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采用田间试验方法,研究抗旱性复混肥配方及其对土壤物理性质、持水量和马铃薯经济效益的影响,以期筛选出抗旱性复合肥最佳配方和施用量。结果表明:影响马铃薯产量的因素由大到小依次为:马铃薯专用肥>废弃物组合肥>保水剂,抗旱性复合肥最佳配方组合为废弃物组合肥3 000 kg/hm^2、保水剂37.50kg/hm^2、马铃薯专用肥2 230 kg/hm^2。随着抗旱性复混肥施用量的增加,土壤总孔隙度、持水量、马铃薯块茎质量和产量在增加,土壤容重在降低。经回归统计分析,抗旱性复混肥与马铃薯产量间的回归方程为:y=28.87+1.771 3x-0.035 4x2,最佳施肥量为5.28 t/hm^2,计算结果与田间施用抗旱性复混肥5.28 t/hm^2相吻合。  相似文献   
范叶  易泽夫  王壮波 《蔬菜》2019,(2):60-64
为了提高农药检测的准确率,试验选择气相色谱(7890A、1310)与气相串联质谱(GCMS-MS)3种不同仪器,结球白菜、结球甘蓝、黄瓜、辣椒4种蔬菜样品及其基质标准溶液和正己烷溶剂标准溶液,对4种不同蔬菜中分别添加腐霉利、甲氰菊酯、氯氰菊酯、溴氰菊酯4种农药并进行回收校正,比较不同的校正溶液、不同仪器以及不同的样品类型对蔬菜农药残留检测中的基质效应的影响。结果显示:按不同基质标准溶液和溶剂标准溶液校正的检测结果分类,不同蔬菜、不同的标准校正溶液对于农药残留检测中的基质效应表现出多样性和复杂性的特点。但采用与本底一致的基质标准溶液校正样品可有效消除基质效应。按不同仪器检测结果分类,气相色谱(7890A、1310)与气相串联质谱(GC-MS-MS)基质效应的影响存在一定的差异,GC-MS-MS存在较为明显的基质增强效应;而同类仪器(7890A、1310)之间基质效应的影响较小。  相似文献   
从浙南高山蔬菜规模生产的起步、产业形成、产品质量提升、产业发展转型升级4个阶段介绍了其发展历程,又分析了蔬菜生产发展的优势;最后,提出了浙南高山蔬菜生产发展的思路,如制定高山蔬菜发展规划,培育蔬菜产业新兴业态;加快蔬菜生产设施升级,改善高山蔬菜的生长环境;加强产品质量安全监管,提高蔬菜品质和产品质量安全水平;延伸蔬菜产业链条,促进农村一二三产业融合发展。  相似文献   
为解决八里桥绿萝卜由于长期种植导致部分地区品种退化的问题,通过长期的生产实践,采用原种提纯复壮、良种生产、栽培管理等综合技术,实现了品种的提纯复壮,对维持青海八里桥绿萝卜品种的特殊品质具有重要意义。  相似文献   
博辣艳丽是以XL2016-105为母本,以SJ07-24为父本选育而成的一代杂交辣椒新品种。表现中熟,第1花着生节位11~13节,果形长线形且顺直,果长28 cm左右、宽2.0 cm左右,单果质量32 g左右,青果深绿色,光泽度好,老熟果鲜红色;香辣味浓厚,皮薄肉脆,鲜食风味佳;干物质含量高,剁制和酱制加工性能好;坐果集中且连续挂果能力强,667m~2总产量达3959.8kg;商品性好,易栽培,抗病抗逆能力强,适应性广。适宜长江流域地区春夏季保护地或露地栽培;适合鲜椒供应基地或剁制酱制加工基地高产栽培。  相似文献   
为获得张掖市塑料大棚春茬西瓜种植的最适品种,通过田间随机区组排列试验,对6个不同西瓜品种进行了比较试验。结果表明:在所有品种中,凯旋2012的光合速率与667m~2产量最高,分别为1.28μmol/(m~2·s)和6.91 t;不同品种产量的高低顺序为凯旋2012特大丰抗88天福2号西农8号丰抗八号(CK)好梦1号;各参试品种可溶性糖含量的大小顺序为丰抗八号(CK)西农8号凯旋2012特大丰抗88天福2号好梦1号;各参试品种番茄红素含量的大小顺序为丰抗八号(CK)凯旋2012特大丰抗88西农8号好梦1号天福2号。凯旋2012产量最高,可溶性糖和番茄红素含量较高,综合品质较好,适宜在河西走廊地区推广。  相似文献   
为了解决三水区雪梨瓜种植面积的不断扩大、复种指数不断提高,品质退化、产量降低、病虫害严重的现象越来越突出的问题,佛山市农业科学研究所申请并开展了"蔬菜嫁接栽培技术研究及示范推广"课题研究,从2013—2015年,摸索出了一套适合本地生产雪梨瓜嫁接苗的技术和方法,即通过选择砧木、选择播期、营养土配方、高效嫁接、苗期管理、成苗运输等措施,缓解了嫁接操作不规范、生产管理不统一、苗木质量差异大、产量品质不理想的难题,初步实现雪梨瓜嫁接苗的工厂化、规模化生产,为三水雪梨瓜种植业的可持续发展提供了有力保障。  相似文献   
为加快乡村振兴战略背景下江西省设施蔬菜产业发展,实现设施蔬菜增产增效,以江西省乐平、永丰、高安、崇仁、瑞金和樟树等6个农业大县(市)为例,分析了江西省设施蔬菜的发展现状和存在问题,并提出了科学把握发展方向、积极壮大投资主体等5个方面的对策建议,以期为当地设施蔬菜发展提供新的依据与参考。  相似文献   
