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The aim of the study is to compare selected theoretical distributions (normal, lognormal, Weibull, gamma, logistic, and exponential) in describing the tree diameter (DBH) distributions of mixed near-natural forests consisting of fir Abies alba Mill. and beech Fagus sylvatica L. growing in various vertical structures. Tree DBH data were collected between 1997 and 2008 from 51 sample plots established in the Świętokrzyski National Park in Poland. The empirical data represent differentiated DBH distributions, ranging from almost symmetric to extremely asymmetric ones. The chi-square test and the modified Kolmogorov–Smirnov test were chosen for the goodness-of-fit testing. In addition to the test statistics, the bias (B), the root mean square error (RMSE) and the graphical method (quantile–quantile plots) were used. In one-storied stands, the most suitable distributions were the normal and logistic distributions; in two-storied and multilayered stands, the Weibull and gamma distribution were the most suitable; and in selection stands, the exponential distribution was the most appropriate to describe the DBH distribution. The order of precision of the tested distributions (from the highest to the lowest) was Weibull, gamma, logistic, normal, exponential, and lognormal. The normal and exponential distribution should be applied only to one-storied and selection forests, respectively. The least suitable distribution for DBH distribution modelling was the lognormal one.  相似文献   
秦岭林区华山松种群结构与动态研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
运用标准地及样方法对秦岭林区天然华山松种群的结构特征进行了研究,结果表明:秦岭林区华山松种群以单层结构为主;种群的空间分布格局随发育阶段由集群→随机→集群分布过渡,在水平方向不同龄级个体呈镶嵌分布;种群年龄结构及存活曲线复杂,增长型和衰退型并存,并以缺失某些年龄阶段的间断衰退型为主;种群个体的径阶结构多呈右偏正态分布,表现出种群幼苗、幼树储备不足的特点。  相似文献   
新疆山地针叶林乔木胸径-树高关系分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
树木的生长包括了径向生长和垂直生长两个方面,这两方面具有密切的关系,这一关系既受到树木本身的控制,同时也受森林立地条件的影响.通过分析新疆阿尔泰山、天山南北坡以及昆仑山区11个地点120个样方的胸径-树高关系.结果表明:昆仑山的尖削度(taper)显著大于其余3地,其潜在最大树高(potential height,H*...  相似文献   
Allometric equations can be used to estimate the biomass and carbon stock of forests. However, so far the equations for Dipterocarp forests have not been developed in sufficient detail. In this research, allometric equations are presented based on the genera of commercial species and mixed species. Separate equations are developed for the Dipterocarpus, Hopea, Palaquium and Shorea genera, and an equation of a mix of these genera represents commercial species. The mixed species is constructed from commercial and non-commercial species. The data were collected in lowland mixed Dipterocarp forests in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The number of trees sampled in this research was 122, with diameters (1.30 m or above buttresses) ranging from 6 to 200 cm. Destructive sampling was used to collect the samples where diameter at breast height (DBH), commercial bole height (CBH), and wood density were used as predictors for dry weight of total above-ground biomass (TAGB). Model comparison and selection were based on Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), slope coefficient of the regression, average deviation, confidence interval (CI) of the mean, paired t-test. Based on these statistical indicators, the most suitable model is ln(TAGB) = c + αln(DBH). This model uses only a single predictor of DBH and produces a range of prediction values closer to the upper and lower limits of the observed mean. Model 1 is reliable for forest managers to estimate above-ground biomass, so the research findings can be extrapolated for managing forests related to carbon balance. Additional explanatory variables such as