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To characterize the computed tomography (CT) features of thoracic lesions caused by infection with Angiostrongylus vasorum, pre‐ and postcontrast CT was performed in six experimentally infected Beagles 13 weeks postinoculation and in four of these 9 weeks postchemotherapy. Findings were compared with survey radiographs and necropsy findings. A multicentric bronchoalveolar pattern more pronounced at the lung periphery was present radiographically. On CT, the predominant abnormality underlying this alveolar pattern was multiple large nodules merging to areas of consolidation, and containing air bronchograms of varying extent. These nodular changes corresponded to histopathologic granulomata, consisting mainly of macrophages, multinucleated giant cells, and lymphocytes that had accumulated around larvae and eggs. Morphologically, no bronchial changes were observed on CT or histologically. Quantitatively, however, on CT there was evidence of bronchial thickening at 13 weeks postinoculation and mild very peripheral bronchiectasia 9 weeks postchemotherapy. Regional lymph nodes were enlarged after infection, and smaller after treatment. On postcontrast CT, several suspicious intraluminal filling defects suggestive of thrombosis were found; however, the tortuosity of some pulmonary arteries seen radiographically was not present in CT images. After treatment, the consolidations and large nodules had almost completely disappeared. A remaining radiographic interstitial pattern was characterized on CT as ground‐glass opacifications, subpleural interstitial thickening, subpleural lines, and interface signs. These interstitial changes reflected fibrosis as documented histopathologically. CT allowed very detailed and accurate characterization of pulmonary parenchymal lesions, bronchi, and lymphnodes and closely reflected histopathological changes.  相似文献   
A 2-year-old male castrated Springer Spaniel with a 3-week history of waxing and waning right sided exophthalmos, periorbital swelling, chemosis, and fundic changes was examined. Ophthalmic examination of the right eye revealed slight chemosis and nictitating membrane protrusion. Indirect ophthalmoscopy showed an approximately 8 mm peripapillary hyporeflective tapetal lesion with subretinal edema consistent with a bulbar/retrobulbar disease process. Inflammatory or neoplastic diseases were the main differential diagnoses. Ancillary diagnostics (ocular ultrasound and computed tomography) showed a focal, poorly defined dense tissue involving the caudomedial aspect of the right globe, adjacent to the optic nerve head without apparent orbital involvement. Considering the duration, location, and severity of the clinical findings, enucleation of the right globe was performed. Histopathology revealed focal thickening of the posterior wall with severe pyogranulomatous inflammation, surrounding a foreign body most consistent with plant material embedded between the sclera and the choroid (suprachoroidal). This report describes a rare case of a scleral/suprachoroidal foreign body (plant material), and outlines the difficulty of establishing an etiological diagnosis using standard ocular imaging.  相似文献   
Purpose To describe a case of an orbito‐nasal cyst in a cat. Procedure An 18‐month‐old male European short‐haired cat was presented to the Ophthalmology service of the Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich for a subcutaneous swelling in the medial canthal region of the right eye (OD). Ophthalmologic, ultrasound and CT examinations, and fine needle aspiration were performed. After lesion excision, the removed tissue was submitted for histopathology. CT examination was repeated 5 months after removal of the cyst. Results Ophthalmologic examination revealed a large fluctuant swelling inferonasal to OD. Despite patent lacrimal puncta, only the first few mm of the lacrimal canaliculi could be cannulated. A normal globe with moderate enophthalmos was present. Ultrasound examination showed a well‐defined lobulated cyst‐like structure in the right orbit, inferonasal and anterior to the eye. CT examination revealed extension of this lesion through the medial orbital wall into the right nasal cavity. Fine needle aspiration confirmed the cystic nature of the lesion. An orbito‐nasal cyst was diagnosed. The orbital part of the cyst was dissected from the surrounding tissue and excised from the periosteum in the medial orbital wall defect. Part of the maxillary bone was removed to allow removal of the cyst from the nasal cavity. Histologically, the cyst wall consisted of a single to multilayered, mostly cuboidal epithelium and surrounding connective tissue. Follow‐up revealed a good functional result and no recurrence 7 months after cyst removal. Conclusions Similar orbito‐nasal cystic structures were reported in dogs but not in cats.  相似文献   