The extensigraph is particularly useful in characterizing dough viscoelastic properties; however, testing throughput for standard method is low due to the prerequisite for farinograph water absorption, long dough resting and milling to prepare large amounts of flour. Therefore, a rapid extensigraph method was developed that reduced sample size (165 g wheat) for milling and more than tripled throughput. Wheat is milled in Quadrumat Junior mill with a modified sieving system. The resulting flour (100 g) was mixed with a pin mixer at constant water absorption to allow the evaluation of wheat genotypes at the absorption level they are expected to perform. Dough was subsequently stretched by an extensigraph after 15 min of floor time and 30 min resting. Strong correlations for extensigram Rmax (r > 0.93), extensibility (r > 0.64) and area (r > 0.88) were found for the proposed method compared to the standard method. Mixing parameters (time and energy) obtained during dough preparation provided further information about dough strength and mixing requirement. By significantly reducing sample size requirement and increasing testing throughput, this rapid extensigraph method can be widely adopted in milling and baking industry and meets the need for a fast evaluation of dough strength in breeding trials.  相似文献   
Increases in the proportion of amylose in the starch of wheat grains result in higher levels of resistant starch, a fermentable dietary fiber associated with human health benefits. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of combined mutations in five STARCH BRANCHING ENZYME II (SBEII) genes on starch composition, grain yield and bread-making quality in two hexaploid wheat varieties. Significantly higher amylose (∼60%) and resistant starch content (10-fold) was detected in the SBEII mutants than in the wild-type controls. Mutant lines showed a significant decrease in total starch (6%), kernel weight (3%) and total grain yield (6%). Effects of the mutations in bread-making quality included increases in grain hardness, starch damage, water absorption and flour protein content; and reductions in flour extraction, farinograph development and stability times, starch viscosity, and loaf volume. Several traits showed significant interactions between genotypes, varieties, and environments, suggesting that some of the negative impacts of the combined SBEII mutations can be ameliorated by adequate selection of genetic background and growing location. The deployment of wheat varieties with increased resistant starch will likely require economic incentives to compensate growers and millers for the significant reductions detected in grain and flour yields.  相似文献   
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