CBH do not really increase the indicators’ goodness of fit for the equation. An alternative model to incorporate wood density must be considered for estimating the above-ground biomass for mixed species. Comparing the presented equations to previously published data shows that these local species-specific and generic equations differ substantially from previously published equations and that site specific equations must be considered to get a better estimation of biomass. Based on the average deviation and the range of CI, the generalized equations are not sufficient to estimate the biomass for a certain type of forests, such as lowland Dipterocarp forests. The research findings are new for Dipterocarp forests, so they complement the previous research as well as the methodology of the Good Practice Guidance for Land Use and Land Use Change and Forestry (GPG-LULUCF).  相似文献   
为了提高林地生产力,满足经济社会发展对杉木大径材的需求,采用不同抚育措施和测土配方平衡施肥技术,研究其对土壤养分变化和杉木胸径的影响。结果表明:间伐措施对土壤养分的影响不明显;测土施肥处理,与不施肥相比,有效促进了土壤碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾的积累,改善了土壤肥力水平。采取间伐施肥措施能显著增加杉木大径材胸径的生长,两年平均增加了3.43 cm,其中:平衡施肥带来的平均胸径增加量分别为1.03 cm;间伐带来的平均胸径增加量分别为2.4 cm。培育杉木大径材应实施间伐与测土施肥相结合的抚育措施。  相似文献   
A stemflow (SF) estimation model, based on the correlation between coefficients (a andb) of the regression equation (SF=aP gb, whereP g is gross rainfall) obtained from sample tree and their diameter at breast height (DBH), is presented. Estimation by the model forSF from two deciduous broad-leaved forests shows favorable agreement with the measurement. Once the equations for regression coefficients are determined, the model has the potential to easily estimateSF from an entire stand through sampling of some representative trees. However, the model is site-specific. In order to mitigate the weakness of this model, the combination of previous results provided generalized equations for the coefficients. The generalized equation adequately estimatedSF of some forests while its estimation was biased for other forests, which indicates thatSF variation between forests is closely related to structural differences. Actually, theSF frequency distribution of two forest stands was significantly different. So, influence of structural factors onSF was also studied using funneling ratio (FR) that integrates the efficiency of trunk and canopy characteristics toSF. Comparison ofFR showed thatSF was significantly correlated to crown-projection area (CPA) and basal area at breast height (BA). Parameters (β 1 andβ 2) within the model were significantly correlated to respective stand density and leaf area index (LAI). Part of this study was supported by Aichi Prefecture Collaboration of Regional Entities for the Advancement of Technological Excellence, Japan Science and Technology Corporation.  相似文献   
嫩江沙地樟子松人工林各测树因子数量关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对嫩江沙地樟子松人工林生物量调查的基础上,采用回归分析的方法模拟了林龄与胸径、树高和生物量之间以及胸径、生物量与树高之间的数量关系,建立了樟子松林分各器官生物量回归方程,结果表明:林龄与胸径、树高和生物量相关紧密;采用W=aebD模型,地上生物量、树干、树枝、树根的回归方程的相关系数都达到了极显著水平,平均拟合率都大于70%。  相似文献   
对所营建的4个地理种源及其99个家系山桂花人工幼林(3年生)林木树高和胸径生长量的测定与分析结果表明:其山桂花人工幼林在种源及其家系间林木的树高和胸径生长差异显著,其中以普文种源生长为最好,3年生山桂花人工林林木的树高达2.3 m,胸径为1.8 cm。而3年生山桂花人工林林木的树高生长以19号家系表现最优,林木胸径生长以28号家系表现最优。综合表现最佳的家系有1、2、3、4、7、8、10、11、12、15、18、19、20、21、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、36、46、47、71,共27个。  相似文献   
立地因素对撑绿竹生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对贵州省引种栽培撑绿竹的10个县(市)24个镇(乡)60个样地进行调查,分析了6个重要立地因子对撑绿竹平均竹高与平均胸径生长的影响.结果表明坡位、坡度、海拔、土壤类型、土层厚度对撑绿竹竹高、胸径的影响差异显著,坡向对撑绿竹的生长差异影响不显著,但表现为阳坡上生长更旺盛.  相似文献   
以天然柞树为研究对象,通过制作关系式模拟和编制相关表等,对柞树胸径与树皮厚度之间的关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   
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