healthy foals and suffered no difficulties during parturition. These results indicated that moderate exercise was not detrimental to mare pregnancy.  相似文献   
Rainfall is the main cause of erosion of Brazilian soils, which makes assessing the rainfall erosivity factor (RE) and the erosivity density (ED) fundamental for soil and water conservation. Therefore, the objectives of this study were: i) to estimate the RE and ED for São Paulo State, Brazil, using synthetic series of pluviographic data; ii) to define homogeneous regions regarding rainfall erosivity; and iii) to generate regression models for rainfall erosivity estimates in each of the homogeneous regions. Synthetic series of pluviographic data were initially obtained on a sub-daily scale from the daily rainfall records of 696 rainfall gauges. The RE values were then estimated from the synthetic rainfall data, and ED was calculated from the relationship between erosivity and rainfall amounts. Monthly and annual maps for RE and ED were obtained. Hierarchical clustering analysis was used to define homogeneous regions in terms of rainfall erosivity, and regionalized regression models for estimating RE were generated. The results demonstrate high spatial variability of RE in São Paulo, where the highest annual values were observed in the coastal region. December to March concentrate approximately 60% of the intra-annual erosivity. The highest values of annual ED were observed in regions with intense agricultural activity. The definition of five homogeneous regions concerning the rainfall erosive potential evidenced distinct seasonal patterns of the spatial distribution of erosivity. Finally, the high predictive accuracy of the regionalized models obtained characterizes them as essential tools for reliable estimates of rainfall erosivity, and contribute to better soil conservation planning.  相似文献   
卢兆民  张兵 《农业科学与技术》2014,15(12):2218-2219
对雾霾的定义、雾霾的区别与联系以及雾霾天气形成的原因进行了阐述,并提出了减少雾霾天气的解决对策,为改善城市环境空气质量提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   
于尚友 《安徽农业科学》2014,42(4):1108+1149-1108,1149
根据本溪市区46年气象资料的统计分析,总结出了该地区雷暴天气气候规律和特征,并分析了该地区因雷暴天气灾害频发,造成农业诸多方面灾情,影响和破坏了粮食产量质量及农业基础设施;同时,提出利用雷暴天气规律和特征,指导农业生产活动,并提出防御对策。  相似文献   
孙莹  白华  徐金秀  赵婷婷  李瑞涵  宋丽丽  王明宏 《安徽农业科学》2014,42(32):11429-11430,11448
分析了丹东地区近50年春季(3~6月)最高气温南北偏差5℃以上的回流天气的气候特征,重点分析了2014年春季丹东地区回流天气的特征,根据地面形势将回流天气分成了2种典型类型。中央指导预报产品对丹东地区回流天气预报误差比较大,运用T639数值预报产品对中央指导报进行订正,可以极大地提高预报准确率。  相似文献   
为了有效地防治棉叶蝉,促进华南棉花发展,研究了10个陆地棉品种田间棉叶蝉数与温度、降水的关系,建立了11个陆地棉棉叶蝉数量气象条件预报模型,其中3个分别可以较准确地预报抗虫棉95-1、石家庄428 2个品种和10品种平均单株棉叶蝉数。品种间棉叶蝉发生轻重对温度、降水的反应不同,为了提高预报精确度,每个品种应各建立一个棉叶蝉预报模型。  相似文献   
基于NAPA软件的渔业船舶完整稳性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为验证NAPA软件在渔业船舶应用上的可行性和采用船舶静力学原理计算完整稳性的精确性,根据南海海域49.5 m金枪鱼延绳钓船的特定作业工况,分别采用NAPA软件和表格进行计算。计算结果表明,两种计算方法的偏差在2%左右,能够满足工程应用的精度要求。对气象衡准计算,分别采用了渔业船舶规则和国际海事组织(IMO)规则,由于算法不同,其偏差较大。通过比较发现,渔业船舶规则对气象衡准的要求高于IMO规则的要求。在没有条件使用大型船舶计算软件,且船舶处于平浮状态时,采用船舶静力学原理的计算结果是精确的。采用了船舶静力学原理并建立了NAPA计算模型,通过实例计算表明,NAPA软件具有在渔业船舶应用上的可行性和采用船舶静力学原理计算完整稳性的精确性,该结论可为船舶设计人员选取不同计算方法时提供参考依据。  相似文献   
内蒙古沙尘暴的成因、趋势及其预报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用内蒙古1961~2001年的天气气候资料,对内蒙古中西部地区沙尘暴作了统计分析,阐述了沙尘暴的危害并给出了沙尘暴的基本定义。分析了引起沙尘暴的天气和气候因子的变化趋势,研究了他们对沙尘暴的影响,结果表明近40年内蒙古的沙尘暴总体呈减少趋势,但从1998年开始有所增加;沙尘暴的空间分布以阿拉善盟偏北地区为最高发区;降水、气温、大风、寒潮、北半球极涡、西太平洋副热带高压、亚洲西风环流、东亚大槽和南方涛动等天气和气候因素均对该地区沙尘暴的发生有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   
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