The aims of the study were (1) to quantify the influence of selected imaging parameters on the image quality (slice thickness, mAs, and beam orientation) defining optimal conditions for scan protocols and (2) to evaluate the benefits of the 3D reconstruction techniques for visualization of NDS structures in dogs. CT-DCG was performed bilaterally in 32 heads of dogs. CT transverse images were obtained using a combination of two slice thickness values (0.8 mm and 2 mm) and two mAs values (50 mAs and 300 mAs). Two beam projection orientations were also tested: transverse plane (perpendicular to the hard palate) and oblique to the hard palate. Three-dimensional images were obtained using Volume Rendering (VR). Transverse beam projection proved to be superior for the assessment of the inferior and superior lacrimal canaliculi and lacrimal sac. In this study, there was no statistical difference regarding mAs values (50 mAs and 300 mAs) and slice thickness values (0.8 mm and 2 mm). Three-dimensional images were helpful for the assessment of topographic relationship between nasolacrimal structures and cranial landmarks.  相似文献   
Appendicular osteosarcoma (OSA) is a highly metastatic tumour in dogs. The aim of the study was to compare thoracic radiographs with thoracic computed tomography (CT) in the staging of canine appendicular OSA. In all, 39 canine patients histologically diagnosed with OSA were reviewed in the retrospective study. All dogs underwent radiographic examination as well as CT examination of the thoracic cavity. Pulmonary nodules were detected radiographically in two cases (5%), whereas the CT imaging showed that pulmonary nodules were evident in 11 cases (28%, P = 0.024). There was an improved detection of small pulmonary nodules in the lung parenchyma with CT (P = 0.021). The number of nodules in CT examination had a significant negative influence on survival time (P = 0.005). However, whether nodules were present in CT or not did not influence overall survival (P = 0.368). CT examination was superior to thoracic radiography in the screening and detection of pulmonary nodules in dogs with OSA.  相似文献   
目的:探讨肠系膜淋巴管瘤(ML)的CT表现及其分型。方法:经病理证实的ML13例,男7例,女6例,平均34岁。8例做常规CT扫描,5例做螺旋CT扫描,层厚10mm。结果:10例起源于小肠系膜,3例起源于结肠系膜。单房型囊肿3例,多发或多房囊肿10例,囊壁菲薄,光滑,囊内密度均匀,增强扫描如有囊壁及分隔有明显强化是其特点。成年型:囊肿形状较规则,分叶明显,类似扩张的结肠;幼儿型:囊肿形状欠规则,分叶及分隔不规则。结论:肠系膜淋巴管瘤好发于小肠系膜,无年龄特异性,CT表现为单房或多房性(多发性)囊肿,多呈壁薄分叶状多房性囊肿,增强扫描多数病变囊壁及分隔有明显强化。  相似文献   
目的:观察腹膜后原发性恶性肿瘤的CT表现,提高认识和诊断水平。方法:对经手术与病理证实的腹膜后原发性恶性肿瘤56例的CT表现,着重观察肿瘤的形态与密度、对周围结构的浸犯及远处转移.采用病理与CT对照分析。结果:间叶性肿瘤42例(占75.0%).以实性为主(占55.4%),部分肿瘤对周围组织有侵犯及远处的转移;神经源性肿瘤8例(占14.3%),均为单侧.以实性肿块为主(占75.0%);生殖胚胎来源肿瘤6例(占10.7%).均为单侧.以囊实混合为主(占66.7%)。结论:腹膜后原发性恶性肿瘤的CT表现类型可以反映其病理改变.对定性诊断有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the utility of single-detector computed tomographic arthrography (CT arthrography) for the diagnosis of cranial and caudal cruciate ligament and meniscal lesions in the dog stifle. Four normal and 25 abnormal stifle joints, determined to have lesions related to intra-articular ligamentous insufficiency based on clinical history, orthopedic examination, and survey orthogonal radiographs, were imaged using a previously developed CT arthrography protocol. Surgery was performed immediately following the CT procedure. Three board-certified radiologists inexperienced at interpreting CT stifle arthrograms reviewed all CT studies independently, and then as a group, without knowledge of surgical or necropsy findings. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value for determination of cranial and caudal cruciate and meniscal tears were calculated for each individual reviewer and based on group consensus. All reviewers identified the normal canine stifle joints imaged correctly. Reviewers did well in discriminating normal from torn cranial cruciate ligaments, with sensitivities of 96–100% and specificities of 75–100%. No reviewer correctly identified the solitary caudal cruciate ligament tear and specificity ranged from 89.3% to 100%. Reviewers were less adept at discriminating normal from torn meniscal fibrocartilage, with sensitivities of 13.3–73.3% and specificities of 57.1–100%. Interpretive accuracy improved slightly when consensus scores were compared with surgical findings. Single-detector CT arthrography may be useful for identifying pathology of the canine cruciate ligaments but is of limited value for assessing the menisci.  相似文献   
We compared contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) and high field magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in a horse with deep digital flexor tendonopathy. Lesions in the distal extremity were documented grossly and histopathologically. In contrast-enhanced CT, the deep digital flexor tendon lesions were markedly contrast enhancing with evidence of angiogenesis in the core and dorsal border lesions. The lesion morphology was clearly delineated on MR imaging, but without contrast media angiogenesis cannot be identified. Gross examination, histopathologic examination, and CD31 immunohistochemistry confirmed the tendonopathy and an increased presence of small blood vessels. In this horse, deep digital flexor tendon lesions appeared similarly on contrast-enhanced CT and MR imaging. Contrast-enhanced CT may be an alternative to MR imaging for assessing tendon and ligament injury in the digit of the horse.  相似文献   
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